André Gower
출생 : 1973-04-27, Culver City, California, USA
They collect toys. She collects souls. A group of friends must stand together to take down the demon, Princess Acula, before it is too late.
The ultimate ‘80s Horror retrospective just got BIGGER. In Search of Darkness: Part II is a four-hour-plus sequel to the Rondo Hatton-nominated In Search of Darkness, adding 15 new interviewees and 40+ returning favorites for the biggest and most comprehensive ‘80s Horror documentary cast ever assembled.
Two children discover that their mother is gone. The youngest of the pair, adventurer and upcomming singer, Long Johnson forces his older sister, Lily Johnson, to hunt down a unicorn with magical blood.
An exploration of '80s horror movies through the perspective of the actors, directors, producers and SFX craftspeople who made them, and their impact on contemporary cinema.
Dauvin Lundquist
The story of Lance and his unlikely friendship with a self-aware, pint-sized automaton.
Additional Camera
A documentary that explores the power of cult film told through the lens of the Monster Squad and the impact it has on fans, cast and crew and the industry.
Co-Executive Producer
A documentary that explores the power of cult film told through the lens of the Monster Squad and the impact it has on fans, cast and crew and the industry.
A documentary that explores the power of cult film told through the lens of the Monster Squad and the impact it has on fans, cast and crew and the industry.
A documentary that explores the power of cult film told through the lens of the Monster Squad and the impact it has on fans, cast and crew and the industry.
A documentary that explores the power of cult film told through the lens of the Monster Squad and the impact it has on fans, cast and crew and the industry.
A girl grieving the horrific loss of her parents moves in with relatives, who try their best to welcome her into the family.
Sam Wellner
Caesar and his half brother Otto take on duties as Santa and his elf. However, the bodies begin to pile up when a fellow store Santa (CKY's Deron Miller) develops a vendetta against them, and he soon turns Caesar's list of Dinner guests into a list of Xmas-inspired victims! Features cult movie icons Linnea Quigley, Brinke Stevens, Lloyd Kaufman, Joe Estevez, Felissa Rose and Robert Z'dar.
Tour Bus Guide
정유 회사의 사장 리터는 LA 국립공원 근처에 새 시추 스테이션을 열어 기름을 빼내려는 계획을 세운다. 그 이후 LA 는 점차 상상 할수 없는 거대한 지진이 발생하고, 그로인해 사람들은 목숨을 잃어 간다. 지질 연구소에서 일하는 에밀리는 LA 대지진의 진원지인 시추 스테이션 이란 사실을 알게 되고 파괴하려 하지만 리터는 그걸 막기 위해 또다른 음모를 세우는데..
Prestonburg, KY is a small blue-collar town with hunting, fishing, coal mining, and two of the biggest names in online horror talk radio: Wes Vance and Aaron Frye (aka "The Creepy Kentuckian" and "Uncle Bill") The two self-proclaimed "redneck geeks" bonded at a young age while their weekends devouring horror films. They now use their extensive horror knowledge to record a weekly podcast on and have found a worldwide audience through their candid conversation, quick wit, and lots of swearing. What started as an outlet to express their love for horror films has evolved into an online industry with millions of followers and the ability to talk to their childhood heroes. But what happens when your childhood pursuits start to collide with your adult aspirations? Can Deadpit survive it's own success?
This is a feature-length look into the creation of the 20 year old cult-classic, Monster Squad, including interviews with writer/director Fred Dekker, stars Tom Noonan, Duncan Regehr, Andre Gower and more.
미국 시골의 작은 마을. 악마의 존재에 강한 흥미를 갖고 있는 숀은 단짝 페트릭, 뚱보 호레이스 등 5명을 규합하여 매일 방과후면 마을뒤의 커다란 나무밑 본거지에 모여 악마 이야기에 꽃을 피우곤 한다. 이때 백년에 한번씩 몬스타가 모이는 날이 돌아오고 비행기에서 탈출한 드라큐라와 박물관에 진열되어 있던 미이라 늑대인간, 물고기 인간, 프랑켄슈타인 등이 되살아나 숀이 갖고 있는 주문의 책을 빼앗으려 한다. 이주문의 책은 악마를 퇴치하는 법이 들어있는 것으로, 악마들을 가두기위해서는 특별한 봉인석이 필요한데. 이 주문의 책을 사이에 두고 악마군단과 숀이 구상한 5인의 악마 특공대와의 맹렬한 전투가 벌어진다. 이때 전투 중 구사일생으로 커다란 구멍에 빠진 숀. 일행은 비밀의 방을 발견하게 되고 그곳에서 신비의 봉인석을 손에 쥔 숀 일행은 마침내 악마 군단과 인류의 생사를 놓고 최후의 결전을 벌인다.
A man heads for Mexico with a mobster's girlfriend.
Terry Travis
The mysterious owner of a costume shop rents a Santa Claus suit to three very different men: a math teacher trying to get the nerve to propose, a homeless restaurateur trying to hide from the mob, and a harried political speech writer visiting with his estranged wife and son. Their lives are inexorably changed by their experience of playing Santa Claus.