Thierry Frémont

Thierry Frémont

출생 : 1962-07-24, Boulogne-Billancourt, France

프로필 사진

Thierry Frémont

참여 작품

Noir comme neige
Alain Bisset
It's peak season at Morzine-Avoriaz ski resort. French high mountain state police officer Constance Vivier and Swiss cop Andreas Meyer investigate the suspect death of a teenager, found freezing on a slope after an alcohol coma.
La mort est dans le pré
Jean-Philippe Chevalier
The corpse of a man, a bovine tag attached to his neck with the words "Can they suffer? "is found in a large slaughterhouse and meat packing plant in the Manosque region. The suspicions of the young inspector Samira Masson, whose first investigation this is, naturally lead her to an association for the defence of the animal condition which had been orchestrating a media hype against the company for some time. But the corpse turns out to be that of an undercover cop, belonging to a genuine and little-known division of the police, specialising in national veterinary surveillance. Etienne Barjac, commander of the IGPN, the police force, is sent to investigate.
Anna is a young aspiring actress. Living in a small and old apartment in the projects and failing all her castings next to more talented young girls, she dreams of being someone else and living another life. During a movie casting, she steals an expensive purse belonging to one of the contestants. Inside of it, she finds a letter informing its rightful owner that her biological parents have revealed their identities. This is the opportunity for Anna to play a role hopefully rewarded with a cash prize. Unfortunately for Anna, she is going to learn the hard way that it is dangerous to play with someone else's identity.
Dark Stories to Survive the Night
What if Demons, the Living Dead, Evil Dolls, Djinn and other Extra-terrestrial creatures came to haunt our apartments, houses, cafes, museums and other places of daily life? What would we do? How would we react? DARK STORIES tells five tales of gripping terror in a fantastic anthology where horror, suspense and humour intertwine with stark reality to make us shiver with fear! Join us for a Ghoul’s Feast, the Last Judgment before the impending Apocalypse, a surprise package from the deliveryman, a forensic scientist confronted by his zombie victim and the worst Moroccan monster nightmare.
하늘의 모든 신들
시몽은 신경쇠약의 공장노동자다. 어린시절 부주의한 장난으로 처참한 부상을 입은 여동생 에스뗄을 간병하며 죄의식과 좌절을 나날을 보내던 시몽에게 단 하나의 희망은 저 우주에서 초월자가 내려와 그들을 구원해 주는 것. 시몽은 ‘그 날’을 준비하는데…
Mystery at Sorbonne University
Inspector Levallois
Victoire, the first female lasw student admitted to the Sorbonne, is accused of murder. Helped by her professor, she's in a race against time to prove her innocence.
파리, 사랑이 머문 곳
항공 승무원인 ‘시도니’는 자신의 딸인 ‘롤로’의 진짜 아버지가 누구인지 모른 채 키웠다. 롤로는 어느덧 15살이 되고, 자신의 아버지를 궁금해 하자 파리에서 2시간을 달려 찾아간 그 곳에서 15년 전 만났던 모든 남자를 재회하면서 롤로의 진짜 아버지를 찾는다. 롤로 아빠 후보들을 만나면서 시도니는 아름다웠던 젊은 날의 사랑을 추억한다.
Who killed the Neanderthal?
Neandertal man disappeared abruptly 30,000 years ago. Who was that "other" man and what is the most plausible hypothesis leading to his extinction? An investigation using all current knowledge available tries to answer these questions.
Iran, le réveil d'un géant
What could be easier than picking up the phone, ordering a small 4 cheese pizza and having it delivered? When the customer is particularly picky and the person she is speaking to doesn't try very hard, it can be more difficult than expected...
Paul Delamare
1942년 모로코 카사블랑카, 영국의 정보국 장교 맥스 바탄(브래드 피트)과 프랑스 비밀요원 마리안 부세주르(마리옹 꼬띠아르)는 독일 대사를 암살해야 하는 임무를 맡게 된다. 작전을 수행하던 맥스는 치명적인 매력의 마리안과 운명적인 사랑에 빠지게 되고, 임무를 마친 두 사람은 런던으로 돌아와 결혼해 딸과 함께 행복한 나날을 보낸다. 하지만 어느날 맥스는 상부로부터 아내에 관한 충격적인 말을 듣게 된다. 마리안이 스파이라는 정황이 포착됐다는 이야기를 듣게 된 맥스는 72시간 내에 아내의 무고함을 밝히지 못하면 자신의 손으로 아내를 죽여야 하는 상황에 처하게 된다.
Après moi le bonheur
A dying woman is fighting to choose a new family to keep her four children together, after she's gone.
Méfions-nous des honnêtes gens !
Alphonse Chauvieux
Des frères et des sœurs
Three siblings gather to celebrate the birthday of their father, on the island of Ré. This is Adele, the elder of the two sisters, who had the idea to organize this surprise. Alice and Antoine adhere immediately. Arnaud, the eldest, is sidelined because of his bad temper. But then they make their way to the family home, an incident occurs. A black cat crossing the road when the father arrived by motorcycle. It is the accident.
The French Minister
Guillaume Van Effentem
Alexandre Taillard de Vorms is a force to be reckoned with. With his silver mane and tanned, athletic body, he stalks the world stage as Minister of Foreign Affairs for France, waging his own war backed up by the holy trinity of diplomatic concepts: legitimacy, lucidity, and efficacy. Enter Arthur Vlaminck. Hired to write the minister's speeches, Arthur must contend with the sensibilities of his boss and the dirty dealings within the Quai d'Orsay, the ministry's home.
Shanghaï Blues, nouveau monde
La Dernière Campagne
Nicolas Sarkozy
Mon frère Yves
Yves Kermadec
아기기린 자라파
Moreno (voice)
바오밥 나무 아래에서 할아버지가 들려주는 마키와 자라파의 모험과 우정에 관한 이야기. 이곳은 아프리카 수단! 노예 판매상으로부터 가까스로 탈출한 어린 소년 마키는 우연히 아기 기린 자라파를 만나 친구가 된다. 마키는 자라파를 집에 데려다 주기로 약속하지만, 이집트의 왕은 프랑스 국왕에게 자라파를 선물로 보내기로 하는데....
The End of Silence
Centers on the Klein family, who live in a remote house in the mountains. Considered the black sheep, youngest son Jean is thrown out. Angry and threatening, he arrives at Nils and Ida's chalet for a hunting expedition. The next day, he learns how to kill. The following night, his mother's car is set on fire and he is blamed. He disappears into the mountains with a gun. On the third day, it pours down with rain and, in the evening, a storm brews. Shut up in their house, the Klein family await with dread the return of Jean, who will challenge them, weapon in hand.
위험한 공범
Inspecteur Serge Minot
악명 높은 범죄조직 ‘올 블랙’! 그들이 벌인 현금 수송차 강탈 사건에서 장관의 아들이 숨지는 사건이 발생하고, 장관은 강력반 형사 다미코(이자벨 아자니)에게 그들을 모두 잡아들이라는 명령을 내린다. 다미코는 ‘올 블랙’을 체포하기 위한 특별작전을 구상하는데 그것은 바로 교도소에 수감중인 마누엘 마카로프(에릭 칸토나)를 이용하여 범인들을 잡는 것. 그러나 새 신분을 주겠다는 제안에도 불구하고 마누엘은 강력하게 거부한다. 이에 다미코는 교도소에 있는 그를 강제로 빼돌리고, 갑자기 탈옥범이 된 마누엘은 어쩔 수 없이 경찰의 스파이가 되는데… 범죄조직을 소탕하기 위한 경찰과 범죄자의 위험한 작전이 시작된다!
해피 이벤트
‘결혼’은 ‘사랑의 해피엔딩’? 왜 아무도 경고하지 않았지? 사랑의 환상과 현실을 되짚는 트루 로맨스! 나, ‘바바라(루이즈 보르고앙)’는 ‘니콜라스(피오 마르마이)’를 사랑했다. 웃는 것만 봐도 심장이 벌렁거렸고, 눈빛만 봐도 자유로웠고, 아무런 걱정이 없었다. 그러던 어느 날, 그가 말했다. “우리 아이를 갖고 싶어”. 여기서부터 시작됐다, 그 날 이후, 난 여자에서 엄마가 되었다.
The Silence of Joan
In 1430, Joan of Arc, the prisoner of a powerful lord of the north of France is sold to the English. As a captive awaiting her death, she is approached by different men for whom she is believed to be the embodiment of the infinite.
La Femme qui pleure au chapeau rouge
Pablo Picasso
The story of the relationship between Dora Maar and Pablo Picasso
La Vénitienne
Michel Masselot
1960년 알제리. 사막에서 사라진 비행기를 찾아나선 10인의 프랑스 수색대는 사막에서 비행기 잔해와 시신들을 발견하게 되고, 비밀문서가 든 가방을 챙겨 떠나려는 순간 알제리 저항군의 습격을 받아 2명이 죽는다. 알제리 저항군을 피해 비밀문서가 든 가방을 챙겨 귀환하던 수색대는 사막의 모래폭풍은 피했지만 길을 잃고 헤매다 낯선 마을에 들어서게 되는데....
In Their Sleep
L'homme au break
Sarah's life is in pieces after the brutal death of her 18 year-old son. One night, her car accidentally hits Arthur, a young man the same age as her boy who is running from a burglar. Sarah sympathizes with him and takes him in, only to be tracked down by the burglar whose murderous rage towards Arthur forces her to take action.
라운드 업
Capitaine Pierret
7월 15일, 왜 가슴에 노란색 별을 달게 하는 걸까? 우리는 더럽거나 이상한 사람들이 아닌데… 우리가 유대인인 걸 자랑스럽게 생각하라고 아빠가 말했지만 조금 창피하다. 7월 16일, 자고 있는데 갑자기 경찰이 오더니 우리 동네 유대인들을 모두 체포했다. 화장실도 없고, 먹을 것도 없는 이 경륜장에 얼마나 있어야 할까.. 집에 가고 싶다. 7월 21일, 드디어 냄새 나는 경륜장에서 나왔다. 새로 도착한 곳은 침대도 있고 먹을 것도 주지만 감옥처럼 생겼다. 그래도 아빠랑 있으니까 무섭지 않다. 7월 30일, 어른들만 다른 곳으로 데려가서 엄마, 아빠, 누나와 헤어졌다. 언제 다시 만날 수 있을까? 얼른 엄마, 아빠랑 집에 가서 쉬고 싶다.
State Affairs
Michel Fernandez
A plane explodes above the Gulf of Guinea. An escort girl is murdered in a Parisian park. Thousands of miles separate these two events, and yet Nora Chahyd, believes there's a connection between them, much to his superiors chagrin. As Nora investigates, getting dangerously close to the powers that be, the murders and betrayals accumulate, and signs point to a state affair at the heart of it all.
Blanche Maupas
Théophile Maupas
Les Associés
Three men in a flat are waiting on a big drug deal that's about to go down in the neighborhood in a few days.
Mic, partially deaf and injured after a robbery, is abandoned by his accomplice in an unidentified forrest. A young woman, acting strangely is then going to take care of him, although difficulties of communication separate the two individuals, each of them appearing to live in a world of his own.
In the French countryside at the beginning of the 20th century, Raboliot, who gets his name from looking like a burrowing rabbit, is a small-time poacher who loves and lives for freedom. Married with two children but traumatised by the war, it is only when he is out hunting at night that he feels really free and happy. But these escapades do not please the local policeman, Sommedieu, who is set on putting an end to them.
Destiny Ride
Une prostituée de luxe, un juge d'instruction arriviste, une journaliste idéaliste... Trois cultures différentes, trois êtres n'ayant pas les mêmes valeurs. A travers une histoire et un milieu où la vérité n'est pas toujours belle à connaître, l'amour que ces trois personnes éprouvent les uns pour les autres va devenir meurtrier.
Divine Émilie
The life of Émilie du Châtelet, mathematician and physicist during the Enlightenment.
13 French Street
A neo-noir tale of a man who seeks out an old friend, only to succumb to the will of a beautiful, mysterious woman.
Signé Dumas
Hugo Bessières
A hard-hitting French drama detailing the intersecting destinies of five characters whose lives cross over the current war in Iraq: three young French Arabs who each for a different reason joins a jihadi group to fight against the Americans; a 40-something French woman running an NGO in Baghdad at the outbreak of the war who gets kidnapped and held by the jihadi insurgents; and a mid-level French diplomat who uncovers the corruption of the UN Oil for Food program while gathering evidence to support the French effort to prevent the war.
The Secret Book
The search for the Secret Book of the Bogomils brings Guy Chevalier (Thierry Fremont) to Macedonia. There, he is haunted by the spirit of the Gardian of the book and followed by unknown forces. Little by little, he starts loosing his mind and his identity.
The Tiger Brigades
The film, set in 1912, is about the exploits of France's first motorized police brigade.
A Ticket to Space
Professeur de théâtre
Face à l'incompréhension de la population française quant au montant des crédits alloués à la recherche spatiale, le gouvernement lance une vaste opération de communication. En partenariat avec le Centre spatial français, un grand jeu est organisé. "Le ticket pour l'espace", un jeu à gratter, va permettre à deux civils de séjourner dans la station orbitale européenne.
L'empire du tigre
In the summer of 1938, in the heart of Indochina, a French colony, Pierre Balsan hear the latest news about conquering Czechoslovakia after Hitler invaded Austria. World War II will bring even more problems for Pierre Balsan, nicknamed Tiger, who will be charged with the murder of his wife.
Espace détente
Arnaud Roussel / François Conrad / Crésus
In the middle of the Veule, imaginary French province, the Geugène Electro Stim, a medium-sized company, which survives thanks to the manufacture and sale of the C14, an old but inexpensive electrical stimulation device.
Dans la tête du tueur
Francis Heaulme
Jean-Francois Abgrall, today the head of a private detective agency, was just a simple provincial gendarme back in 1989 when he was assigned to investigate a murder on a beach. Instead, his investigation put him on the trial of one of France's most terrifying serial killers, Francis Heaulme, who for eight years wandered the country committing some of the most brutal murders in the annals of modern crime. This is the true story of that manhunt, a tale of terror, suspense and determination.
Croatia 1993. A young girl is killed in strange circumstances by the military who are part of UN forces. The victim's parents can't obtain any further information about her death. The military base then becomes the object of an attack by two members of a wolfpack, determined to retrieve the body of one of their gang.
Livraison à domicile
Ils livrent tout... n'importe comment !Ludo et ses amis rêvent de trouver l'idée de génie qui les rendra riches, et de créer leur propre entreprise. Sans le sou, ils décident de se lancer dans les livraisons en tous genres. Cochons de foire, betteraves ou jambes cassées, ces livraisons frisent parfois le ridicule... jusqu'au jour où la commande du siècle tombe du ciel : livrer en quatre jours une voiture de luxe dans le sud de la France...
Les petites annonces d'Elie - L'intégrale
Jean Moulin
The deeds of Jean Moulin, a hero of the French Resistance.
팜므 파탈
미모의 보석 전문 털이범 '로라'는 칸느영화제에 수천만 달러의 보석을 몸에 걸친 모델이 참석할 것이라는 정보를 입수, 현장에 잠입한다. '로라'는 삼엄한 경비를 뚫고, 엄청난 양의 다이아몬드를 훔치는데 성공하지만 동료들을 따돌린 뒤 혼자 파리로 도망친다. 파리에서 미국으로 밀입국을 시도하기 위해 위조 여권단과 거래를 시도하던 '로라'는 낯선 사람들의 추격을 받게 되고, 놀라울 정도로 자신과 똑같은 외모를 지닌 '릴리'라는 여자의 집으로 우연히 숨어 든다. 그러나 '로라'는 바로 눈앞에서 '릴리'의 자살을 목격하고, 어두운 과거로부터 벗어나고 싶었던 '로라'는 완벽한 '릴리' 행세를 하며 미국행 비행기에 몸을 싣는다.
Nadia and the Hippos
Single mother Nadia is surviving on welfare while transport strikes are paralyzing France in December 1995. While watching the news, she recognizes the father of her child among the strikers and decides to go and search for him. But she has nowhere to go. The film, shot almost entirely at night, carries documentary qualities, part of which is due to the appearances of actual railroad workers in several group scenes.
The Son of Français
A young boy and his two grandmothers flee from headhunters and other villainous types in the Brazilian rain forest in this wacky family adventure. Benjamin, whose mom is dead and whose dad is off in the jungle searching for gold, is more cool-headed than his two grandmothers, both of whom hate one another. Upper class teacher bristles at the coarse behavior of working class Suzanne, who shoplifts and cheats at cards. Soon bad guys threaten them, and the chase begins.
Les grandes bouches
This is a suspense drama about Esther, Lamar, and Zed, three friends who live together. Tired of having financial problems, they decide to hit it big somehow. They visit Armand, a former 'Godfather' who has now retired. They soon realize that, in contrast to their world of easy living with few responsibilities, Armand's world belongs to the underground with its own code of behavior. Their involvement in that world brings them face to face with events they had never imagined before.
Les Démons de Jésus
Set in the late 1960s, a family of Gypsies live in a dilapidated pavilion in the western suburbs of Paris.
Unpredictable Nature of the River
Pierre Combaud
Nobleman Jean-Francois de la Plaine is exiled to serve as governor of a West African colony.
L'Affaire Dreyfus
Alfred Dreyfus
In 1894, the French Army discovered the existence of a traitor Alsatian and Jewish, the French officer Alfred Dreyfus makes an ideal culprit. For lack of evidence, the War Ministry creates a damning document Dreyfus overwhelming. Judged and sentenced, Dreyfus is deported to Devil's Island. In 1896, the Army flushed out the real culprit. The truth broke out in 1898 thanks to the mobilization of intellectuals shaken by Zola's "J'accuse!"
The Little Boy
Eight-year old Francois has moved from Paris to a quiet chateau with his parents who want to escape the stress of the war. In a nearby town, his father's mistress works as a tutor. Soon his father allows a refugee family of Polish Jews to move into the basement. Francois has a terrible crush upon their daugther. Real trouble begins when a Nazi commander and his unit also move into the house, totally unaware of the refugees living below them.
Fortune Express
Following a climbing accident in the mountains, Pascal loses the use of his legs and is confined to a wheelchair. The film follows his gradual acceptance of this during his stay in a rehabilitation centre and, with the support of fellow residents, the return of his will to live.
감사한 삶
세상 물정 모르는 순진한 카미유와 일찍 세상을 알아 버린 조엘이 친구가 된다. 카미유는 조엘과 함께 하며 섹스에 눈뜨고, 녹록치 않은 인생의 어두운 밤을 맛본다. 애인에게 버림받은 조엘은 머리 끝까지 화가 나고, 조엘과 카미유는 닥치는 대로 들이받으며 동네를 쑤시고 다닌다. 한편, 갑작스럽게도 에이즈에 대한 공포가 카미유를 휘감는다. 들끓는 분노와 욕망이 세상의 모순과 뒤얽힌 카미유와 조엘의 기묘한 우정을 그린다. 두 남자의 행보를 담은 논쟁적 로드 무비 과 궤를 같이한다. (2017 영화의 전당 - [시네마테크] 서머 스페셜 2017)
Mon ami le traître
A man who enrolled in the German police attempts to redeem himself after the end of World War II.
The Cruel Embrace
Ludo, adolescent
Nicole gives birth to a mentally challenged boy after she is gang-raped by American soldiers at the close of World War II in this grim dramatic tragedy. Young Ludo is hidden in the attic of the family home and continues to yearn for his mother's affection. Nicole enters into a loveless marriage with an older man who agrees to adopt Ludo, but her deteriorating mental health leads her to sloth and alcoholism.
Travelling avant
Paris, October 1948. Nino, Gilles, Donald, Barbara and their friends are a new breed of spectators. They discover the cinema as art, they are moviegoers. They will try to realize their grand project: to found a film club. "My film first wants to be a testimony of young people who have lived for a passion. Cinema"
Les capricieux
In post-revolutionary France, two neighbouring aristocrats (Nicole Garcia and Jean-Pierre Marielle) embark on a dangerous game when they agree to help a Polish agent.
L'empreinte de l'ange
Le médecin