Edmund Willard

Edmund Willard

출생 : 1884-12-19, Brighton, East Sussex, England, UK

사망 : 1956-10-06

프로필 사진

Edmund Willard

참여 작품

The Merry Christmas
Marley's Ghost
Musical adaptation of A Christmas Carol.
Cardboard Cavalier
Oliver Cromwell
Cardboard Cavalier is a 1949 British comedy film directed by Walter Forde and starring Sid Field, Margaret Lockwood and Jerry Desmonde.The film depicts a historical romance between Lord Lovelace and Nell Gwyne.
Helter Skelter
A detective gets involved with a wealthy socialite who can't seem to stop hiccuping.
Penn of Pennsylvania
Ship's Captain
Penn of Pennsylvania is a 1941 British historical drama film directed by Lance Comfort and starring Deborah Kerr, Clifford Evans, Dennis Arundell, Henry Oscar, Herbet Lomas and Edward Rigby. The film depicts the life of the Quaker founder of Pennsylvania, William Penn. It portrays his struggle to be granted a colonial charter in London and attracting settlers to his new colony as well as his adoption a radical new approach with regard to the treatment of the Native Americans. It is also known by the alternative title Courageous Mr. Penn.
Atlantic Ferry
Robert Napier
The MacIver brothers (Michael Redgrave, Griffith Jones) build the first ship to cross the Atlantic by steam power alone.
Pastor Hall
This film is based on the true story of Pastor Martin Neimuller, who was sent to Dachau concentration camp for criticising the Nazi party. The small German village of Altdorf in the 1930's has to come to terms with Chancellor Hitler and the arrival of a platoon of Stormtroopers (preceded by a flock of sheep). The Stormtrooper go about teaching and enforcing 'The New Order' but Pastor Hall is a kind and gentle man who won't be cowed. Some villagers join the Nazi party avidly, some just go along with things, hoping for a quiet life but Pastor Hall takes his convictions to the pulpit.
Hoots Mon
Sandy McBride
An English comedian is infuriated by a Scottish comedienne's impersonation of him
별들이 내려온다
Mr. Ramage
석탄 광부의 아들인 마이클 레드그레이브가 정치에 입문하게 되는 과정을 그린 문제작
The Insect Play
The Tranp
A tramp falls asleep in the woods. He dreams of observing a range of insects that stand in for various human characteristics in terms of their lifestyle and morality: the flighty, vain butterfly, the obsequious, self-serving dung beetle, the ants, whose increasingly mechanized behavior leads to a militaristic society.
Smash and Grab
John Forrest, an insurance investigator with a weakness for model railways, is on the trail of a gang of smash-and-grab thieves targeting Europe's most prestigious jewellers. As the chase leads him to Ireland, Forrest finds he needs help and who better to call upon than his impossibly elegant, highly capable wife, Alice?
어두운 여로
General Berlin of German Intelligence
Madeline Goddard, is a British double agent who meets and falls in love with a German spy Baron Karl Von Marwitz during World War I. This tale of espionage blends high adventure and romance making perfect order from wartime chaos and growing in faith from despair.
The Mill on the Floss
Romeo and Juliet in 1930s England. The owner of the mill and the local lord are in conflict over water rights. The lord wins threatening the mill owner with financial ruin.
Farewell Again
Pvt. Withers
Farewell Again is a multiplotted British comedy/drama about soldiers on leave and the people they've left. Given a six-hour pass after a tour of duty in India, several British Tommies (among them Robert Newton, Sebastian Shaw and Anthony Bushell) try to unravel their domestic tribulations before having to ship out again. American expatriate Tim Whelan was the directorial hand who kept the various plot threads from entangling, while another Hollywood vet, James Wong Howe, manned the cameras. The film became instantly dated with the advent of World War II, but in its own time Farewell Again was a box-office smash. The film was issued in the US as Troopship.
Van Zeeland
그는 1609년 스페인으로부터 독립해 무역국가로 성장, 부유한 부르주아 문화를 꽃피운 네델란드에서 태어나, 루벤스(1577-1640)와 함께 바로크 시대를 대표하는 화가입니다. 레이덴의 방앗간집 여덟째 아들이었던 그는 레이덴 대학을 그만두고 그림의 길을 걷기 위해 암스테르담으로 유학, 28세에 명문가의 딸 사스키아 반 오윌렌부르흐 와 결혼, 최고의 초상화가로서 인정받고 30대 초반에 엄청난 부와 명성을 쌓았지만, 42년(36세)에 아내 사스키아가 사망하고. 이해 그의 대표적 걸작, 야경 을 제작했는데 사람들로부터 외면 당해 결국 빚더미 위에 올라앉게 됩니다. 하지만 아들 타이터스와 그의 정성껏 보살피는 하녀 헨드리케 슈토펠스 와 54년에 얻은 딸 코르넬리아 덕분에 후기 작품에 전념하였으나, 생활은 날로 어려워졌으며, 56년(50세) 파산선고를 받아 무일푼이 되었고, 62년(56세)에는 헨드리케 마저 세상을 떠나고, 68년 아들 타이터스도 27살에 죽자, 이듬해 10월 유대인 구역의 초라한 집에서 임종을 지키는 사람도 없이 63세에 숨을 거둡니다. 에칭에 대한 모든 기술을 완성하기도 한 그는 유화 약 600점, 에칭 300여점, 소묘 천 수백점 등을 남겼는데 루벤스가 화가로서 성공을 거두고 부유했던 반면, 그가 죽을 때 남은 것이라고는 옷 몇 벌과 그림 도구들 뿐이었다고 합니다.
Royal Eagle
QUota quickie crime drama.
King of the Damned
The Greek
Revolt on a prison island is a parable of workers revolution. A cruel and repressive penal colony is the setting for a prison revolt with a special twist...the prisoners want to stay on and govern themselves in a humane and productive working community. Well that's the theory anyway but circumstances make their venture a lot more complicated than that.
Moscow Nights
Officer of Prosecution
During the First World War, Russian officer Ignatoff, wounded, falls in love with his nurse, Natasha. But she is subject to an upcoming marriage of family convenience to Brioukow, a wealthy industrialist of peasant stock. Brioukow is unjustifiably jealous, since Natasha has not betrayed him. He forces Ignatoff into his debt as a means of humiliating him. When Ignatoff's new friend, Madame Sabline, offers to pay his debt, preventing his ruin, Ignatoff comes quickly to realize that Madame Sabline has an ulterior motive, one that could prove dangerous to more lives than just Ignatoff's.
Heat Wave
Musical comedy telling the hilarious story of greengrocer Albert Speed’s (Albert Burdon) adventures with would-be revolutionaries in a mythical South American banana republic. He becomes mistaken for a gun-runner, and problems arise when Albert begins using the names of vegetables as code words for weapons and ammunition that they are smuggling! Albert saves not only his own skin, but also those of the Presidente and his attractive daughter.
The Mystery of the Mary Celeste
Toby Bilson
During a horrific storm at sea, the crew realizes that there is a murderer among them who is killing them off one by one.
The Iron Duke
Marshal Ney
The life and times of the Duke of Wellington
The 1002nd Night
An Arabian prince falls in with a group of downtrodden rebels and faces the wrath of an unsympathetic sultan whose wife he is also romancing.
The Crooked Lady
Joseph Garstin
An ex army officer is forced to resort to a life of crime.
A Night in Montmartre
A young couple live under a café in Paris that, unknown to them, is owned by a brutal blackmailer. When he is murdered, they fall under suspicion. However, the husband's father, an amateur detective, believes in their innocence and sets out to find who really killed the blackmailer.
Cape Forlorn
Henry Cass
William Kell, the keeper of a lighthouse on a lonely stretch of coastline, marries cabaret dancer Eileen. His young wife, however, goes on to have an affair with Henry Cass, the handsome assistant later taken on by her husband; when she then begins to flirt with a stranger who is rescued from the wreck of a motor-launch, a chain of shocking events is set in motion...