Mike Tristano

참여 작품

어스 인베이젼
LA에서 특수 기동대로 일하는 번, 해나, 매덕스는 무장한 마약상 등 강력 범죄 소탕을 위해 하루하루 목숨을 걸고 살아간다. 어느 날, 유명한 마약 조직의 보스 '미겔 아귀레'를 호송하는 임무를 맡게 되고, 아귀레의 체포 소식을 들은 마약 카르텔이 호시탐탐 아귀레의 목숨을 노리고 있는 상황에서 매덕스가 이끄는 특수 기동대 팀은 아귀레의 호위에 만전을 기하며 LA 시내로 진입하는데... 같은 시각 LA 곳곳 하늘에서 이상한 현상이 목격된다. 시민들은 미지의 존재에 종이 인형처럼 쓰러지며 목숨을 잃는다. 호송 차량 내부에 있던 기동 대원들은 카르텔 조직원들의 공격이라고 생각했지만, 이내 훨씬 심각한 규모의 공격이 시작되었음을 깨닫게 된다. 그것은 다름 아닌 사람들의 피를 빨아 흡수하는 외계 생명체들이었고 이를 마주한 기동 대원들의 목숨을 건 사투가 시작된다.
자동차 여행 중 타이어 펑크는 흔히 발생하는 일이다. 카풀로 여행 중이던 6명의 대학생 역시 처음엔 그런 줄만 알았지 이것이 생존을 향한 험난한 싸움의 시작이 될 것이라고는 상상도 못했다. 타이어를 갈아 끼우려다 총알 하나를 발견한 이들은 타이어 펑크 사고가 결코 우연이 아니었음을 직감한다. 바로 그 순간, 사방으로 총알이 튀기 시작한다. 가까스로 자동차 뒤에 몸을 숨긴 이들은 인적 하나 없는 황량한 시골길 한가운데에서 정체를 알 수 없는 무자비한 저격수의 공격에 속수무책으로 당하고 만다. 잘 터지지도 않는 휴대폰을 붙든 채 누군가 지나가기만을 간절히 바라며 외로운 싸움을 지속할 뿐이다. 고양이가 쥐를 가지고 놀듯, 거리를 두고 이들을 감시하는 저격수의 존재 앞에, 침묵과 인내는 필수다. 타들어 가는 태양 아래, 서로의 사활을 건 팽팽한 신경전이 오가던 중, 아무것도 모르는 또 다른 피해자가 저격수의 사격 권역 안으로 돌진하면서 본격 액션이 시작된다. (2017년 22회 부산국제영화제)
황야의 늙은 총잡이
과거 악명 높은 무법자로 살던 전설적인 총잡이 ‘테일런’, 그도 나이가 들어 허름한 목장에서 홀로 외로운 나날은 보낸다. 매일 위스키와 헤로인에 중독되어 살고 있는 그에게 이제 남은 시간이 별로 없다. 그러던 중 옛 동료였던 ‘버질’이 찾아와 함께 은행을 털자고 제안을 하고, 그는 이를 받아들인다. 그는 ‘버질’과 마지막 한탕을 하기 전, 과거에 버린 딸과 화해하기 위해 그녀를 찾아간다. 하지만, 오랜만에 딸을 만나는 기쁨도 잠시 그는 딸이 마을의 악덕 사장 ‘자든’에 의해 매춘을 강요 받으며 살아가는 것을 알게 되는데…사랑하는 딸을 구하기 위한 늙고 병든 총잡이의 목숨을 건 전투가 시작된다.
A widower, his daughter, and his new wife move into a peaceful neighborhood. At first it appears to be a perfect neighborhood but the family quickly realize that something is not right about their new home.
The Weeknd: False Alarm
Master at Arms
First-person music film about an intense robbery and the trouble that comes with that violence.
스나이퍼: 특수작전부대
중동에 파견 중인 빅터 상사의 팀은 작전을 수행하던 중 테러 조직의 공격을 받아 팀을 엄호하던 스나이퍼 ‘제이크’가 전초기지로 돌아오지 못하고 낙오하게 된다. 빅터 상사는 교전 지역으로 돌아가 그를 구출하려 하지만 대령의 명령으로 중요한 군수품이 있는 수송물자를 찾아오는 작전에 먼저 투입되게 된다. 그곳에서 탈레반 리더의 며느리를 구조하고 빅터 상사는 이를 이용해 불가능에 가까운 위험한 작전을 세우는데…
일상적인 모습의 부부 그러던 모습뒤에 가려진 아내의 간통 어떤가 남자와 여자의 사랑이 믿었던 모습이 거짓으로 드러나는데 이런 장면이 있다 아내가 거울을보며 흐느끼는 첫 장면 영화를 끝까지 보고서 이 장면이 무엇인지 확인해줬으면 좋겠다 그저 영화를 넘겨 보는 사람들이 있다 필자도 그러하다 그러나 장면속에 숨어진 뜻은 보는 사람마다 다르다 그러니 충분히 생각하며 받아들이는 자세를 배우자
The Lotus Gun
The year is 2077. Society has collapsed. There are no cities, no guns. Just wanderers trying to survive. Nora and Daphine live an idyllic life alone and in love, far away from the drug-fueled, misogynistic communes that have trapped so many others. But when a male stranger arrives, their utopian existence takes a dark turn. Directed by Amanda Milius.
Stunt Coordinator
A distressed woman, a femme fatale, and a villainous bastard become entangled in a seedy world of lust, murder, and manipulation.
Special Effects
A distressed woman, a femme fatale, and a villainous bastard become entangled in a seedy world of lust, murder, and manipulation.
더 덴
학위를 따기 위해 인간행동을 연구 중인 '엘리자베스'. 영상채팅을 통해 랜덤으로 만난 사람들과 대화를 나누며 연구를 진행하던 그녀는 어느 날 우연히 만난 한 여자의 살해 장면을 목격하고 신고하지만, 경찰에서는 단순한 장난으로 여기며 사건을 무시한다. 그날 이후, 컴퓨터를 해킹당해 연구 기록이 삭제되거나 연인이 실종되고 친구가 자살하는 등 이상한 사건들을 겪게 되는 '엘리자베스'. 혼란에 빠진 그녀는 누군가 자신의 목숨을 노리고 있다는 것을 알게 되는데...
히트 앤 런
증인보호프로그램을 받으며 한적한 시골에서 새 삶을 살던 찰리(댁스 셰파드)는 여자친구 애니(크리스틴 벨)가 LA의 한 대학에서 교수직 면접 기회를 잡게 되자, 함께 마을을 떠나기로 결심한다. 그러나 찰리는 안전을 위해 지정 거주지 이탈이 금지된 상태! 설상가상 기억 저편에 묻어두었던 흑역사마저 취뽀!를 향한 이들의 발목을 붙잡는다. 집착 쩌는 애니의 전남친 길, 찰리의 어두운 과거동료 알렉스(브래들리 쿠퍼)와 담당 경찰관 랜디까지 두 사람을 쫓으며 추격 레이싱에 불을 당긴다.
스몰 아파트먼트
용의자 따로! 범인 따로! 가장 이상하고 기괴한 살인사건이 터졌다! 프랭클린 프랭클린(맷 루카스)은 낡고 작은 아파트에서 혼자 산다. 그의 유일한 혈육인 형 버나드(제임스 마스던)는 정신 병원에 입원해 있다. 프랭클린에게 낙이 있다면 망원경으로 건너편 아파트의 사람들을 훔쳐보는 것. 그리고 스위스에 갈 꿈을 꾸면서 매일 알페호른을 부는 것이다. 그의 이웃은 매일 한 가지씩 사소한 목표를 세우고 실천하는 마약쟁이 토미와, 프랭클린의 알페호른 소리에 몸서리를 치는 노인 올스파이스. 그들 모두 가슴에 상처와 아픔을 안고 산다. 어느 날 집주인 올리베티가 밀린 집세를 받으러 프랭클린을 찾아오고, 말다툼 끝에 사고로 올리베티가 죽고만다. 프랭클린은 올리베티의 시체를 그의 집으로 가지고 가 자살한 것처럼 꾸미고, 올리베티의 트럭은 밤길에 만난 불량배들에게 빼앗긴다. 경찰은 올리베티 살해 사건을 조사하기 시작하는데, 시체가 불에 탄 흔적이 있는 탓에 화재감식반의 버트 형사도 사건에 참여한다. 한편 형에게서 매일 오던 우편물이 오지 않자 병원으로 찾아간 프랭클린은 뜻밖에도 형의 죽음 소식을 듣는다. 형이 남긴 것은 스위스 은행계좌의 80만 달러의 유산과 프랭클린이 그토록 원하는 스위스로 떠날 수 있는 여권이다. 사건의 흔적을 쫓아 프랭클린의 집까지 오게 된 버트는 이웃들을 만나 하나씩 단서를 찾아가는데...
Operation: Tropical Stormy
Weapons Master
Newly-promoted secret agents Rachel and George have just successfully (and accidentally) saved the world. As a reward, they take a much-needed romantic cruise. Unfortunately, it is not smooth sailing for long and the comedy quickly ensues as the two bumbling agents find themselves marooned on an uncharted tropical island. Soon they are face to face with a rabid jaguar, hunted by a tribe of sex-starved cannibals.
How to Be a Serial Killer
HOW TO BE A SERIAL KILLER is the story of Mike Wilson, a charismatic, educated, and articulate young man who has found his life's purpose in exterminating people. Mike is determined to spread his message about the joy of serial killing and recruits a lost soul named Bart to be his pupil. Mike leads Bart through the ethics of serial killing as well as teaching him various lessons in disposing corp
Life Is Hot in Cracktown
Various stories of how crack cocaine has infiltrated the inner-city streets. Based on Buddy Giovinazzo's novel "Life is Hot in Cracktown".
Charlie Valentine
Weapons Master
The film chronicles the exploits of the title character, Charlie, played by Raymond J. Barry (Training Day) a career criminal intent on scoring one last big pay day. When his "perfect crime" goes bad, Charlie flees to Los Angeles to hide out with his estranged son, Danny, played by Michael Weatherly. What ensues reveals the true nature of some of the most unsavory of characters.
Black Widow
Mel, a photo journalist, gets suspicious when her best friend Danny start dating Olivia a wealthy but mysterious woman. She enlists the help of her assistant in investigating Olivia's past and present occupation putting herself in danger.
에이리언 레이더스
에이리언을 몰살하기 위해 조직된 비밀 단체. 이들의 목적은 에이리언의 번식을 막기 위해 에이리언 킹을 찾아내 죽이는 것이다. 드디어 그 킹이 버크 레이크 마을에 있다는 것을 감지한 조직원들. 그가 있는 것으로 추정되는 해스팅스 마켓으로 강도로 위장해 무작정 쳐들어간다. 에이리언 색출 작업이 시작되고 영문을 모르는 사람들은 공포에 떤다. 하지만 이들의 작전은 에이리언을 축출해내는 탐색자가 죽음으로써 어렵게 꼬이기 시작하고 급기야 경찰까지 출동하는데...
Depth Charge
Jason Gedrick and Eric Roberts lead the cast of this thriller about a submarine captain who attempts to hold Washington, D.C. hostage for a billion dollars, and the heroic doctor who struggles to thwart the plan before the situation escalates.
Murder 101: New Age
Criminology professor Jonathan Maxwell investigates a murder at a new age retreat where the leader is killed in a locked room surrounded by people in a deep trance.
Necessary Evil
A scientist is testing a demonic drug on people in his secret lab. A cop and a female reporter try to stop him.
Shark Swarm
Makeup Effects
A fisherman and his family fight to take down a greedy real estate developer who has released toxins into the ocean, turning the area's sharks into bloodthirsty hunters.
Cannibal Taboo
Cannibal Taboo tells the story of Janet, a young woman raised in the wilds of Africa who is rescued by explorer Cliff Hendricks. When Cliff contracts a rare blood disease, Janet must leave her jungle ways to care for her husband and their four children. The bulk of the plot occurs when the youngest son, Paul, is about to have his twenty-first birthday. His brother Luke, a successful professor, returns for the celebration. However, things are not so simple in the Hendricks household, since fourth sibling Matthew disappeared on his twenty-first. Moreover, Paul and his sister have an incestuous relationship, and Janet is harboring a terrible secret.
Cannibal Taboo
Cannibal Taboo tells the story of Janet, a young woman raised in the wilds of Africa who is rescued by explorer Cliff Hendricks. When Cliff contracts a rare blood disease, Janet must leave her jungle ways to care for her husband and their four children. The bulk of the plot occurs when the youngest son, Paul, is about to have his twenty-first birthday. His brother Luke, a successful professor, returns for the celebration. However, things are not so simple in the Hendricks household, since fourth sibling Matthew disappeared on his twenty-first. Moreover, Paul and his sister have an incestuous relationship, and Janet is harboring a terrible secret.
The New Neighbors
Marti and Laura Brody are your average, all American middle class couple. They have two beautiful kids, Brad age 19 and Tiffany 18. The Brody family has lived a very normal and conservative lifestyle in the quite. Just like their other neighbors on Cedar Lane, they have never been tempted by a lifestyle that’s sexually adventurous, let alone depraved. Now, all of this is about to change. A new couple has moved in across the street and there is no telling about them. There is something different, something arcane, something evil about them. These newcomers will take the Brody family, and the entire neighborhood, on a descent into lust, debauchery and perversion. A descent into hell itself, courtesy of “The New Neighbors”.
The New Neighbors
Marti and Laura Brody are your average, all American middle class couple. They have two beautiful kids, Brad age 19 and Tiffany 18. The Brody family has lived a very normal and conservative lifestyle in the quite. Just like their other neighbors on Cedar Lane, they have never been tempted by a lifestyle that’s sexually adventurous, let alone depraved. Now, all of this is about to change. A new couple has moved in across the street and there is no telling about them. There is something different, something arcane, something evil about them. These newcomers will take the Brody family, and the entire neighborhood, on a descent into lust, debauchery and perversion. A descent into hell itself, courtesy of “The New Neighbors”.
U.S. Army sniper Charlie Snow finds himself at the other end of the crosshairs when the brother of an Eastern European arms dealer whom he killed decides to take vengeance on Charlie and his family in L.A.
The Secret Cellar
A mansion forms the backdrop to a spate of murders, and when the spirits lurking within are awakened they bring out some erotic, sensual thrills in the new guests.
Savage Season
Tricia Stevens, a young and beautiful woman, has a normal life. Suddenly, she finds herself in a world where there is no sense. The deceptions that are not related to real life, the extremity of sexual freedom, the most dangerous of all danger ... all shake Tricia's life. Life is different now.
Savage Season
Tricia Stevens, a young and beautiful woman, has a normal life. Suddenly, she finds herself in a world where there is no sense. The deceptions that are not related to real life, the extremity of sexual freedom, the most dangerous of all danger ... all shake Tricia's life. Life is different now.
Savage Season
Tricia Stevens, a young and beautiful woman, has a normal life. Suddenly, she finds herself in a world where there is no sense. The deceptions that are not related to real life, the extremity of sexual freedom, the most dangerous of all danger ... all shake Tricia's life. Life is different now.
Weapons Master
폭풍이 몹시 치던 어느날 밤, 정체를 알 수 없는 화물을 싣고 가던 비행기 한대가 산으로 추락한다. 산 근처 마을에 사는 그렉, 존(John Cooper: 프레인 로사노프 분), 테레사(Theresa: 사라 모넬 분)는 모두 어린 시절부터 같이 자라온 친구들이다. 형과 함께 도금 공장을 운영하는 존은 산악 자전거 타기를 즐기는 역동적인 남자이고, 그렉은 마을 보안관으로 일하고 있다. 하지만 존과 그렉은 최근 크리스틴(Kristin: 다나 바론 분)을 사이에 두고 갈등하는 불편한 관계이기도 하다.
Never Look Back
Jailed ex-fighter Donavan Wallace strikes a deal with the prison warden for early parole - he is to go into a town to pick up a mysterious crate. He finds himself framed for the murder of a local waitress but before being thrown behind bars once again he is able to retrieve, and then hide, the crate. Donavan manages to break free from jail but finds himself pursued by various conspirators who are after the contents of the crate
The Ultimate Prey
Man in Black
Jon Brant is your average construction worker until one day he losses his job.. He gets a call from Mr. Walton who has had a guy watching Jon and offers him a job. When he goes to meet Mr.Walton they slip him a mickey and next thing you know he wakes up and is told he is going to be hunted along with three others for sports.
The Ultimate Prey
Jon Brant is your average construction worker until one day he losses his job.. He gets a call from Mr. Walton who has had a guy watching Jon and offers him a job. When he goes to meet Mr.Walton they slip him a mickey and next thing you know he wakes up and is told he is going to be hunted along with three others for sports.
The Ultimate Prey
Jon Brant is your average construction worker until one day he losses his job.. He gets a call from Mr. Walton who has had a guy watching Jon and offers him a job. When he goes to meet Mr.Walton they slip him a mickey and next thing you know he wakes up and is told he is going to be hunted along with three others for sports.
Wasteland Justice
Wasteland Justice
Wasteland Justice
The Stranger
Wasteland Justice
Dark Nova
A former criminal, blackmailed into one last heist, seeks revenge on the partners who double-crossed her.
Trading Favors
Weapons Master
A seductive woman with a violent lover steals a car and entices a teenage boy to join her on a crime spree.
Silent Lies
Special Effects Makeup Artist
In this earnest, unflinching drama, sisters unite in the face of their father's constant abuse.
The First Man
Special Effects Coordinator
Aliens who take on the form of humans are invading Earth. When a team of agents who are tasked with tracking down these aliens for termination realize that the creatures have the ability to manipulate women on a psychological level, their assignments become terrifyingly uncertain.
The Dark Mist
Special Effects Makeup Artist
With the future of the world hanging in the balance, one fearless hero's quest to solve "The Riddle of the Chosen". As the Lord Protector makes his way through a land of magic and mystery, his allies grow stronger and his enemies more fierce. Will the Lord Protector make it to the center of evil and banish the dark forces that plot destruction, or will the power of evil overwhelm this mortal man and envelope the entire planet in a shroud of darkness and despair?
Warrior of Justice
A karate expert enters a deadly underground tournament to avenge one of his students who was killed there and stop the disgraced marshal arts champion who organized this deadly competition.
Body Count
Roman Valentine
Two mismatched cops wage a personal war against a vicious Los Angeles gangster.
Body Count
Two mismatched cops wage a personal war against a vicious Los Angeles gangster.
Psycho Cop Returns
Special Effects Makeup Artist
A group of office workers decide to have a party in the office building. Among other things, they want to have some drugs there. Their conversation on the subject is overheard by Joe Vickers, which is rather unfortunate for them, since Joe Vickers is a policeman. Even more unfortunate is the fact that Vickers is also an undead psychotic satanist, and instead of arresting them, he will make sure that nobody leaves the party alive...
Special Effects
A woman kidnaps her husband's mistress and tells the mistress two horror stories involving evil things.
Makeup Effects
A woman kidnaps her husband's mistress and tells the mistress two horror stories involving evil things.
A woman kidnaps her husband's mistress and tells the mistress two horror stories involving evil things.
The Flesh Merchant
A team of L.A. detectives hunt down the ringleaders of a sex-slave operation in this thriller.
Cyber Seeker
The year 2020 finds martial artist and desert ranger Ryan Steele (Roger Lee) in a future he'd never dreamed of: a post-apocalyptic nightmare where viruses have destroyed or mutated most of the world's population. Now there is one man in New Los Angeles bent on destroying the city with a deadly vial of bacteria known as "The Reaper," which he plans to release into the city's air supply. Aided by the mysterious wasteland dweller Isaac (Don Stroud), Steele is determined to find the maniac and his deadly cyborg henchman (world karate champion, Michael Laurin) before it is too late for all mankind.
The Flesh Merchant
A team of L.A. detectives hunt down the ringleaders of a sex-slave operation in this thriller.
Makeup Effects
A horror film about a maniacal serial killer in a wheelchair.
Demon Lover
Jenny Harris has a rather difficult time with the men in her life: her husband is an abusive clown who cheats on her, and her boss is a rude jerk. Her new neighbor Rebecca proposes that finding herself a fantasy lover is the way to solve her problems. A little séance later, and Jenny does in fact have her very own dream lover. Despite him being a beer-bellied guy with a creepy face, he seems rather irresistible and at first improves Jenny's mood quite a bit. What our heroine doesn't suspect is that her dream lover is in fact an incubus.
Demon Lover
Jenny Harris has a rather difficult time with the men in her life: her husband is an abusive clown who cheats on her, and her boss is a rude jerk. Her new neighbor Rebecca proposes that finding herself a fantasy lover is the way to solve her problems. A little séance later, and Jenny does in fact have her very own dream lover. Despite him being a beer-bellied guy with a creepy face, he seems rather irresistible and at first improves Jenny's mood quite a bit. What our heroine doesn't suspect is that her dream lover is in fact an incubus.
Hope you're hungry...and ready to dig into this delicious cannibal comic romp. Two guy roommates lure lovely ladies back to their bachelor pad for a dinner they'll never forget - since it's their last.
Pledge Night
Special Effects
In order to become a member of a fraternity, the applicants have to go through initiation rituals to show their loyalty. Way back in the 1960s, someone played a nasty trick on the student Sidney Scheider: He had to take a bath in a tub filled with cornflakes and coffee grounds, vinegar and even more disgusting substances. Nothing unusual so far but someone had replaced the water with pure acid. Sidney was seriously wounded and died a horrible death. This year Acid Sid returns with a vengeance, killing everyone who comes his way. One by one is slaughtered and in the college hell breaks loose.