Rytíř na houpacím koni (1968)
Gênero : Família, Fantasia
Runtime : 0M
Director : Josef Kaláb
Escritor : Josef Kaláb
No final da década de 1930, na Áustria, quando o pesadelo nazista estava prestes a se instaurar no país, uma noviça (Julie Andrews) que vive em um convento, mas não consegue seguir as rígidas normas de conduta das religiosas, vai trabalhar como governanta na casa do capitão Von Trapp (Christopher Plummer), que é viúvo, tem sete filhos e os educa como se fizessem parte de um regimento. Sua chegada modifica drasticamente o padrão da família, trazendo alegria novamente ao lar da família Von Trapp e conquistando o carinho e o respeito das crianças. Mas ela termina se apaixonando pelo capitão, que está comprometido com uma rica baronesa.
Por mais de trinta anos, e através de seu programa de televisão, Fred Rogers (1928-2003), apresentador, produtor, escritor e pianista, acompanhado de seus bonecos e seus muitos amigos, falou diretamente com crianças pequenas sobre alguns dos assuntos mais importantes da vida.
Bravely going where no ventriloquist has gone before, Nina Conti concocts a virtual zoo of puckish characters for this world premiere show. Talk to the Hand is an hour of nimble, profanity-strewn stand-up from the vibrant Nina Conti and her touring companions: the scruffy monkey, a posh-sounding owl-poet with a taste for generic verse, a Scottish granny, and the vodka-loving Lydia, recently purchased from another ventriloquist and yet to find a voice she likes. Her alter-egos come face to face with apparitions, special guests and real live humans which means you can rely on consistent lashings of warmth, technical brilliance, and vibrant wit.
Monty is a young cute rat in a rat world living beneath the streeets of Manhattan. When exterminator Dollart gets a new lethal spray to kill all the rodents, Monty, his friend Isabella and Jean-Paul Canalligator have to travel to magic land to make things right.
A feature-length adaptation of the award-winning digital broadcast, "Tell 'em Steve-Dave". Sort of like the Muppets, but with much darker subject matter. Bry, Walt and Q (with occasional guests) host a weekly podcast #TESD to discuss the ups and downs of their life. For the first time ever, experience some of the most popular of their legendary tales through the medium of puppetry.
Focuses on the collaboration between cabaret and drag artist Joey Arias and master puppeteer Basil Twist, whose 2008 show brought them some of the biggest success of their careers.
The curtains of a theatre open onto a smaller puppet theatre presided over by Marianne. The ringmaster waves her baton at three shadowy acrobats that climb one by one out of her hat. Each performs his number, although not without some difficulty. The clumsiness of the first, the mischievousness of the second, and the fieriness of the third trigger a few clashes that ultimately lead to chaos. How can Marianne create harmony without losing control? Will her show flop? Who's really calling the shots, the little puppet or her acrobats?
Mario and Netta Show is a quite successful show. Mario is the ventriloquist, Netta is the puppet with whom he shares the scene. Theirs is a complicated relationship, not just on stage.