
Drifter (2023)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 1H 19M

Director : Hannes Hirsch
Escritor : River Matzke


Moritz follows his boyfriend to Berlin and is soon abandoned by him. Alone in the big city, he embarks on a journey through gay affairs and different lifestyles. Only through his new circle of queer friends does he develop his own ideas of sexuality and masculinity, leading him a little closer to himself.


Lorenz Hochhuth
Lorenz Hochhuth
Cino Djavid
Cino Djavid
Gustav Schmidt
Gustav Schmidt
Oscar Hoppe
Oscar Hoppe
Marie Tragousti
Marie Tragousti
Aviran Edri
Aviran Edri
Cat Jugravu
Cat Jugravu
Daniela Grubert
Daniela Grubert
Alexandre Karim Howard
Alexandre Karim Howard
Rabea Egg
Rabea Egg
Elaine Cameron
Elaine Cameron


Hannes Hirsch
Hannes Hirsch
Hannes Hirsch
Hannes Hirsch
Hannes Hirsch
Hannes Hirsch
Elena Weihe
Elena Weihe
Diemo Kemmesies
Diemo Kemmesies
Eli Börnicke
Eli Börnicke
Director of Photography
River Matzke
River Matzke


Lose Your Head
Lose Your Head is a psycho thriller about a Spanish party tourist who gets lost in Berlin. The film is inspired by the true story of a young Portuguese man who disappeared some years ago after a night at Berghain.
Desiludido por problemas pessoais e profissionais, o biólogo Friedrich von Kammacher decide viajar para o exterior a fim de recuperar a alegria de viver. Durante sua jornada aventureira, ele encontrará duas mulheres muito diferentes, uma das quais será a chave de seu destino.
Overseas and Under Your Skin
Ida is a woman who was adopted to Finland from Africa as a child. Ida is an unemployed seamstress approaching her thirties and still lives at home with her activist mother Kati. Kati wants to fix her daughter's life and offers her a job at her work. Encouraged by her new friend Ville, Ida, however, sets out for Berlin in order to find a job and to prove to her mother that she can manage on her own. Meanwhile, Kati has been told that she is seriously ill, but she does not want to mention it to Ida in fear of standing in the way of her daughter's struggle for independence. Ida wants to have a life of her own, but what will she have left at the end of the day?
Berlin: Panoptikum
A Berlin street scene.
Nacht über Berlin
"Nacht über Berlin" follows Albert Goldmann, a jew and a member of the social-democratic party (SPD) in 1933. He witnesses the change in society around him and the rise of the Nazi-Party.
Segunda Pele
Alberto é um engenheiro de prestígio, tem esposa e filho, mas seu casamento está em crise. Elena, a esposa, descobre que ele tem um caso, mas só perde a calma quando descobre que é com um homem. Alberto se vê dividido e tem de fazer uma escolha entre os dois relacionamentos: seguir em frente com a família que ama ou assumir seu relacionamento com o decidido ortopedista Diego, por quem está apaixonado. Mas as angústias desta incerteza atingem a todos envolvidos neste triângulo amoroso.
Brothers and Sisters
Thomas Arslan's second feature film and part of his Berlin-trilogy is a slow-paced milieu study of German-Turkish youth in Berlin-Kreuzberg. The film depicts the every day life, domestic conflicts, dreams and disappointments of three siblings and their aimless, meandering strolls through the Kreuzberg district.
O Arquivo de Berlim
The Berlin File desenrola-se em Berlim e acompanha um agente (Jung Woo-ha) da Coreia do Norte, que se infiltra numa organização da Coreia do Sul, mas é traído e abandonado pelo seu país, após ter sido descoberto. Com a ajuda da esposa (Ji-hyun Jeon), uma tradutora na embaixada da Coreia do Norte em Berlim, Pyo Jong-sung procura escapar dos agentes da Coreia do Norte e da Coreia do Sul que são designados para elimina-lo.
Can and his girlfriend, Jale, live with their young daughter, Meral, in a tough Turkish neighbourhood of Berlin and barely manage to scrape enough money together for their existence. Can is a small-time dealer and errand-boy for drug boss Hakan, who has to keep his customers supplied within his narrowly staked out territory. Jale, who works in the ware-house of a department store, has been pressing Can to give up this activity. Can, also fed up with his situation, sees a bright new beginning for himself and his family when Hakan offers him the prospective chance to run a bar on his very own. But Can has little control over the pressures that gradually begin to build up around him and soon finds himself floundering in quicksand.
Hotel Berlin
An assortment of diverse characters gather at the Hotel Berlin in World War II Germany.
O filme conta a história de Louis Zamperini, uma estrela da pista olímpica e um herói da Segunda Guerra Mundial, que durante uma missão militar, sofreu um acidente de avião no Oceano Pacífico, do qual sobreviveu junto com dois companheiros. Ele E mais um sobrevivem. Eles passaram 47 dias à deriva numa balsa, quando foram encontrados por um navio de guerra japonês. Que os fizeram de prisioneiros e os levaram para uma ilha onde foram torturados e mantidos como prisioneiros de guerra por dois anos.
É Hora de Relaxar
Johan é um ladrão gay, que conquista homens mais velhos para roubá-los. Max, é um segurança que se sente atraído por Anna, uma inteligente funcionária numa companhia de seguros. Os três vivem em Berlin, uma sociedade que se redefine depois da guerra fria, e, por circunstâncias do acaso, eles se cruzam num triângulo onde compartilham amor, afeto, corpos, e ansiedades, no apartamento de Anna…
Die letzte Schlacht
The 13 days from April 20th to May 2nd, 1945, are unique in the history of Germany: They are the final act in the history of the third Reich which was supposed to last for a thousand years and succumbed after twelve in an orgy of violence and fire. In the catacombs of his bunker under the Reich Chancellery in the capital city of Berlin, which Adolf Hitler wanted to make to the centre of the world, the dictator operates with ghost divisions during the final days of the war. Only in the final moment, he takes his own life. Meanwhile, On the streets, in the ruins, and the basements of the destroyed city, the final battle wages on: Adolescents are sacrificed without purpose, women get raped, loyal party comrades commit suicide in the thousands, Jews who were in hiding for years hope for the liberation.
Volker Koepp documents life in the Dorotheenstadt in Berlin-Mitte, which was called "Feuerland" in the 19th century.
Unter Linken
Born in '45
Originally banned in 1966, East German director Jürgen Böttcher's tale of love and disillusionment among two newlyweds attempting to navigate the treacherous world of marriage was never officially released in his homeland until after reunification in 1990.
A knife in the pocket, adrenaline in the blood and only one dream in mind: to be a gangster - and the biggest one at that. Yehya was 15 years old and close to realizing his dream when he met the filmmaker Christian Stahl in the stairwell. Yehya wasn't just the nice boy from next door, he was also "the Boss of Sonnenallee" - one of the gangster runners of the Berlin borough of Neukölln. And gangster runners want to make it in the gangster world. In the eyes of the authorities, he is an "intensive offender"; in his own eyes, Yehya is "one of the top ten of Neukölln. I got my own prosecutor!"
A Última Partida
Reinier (Reinier Díaz) e Yosvani (Milton García) são dois jovens que costumam jogar futebol juntos e que acabam encontrando amor e uma saída para os seus problemas - a pobreza do bairro em que vivem, a miséria de vidas sofridas e as dificuldades de se sustentar uma família - nos braços um do outro.
Spider's Web
Ulrich Mühe plays a German businessman who was born completely without scruples. This makes him an eminently suitable candidate for success in the chaotic years after World War I. The shameless man's story is contrasted with that of his polar opposite, a Jewish anarchist.
The Wall
Like the best USIA films, The Wall distills political events into an emotionally clear and compelling ideological "story". In 1962 Walter de Hoog gathered footage from U.S. and German newsreel sources and crafted this taut short film about the first year of the Berlin Wall. Straightforward, keenly balanced narration portrays Berliners as "accepting the wall but never resigned to it". The extraordinary footage of the first escapes was propaganda enough-- His challenge was to make the politics human.