Non credo in niente

Gênero : Drama, Comédia, Música, Romance

Runtime : 0M

Director : Alessandro Marzullo
Escritor : Alessandro Marzullo



Demetra Bellina
Demetra Bellina
Jun Ichikawa
Jun Ichikawa
Lorenzo Lazzarini
Lorenzo Lazzarini
Gabriel Montesi
Gabriel Montesi
Giuseppe Cristiano
Giuseppe Cristiano
Mario Russo
Mario Russo
Antonio Orlando
Antonio Orlando
Renata Malinconico
Renata Malinconico
Andrea Mautone
Andrea Mautone


Alessandro Marzullo
Alessandro Marzullo
Alessandro Marzullo
Alessandro Marzullo
Kacper Zieba
Kacper Zieba
Director of Photography
Maria Gorgoglione
Maria Gorgoglione
Art Direction
Francesca Addonizio
Francesca Addonizio
Riccardo Amorese
Riccardo Amorese
Valentina Signorelli
Valentina Signorelli
Lorenzo Giovenga
Lorenzo Giovenga
Lorenzo Lazzarini
Lorenzo Lazzarini
Alessandro Marzullo
Alessandro Marzullo
Associate Producer
Martina Cavazzana
Martina Cavazzana
Associate Producer
Nicholas Fiorentino
Nicholas Fiorentino
Associate Producer
Giulio Rossi
Giulio Rossi
Associate Producer
Giancarlo Crocetti
Giancarlo Crocetti
Associate Producer


Freaky Farley
In a small New Hampshire town, the local peeping tom, Freaky Farley is embroiled in a tale of murder, monsters, ninjas, witches, angst, anger, insecurity and madness.
O Lutador
Randy "Carneiro" Robinson (Mickey Rourke) é um solitário e famoso lutador de wrestler que se sustenta através das lutas e também de "bicos" que faz em um mercado local. Após um intenso combate, Randy sofre um infarto e, depois de uma cirurgia, é informado que corre risco de morte se voltar a praticar atividades físicas. Assustado, ele procura dividir sua angústia com uma stripper (Marisa Tomei), por quem nutre um desejo e, que o ajuda a retomar o contato com Stephanie (Evan Rachel Wood), a filha abandonada por ele. Dividido entre um passado de glória e um futuro incerto, Randy se vê pressionado a retornar ao ringue para uma importante revanche que pode mudar a sua vida.
It's autumn in New York. Sam has broken up with his girlfriend and his father has recently died. World-weary and sloppy drunk, he finds temporary solace in the arms of Anna, a mysterious vampire who draws him away from his friends and into a web of addiction and madness.
Phantom Valley
In the desolate countryside, haunted by recurrent dreams, a young drifter finds himself at the borderlands between the living and the dead.
The Heart through Deserts Runs
The film shows the passing of a day in the life of a young woman. In the beginning, she is alone in her apartment. It seems that she is going through a separation from her beloved person (a female). She is trying to cope with this loss by reading (a book by Renée Vivien and a poem by Goethe), moving around things in the apartment, thinking about the lost person. As the day ends and night falls, a nightmare-like vision haunts her - and a new path of hope opens up. This is the primary story of the film, told in a particular way, by means of storyboard and off-narration, inspired by the works of Marina Abramovic, Chantal Akerman, Guy Gilles and Chris Marker.
Rude Questions
A portrait of Larry Loomer, the owner of an antiquarian bookstore located in a small town. Larry is a colourful and amusing character who shares his wry take on the world.
When We Get to Heaven
The sudden arrival of a group of enigmatic freaks in a dying dust bowl community throws the town into chaos, causing its flimsy social order to crumble.
A voyeuristic night photographer discovers that she has become the subject of some thing's lens.
Overdose Surrealista
Em um jantar peculiar, uma atriz tenta sobreviver em meio a visões de seus pesadelos mais sombrios. Sem a menor noção de espaço-tempo, a atriz desnorteada enfrenta seus medos e vícios, perdida entre o que pode ser de fato real ou fruto de sua imaginação, o jantar toma vida própria.
Above All That Is