
Septichexen (2023)

Entombed in the veins of the sewer. A witch corrupting the city's lifeblood

Gênero : Terror, Ficção científica, Fantasia

Runtime : 14M

Director : Anders Elsrud Hultgreen


In the sewers of Bergen, a microbiologist tries to uncover a contamination of the drinking water. THE SEPTICHEXEN POEM: Deep below the city's streets, The witch in darkness waits and eats, Her magic seeps into the water's flow, As she seeks an heir to follow. Beware the witch with magic dread, Her lair of filth, her cauldron red, For she seeks a child to train in her way, And make the water turn foul each day. So do not stray too far below, Or the witch will catch you, don't you know? For in her realm, she rules supreme, And the darkness there will never beam.


Susann Bugge Kambestad
Susann Bugge Kambestad
The Microbiologist
Brita Grov
Brita Grov
The Sewer Witch
Roskva Yasmin Andersen
Roskva Yasmin Andersen
The Sewer Witch


Anders Elsrud Hultgreen
Anders Elsrud Hultgreen
Anders Elsrud Hultgreen
Anders Elsrud Hultgreen
Øystein Nesheim
Øystein Nesheim
Anders Elsrud Hultgreen
Anders Elsrud Hultgreen
Anders Elsrud Hultgreen
Anders Elsrud Hultgreen
Thomas Dalen
Thomas Dalen
Øystein Nesheim
Øystein Nesheim
Production Design
June Midttveit Olsen
June Midttveit Olsen
Makeup & Hair
Tim Ekberg
Tim Ekberg
Fredrik S. Hana
Fredrik S. Hana
Anders Elsrud Hultgreen
Anders Elsrud Hultgreen
Sound Designer
Morten Skage
Morten Skage
Sound Mixer
Hilde Annine Hasselberg
Hilde Annine Hasselberg
Original Music Composer
Annike Flo
Annike Flo
Costume Designer
June Midttveit Olsen
June Midttveit Olsen
Special Effects
Saiko Yamazaki
Saiko Yamazaki
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Thomas Dalen
Thomas Dalen
June Midttveit Olsen
June Midttveit Olsen
Special Effects Key Makeup Artist
Anders Elsrud Hultgreen
Anders Elsrud Hultgreen
Editorial Production Assistant
Anders Elsrud Hultgreen
Anders Elsrud Hultgreen
VFX Supervisor
Anders Elsrud Hultgreen
Anders Elsrud Hultgreen
Ole Petter Sørum
Ole Petter Sørum
Sound Design Assistant


Susan é uma jovem americana que viaja para a Europa para estudar numa prestigiada escola de Balé. Desde o primeiro dia, porém, ela começa a se assustar com estranhas situações que ocorrem no local que a fazem crer que há bruxas por todas a parte.
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