Uma Casa Sob as Árvores (1971)
Murder and Madness is THE DEADLY TRAP.
Gênero : Mistério, Drama
Runtime : 1H 36M
Director : René Clément
An industrial espionage group calls on a retired spy living with his wife and children in Paris.
A woman whose husband was murdered five years previously, is stalked by his killer, who wants to eliminate her as a potential witness. What he doesn't know is that the shock of his murder caused her to have amnesia, and she doesn't remember anything.
Numa tentativa de superar a morte de sua mãe, Ashley parte para a faculdade. Lá, ela conhece novas pessoas, incluindo um colega chamado Binder, que a convida para uma festa. Durante essa festa, a jovem conhece uma lenda urbana que está circulando o campus – trata-se de um assassino que frequenta o mundo online e tem como apelido “Smiley”, aquela carinha feliz que se usa quando se escreve uma mensagem. Ele ataca suas vítimas depois que elas repetem determinada frase três vezes no mundo virtual. Até então ele só pode ser visto na internet, ninguém o viu no mundo real.
Intrigada, Ashley volta para o dormitório e, junto com sua colega de quarto Proxy, ela resolve colocar à prova tal lenda. Para seu terror, Ashley vê o tal assassino e fica paranoica sobre o assunto, pensando se o que ela viu é real ou se ela está ficando louca.
Intimate portrait of the social outcast Ricardo Lopez, chronicling the last days of his life in 1996 as he creates and sends a letter bomb rigged with sulfuric acid to Icelandic singer Björk and heads home to record his own suicide on video.
An English schoolgirl suspects the foster brother she worships is the serial killer at large.
A housewife flees from a policeman's killer on the road between Phoenix and Denver.
AJUMMA! Are you krazy??? is a zany comedy that follows the misadventures of three Korean drama fanatics. Fueled by their schoolgirl hormones, the hopelessly romantic Ajummas, Judy (Thea Matsuda), the lovable and innocent heroine, Susan (Tessie Magaoay) the gruff-tough one, and Amy (Cari Mizumoto) the sassy tart, go on a hilarious journey to try and meet Korean super star Michael Park (Michael Hsia) by stealing his itinerary, breaking into his hotel room, and sneaking on to his music video set. Witty writing, a light-hearted story and a likable cast allow this short film to succeed in taking a humorous look at the K-drama phenomenon and what some ladies will do for a crush.
François é um homem maduro, casado e com filhos. Quando conhece Christian, um jovem de vinte e poucos anos, começa a se sentir atraído por ele de uma maneira desconcertante. Pouco a pouco responderá a seus desejos e irá mantê-lo sempre perto.
A movie star is being stalked by a one-night stand.
After surviving rape, comic-book artist Lisa Roberts is moving from New York City to small town in Arizona. But there's danger in small towns too.
After one schoolgirl is raped while taking a short cut through the local woods, and another is murdered in the same woods a few days later, the local police are baffled. With the help of a reporter from one of the local papers, and against the wishes of a psychologist at the local hospital, a young teacher at the school the girls attended uses herself as bait to lure the perpetrator out. Could it be the creepy husband of the head mistress at the school, the psychologist who seems to be taking an unusual interest in the case, or something altogether more sinister?
A womanizing reality-TV producer (Spencer) unwittingly sleeps with a mysterious woman (Alison), who turns out to be his own stalker. Alison then kidnaps Spencer and holds him hostage while she humiliates and abuses him, recording every moment on camera for her own twisted reality-TV show
STALKER: Monolith's Whisper tells the story of Alexey Savchuk, an exiled victim of the 1986 Chernobyl accident who enters the Exclusion Zone to find his lost brother after "The Second Catastrophe" where a mysterious second explosion takes place in 2006 at the Nuclear Power Plant. Helped by Seeker, he will experience the vicissitudes of "The Zone" and try to reach his objective. Stalker Team Uruguay has brought the video game to real life up to every detail, so get ready to enter "The Zone"!
A young hairdresser enters into the modeling world while fearing retaliation from her puritanical mother and stalker ex-boyfriend.
A good heart and bad luck will get you nothing but trouble. That’s what Ryan discovers — the hard way — when he thought hitting the road would solve all of his problems, instead it was just the beginning. Ryan falls into one circumstantial trouble after another. From getting car-jacked at gun-point, being mistaken for a mobster’s son, to a run-in with cheerleaders intent on vigilante justice, Ryan barely escapes one mess before landing in the middle of another. Finally able to go home, Ryan heads back out on the highway. But has his luck really changed, or is there only more trouble in store for our charming hero?
Harry Orwell has been retired from the force ever since he caught a bullet that lodged inoperably in his back. But that doesn’t mean the man called Harry O is out of the action. Moonlighting as a private sleuth, fighting off daily back pain and typically traveling by public bus instead of his own car (“It gives a man a chance to think”), he’s on the trail of the lowlife who murdered his pal’s son-in-law. It won’t be the only time the killer strikes before Harry closes in. David Janssen (The Fugitive) portrays dogged detective Harry in the telefilm that was the second of two pilots preceding his memorable Harry O series. Among the highlights: young Jodie Foster as Liberty, the wise-beyond-her-years homeless waif Harry befriends.
Every celebrity deals with his or her share of obsessed fans. "I Think We're Alone Now" is a documentary that focuses on two individuals, Jeff and Kelly, who claim to be in love with the 80's pop singer Tiffany. Jeff Turner, a 50-year-old man from Santa Cruz, California has attended Tiffany concerts since 1988. Diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, he never had a girlfriend. Jeff spends his days hanging out on the streets of Santa Cruz, striking up conversations with anyone who has a moment to spare. Kelly McCormick is a 38-year-old hermaphrodite from Denver, Colorado, who claims to have been friends with Tiffany as a teenager. She credits Tiffany as the shining star who has motivated her to do everything in her life. Both Jeff and Kelly have been labeled stalkers by the media and other Tiffany fans. This film takes you inside the lonely lives these two characters, revealing the source of their clinging obsessions...
Following the brutal rape of a young woman by a gang of construction workers, a mysterious figure wearing a motorcycle helmet and driving a gold hearse begins hunting the perpetrators down. The masked avenger's weapon of choice, obviously, is a nail gun, with which he (or could it be she?) takes out the rapists one by one. Just who is this murderous vigilante?
A woman is stalked by a psychopathic killer. She eventually kills him, only for the man to show up again, this time sane and without any knowledge of the attacks. The police don't believe her, but one detective agrees to look into it.
The ghost of a serial killer, executed for murdering students at a Catholic girls' school, returns to the school to take revenge on the current student body.
A young art student frantically tries to prove that she is being stalked by a mysterious man who has threatened her life, and finds her sanity questioned by her stepmother, the family attorney, and even a psychiatrist.