Ennio Nobili


O Último dos Dez
Ten people are invited to a hotel for a weekend getaway by a Mr. U. N. Owen, who mysteriously isn't in attendance. When the group gets together for their first dinner, a record is played in which Mr. Owen accuses each guest of committing various unpunished crimes, which sets off a series of murders in the hotel.
The Infernal Trio
Marseilles, 1919. Georges Sarret is a distinguished and respected lawyer, recently honoured for his services in the First World War. He takes as his lover Philomène Schmidt, a young German woman, who has just lost her job and home. To enable Philomène to remain in France, Georges finds her a husband – who dies conveniently of natural causes a month after the wedding. Georges repeats the trick with Philomène's sister, Catherine – marrying her off to an old man who dies suddenly so that the scheming trio can profit from his life insurance. When an accomplice in the scheme, Marcel Chambon, threatens to blackmail them, Georges and his two lovers have no option but to kill him and his mistress...
O Magnífico
François Merlin, escritor de romances de espionagem, projeta seu alter ego, no personagem que ele criou: Bob Saint-Clair, um super espião, inteligente e carismático, cujos feitos heróicos e conquistas amorosas vem compensar sua vida medíocre e frustrada. Ficção e realidade se mesclam, pois François cria seus personagens baseando-se nas pessoas que o cercam. O grande vilão, o Coronel Karpoff é, na vida real, seu editor e a bela espiã Tatiana é Christine, uma estudante de sociologia, vizinha de François.
Expresso Para Bordeaux
Simon (Richard Crenna), dono de um clube noturno, é o líder de uma gangue que pratica assaltos a bancos. Em uma das suas incursões, no entanto, o plano dá errado e um dos membros da gangue sai ferido. Ligando os pontos e buscando as pistas, o Comissário Edouard Coleman (Alain Delon) acaba chegando em Simon. O grande problema é que os dois são amigos
A Iguana da Língua de Fogo
In Dublin, the acid-scarred, razor-slashed corpse of a young woman is discovered in the boot of the Swiss Ambassador's limousine. The Ambassador, his family and employees all become immediate suspects. Faced with the problem of diplomatic immunity, the police officer in charge of the case brings in John Norton, an ex-Inspector known for his brutal methods, to carry out an "unoffical" investigation. While Norton develops a relationship with the Ambassdor's attractive daughter, several more gruesome murders occur...
Uma Casa Sob as Árvores
An industrial espionage group calls on a retired spy living with his wife and children in Paris.