Stars of the Russian Ballet (1953)

Gênero : Música

Runtime : 1H 20M

Director : Gerbert Rappaport


An anthology of three filmed ballets, two written for the film and the third an abridgment of Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake". It was entered into the 1954 Cannes Film Festival. Filmed in color.


Galina Ulanova
Galina Ulanova
Maris (segment "Fountains of Bakhchisarai")
Maya Plisetskaya
Maya Plisetskaya
Zarema (segment "Fountains of Bakhchisarai")
Konstantin Sergeyev
Konstantin Sergeyev
The Prince (segment "Swan Lake")
Natalia Dudinskaya
Natalia Dudinskaya
Odille, the black swan (segment "Swan Lake")
V. Bakanov
V. Bakanov
The Evil Wizard (segment "Swan Lake")
Pyotr Gussyev
Pyotr Gussyev
Girzi (segment "Fountain of Bakhchisarai")
Yuri Zhdanov
Yuri Zhdanov
Vaclav (segment "Fountain of Bakhchisarai")
Vakhtang Chabukiani
Vakhtang Chabukiani
Philippe (segment "Flames of Paris, The")
Muza Gotlib
Muza Gotlib
Jeanne (segment "Flames of Paris")


Gerbert Rappaport
Gerbert Rappaport
Semyon Ivanov
Semyon Ivanov
Camera Operator


Rhythm is it!
RHYTHM IS IT! records the first big educational project of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra under Sir Simon Rattle. The orchestra ventured out of the ivory tower of high culture into boroughs of low life for the sake of 250 youngsters. They had been strangers to classical music, but after arduous but thrilling preparation they danced to Stravinsky's 'Le Sacre du Printemps' ('The Rite of Spring'). Recorded with a breathtaking fidelity of sound, this film from Thomas Grube and Enrique Sánchez Lansch documents the stages of the Sacre project and offers deep insights into the rehearsals of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.
Dance for All
No Balanço do Amor
Sara Johnson (Julia Stiles) é uma garota de 17 anos que sempre sonhou em ser uma bailarina profissional. Porém, seus planos vão por água abaixo quando sua mãe morre em um acidente de carro e ela é obrigada a viver com seu pai em Chicago. Intimidada pela sua nova vida, ela busca refúgio nos clubes locais, onde conhece um jovem (Sean Patrick Thomas) que compartilha com ela o mesmo amor pela dança. Porém, eles logo descobrem que a pressão existente entre os dois irá se tornar uma barreira maior do que a diferença de cor ou de classe para que eles possam iniciar um romance.
No Balanço do Amor 2
Após o namorado Derek ir para longe estudar, Sara junta-se a Julliard, em Nova Iorque para realizar seu sonho e sua mãe de se tornar a primeira bailarina da escola. Ela é amiga de suas colegas de quarto, Zoe e Miles, que lecionam aulas de hip-hop. Ela tem aulas de balé com a rígida e famosos Monique Delacroix que ela idolatra - Monique exige total empenho, disciplina e trabalho duro de seus alunos. Quando Miles, que é um compositor, convida Sara para ajudá-lo a compor a música para a paixão da dança uma coreografia de Sara para o bananap-hop é incentivada e ela também se apaixona por Miles. Quando ela é atribuída a execução Giselle em um evento importante, ela se sente dividida entre a técnica do balé e do trabalho criativo oferecido por Miles.
Susan é uma jovem americana que viaja para a Europa para estudar numa prestigiada escola de Balé. Desde o primeiro dia, porém, ela começa a se assustar com estranhas situações que ocorrem no local que a fazem crer que há bruxas por todas a parte.
Sob a Luz da Fama
Talentosos, um grupo de jovens se dedica exaustivamente arte da dança, sacrificando até mesmo seus simples prazeres pessoais para treinar com o vigor de atletas olímpicos. Enquanto vivem alegrias e tristezas relacionados ao amor e juventude, eles sonham com um lugar em uma famosa e seletiva academia de dança.
Barbie: Lago dos Cisnes
Baseado na música de Tchaikovsky e no adorado conto de fadas, o filme traz Barbie como Odette, a jovem filha do padeiro que segue um unicórnio até a Floresta Encantada. O malvado feiticeiro Rodrigo – que pretende derrotar sua prima a Fada e tomar a Floresta, transforma Odette em cisne. A Fada Rainha consegue amenizar o feitiço fazendo com que Odette seja humana à noite e cisne de dia. Odette percebe que, mesmo que sinta ser a pessoa errada para a tarefa, é seu destino salvar a Floresta Encantada. Mas como pode uma garota armada apenas de sua coragem, honestidade e inteligência conseguir isso, tudo enquanto o belo Príncipe Daniel se apaixona por ela?
Os Sapatinhos Vermelhos
No árduo mundo do balé, as garotas e dançarinos do empresário Boris Lermontov não têm folga: sua vida deve ser devotada à dança se eles quiserem continuar na carreira. A jovem bailarina Victoria Page é uma promessa, e após o sucesso do espetáculo "Red Shoes", parece que ela terá o mundo a seus pés, até se envolver com o compositor Julian Craster, a contragosto de Lermontov.
The Gay Parisian
The Gay Parisian is an American short film produced in 1941 by Warner Bros. featuring the Ballet Russe de Monte-Carlo and directed by Jean Negulesco. The film is a screen adaptation, in Technicolor, of the 1938 ballet Gaîté Parisienne, choreographed by Léonide Massine to music by Jacques Offenbach. It was nominated for an Academy Award at the 14th Academy Awards for Best Short Subject (Two-Reel).
Proust ou les Intermittences du cœur
Ballet en deux actes et treize tableaux du chorég. This is a live recording of a performance at Paris Garnier in 2007. Petit's earlier production for the Ballet de Marseille used more realistic stage sets, but the current Paris version has minimal stage sets. Also, the costumes were redesigned. Roland Petit created a ballet based on "In Search of Lost Time" for the Ballet de Marseille in the 1970s. Petit's intention was not to make a faithful adaptation of the novel, but to capture its flavour and convey, through a number of selected scenes, the narrator's incessant fluctuations between happiness and torment. The highlights are the series of poetical pas de deux.
The Bolshoi Ballet
Paul Czinner recorded, using a multiple cameras technique, the performance of prima ballerina Galina Ulanova of the Russian Bolshoi, doing "Giselle, " while the troupe was on tour in England in 1956.
Eternal Dance
Az Életbe táncoltatott leány is a 1964 Hungarian film directed by Tamás Banovich. It was entered into the 1965 Cannes Film Festival where it won a Technical Prize
Bolshoi Ballet: Spartacus
The Bolshoi’s grandiose epic Spartacus recounts the story of a Roman slave’s fight for freedom. With its famous Khachaturian score, since the 1960s it has been considered one of the greatest ballets in the Bolshoi repertoire. The choreography by Yuri Grigorovich fills the Bolshoi stage with dynamic scenes of tension and conflict, and gives full expression to the virility and strength for which Russia’s male dancers are renowned.
The Firebird
Italian singer Mario Vanni visits the Royal Opera in Stockholm and fall in love with ballet dancer Linda Corina.
A Song for Miss Julie
Two playwrights and a former burlesque queen travel to Louisiana to research a musical they're planning on a local Southern hero.
The Red Detachment of Women
A filmed 1970 performance of the China Central Ballet Troupe. Adapted from the film of the same title, The Red Detachment of Women was first staged in Beijing in 1964 and was one of the Eight Model Operas which dominated the national stage during the Cultural Revolution.
Donde mueren las palabras
An old timbal performer in a puppet theater has a secret past.
Romeo & Juliet
The Most Incredible Thing
Full-length dance piece, featuring music specially composed by electronic pop legends the Pet Shop Boys and choreographed and directed by Javier de Frutos, which premiered at Sadler's Wells in London in early 2011. Based on the Hans Christian Andersen fairytale of the same name and adapted by acclaimed playwright and director Matthew Dunster, it sees modern dance set in a traditional three-act narrative and features former Royal Ballet star Ivan Putrov alongside principal dancers Clemmie Sveaas and Aaron Sillis. Featuring design, lighting and film content by an impressive creative team including Tony Award-winning designer Katrina Lindsay and BAFTA-winning film animator Tal Rosner, the programme also includes exclusive behind-the-scenes access and interviews with the Pet Shop Boys, Javier de Frutos and others involved in this ambitious production.
Billy Elliot: The Musical Live
In County Durham, England, 1984, a talented young dancer, Billy Elliot, stumbles out of the boxing ring and onto the ballet floor. He faces many trials and triumphs as he strives to conquer his family’s set ways, inner conflict, and standing on his toes in a musical that questions masculinity, gender norms and conformity.