Omnibus - Cuckoo: A Celebration of Mr. Laurel and Mr. Hardy (1974)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 5M

Director : Robert Vas


Narrated by Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise, this documentary about "Laurel and Hardy", one of the most popular and critically acclaimed comedy double acts of the early Classical Hollywood era of American cinema. It features interviews with Jerry Lewis, Dick Van Dyke, Babe London, Marcel Marceau, Lucille Hardy (Ollie's wife), Bob Monkhouse, Hal Roach, Marvin T Hatley, Jack McCabe and many more.


Stan Laurel
Stan Laurel
Himself (archive footage)
Oliver Hardy
Oliver Hardy
Himself (archive footage)
Eric Morecambe
Eric Morecambe
Himself - Narrator (voice)
Ernie Wise
Ernie Wise
Himself - Narrator (voice)
Dick Van Dyke
Dick Van Dyke
Jerry Lewis
Jerry Lewis
Spike Milligan
Spike Milligan
Bob Monkhouse
Bob Monkhouse
Hal Roach
Hal Roach
Marcel Marceau
Marcel Marceau
Dorothy Granger
Dorothy Granger
Marvin Hatley
Marvin Hatley
Virginia Lucille Jones
Virginia Lucille Jones
Herself (as Lucille Hardy)
Babe London
Babe London
John McCabe
John McCabe
Himself (Author Jack McCabe)
Dilys Powell
Dilys Powell
Joe Rock
Joe Rock
Kenneth Tynan
Kenneth Tynan
Basil Wright
Basil Wright
Bob Chatterton
Bob Chatterton


Robert Vas
Robert Vas
Bob Blagden
Bob Blagden
Graphic Designer
Mick Brownfield
Mick Brownfield
Graphic Designer
Rodney Bond
Rodney Bond
Alan Dykes
Alan Dykes
Mix Technician
Douglas Macintosh
Douglas Macintosh
David MacMillan
David MacMillan
Stan Nightingale
Stan Nightingale
Bryan Anderson
Bryan Anderson
Camera Operator
Colin Deehan
Colin Deehan
Camera Operator
Keith Hopper
Keith Hopper
Camera Operator
Malcolm Kipling
Malcolm Kipling
Camera Operator
Ernest Vincze
Ernest Vincze
Camera Operator
David Snasdell
David Snasdell
Elizabeth Sussex
Elizabeth Sussex
Peter Barnes
Peter Barnes
Richard W. Bann
Richard W. Bann


Universidade Monstros
Mike e Sulley, alunos promissores da Universidade Monstros, são forçados a se unirem quando sua disputa acirrada pelo posto de aluno mais assustador da turma foge ao controle e eles acabam sendo expulsos da faculdade.
Stan & Ollie - O Gordo e o Magro
Conta a história real de uma das maiores duplas de comediantes de todos os tempos, Laurel e Hardy. Os dois embarcaram em uma longa jornada em sua turnê pela Grã-Bretanha, em 1953, buscando colocar suas carreiras novamente nos holofotes, mesmo com o mundo ainda abalado pelos efeitos da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Loucos Pela Notícia
Venerable newscaster Norm Archer reports the latest news in politics, health, culture and entertainment - such as an automotive recall of decapitation-inducing "Neckbelts" and a study finding that "depression hits losers hardest". This compilation of bogus news stories, celebrity profiles, movie trailers and skits come courtesy of the ace satirists at The Onion.
Era Uma Vez Dois Valentes
Trata-se da primeira adaptação para as telas da aopereta composta por Victor Herbert e Glen MacDonough em 1903. Esta comédia musical em ritmo de conto de fadas conta a história do malvado Silas Barnaby, que ameaça despejar a viúva Peep caso sua filha Little Bo-Peep não aceite casar-se com ela. A moça é apaixonada por Tom-Tom Piper e oede ajuda a Stannie Dum e Ollie Dee para derrotar o vilão. A dupla tenta pegar dinheiro emprestado para pagar a hipoteca da viúva Peep, mas acabam optando por um plano mais ousado, fazendo Barnaby casar-se com Stannie! O enfurecido vilão então ameaça destruir a Terra dos Brinquedos.
Golmaal - Fun Unlimited
Four runaway crooks take shelter in a bungalow which is owned by a blind couple.
Dois Palermas em Oxford
The boys get jobs as a butler and maid (Stan in drag) for a dinner party. When that ends in disaster, they resort to sweeping streets and accidentally capture a bank robber. The thankful bank president sends them to Oxford to get an education. Predictable results ensue.
Fuga da Reuma Park
Como Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo estarão em 2041? Apesar das enfermidades da velhice, eles não perdem o senso de humor. Os três, presos em um parque de diversões que virou um asilo estilo “casa dos horrores”, atuam em seus esquetes mais famosos como Pdor, filho de Kmer, Conde Drácula e Tafazzi, e por fim, planejam sua fuga para o Brasil.
Pintou Sujeira
Cheech e Chong são contratados para dirigir uma limusine de Chicago para Las Vegas por dois árabes sombrios - Sr. Slyman (Cheech) e Príncipe Habib (Chong). Sem o conhecimento deles, cinco milhões de dólares em dinheiro sujo foram escondidos por todo o carro.
De Pernas pro Ar 2
A workholic Alice é dona de uma rede de sex shops de sucesso que, ao tentar conciliar a dura rotina de trabalho e a vida familiar, sofre um colapso nervoso e se vê obrigada pelo marido a se internar em um SPA. Justamente nessa hora, surge a oportunidade única de expandir seus negócios nos Estados Unidos. Usando divertidos artifícios, Alice sai do SPA e parte para Nova York com a família. Mas, ela vai descobrir que o novo negócio pode colocar em risco sua felicidade e seu casamento com João.
Os Três Patetas
Uma biografia d'Os Três Patetas, na qual suas carreiras e ascensão à fama são mostradas pelos olhos de seu líder, Moe Howard.
Ou Vai, ou Racha!
O último filme com Jerry Lewis e Dean Martin juntos, é uma sátira da vida em Hollywood. Steve Wiley é um enganador que engana Malcolm Smith quando ele ganha um carro, alegando que ele ganhou também. Tentando roubar o carro, Steve diz a Malcolm que ele mora em Hollywood, ao lado de Anita Ekberg. Quando Malcom ouve isso, ambos partem para Hollywood e a aventura começa ...
The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case
The boys think their days of fishing to feed themselves have come to an end, when Stan's rich uncle Ebenezer dies leaving a large estate. But they soon learn that Ebenezer was murdered and all the relatives, including Stan, are suspects.
The Mighty Boosh: Journey of the Childmen
Shot during the mammoth Future Sailors tour, this intimate film observes the comic genius of the Mighty Boosh as they navigate a nation hooked on its cult.
A Tribute to the Boys: Laurel and Hardy
Modern comedians share their thoughts about Laurel and Hardy. Also includes archival footage of contemporary comedians. Hosted by Dom DeLuise.
The Boys in Blue
Sgt. Cannon (Tommy Cannon) and PC Ball (Bobby Ball) run the police station in the quiet town of Little Botham. When the station is threatened with closure due to a lack of crime, they decide to invent some crimes to justify their existence. When they try to steal a painting from a local rich businessman (Roy Kinnear), they accidently stumble across a gang of real art thieves who have just stolen £1 million worth of paintings. It is up to the two bungling cops to stop them escaping with their haul.
Uncivil Warriors
Set in the civil war, the stooges are spies for the north. They impersonate southern officers and infiltrate the enemy ranks to get valuable information. On the run when they are discovered, they hide in a cannon and are blown back to their northern headquarters.
Trevor Moore: The Story of Our Times
Trevor Moore's special finds him struggling through an insufferable brunch with his girlfriend and her friends as they discuss pop culture and hot-button issues. Naturally, he can't stop himself from expressing his own views on the topics through a series of songs and music videos, including "My Computer Became Self Aware" and "Bullies."
The Fast Show: The Farewell Tour
The Fast Show: The Farewell Tour (2003)
Local Kung Fu
Local Kung Fu's plot revolves around Charlie, "an ordinary boy from Guwahati with a delicate stomach", his girlfriend and a number of madcap characters such as a wannabe local don and a thief who is rumoured to roam naked.
Back in Business
After decades of domination by America and Russia there is a new competitor in the space race... Great Britain. The British Space Agency has designed an impressive new space buggy that all the big countries want to get their hands on, which provides the perfect opportunity for con men Tom Marks and Lord Spencer to go 'Back in Business'. They decide to sell the buggy to the highest bidding country, but things don't go quite to plan.