Himself (voice)
The first religious film about Laurel and Hardy.
Conta a história real de uma das maiores duplas de comediantes de todos os tempos, Laurel e Hardy. Os dois embarcaram em uma longa jornada em sua turnê pela Grã-Bretanha, em 1953, buscando colocar suas carreiras novamente nos holofotes, mesmo com o mundo ainda abalado pelos efeitos da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Self (archive footage)
The lives of Stan Laurel (1890-1965) and Oliver Hardy (1892-1957), on the screen and behind the curtain. The joy and the sadness, the success and the failure. The story of one of the best comic duos of all time: a lesson on how to make people laugh.
Self (archive footage)
Documentary about Laurel & Hardy
Himself (archive footage)
Among the pieces featured in Fragments are the final reel of John Ford's The Village Blacksmith (1922) and a glimpse at Emil Jannings in The Way of All Flesh (1927), the only Oscar®-winning performance in a lost film. Fragments also features clips from such lost films as Cleopatra (1917), starring Theda Bara; The Miracle Man (1919), with Lon Chaney; He Comes Up Smiling (1918), starring Douglas Fairbanks; an early lost sound film, Gold Diggers of Broadway (1929), filmed in early Technicolor, and the only color footage of silent star Clara Bow, Red Hair (1928). The program is rounded out with interviews of film preservationists involved in identifying and restoring these films. Also featured is a new interview with Diana Serra Cary, best known as "Baby Peggy", one of the major American child stars of the silent era, who discusses one of the featured fragments, Darling of New York (1923).
Self (archive footage)
The reclusive Patricia Douglas comes out of hiding to discuss the 1937 MGM scandal, in which the powerful film studio tricked her and over 100 other underage girls into attending a stag party, where she was raped.
Experience Stan and Ollie in their funniest scenes: whether they build a house as construction workers or try to impress two young ladies as sailors. Watch as Stan fights a superior opponent in the boxing ring and as Ollie is taking an involuntary bath and see where a steadfast friendship between two men can get you...
Self (archive footage)
Um filme sobre o alto ator que foi mais famoso por interpretar o vilão por excelência do personagem vagabundo (Charlot) de Charlie Chaplin.
(archive footage)
Algumas das estrelas musicais da MGM revisam a história dos musicais dos estúdios. De 'The Hollywood Revue' de 1929 a ' A Lenda dos Beijos Perdidos' de 1954. Dos primeiros talkies musicais a Gene Kelly em 'Cantando na Chuva' de 1952.
Ollie / Fanny / Bert (archive footage)
Modern comedians share their thoughts about Laurel and Hardy. Also includes archival footage of contemporary comedians. Hosted by Dom DeLuise.
Biography of the legendary filmmaker directed by his son.
(archive footage)
Robert Preston hosts this documentary that shows what people of the 1930s were watching as they were battling the Depression as well as eventually getting ready for another World War.
Dance of the Cookoos is merged a cinematic cross section with the high points from almost 100 works of Laurel & Hardy, into an original framework action
(archive footage)
Glenn Ford narrates this hilarious look back at the greatest comedians in movie history.
(archive footage)
É a sequência de Era Uma Vez em Hollywood, de 1974. A produção mostra uma retrospectiva dos principais filmes produzidos pela MGM dentre os períodos de 1930 a 1950. Neste segundo documentário, arquivistas destacaram números musicais pouco conhecidos dos arquivos da MGM, e também tributos a alguns dos times de comédia mais famosos da MGM, como os Irmãos Marx, e Laurel e Hardy, duplas românticas como Spencer Tracy e Katharine Hepburn, e uma montagem de estrelas icônicas como Clark Gable, Mickey Rooney, John Barrymore, Wallace Beery, Joan Crawford, Jean Harlow, James Stewart, Lana Turner e Greta Garbo. Gene Kelly e Fred Astaire apresentam o filme e Kelly dirigiu as cenas introdutórias, como a volta dele à Paris, na qual foi rodada dois dos filmes mais famosos da MGM "Sinfonia de Paris" e "Gigi".
Self (archive footage)
Period music, film clips and newsreel footage combined into a visual exploration of the American entertainment industry during the Great Depression.
Himself (archive footage)
Narrated by Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise, this documentary about "Laurel and Hardy", one of the most popular and critically acclaimed comedy double acts of the early Classical Hollywood era of American cinema. It features interviews with Jerry Lewis, Dick Van Dyke, Babe London, Marcel Marceau, Lucille Hardy (Ollie's wife), Bob Monkhouse, Hal Roach, Marvin T Hatley, Jack McCabe and many more.
(archive footage)
Robert Youngson once again compiles scenes from the golden age of comedy's silent film era. Laurel and Hardy are shown battling a gum machine, and Hardy is a debaucherous Romeo whose amorous plans are thwarted by Rex, the Wonder Horse. Charley Chase is hampered by hiccups and a female professor, and he fleeces a drunken Oliver Hardy with a mannequin in a nightclub. The third part finds bachelor Buster Keaton desperately trying to get married by 7:00 PM in order to collect a $7-million-dollar inheritance. Keaton is pursued by money-hungry prospects in one of the best chase scenes ever filmed. Narration is provided by Jay Jackson.
A compilation of clips from various Laurel and Hardy films
Film historian Robert Youngson presents a feature-length anthology of rarely seen silent films by comedy legends Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Along with clips from many of the shorts that made the duo stars, it includes clips from a 1918 comedy starring Laurel on his own as well as scenes from three shorts Hardy made in 1917 and '18 with his original comedy partner, Billy West. To put the duo's work in context, the film briefly features other comedians who worked with producer Hal Roach.
Self (archive footage)
A program featuring original comedy skits written as a tribute to Stan Laurel.
Ollie (archive footage)
A compilation of primarly Laurel and Hardy shorts---From Soup to Nuts, Wrong Again, Putting the Pants on Philip, The Finishing Touch, Sugar Daddies and short clips from others---plus Max Davidson's Call of the Cuckoo and Dumb Daddies, with some cross-over Charley Chase footage, which, along with Robert Youngson's previous "The Golden Age of Comedy", "When Comedy Was King", "Days of Thrills and Laughter", led to a renewed interest in and a revival of television showings of Laurel and Hardy shorts. The cast was billed in order of their appearance: Oliver Hardy, Stan Laurel, Vivien Oakland (with a Vivian typo), Glen Tyron, Edna Murphy, Anita Garvin, Tiny Sanford, Jimmy Finlayson, Charlie Chase, Viola Richard, Max Davidson, Del Henderson, Josephine Crowell, Anders Randolf (as Anders Randolph), Edgar Kennedy, Dorothy Coburn, Lillian Elliott and "Spec" O'Donnell.
O audacioso profissional Professor Fate e o herói branco Great Leslie convencem os fabricantes de automóveis do início do século de que uma corrida de Nova York a Paris (pelo oeste por todo os EUA, estreito de Bering. Rússia, Alemanha e França) ajudará a promover as vendas de automóveis. O arquirrival de Leslie, o professor Fate, amarfanhado e vestido de preto, prometeu chegar antes de Leslie na linha de chegada em um carro da própria invenção. Vão percorrer vários quilômetros, encarar muitas desavenças e enfrentar um imenso iceberg na corrida mais divertida de todos os tempos.
Oliver in 'Hollywood Party' (archive footage)
Film clips highlight the funniest scenes and brightest comic stars in MGM's history.
A collection of behind the scenes and home movies from the golden age of Hollywood.
Three decades of fun packed into one convenient package with this compilation of classic black-and-white comedy clips featuring Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton and Laurel and Hardy.
archive footage
An appreciative, uncritical look at silent film comedies and thrillers from early in the century through the 1920s.
edited from 'Big Business' (archive footage)
A compilation featuring comedic stars of the silent era including Fatty Arbuckle, Charles Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Charley Chase, and Laurel and Hardy.
archive footage
A compilation featuring comedic stars of the silent era including Will Rogers, Laurel and Hardy, and the Keystone Cops.
Stan herda um iate e uma ilha do Pacífico Sul. Ollie e Stan navegam para lá com outros dois homens. Eles naufragaram em um novo atol e se estabeleceram ali. Uma ex-noiva se junta a eles. Eles declaram uma nação independente e surgem problemas. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
(archive footage)
Laurel is a Scottish reporter suspected of being a spy by police detective James Finlayson. Although trailed by the latter, Stan, who is reporting on the movie world, manages to be hired by Mack Sennett. He makes his debut in Nevada, in the middle of gold diggers. After managing to clear his name he becomes, with Oliver Hardy, a big comedy star.
Sucker (uncredited)
A horse trainer who has fallen on hard times looks to his horse, Broadway Bill, to finally win the big race.
Willie Paine
John Breen (John Wayne), um miliciano do Kentucky se apaixona pela exilada francesa Fleurette De Marchand (Vera Ralston). Ele descobre que planejam roubar as terras que os exilados de Fleurette planejam se instalar e resolve acabar com os bandidos. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Bumbling detective Stan Laurel disguises himself as a famous matador in order to hide from the vengeful Richard K. Muldoon, who spent time in prison on Stan's bogus testimony.
Two bumbling servants are hired by a dizzy society matron to cook and serve a meal to visiting royalty.
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Stan e Ollie se descobrem como improváveis guarda-costas para um inventor excêntrico e sua nova bomba estrategicamente importante.
Dois professores de dança trapalhões (Hardy e Laurel) ajudam um inventor desajeitado a vender sua nova invenção e facilitam o romance dele com uma bela jovem da alta sociedade. Eles fazem de tudo para salvar as finanças da sua escola de dança!
The two-man Laurel and Hardy Zoot Suit Band find themselves fronting a scam for "gasolene pills" in wartime oil-short America. They are however soon on the side of the angels helping recover $10,000 for an attractive young lady whose family have themselves been swindled.
Two bumblers, failures as businessmen and air raid wardens, stumble across a nest of Nazi saboteurs bent on blowing up the local magnesium plant.
Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are stopped by narrator Pete Smith for the purpose of showing the audience how much wood and wood by-products the average person carries.
Faltam caixões e sobram risadas, quando Laurel e Hardy acabam participando do espetáculo "Noites da Arábia", do mágico Dante! Stan e Ollie foram recrutados para transportar um defunto só meio morto para Dayton. Qunado o caixão é trocado, por acidente, com um dos caixões do espetáculo do mágico Dante, eles ficam atrapalhados. Para participar do espetáculo, os rapazes vestem roupa de fantasma e assassinos ferozes esperam nas coxias, para pegar o "defunto" deles. E, enquanto isso, um assasinato misterioso desenrola-se bem no meio da apresentação. Desta vez, até o próprio mágico vai ficar surpreso e assimbrado com os acontecimentos!
No primeiro filme de Laurel e Hardy para a Twentieth Century Fox, eles interpretam o mordomo e o chofer de um rico e mimado rapaz Dan Forrester (Dick Nelson), que é recrutado pelo exército. Convencidos de que o jovem Dan não pode viver sem eles, Laurel e Hardyse alistam, apesar de sua falta de habilidade. Quando o rapaz se apaixona pela proprietária da loja de fotos, Ginger Hammond (Sheila Ryan), Laurel e Hardy têm certeza de que ela quer dar o golpe do baú e dão tudo de si para sabotar o romance.
Stan and Ollie work in a horn factory. Ollie starts having violent fits every time he hears a horn. His doctor prescribes a restful sea voyage. Mayhem ensues.
The boys get jobs as a butler and maid (Stan in drag) for a dinner party. When that ends in disaster, they resort to sweeping streets and accidentally capture a bank robber. The thankful bank president sends them to Oxford to get an education. Predictable results ensue.
Oliver e Stanley passam uma temporada em Paris. Quando estão prestes a retornar à América, Oliver se vê apaixonado por uma francesa e decide ficar por lá, mas logo fica arrasado quando descobre que sua amada irá casar com outro. Para esquecê-la, junta-se à Legião Estrangeira, ao lado de seu inseparável amigo Stanley. Devido às suas trapalhadas, eles são acusados de deserção e condenados a um pelotão de fuzilamento. Mas a dupla consegue escapar em um avião roubado.
Dr. Henry Tibbett
A modest country doctor in the antebellum South has to contend with his daughter's upcoming marriage and an affectionate medicine show elephant.
Estamos em 1938, mas Stan não sabe que a guerra acabou. Ele ainda está patrulhando as trincheiras na França, e derruba um aviador francês. Oliver vê a foto de seu velho amigo no jornal e vai visitar Stan, que agora foi devolvido aos Estados Unidos e o convida de volta para sua casa.
A group of stable hands is given a race horse when its owner retires from the business. They raise money to run the horse in the Hollywood Derby at Santa Anita race track. Many Hollywood personalities attend the event.
Stan and Ollie are mousetrap salesmen hoping for better business in Switzerland, with Stan's theory that because there is more cheese in Switzerland, there should be more mice.
Oliver Hardy
A Cinderella story of a young country girl who comes to Hollywood and achieves movie stardom with the help of a publicity man.
Stan e Ollie receberam a missão de ir à Oeste do país, em Brushwood Gulch, para entregar a Mary Roberts, a filha de um próspero e falecido garimpeiro, um documento que determina que ela agora é dona da mina de ouro de seu pai. Só que os problemas começam assim que eles chegam à cidade: a esposa do xerife está descontente com eles por terem pego uma carona com ela para chegar à Brushwood Gulch e o guardião legal de Mary, Mickey Finn, quer que sua esposa se passe pela moça, a fim de enganar os mensageiros e se apropriar da mina.
The rarest of Laurel and Hardy films this side of The Rogue Song (1930), That's That is a gag reel made up of alternate takes and bloopers said to have been compiled by film editor Bert Jordan as a present for Stan Laurel's birthday in 1937.
Ollie / Bert Hardy
Two sailors get caught in a mountain of mix-ups when they meet their long-lost twins. Laurel and Hardy play themselves and their twins.
Chester Beatty and Tessie Weeks have been engaged for 5 years and going together for 15 years before that. Chester is reluctant to burden Tessie with marriage because of his secret problem. He is a sleepwalker. When Tessie finally does rope Chester into marriage, he can't get time off from his boss of 26 years, Mr. Frisbee. To resolve the problem, Chester sets out to impress his boss by securing a big sales contract of glass eyes. He takes Tessie and follows the rich doll company owner Horace B. Stanton to a lakeside resort and befriends him. However, his sleep-walking makes him a prime suspect in a thievery/murder case.
Cameo appearance (hitchhiker)
Charlie tells his co-workers about his event-filled vacation to California, including his run in with two vagabond hitchhikers.
O conde Arnheim odeia ciganos e um bando deles está acampado do lado de fora de seu palácio. A esposa de Oliver não faz segredos de sua afeição pelo simpático Devilshoof. Quando este é castigado por ter invadido a propriedade do Conde, a Sra. Oliver seqüestra por vingança a filha do conde e foge em seguida com Devilshoof, deixando a criança com os ciganos. Sem saber de sua verdadeira identidade, Oliver cria a menina com a ajuda de Stanley.
Promo for MGM's upcoming 1935-36 releases hosted by Laurel & Hardy and Jimmy Finlayson. Brief clips are shown from Rose Marie, Anna Karenina, Broadway Melody, China Seas, The Great Ziegfield and others. Don't miss a few seconds from the 1935 version (now lost) of Tarzan Escapes showing Jane with a great ape; there were no great apes in the 1936 release.
Oliver 'Ollie' Hardy
Stan and Ollie stow away to Scotland expecting to inherit the MacLaurel estate. When things don't quite turn out that way, they unwittingly enlist in the Scottish army and are posted to India.
Oliver's in trouble with his wife after missing a payment on their furniture, having given the money to Stanley, who used it instead to pay Mrs. Hardy for his room and board. At Stan's suggestion Ollie then withdraws the couple's savings from the bank to pay for the furniture and inadvertently pays virtually the whole amount at an auction for a grandfather clock which is soon crushed under a passing truck. Mrs Hardy then unintentionally causes serious injuries to Ollie requiring him to be rushed to hospital for a blood transfusion. The doctor conscripts Stan to be the unwilling blood donor. Problems occur with the transfusion and when Stan and Ollie leave the hospital they appear to have morphed into each other.
Mr. Hardy
Their Night Out - Screen Test Starring Oliver Hardy, Patsy Kelly, and George 'Spanky' McFarland
Stan and Ollie are greeting card salesmen who agree to help a woman put a spark in her loveless marriage by making her husband jealous.
Stan and Ollie have set up their own electrical appliance store but, unfortunately for them, the grocery right next door is run by the man and wife whom they encountered in "Them Thar Hills" (1935). Stan and Ollie go and visit to offer the hand of friendship, but the grocer again becomes convinced that Ollie and his wife are fooling around.
Ollie Dee
Trata-se da primeira adaptação para as telas da aopereta composta por Victor Herbert e Glen MacDonough em 1903. Esta comédia musical em ritmo de conto de fadas conta a história do malvado Silas Barnaby, que ameaça despejar a viúva Peep caso sua filha Little Bo-Peep não aceite casar-se com ela. A moça é apaixonada por Tom-Tom Piper e oede ajuda a Stannie Dum e Ollie Dee para derrotar o vilão. A dupla tenta pegar dinheiro emprestado para pagar a hipoteca da viúva Peep, mas acabam optando por um plano mais ousado, fazendo Barnaby casar-se com Stannie! O enfurecido vilão então ameaça destruir a Terra dos Brinquedos.
Um capitão do mar rude, que absolutamente detesta a palavra "fantasma", está tendo problemas para tripular seu navio por causa do boato de que é... bem... assombrado. Ele convence Stanley e Oliver a ajudá-lo a enviar uma tripulação dos marinheiros em um bar nas docas. A dupla cômica consegue isso usando um dos dispositivos mais engraçados já colocados em um filme e, claro, tudo dá errado. Uma vez a bordo, o capitão avisa que quem disser a palavra "fantasma" terá a cabeça virada de norte a sul.
Stan and Ollie travel to the mountains for Ollie's health, and park their caravan near a well into which a gang of moonshiners have earlier dumped their moonshine; and the boys proceed to quench their thirst thinking that it is iron-rich mountain water. The real trouble doesn't begin, though, until a married motoring couple stop by to borrow some gasoline, and the already-cranky husband leaves his thirsty wife with the boys while he goes off to refill his car's empty gas-tank. A sequel was made to this film: TIT FOR TAT, q.v.
Mr. Hardy
In a packed courtroom, Butch Long vows revenge on 'squealers' Laurel and Hardy whose evidence has helped to send him to prison. Frightened, the boys plan to leave town and advertise for someone to share expenses with them. The woman who answers the ad is actually Butch's girlfriend. Meanwhile Butch escapes and hides in a trunk in his girlfriend's apartment where he gets locked inside. Not realizing who it is, Stan and Ollie finally manage to get the trunk open and then Butch exacts his revenge.
Jimmy Durante is jungle movie star Schnarzan the Conqueror, but the public is tiring of his fake lions. When Baron Munchausen comes to town with real man-eating lions, Durante throws him a big Hollywood star-studded party so that he might use the lions in his next movie. But, his film rival sneaks into the party to buy the lions before Durante.
Barbershop owners Stan and Ollie answer an ad in the newspaper from a wealthy widow looking for a husband. Ollie only mails in his response and is invited to the widow's mansion. Stan discovers his unmailed letter and insists on tagging along. At the mansion, the widow's creepy butler informs them that the woman is crazy. She was once jilted by an Oliver and now her hobby is marrying Olivers and then slitting their throats. Now the boys must figure out how to escape.
Dois homens enganam suas esposas para participarem de uma convenção. Um deles finge estar doente e consegue uma prescrição médica de um veterinário para poder viajar num “cruzeiro medicinal” ao Havaí.
Oliver 'Ollie' Hardy
Dois homens enganam suas esposas para participarem de uma convenção. Um deles finge estar doente e consegue uma prescrição médica de um veterinário para poder viajar num “cruzeiro medicinal” ao Havaí.
Varredores de chaminés Stanley e Oliver fazem seu trabalho, reduzindo a sala de estar do Professor Noodle a uma confusão no processo, enquanto o médico louco trabalha em seu laboratório aperfeiçoando sua "fórmula de rejuvenescimento". Cacarejando de alegria, o professor demonstra seu sucesso para os meninos, jogando um patinho na cuba e terminando com um ovo. Há um tipo um pouco diferente de regressão, no entanto, quando Stanley acidentalmente derruba Oliver na fórmula.
Spanky's parents take their reluctant boy to get his portrait taken by a prissy photographer.
In this short film, Laurel and Hardy wage battle with inanimate objects, their co-workers, and the laws of physics during a routine work day at a sawmill.
Officer Oliver Hardy
Novice policemen Stan and Ollie bungle a burglary investigation.
Two wannabe bandits join the service of a dashing nobleman, who secretly masquerades as Fra Diavolo, a notorious outlaw.
É a manhã do casamento de Oliver com a filha do barão do petróleo Peter Cucumber. Enquanto esperam o táxi para levá-los à cerimônia, Oliver e seu padrinho, Stanley, ficam absorvidos em um quebra-cabeça, o presente de casamento de Stanley. Por fim, o motorista de táxi, o mordomo, um policial e um mensageiro se envolvem no quebra-cabeça, enquanto Cucumber se irrita enquanto espera o noivo há tanto tempo.
Ollie / Mrs. Laurel
A year prior to the first scene, Stan married Ollie's sister, and Ollie married Stan's sister in a double wedding. They all live together and Stan and Ollie work in the same office.
Although they are successful fishmongers, Stan convinces Ollie that they should become fishermen too, but making a boat seaworthy isn't an easy task.
Mrs Hardy is annoyed that her husband Oliver seems to spend more time with his friend Stanley than with her. After a furious argument, Mrs Hardy says that she is through if Ollie goes out with Stan again. Stan suggests that Ollie adopts a baby, which he does. Unfortunately, his wife has left their apartment on returning, and a process server delivers a paper informing Ollie that she is suing him for divorce, naming Stan as correspondent. The boys are now left to look after the infant on their own.
Em 1917, Stan e Ollie são convocados para lutar na Primeira Guerra Mundial. No exército, eles fazem amizade com Eddie Smith, um soldado que, antes de partir para o front, recebe uma carta da sua esposa o abandonando, mas deixando com ele a filha do casal. Eddie, porém, não volta da guerra. Stan e Ollie, ao retornarem, tentam resgatar a menina de um orfanato e levá-la até os pais de Eddie, porém a única informação que possuem é o sobrenome Smith, que é bem comum. E para piorar, os pais de Eddie não sabem da existência da menina.
Ordered out of town by angry Judge Beaumont, vagrants Stanley and Oliver meet a congenial drunk who invites them to stay at his luxurious mansion. The drunk can't find his key, but the boys find a way in, sending the surprised woman inside into a faint.
Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy visit Scotland in the Summer of 1932
Actors Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy visit Tynemouth in North East England.
Visitando Oliver no hospital onde ele está se recuperando de uma perna quebrada, Stanley causa estragos tanto em seu amigo (fazendo Oliver ser pendurado no teto por sua perna engessada) quanto no médico, que acaba pendurado para fora da janela. Depois que eles são mandados embora, Stanley tenta levar Oliver para casa, sem saber que ele acidentalmente injetou em si mesmo um poderoso sedativo.
Stan and Ollie play bumbling circus performers who inadvertently drive the circus into bankruptcy. The circus can't pay them their wages so they are given a gorilla and a flea circus as payment. Bedlam ensues.
Um clássico: O Gordo e o Magro tentam desastradamente, levar um pesado piano até uma casa localizada numa ladeira. Único filme da dupla a receber um Oscar. Inclui também 'Um Amigo Trapalhão'.
Stan and Ollie check into a seedy hotel and help a young girl escape the clutches of the landlord. They are forced to flee the hotel with no money and Ollie arranges for Stan to fight at a local boxing hall for $50. Stan's opponent turns out to be Musgy who uses a loaded glove. During the fight the glove is swapped and Stan triumphs only to find that Ollie has bet their fee that he would lose.
Ollie's house is a mess after a wild party from the previous night. Ollie receives a telegram from his wife (who is on vacation in Chicago), which tells him that she is returning home in the afternoon. Fearing his wife's wrath he calls Stan over to help him clean up. Things go downhill and they make more mess not less.
New Suitor (uncredited)
Two young women, Zasu and Thelma, complain that all of their dates take them to Coney Island. The next day a car goes by and they are splashed with mud. The driver stops and offers to buy them some new clothes. They accept the offer and later agree to go on a date.
Abandonado por sua namorada, "Jeanie-Weenie", Oliver se junta à Legião Estrangeira para esquecer, trazendo Stanley junto com ele. Eles murcham sob o sol escaldante do deserto e sob a dura disciplina do Comandante. Em uma longa marcha para reforçar o remoto Forte Árido, os meninos se perdem nas areias, finalmente alcançando o Forte apenas para encontrá-lo sitiado pelos temíveis Riffs.
Down and out Stan and Ollie beg for food from a friendly old lady who provides them with sandwiches. While eating, they overhear the lady's landlord tell her he's going to throw her out because she can't pay her mortgage. They don't realize that the old lady is really rehearsing for a play. Stan and Ollie decide to help the old lady by selling their car. During the auction a drunk puts a wallet in Stan's pocket. Ollie accuses Stan of robbing the old lady, but when the truth is revealed Stan takes revenge on Ollie.
The Hardys wish to have a quiet evening in their apartment, but are interrupted when the Laurels pay a visit. Stan and Ollie go out for ice cream, and manage to prevent a shrewish woman from committing suicide on the way back home. The woman is ungrateful and makes threats against the them unless they look after her. They spend a chaotic evening trying to keep her hidden from their wives.
It's Prohibition, and the boys wind up behind bars after Stan sells some of their home-brew beer to a policeman.
Long lost German language version of the Laurel & Hardy film "The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case" When Stan's rich uncle Ebenezer dies and leaves behind a large estate, they think their days of living off the fish they catch are numbered. But they soon learn that Ebenezer has been murdered. All relatives, including Stan, are under suspicion.
Oliver is making plans to marry his sweetheart Dulcy with Stan as his best man, but the plans are thwarted when Dulcy's father sees a picture of Ollie and forbids the marriage. The couple plan to elope, and run away to a Justice of the Peace. After typical Laurel and Hardy blundering, they manage to sneak the girl away from her father's house.
Ollie is running for mayor and an old flame threatens to blackmail him.
Señor Hardy
This Spanish language film was produced simultaneously with the filming of the two English language Laurel and Hardy shorts Be Big! and Laughing Gravy. The two shorts were edited together into one continuous film. Laurel and Hardy read their lines from cue cards on which Spanish was written phonetically. At the time of early talkies, dubbing was not yet perfected.
Police Driver
Famous actress Norma Shearer's jewels are stolen… (Star-packed promotional short film intended to raise funds for the National Variety Artists Tuberculosis Sanatorium.)
Stan and Ollie try to hide their pet dog Laughing Gravy from their exasperated, mean tempered landlord, who has a "No Pets" policy.
Mr. Oliver Hardy
Ollie is running for mayor when an old flame tries to blackmail him with a old photo.
M. Hardy
Having been kicked out by their wives on a wintry night they attempt to smuggle their little dog into an apartment house where dogs are not allowed.
Stan and Ollie are on their way to Atlantic City with their wives, when Ollie gets a phone call from a lodge buddy telling him that a stag party is taking place that night in their honor. Ollie pretends to be sick and sends the wives on ahead, promising that he and Stan will meet them in the morning. The pair dress in their lodge gear, but their wives return having missed their train. With no obvious escape route, Stan and Ollie take to a bed in fear and in response to Stan's plea of "What'll I do?", Ollie replies "Be big!".
Two homeless vagabonds hide out in a vacant mansion and pose as the residents when prospective lessees arrive and try to rent it.
Spanish version of The Laurel and Hardy Murder Case and Berth Marks.
The boys think their days of fishing to feed themselves have come to an end, when Stan's rich uncle Ebenezer dies leaving a large estate. But they soon learn that Ebenezer was murdered and all the relatives, including Stan, are suspects.
Ollie can't find his hat, much to the amusement of his wife and maid. Then Ollie and Stan attempt to install a rooftop radio antenna.
Street musicians Stan and Ollie have no success earning money in the dead of winter in a bad neighborhood. Their instruments are destroyed in an argument with a woman, but their luck seems to turn when Stan finds a wallet.
Street musicians Stan and Ollie have no success earning money in the dead of winter in a bad neighborhood. Their instruments are destroyed in an argument with a woman, but their luck seems to turn when Stan finds a wallet.
Stan lies to his wife about going to a nightclub with Ollie but Mrs. Laurel overhears the plot and outsmarts them both.
Ollie Sr. / Oliver Jr.
Stanley and Oliver are trying to spend a relaxing night at home playing checkers, but the antics of their mischievous sons keep interrupting their recreation.
Stan fakes receiving a telegram so he can go to a club with Ollie and a bottle of his unsuspecting wife's liquor, but she overhears his plans.
In czarist Russia, a princess falls for a dashing bandit leader, but their romance proves a stormy one.
Police officer Edgar Kennedy is warned by his police chief to make arrests to stop a burglary epidemic on his patch or face the sack.
Policeman Edgar Kennedy is told by his chief he better stop a string of burglaries that have been happening on his watch or else he will get the sack. He persuades vagrants Stan and Ollie to rob the chief's house so he can regain his reputation by catching them. The policeman promises to later get the boys off. Things do not go as planned.
Stanley and Oliver are adopted by a runaway goat, whose noise and aroma in turn get the goat of their suspicious landlord.
An all-star revue featuring MGM contract players.
Stan and Ollie arrive as new inmates at a prison after apparently taking part in a hold-up raid, a raid they tell a prison officer they were only watching. The usual mayhem ensues.
Laurel and Hardy are debt collectors trying to repossess a console radio.
Stan and Ollie try to sleep in a room-for-rent. Ollie, suffering from a cold, coughs frequently, while Stan snores. Both of them have trouble falling asleep because of this. They try to solve their problems, but this results in total chaos.
Two families embark on a pleasant Sunday picnic but manage to run into a variety of issues with their temperamental automobile. Each incident requires repeated exits and reboardings by Laurel, Hardy, their wives and grouchy, gout-ridden Uncle Edgar.
Sailors Stan and Ollie offer to buy sodas for two women they meet in a park, even though they are short on cash. Luckily Stan wins the jackpot on a slot machine and the boys have enough money to rent a boat to cruise on a lake. They soon tangle with other boaters and everyone ends up in the water.
The story involves Stan and Ollie as two musicians attempting to travel by train to Pottsville. It was only their second sound film, but a silent version was also made for cinemas at the time that were not equipped to show talkies.
Stan and Ollie wreak havoc at an upper class hotel in their jobs as footman (Hardy) and doorman (Laurel). They partially undress blonde bombshell Jean Harlow (in a brief appearance) and repeatedly escort a stuffy nobleman into an empty elevator shaft.
Oliver Hardy
Laurel and Hardy try to entertain a female neighbor, unbeknown to Hardy’s wife.
Stan and Ollie play door-to-door Christmas tree salesmen in California. They end up getting into an escalating feud with grumpy would-be customer James Finlayson, with his home and their car being destroyed in the melee.
Oliver stands to inherit a large fortune from his rich Uncle Bernal, with the condition that he be happily married. But when Mrs. Hardy walks out just before Uncle Bernal is due for a visit, Stanley is pressed into duty (and into drag) to impersonate Oliver's loving spouse.
Stable hands Stan and Ollie are tending a thoroughbred named "Blue Boy." But when they overhear two men talking about a $5000 reward for the return of the stolen "Blue Boy," they miss the part about it being the painting, not the horse. They take the horse to the owner's house to claim the reward. The owner instructs them to put "Blue Boy" on the piano and Ollie explains, "these millionaires are peculiar."
While changing clothes in a getaway car, escaped convicts Stan and Ollie mistakenly put on each other's pants. They spend the rest of the film trying to exchange pants in various unlikely settings.
Stan & Ollie attempt to fool their wives by sneaking out to a poker game, but instead get involved with two flirty ladies, one of whom is the girlfriend of a jealous boxer.
Loony scientist hires Laurel and Hardy to raid the cemetery to keep him supplied with dead bodies for his experiments.
Two sailors shore leave rent a car and go on a drive with their dates, but soon get involved in a huge traffic jam with dozens of ill-tempered motorists. A minor collision sets off an escalating series of retaliations.
Oliver inherits a fortune and hires Stan as his butler and proceeds to torment him. Stan finally rebels and goes on a rampage, destroying Oliver's fancy furnishings.
Mrs. Hardy throws Ollie and Stan out of the house. They try to impress two young ladies at a golf course and end up fighting with other golfers.
The boys sneak out for a night on the town, unaware that Stan's wife has switched her grocery coupons for Stan's secret stash of mad money. The boys run up a huge tab treating a couple of girls to dinner at a snazzy nightclub and much trouble ensues.
Ollie, French horn player
Membros de uma banda municipal, Stanley e Oliver parecem estar sempre seguindo o exemplo de outra pessoa, ao invés do temperamental maestro. Logo eles ficam sem emprego, assim como seus alojamentos quando a senhoria descobre que eles foram demitidos. Os meninos tentam a sorte de serem músicos de rua, mas as brigas entre eles logo se espalham para os transeuntes em geral, até que a rua se enche de homens tirando as calças uns dos outros.
Hired butler
Inexperienced waiters (Laurel & Hardy) are hired for a swank dinner party.
Stan and Ollie are hired to build a house in just one day. When they are done, a bird lands on the house and it collapses. Naturally, the owner wants his money back.
Mighty Giant
Cavemen Stan and Ollie vie for the affections of a stone-age beauty.
Stan complains of a toothache and he and Ollie visit the dentist. Ollie gets his teeth pulled by mistake. Under the influence of laughing gas, they leave and cause much commotion on the road annoying a traffic cop.
Fight manager takes out an insurance policy on his puny pugilist and then proceeds to try to arrange for an accident so that he can collect.
J. Piedmont Mumblethunder
Pompous J. Piedmont Mumblethunder greets his nephew from Scotland who arrives in kilts. He is immediately taken to a tailor for a pair of proper pants.
Sherlock Pinkham
An escaped convict is out to kill the judge who sentenced him. Two inept detectives are hired to guard the judge.
'Happy' Hopey
A pair of gold prospectors (Max Davidson, Oliver Hardy) try to make their way in the big city. *Only reconstructed fragments exists.
Stan and Ollie are salesmen attempting to sell a washing machine; they fail constantly after several near misses. One would-be sale has them carrying the machine up a large flight of steps, only to find out that a young lady wants them to post a letter for her. The boys later get into an argument knocking off each other's hats, which eventually involves scores of others. A police van eventually carts all those involved away except Stan and Ollie, who afterwards try to find their own headgear amongst the hundreds of others lying on the street.
Asylum Inmate
Mishaps befall a new home owner located next door to an insane asylum.
Big Goofy
Laurel and Hardy are convicts making an escape from prison.
This film was presumed lost for a long time, until the second reel of this movie showed up again in the '90's. So half of the movie can be seen. It's a fast paced slapstick comedy with also a good comical story about a man (Charley Chase) who is being prosecuted for shooting his wife (Edna Marion).
Purser Cryder
A con artist and a midget dressed as her infant son, are unmasked aboard a ship by a steward.
Brittle's butler
After a night of carousing, a rich oil tycoon awakes to find that he was married the night before. He calls in his lawyer to straighten things out.
Top Sergeant Banner
Dimwitted Cuthbert Hope is enlisted in the army, and gets himself and his sergeant in constant trouble.
First Mate
Stan is a sailor whose girl gets kidnapped by a rough sea captain. Stan dresses in drag and seduces the captain but the captain's wife catches him. Stan and his girl beat a hasty retreat as the captain's wife fires off a parting shot.
Ice Man
Joe Cobb is a wealthy child who longs for a baby brother. His nursemaid takes him to the other side where he meets some kids his age (the rest of Our Gang) where Joe offers three dollars for a baby. Farina finds a fellow African-American neighbor woman who lets him mind her infant which he then paints white and sells to Joe. The rest of the gang has set an assembly-line system that washes, dries, rocks, and feeds male and female babies.
Big Bill
Defying her father's wishes, a young woman runs off to a sale at store. She's pursued by a policeman, but wins him over with the help of a friendly millionaire. In the mean time, her father tries to retrieve a compromising letter.
Judge Chigger
Titus Tillsbury is a successful businessman who is visited by a blackmailing old flame. He enlists a friend to keep her away from his home and wife.
Gordon Bagley
Millionaire film producer Gordon Bagley wants to marry Ethel St. John, the leading lady in his latest film. Ethel is in love with Arthur Young, the hero of Bagley's lastest movie. Work on the film starts, and at the preview screening is shown to be disasterous. Ethel then goes away with Arthur, while Gordon runs on a rotating movie set.
Sharkey Nye
A wild stallion (Rex the Wonder Horse) becomes the protector of a prospector and his foster daughter as two thugs plot to steal their claim.
The Butler
Mr. Buggs is an insect collector. A beautiful and mysterious Asian woman (the lovely Anna May Wong) brings him a rare specimen, but she is actually a wanted thief who has stolen a valuable brooch.
Neglected by her husband, our heroine decides to make him jealous by getting the handyman to play a literary genius at a party and flirt with her.
Fleeing a group of forest rangers, who are rounding up tramps to serve as firefighters, they take refuge in a mansion. The owner has gone on vacation and the servants are away, so Hardy pretends to be the owner and offers to rent the house to an English couple. Hardy gets Laurel to pose as the maid. Unfortunately, the owner returns and tells the would-be renters that he owns the house; Laurel and Hardy then flee again and are caught by the rangers and forced to fight wildfires.
A short comedy by Leo McCarey about a jewish father who is worried about his daughter.
The Cop (as Babe Hardy)
The story involves various misunderstandings and entanglements that occur between two married couples, the Browns (Glenn Tryon & Vivien Oakland) and the Dazzles (Tyler Brooke & Anita Garvin). The two couples have apartments across the hall from one another, and all four plan to attend a costume ball together. But after each husband expresses unhappiness with his wife's costume the women angrily refuse to go to the party. The two husbands decide to go "stag" and pick up dates, but when Mrs. Brown changes her mind about attending, and Mr. Dazzle and Mr. Brown switch costumes, mix-ups result.
Party Guest at Punch Bowl
Mabel plays an out-and-out crook, a "Girl Bandit," no less. And she quickly hooks up with a male partner in crime, in this case a Gentleman Crook played by perpetually grinning Creighton Hale. Mabel seems a little livelier in this film than in some of her other late works. In the very first scene we find her hitch-hiking, and she's forced to make a mad dash for cover when Hale's car nearly hits her. Soon they team up and crash a swanky party in a mansion to steal a jewel from the host's safe.
Hotel Detective
A young man visiting Hollywood on family business gets into trouble when he sees a bank robbery in progress, and thinks it is a movie scene.
Jazz band drummer
Dance hall Romeos and an irresponsible father create comic complications in the life of a nickel-per-whirl taxi dancer.
Oswald Schwartzkopple
Charley needs $10,000 right away. Mrs. Schwartzkopple has inherited $2 million from her late husband and wants to marry a younger man. Mr. Blaylock, her attorney, sees a way to solve both their problems, and keep control of her $2 million.
Cab Driver
A young man puts on the play "Romeo and Juliet" as a fundraiser, but has to keep a close eye on his dad, who's had several drinks too many, and a pesky cab driver who's determined to collect his fare.
Charley's Victim (uncredited)
Two rich capitalists want to marry their children, but they don't like the idea at all. She tries to run away, and meets him at the station. They fall in love, unbeknownst to their real identities, and decide each on their own that they have to wreck their parents plan.
Mr. Vincent Belcher - the First Husband
A divorced couple try to pretend they are still happily married in order to get $100,000 from the woman's divorce-disapproving aunt.
Officer (as Oliver Babe Hardy)
The kids from Our Gang have to attend a wedding, and they bring along their flea collection--which gets loose.
Sheriff Bill
The story is motivated by a long-standing feud, which comes to a head when each of the warring families tries to adopt an orphan girl who is about to receive a huge inheritance.
The Prime Minister's Assistant
This offbeat comedy from future Hollywood screwball director McCarey is about a princess who must find a husband in 24 hours or forfeit her throne. She quickly marries a condemned man--but the man is pardoned.
Hector - the Floorwalker
Casper is the baby-expert at a large department store and his life is less than peaceful as he provides much amusement for the babies at his own expense. On Sunday, he and his wife go on a picnic with the neighbors and hoe comes home on his day of rest with three traffic tickets and numerous stings from the hornets he failed to amuse.
Captain Schmaltz
A female secret agent has gotten ahold of a new type of explosive gas. She has to avoid the efforts of two men who are trying to steal it. They succeed in doing so, but the gas turns out to be not quite what they expected.
Camp Foreman (as Babe Hardy)
A cook for bridge constructors is told to collect food for dinner-Ritz style trout, Palmer house rabbit and a 15cm frosted cake. He sets off into the wide open spaces to collect the food, coming into contact with a mad hermit, who hates anybody seeing his daughter, before returning to cook dinner
The Taxi Driver
A Bankrupt Honeymoon is a 1926 American silent comedy film starring Harold Goodwin and featuring Oliver Hardy.
Babe Mulligan
A clerk is given $10,000 to deposit at the bank, but the bank is closed for the night so he tries to get to the bank president's house with the money.
They All Fall is a 1925 American slapstick comedy film featuring Bobby Ray & Oliver Hardy.
Her former sweetheart
Nanette sends a letter to her family telling of her new husband, Hillory. When Hillory arrives to meet the family, he gets insulted by each member, including the dog, and loses his wig. After having dinner with the family, Nanette's former lover returns, and Hillory must confront him
Remington - the Brother-in-Law (as 'Babe' Hardy)
Charley is plagued with failure and with his brother-in-law, who's allergic to labor. When he decides to take the family on a camping trip, his wife learns about a contest sponsored by a pen company, with the first prize being an ocean trip. To win the prize Charley has to sell those pens - surprisingly he wins, but the ship turns out to be a wreck on it's last trip to the scrapyard. To make things worse they accidentally leave their young daughter on the dock and the ship sails without her. What else can go wrong on this trip?
A bellhop (as Babe Hardy)
Two nutty bellhops raise havoc at a posh hotel.
A clumsy fiddler plays at an audition with a grouchy teathrical impresario, played by Oliver Hardy.
Wilbert Perkins
Billy West comedy produced by Cumberland and distributed by Arrow.
Theatre manager
FIDDLIN AROUND' (1925) (Starring Babe Hardy).
The Rival
A 1925 silent comedy.
A Rival Taxi Driver
Paperhanger (as Babe Hardy)
A paperhanger and his helper arrive at a sanitarium to do a job. The chubby paperhanger leaves most of the work to his thin assistant, who tries gamely but usually makes a mess. Various patients at the asylum interrupt and complicate the work, and, to the dismay of the lazy boss, a nurse is attracted to the helper. Amidst all the paste, ladders, brushes, and the images of circus and jungle animals on the wallpaper, is there any way this job gets done to the satisfaction of the sanitarium's director?
A farm girl learns she is a princess and is swept away by a tornado to the land of Oz.
Short comedy featuring Oliver Hardy and a lion
Dangerous Dan McGraw
Avery DuPoys is a wealthy businessman, organising a race. He meets one of the competitors of the race, who is in love with DuPoys's daughter. Another competitor crashes into the action, who is also in love with DuPoys's daughter. DuPoys suggests that whoever wins the race will have the opportunity to visit his daughter every Wednesday night. An action-packed race commences, with one competitor doing more than usual to win the race.
Killer Kid
Young and beautiful Iva Method is spying for the police at the Dropem Inn, a sleazy club that the police suspect is a front for a bootlegging operation run by gangster Slim Chance. Chance discovers Iva's identity and kidnaps her, and the police chief sends his bumbling son Larry to rescue her.
Jimmy Jump appears as a female impersonator in an amateur show who is forced to wear his costume home. He meets with varied experiences, and is such an attractive looking "woman" that the men all want to make dates with him.
Dynamite Duffy
A boxer offers $50 to anyone who can stay in the ring with him for an entire minute. Larry, through a series of mix-ups--including hitting the boxer in the face with a tomato--winds up in the ring with him but, with the aid of some strategically placed horseshoes, manages to knock the boxer out. When he comes to and finds out what happened, the outraged boxer sets out after Larry.
Oliver, the Other Suitor
The storm, which takes up most of the second reel, is a trial run for the storm sequence in The Wizard Of Oz which Semon would make in 1925. Fox released a comedy that was an exact copy of Lightning Love just before the Semon film was due to come out. Albert E. Smith noticed the similarities and on September 5, 1923 attempted to have the Fox film pulled from the exhibitors.
Store manager
Here we have 'The Gown Shop', very much in Semon's usual style but with fewer laughs than usual. Semon plays his default character, a grotesque hard-working incompetent. (I'm going to be using the word 'grotesque' a lot in this particular review.) This time round, he blunders into a boutique. After causing some damage he can't pay for, Larry is put to work as a general dogsbody. Mayhem ensues.
Farm Hand
Lay Zee works on a farm and has won the heart of the farmer's daughter. There is oil on the farmland, and some swindlers are determined to get their hands on the property, by force if necessary. Lay Zee, who knows that oil has been found on nearby farms, convinces the farmer not to sell, and the swindlers enlist the help of another farmhand, who is jealous of Lay Zee's relationship with the girl.
Oliver, an Impetuous Suitor
The Midnight Cabaret is a 1923 American film directed by Larry Semon and featuring Oliver Hardy.
Stationed at the Mexican border, a young lieutenant whose job is to capture a ring of narcotics smugglers, spies his sweetheart, the daughter of a U. S. Customs official, in a cantina suspected of being the headquarters of the dope ring.
The Girl's Father
Larry arrives at his girlfriend's house to ask her father for her hand in marriage. Her father, who is in the middle of winning a chess game for the first time in 20 years, immediately throws Larry out the window. Meanwhile, the girl is kidnapped by a Chinese servant, who is secretly the henchman of a gangster who has developed a sleeping potion he wants to try out on an unsuspecting woman. Larry finds out, and he sets out to rescue his girlfriend and try not to get thrown out of a window by her father again.
Gaston Gilligan
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, 'counter jumper' was the term used in both Britain and the U.S.A. to describe the lowest dogsbody clerk in a general store or emporium. Here, Semon is employed in that capacity in an Old West general store that caters for desperate characters. As usual for Semon, most of the gag set-ups are deeply contrived and implausible. We get here not one but two separate sequences in which randomly splattered stains just happen to resemble a human face.
'Bull' Mulligan
Robert Ware takes it upon himself to tame wild girl, Mag, to prove to his doubting friend Arnold, he can turn her into a graceful young lady. Later, when Arnold is in the war, he meets a pretty nurse who greatly impresses him. Back home he recalls the pleasant encounter to Robert, telling him of the gentle beauty he never forgot. Mag, now Margaret, overhears the story and reveals to Arnold, she was the nurse. The surprised Arnold now has to admit that Robert was right about gentling the little wild cat.
The neighbor
Comedy on the golf links.
General Alarm
A Pair of Kings is a 1922 American silent comedy film featuring Larry Semon & Oliver Hardy.
Stage manager / Audience Member (as Babe Hardy)
A harried propman backstage at a theater must put up with malfunctioning wind machines, roosters that spit nitroglycerine, and a gang planning to rob the theater's payroll.
The Foreman
A bumbling sawmill employee tries to win the hand of the owner's daughter while staying out of the clutches of the mill's bullying foreman.
Masked bandit who confronts Laurel
In their first screen appearance together, Stan plays a penniless dog lover and Oliver plays a crook who tries to rob him and his new paramour.
Hotel manager
A government official staying in a hotel puts some important secret papers in the hotel safe. A ring of spies out to get the papers manages to steal them from the safe, and a lady government agent enlists the help of the hotel's bumbling bellhop in getting back the papers and breaking up the spy ring.
Gentleman Joe, alias Black Bart (as Babe Hardy)
Larry falls afoul of wanted criminal Gentleman Joe, who runs a saloon full of tough guys and gunslingers.
Foreman (as Babe Hardy)
Well-meaning but accident-prone bakery employee Larry is involved in numerous slapstick mishaps on the job. After accidentally causing the bakery owner to fall into a vat of cake batter Larry finds his job in jeopardy, but he redeems himself by foiling a robbery planned by the bakery foreman.
The Big Boss (as Babe Hardy)
The Rent Collector is a 1921 American silent comedy film featuring Larry Semon & Oliver Hardy.
The Life Saver
Jimmy Aubrey comedy produced by Vitagraph.
Jimmy Aubrey lets the kids in the alley shoot arrows at him. After he grows tired of this, he treats them like satchels to get them out of his way. A policeman shows up and he is terrified; later, disguised as a policeman, he encounters Oliver Hardy, who is in brutal mode here.
Her Father (as Babe Hardy)
Boy meets girl. Father hates boy. Girl dresses up as her brother to get out of the house to elope but the near-sighted father mistakes her for the twin brother and all chaos follows.
Audience member (uncredited)
Babe, a millionaire
Jimmy Aubrey and Oliver Hardy comedy produced by Vitagraph.
Mr. Peeble Ford (as Babe Hardy)
Alice Howell is a simple milkmaid in love with color-blind artist Dick Smith. Oliver Hardy is a bootlegger who lures her to the wicked city to be a gypsy dancer on the street but then accuses her of having an illicit baby.
Al K. Hall
Vitagraph comedy with Jimmy Aubrey and Oliver Hardy.
A Janitor
Semon as a detective trying to deal with some roughnecks.
Solomon Soop(as Babe Hardy)
Two hotel bell hops get into all kinds of shenanigans between dames, baths and bags of loot.
Head Waiter (as Babe Hardy)
A tramp enters a cabaret and orders a drink, but then is thrown out when he cannot pay for it. After trying again, he is told by the manager that if he wants to avoid being charged and sent to jail, he will have to work.
A German customer
A devoted husband (as Babe Hardy)
A dishonest undertaker stirs up droll, laughable tragedy between two devoted husbands and their loyal wives in his attempt to build up an insurance sideline when the undertaker business fails.
A comedy inspired by Charles Chaplin's "Easy Street" (1917).
The Boss
Billy West as does fairly random series of gags as a bellboy in a rather poor hotel run by Oliver Hardy.
The Superintendent
Short King Bee Studios slapstick comedy featuring Billy West and Oliver Hardy
Cafe Owner
'The Rogue' casts West as the slavey in a boarding-house (not a very Chaplinesque role) overseen by a landlady who seems to be a cross between Alice Davenport and Marie Dressler, with a dash of Hattie Jacques. He crosses paths with a counterfeit count (White) and a stolen violin worth $20,000.
Imagine this, and you are in the world of Billy West, who looks like Chaplin, and acts something like Chaplin, but does not think like him, or come close to moving like him. In this film, West escapes a couple of cops, and fights for the Mabel Normand imitation with Oliver Hardy (who in this film is an Eric Campbell imitation). The dynamic between West in Hardy is more Popeye and Bluto (without the funny gags). The only original jokes involve our heroine's romantic assaults on Hardy's mustache.
Oliver, the saloonkeeper
After a luckless prospecting trip, Billy starts homeward across the desert, mounted on his little burro with his pick, shovel and pack strapped up behind him. Finally he comes in sight of Red Dog Gulch and, hungry and thirsty, he pushes on toward the city. Susie is the daughter of the town drunkard. She starts out on her horse for a little ride, and a little way from town is attacked by Pedro and Little Casino, two Mexicans, who try to steal her horse. Billy happens along, runs the Mexicans off and takes Susie back to town.
The Pest (aka The Freeloader) is a 1917 silent comedy film featuring Oliver Hardy and starring Billy West in one of his "Charlie Chaplin" rip-off roles.
Harold (as Babe Hardy)
Billy is a hobo who hangs around the train station. He creates disruption in the ticket office, at the lunch counter, and in the lives of some of the customers.
Rival Proprietor
A Fake Chaplin movie with Billy West as the tramp.
Babe (as Babe Hardy)
The film opens in the lobby of a small hotel, where the desk clerk/owner (Budd Ross) is addressing three members of staff: the cook, the waiter and the bellboy. It is obvious from their reactions, particularly the cook (Leo White) that whatever was said did not go down too well. His animated arms knock down the man standing behind him repeatedly until all three servants simultaneously quit. They storm off into the adjoining kitchen where a slavery maid (Blanche White) is on the floor scrubbing the floor. The men all trip over her, moan briefly and then leave.
In The Villain, Billy attempted something a little different. He's still imitating Chaplin, but this time he's playing the wicked, top-hatted Charlie found in some of his earliest Keystone appearances (e.g. Mabel at the Wheel), the ones where Charlie himself seemed to be imitating the studio's recently departed Ford Sterling. Throughout this short there is much spoofing of old-time melodramas, a frequent motif of Sterling's comedies.
Poor Artist
A bumbling janitor in a fleabag hotel drives the residents crazy, and a poor artist believes that his girlfriend is having an affair with a wealthy artist living across the hall, and takes unorthodox measures to find out what's going on.
The Hero is a 1917 silent comedy film featuring Billy West & Oliver Hardy.
Little Nell
Billy West tries to court/swindle Little Nell (big Oliver Hardy in drags). but her father is in the way.
The Guilty Ones is a 1916 Oliver Hardy film.
The Guilty Ones is a 1916 Oliver Hardy film.
Plump (as Babe Hardy)
A 1926 silent comedy.
Pvt. Plump
Ollie is a love-struck private who is drilled by his unsympathetic lieutenant at reveille. The colonel of the regiment wants his daughter to marry the lieutenant but she has her heart set on the chubby-faced Hardy, who himself is in love with another woman. He is thrown into a cell for disobeying orders, where he later escapes with the assistance of his sweetheart, and a casual touch of assault when he bumps the guard with his large stomach. The final chase scene ends with everyone getting what they want.
Maggie Murphy
A young man proposes a lottery with himself as the prize in marriage. However he finds himself very much in love with a woman other than the winner.
Plump (as Babe Hardy)
Plump and Runt are starving artists who are both in love with their pretty model. Runt chooses money over love and marries a widow he thinks is rich. It turns out the model is the real heiress, and Plump marries her.
Plump and Runt are on opposite sides of a mountain feud. Then government revenue agents arrive and both families join together to run off the common enemy.
Plump (as Babe Hardy)
Plump and Runt are street musicians who are rivals for Florence's affection.
When his uncle arrives for a visit, Plump has to find a wife and baby in a hurry. With the help of his friend, Runt, soon there are wives and babies everywhere.
The Grocer
A woman passes a construction site and gets dirt in her eye, which causes her to wink involuntarily. Soon she has a trail of suitors.
Burglar (as O.N. Hardy)
A 1925 silent comedy.
Bill, the Grocer's Boy
Lucy works for the Grouch family, and is used to being overworked and abused. But when Mr. Grouch punches her sweetheart, Bill, she has had enough. She grabs a knife and chases Mr. Grouch until he apologizes to Bill.
Paul Simmons
Jack goes from business to business, trying to sell ad space in his newspaper. At each stop he catches the boss in a compromising position with a secretary. He writes an editorial about the practice, hinting that he could expose prominent businessmen. Suddenly everyone wants to buy ads in his paper.
Bill Myers
Bill is a rich miner but wants a wife. He advertises in an Eastern paper and receives a response from Nellie and Eleanor, but doesn't know it was sent as a joke. When he travels East to meet them, they have the cook pose as the writer of the response.
At college, Jack is spending his dad's money and not studying. When dad comes for a visit, Jack gets one of his friends to dress as a woman and flirt with his father. Another friend pretends to be the jealous husband, forcing dad to buy his way out of trouble.
Two tramps look so much alike that they can outfox the police time after time. When one of them is locked in a shack, the police manage to catch the other one and expose the trick.
Ikie is always abused by the other schoolboys. Finally he and his father get even.
Cy (as Babe Hardy)
A serving girl receives a telegram that she has come into an inheritance. The family she works for suddenly starts to treat her well, and several young men come to court her. Then she receives another telegram telling her the inheritances is only $25. All her new 'friends' desert her, except her poor boyfriend.
Percival Pilkins (as Babe Hardy)
Percival is a spoiled mama's boy. When two toughs make time with his girlfriend he sends a telegram to his mother for help.
A cat gets caught under a hat and walks around, frightening everyone in town.
The funniest moments from Laurel and Hardy's most hilarious films
Stan Laurel e Oliver Hardy formaram a dupla cômica O gordo e o Magro, a mais popular das telas em todos os tempos, que ainda hoje faz rir as novas gerações. Porém, existe uma faceta pouso conhecida da dupla. Antes de Laurel e Hardy se unirem definitivamente, ambos tiveram bem-sucedidas carreiras como comediantes solo no cinema mudo. Houve até encontros casuais, antes do nascimento da parceria. Este primeiro volume da série traz seis destes raros curtas. A Lucky Dog (Um cão Sortudo), o filme que ínicia o programa, é tão raro que por muito tempo se acreditou tratar-ae de um curta de 1917. Na verdade, foi lançado em 1921, marcando o primeiro encontro de Laurel e Hardy num filme. O gordo atua sob a direção de Laurel em Yes, Yes Nanette (Sim, Sim Nanette) e Enough to Do (Diabinho de Saias). O magro estrela os curtas Oranges and Lemons (Laranjas e Limões) e West of Hot Dog (A Oeste de Hot Dog). Fechando o programa, Oliver "Babe" Hardy é o astro de Hop to it Bell Hop (Mensageiro de Hotel)