
The Witch Hunt (1981)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 1H 33M

Director : Anja Breien


Having gone through many personal struggles, Eli (Lil Terselius) returns to her native village and begins to work on the farm of Ingeborg Eriksdotter (Anita Bjork), eventually tending a plot that once belonged to her family. But Eli has been gone a long time, and the opaque villagers see her as an outsider—she is suspicious from the start. The year is 1625, and stories of witches conjuring up evil are a part of the daily culture. Eli unwittingly makes matters worse for herself when she is able to cure the sick with herbs, and when she begins an affair with Aslak (Bjoern Skagestad) a farmhand—clearly she must have cast a spell on him. This all adds up to a witch hunt with a ready-made "witch." Eli, in the end, is officially accused of witchcraft by a devious bailiff, while Ingeborg makes every attempt to save her, and Aslak himself does not survive the stress—hardly a good omen for the outcome of the trial.


Lil Terselius
Lil Terselius
Bjørn Skagestad
Bjørn Skagestad
Anita Björk
Anita Björk
Erik Mørk
Erik Mørk
Ella Hval
Ella Hval
Jan Hårstad
Jan Hårstad
Espen Skjønberg
Espen Skjønberg
Lars Andreas Larssen
Lars Andreas Larssen
Eilif Armand
Eilif Armand
Jens Okking
Jens Okking
Mona Jacobsen
Mona Jacobsen
Cay Kristiansen
Cay Kristiansen
Jorunn Kjellsby
Jorunn Kjellsby
Petter Singsaas
Petter Singsaas
Hæge Juve
Hæge Juve
Rolf Schei
Rolf Schei
Lothar Lindtner
Lothar Lindtner
Ivar Viken
Ivar Viken
Oddbjørn Hesjevoll
Oddbjørn Hesjevoll


Anja Breien
Anja Breien
Arne Nordheim
Arne Nordheim
Anja Breien
Anja Breien
Anne Siri Bryhni
Anne Siri Bryhni
Tina Johansson
Tina Johansson
Makeup Artist
Lars Hagström
Lars Hagström
Erling Thurmann-Andersen
Erling Thurmann-Andersen
Director of Photography
Gunnar Svensrud
Gunnar Svensrud


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Below Her Mouth
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Retrato de uma Jovem em Chamas
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Therese Belivet tem um emprego entediante em uma loja de departamentos. Um dia, ela conhece Carol, uma elegante e misteriosa cliente. Rapidamente, as duas mulheres desenvolvem um vínculo amoroso que terá consequências sérias.
Ava, 13 anos, está de férias no litoral quando descobre que vai perder a visão mais rápido do que o esperado. Sua mãe decide agir como se nada estivesse acontecendo para aproveitarem o melhor verão de suas vidas. Ava confronta o problema à sua maneira: ela voa em um cão preto e grande que pertence a um jovem homem em fuga…
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Um Belo Verão
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Alguém Avisa?
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Lírios d'água
Subúrbio de Paris, durante o verão. Marie (Paulien Acquart), Anne (Louisse Blachère) e Floriane (Adele Haenel) são amigas e têm 15 anos. Elas praticam nado sincronizado e, enquanto convivem pelos corredores e vestiários da academia, começam a ter os primeiros sentimentos de desejo, amor e violência.
High Art
Jovem estagiária de uma revista se envolve com uma fotógrafa lésbica e viciada em drogas. Elas exploram uma a outra na tentativa de avançar em suas carreiras. Contudo, as duas vão aos poucos se apaixonando.
Desejo Proibido
Em três épocas distintas, confira as histórias de mulheres que lidaram de alguma forma num relacionamento a duas. 1961: Quando Abby morre, Edith sua parceira, precisa silenciosamente encarar sua perda amorosa e a negação de sua posição como 'família' pelo hospital e pelos herdeiros de Abby. 1972: Linda, uma feminista, é expulsa do campus com seu grupo de amigas lésbicas. Para esquecer seus problemas, as amigas vão para o único bar de lésbicas da cidade, onde Linda encontra Amy por quem se apaixona e começa a aprender com seus próprios preconceitos. 2000: Fran e Kal querem ter um bebê e rumam para o banco de esperma. Mas, como fazer isso? Pedir pela Internet? Qual o doador? Qual raça? Qual sexo? E se o banco de esperma não tiver um doador especial que seja perfeito? E acima de tudo, é certo trazer ao mundo um bebê que com toda certeza sofrerá com o preconceito?
Minhas Mães e Meu Pai
Dois irmãos adolescentes, Joni (Mia Wasikowaska) e Laser (Josh Hutcherson), são filhos do casal Jules (Julianne Moore) e Nic (Annette Bening), concebidos através da inseminação artificial de um doador anônimo. Contudo, ao completar a maioridade, Joni encoraja o irmão a embarcar numa aventura para encontrar o pai biológico sem que as mães saibam. Quando Paul (Mark Ruffalo) aparece tudo muda, já que logo ela passa a fazer parte do cotidiano da família.
Go Fish
Max is a trendy, pretty, young lesbian, who is having trouble finding love. A friend sets her up with Ely, whom Max likes, but Ely is frumpy, homely, and older. Nor do they have much in common. Can Max learn to look past the packaging?
Não Vai Dar
Com o baile de formatura quase chegando, três jovens fazem o pacto de perderem a virgindade na noite da festa. Os pais das três garotas descobrem o plano delas e saem para tentar impedir que elas façam sexo, antes que seja tarde demais.
A ardente chefe criminosa Lucy Diamond (Jordana Brewster de Velozes e Furiosos) está novamente na ativa e as D.E.B.S. - uma equipe de elite de super espiãs colegiais paramilitares - estão à sua procura. Mas quando sua melhor agente, a estonteante Amy Bradshaw (Sara Foster de O Golpe), desaparece misteriosamente depois de ficar frente a frente com a atraente vilã, as D.E.B.S. começam uma procura incansável pelo esconderijo secreto de Lucy e nem suspeitam que Amy talvez não queira ser resgatada nesta paródia sobre espiãs sensuais e seus encontros amorosos com armas.
O Preço do Silêncio
Depois que seu pai viúvo morre, a adolescente surda Dot se muda com seus padrinhos, Olivia e Paul Deer. A filha dos Deers, Nina, é abertamente hostil a Dot, mas isso não a impede de contar seus segredos para sua meia-irmã silenciosa, incluindo o fato de que ela quer matar seu lascivo pai.
Laura, uma pré-adolescente, está infeliz com a mudança que é obrigada a fazer por causa do trabalho novo de seu pai. Ao procurar fazer novos amigos Laura irá se apresentar como Michael, e tentará carregar essa mentira para que todos a aceitem como um menino.
Fale com as Abelhas
Dr. Jean Markham retorna à cidade, ela deixou como um adolescente para assumir o seu falecido pai prática médica. Quando uma escola-quintal briga terras Charlie na sua cirurgia, ela o convida para visitar os ramos no seu jardim e conte seus segredos para as abelhas, como ela o fez uma vez. A nova amizade entre o menino e o bee keeper, traz sua mãe Lydia em Jean mundo.
Ela é a Poderosa
Rachel (Lindsay Lohan) é uma adolescente problemática, que vive trazendo problemas para sua mãe, Lilly (Felicity Huffman). Sem saber o que fazer com a filha, Lilly decide apelar para uma decisão extrema: ir para a fazenda de sua mãe, Georgia (Jane Fonda), algo que ela tinha prometido a si mesma jamais fazer. Georgia é uma mulher inflexível, que segue regras rígidas de moral, bons costumes e trabalho duro. Juntas, Georgia, Lilly e Rachel descobrem antigos segredos de família e reatam os laços que foram um dia quebrados.


Concerns an Irish woman, Cathy (Pauline Cadell), who dearly loves her Portuguese lawyer husband, Pedro (Rui Morisson); however, unbeknownst to her, he engages in one tryst after another. Cathy soon finds herself trying to help a young delinquent get off heroin, while the youth's desperate mother joins a weird religious cult. In other segments, an elderly man is nearly driven mad with grief at the loss of his granddaughter in a train station, while a down-and-out jeweler ushers the young girl to a hotel room.
Rickshaw Driver
Chiang is a humble, law-abiding man who drives his rickshaw, making a meager yet honest living. Then trouble comes forward in the form of money, women and crime. He reacts in the only way he knows how. Chiang is a kung fu expert who explodes when pushed too far! Nothing fancy about his technique. He bashes and smashes all who stand in front of him. See Chiang rip an army of gangsters to pieces in the roughest kung fu action ever!
Down Among the Big Boys
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Ambush in Leopard Street
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A story of a filmmaker who falls in love with a woman he interviews for his film. The film presents the evolution of a relationship which shifts from the objective to the subjective, and from lies to truth.
An unbearable stench makes quite wide confusion among the residents of Belgrade. The microbiologist Pavle can not remember immediately where he smelled it, but recalls the event he witnessed as a child and the smell of a burning human. A visit to the crematorium gives him the assurance: The high number of suicides in the city has meant that the ovens are in continuous operation and will probably stay that way - because the stench is slowly making other people commit suicide, too.
The Bread of Love
Four Swedish volunteer soldiers are trapped in Russia. In front of them lies the front with enemy outposts and patrols, behind them the enemy minefields. Hope to return to their own lines decreases each day. Corpses of fallen, "dead of cold and hard as iron", forms the macabre landmarks in the winter landscape. Nearby is a burnt Russian village.
Dead End City
The government's new urban renewal policy results in street gangs fighting for control of the inner cities. While most of the residents flee, one factory owner determines to fight the gangs for his property.
Item One
A quite line in the capital city. A little girl, Veseto, slips out of home unnoticed, attracted by the voices of children playing in the yard. when the kids get tired of playing hide-and-seek, they scatter and Veseto sets out in a long stroll across the city, full of exciting adventures. She talks to a chimney sweep, stops to look at some land surveyors at work, watches an interesting football game at the stadium, enjoys herself at the fair, extemporizes as an actress and has a trying experience on a building site. All the people in the neighborhood start looking for the lost child. In the evening, Veseto reappears. She is back to the arms of her mother, while the people in the neighborhood prove by deeds their human solidarity, their love for children and their resolve to struggle for peace, a must for children's future all over the world.
The Castle
Based on Franz Kafka's famous novel, director Jaakko Pakkasvirta created this interpretation of the woebegone Josef K., who is trapped in an ever-increasing labyrinth of double talk and bureaucratic nonsense in his efforts to reach the castle. As Josef seeks to make an appointment to see the ruler Herr Klamm inside his inaccessible abode, he becomes enmeshed in abuse from lowly villagers and bureaucrats alike. His endless false starts toward the castle's enigmatic interior are partly offset by a few sexual encounters but nothing alleviates his role as a victim of forces beyond his control.
Navio Negreiro
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The Unforgettable
About hardships of the first years of War, which fell to the lot of ordinary people in Ukraine, who got under the yoke of fascist occupation, and heroic struggle against the invaders. A young Russian woman asks a Red Army soldier to spend the night with her in the wake of the Nazi invasion. Fearing she may soon perish, the woman hopes for one night of romance before what could be a horrible demise.
Ghost Train
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Weekend dad
Die Ozeane - Die Geheimnisse der Weltmeere
In Bob We Trust
Having faithfully served his South Melbourne parish for nearly four decades, the cantankerous, controversial Catholic provocateur affectionately called Father Bob is well known and loved, as much for his incorrigible media savvy and battles with Church hierarchy as for his staunch advocacy on behalf of the disadvantaged and disenfranchised. In Bob We Trust goes behind the scenes with Bob, documenting his everyday trials during one of the most turbulent times in his career: his forced retirement and eviction from the church he called home for 38 years.
The Immortal Song
Veteran director V. Shantaram spins this bio-pic about poet and musician Honaji Bala -- best know for popularizing the lavani dance form and for writing the classic raga Ghanashyam sundara shirdhara -- who reached the zenith of his creative powers just as the Maratha empire was collapsing to British invasion forces. The film shows not only Bala's passionate interest in lavani, but also his passionate interest in prostitutes -- particularly a beautiful dancer named Tamasha (Sandhya). As the Pune court bestows Bala an award for his talents, the film shows the Maratha army getting routed by the British onslaught.
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A young girl's special love for a horse helps them both.
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