
Tesouro Submarino (1960)

You have to SEE it to BELIEVE it!

Gênero : Aventura, Drama

Runtime : 1H 39M

Director : Byron Haskin
Escritor : W.R. Burnett


American fashion model Anne Traymore, swimming off the isle of Majorca, loses a bracelet, which the handsome Manuel del Rio Montoya returns to her. She believes he owns a beautiful yacht called The Swan, but he merely works on it for the wealthy Rene LeClerc.


Joanne Dru
Joanne Dru
Anne Traymore
Mark Stevens
Mark Stevens
Joe Balfour
Robert Strauss
Robert Strauss
Ernie Williams
Asher Dann
Asher Dann
Manuel del Rio Montoya
Jean-Pierre Kérien
Jean-Pierre Kérien
Claude Ivry
Claude Ivry
Véra Valmont
Véra Valmont
Charito Leonís
Charito Leonís
Ernesto Lapeña
Ernesto Lapeña


Byron Haskin
Byron Haskin
W.R. Burnett
W.R. Burnett
Steve Fisher
Steve Fisher
Edward L. Alperson
Edward L. Alperson
Edward L. Alperson Jr.
Edward L. Alperson Jr.
Original Music Composer
Raoul Kraushaar
Raoul Kraushaar
Original Music Composer
Lamar Boren
Lamar Boren
Director of Photography
Jorge Stahl Jr.
Jorge Stahl Jr.
Director of Photography
Alberto Valenzuela
Alberto Valenzuela
Boris Leven
Boris Leven
Art Direction


As Aventuras de Tintim
Tintim é um jovem repórter que tem um histórico impressionante de aventuras. Certo dia, ao comprar a miniatura de uma embarcação, ele se vê perseguido pelo misterioso Sakharine, que parece determinado a possuir o objeto e não demora muito até que o herói se veja preso no barco que antes pertencia ao alcóolatra Capitão Haddock, agora também prisioneiro. Sempre acompanhado pelo cãozinho Milu, Tintim se alia ao capitão numa jornada que os levará a diversos locais exóticos.
Two scuba divers find a shipwreck which may contain undiscovered treasure, however, their attempt to salvage it is threatened by scavengers.
Os Invasores da Cidade Perdida
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Forbidden Island
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Tesouro Submarino
American fashion model Anne Traymore, swimming off the isle of Majorca, loses a bracelet, which the handsome Manuel del Rio Montoya returns to her. She believes he owns a beautiful yacht called The Swan, but he merely works on it for the wealthy Rene LeClerc.
Quando Floresce o Amor
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Ouro e Cobiça
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Fair Wind to Java
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O Prisioneiro
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