No te engañes corazón (1937)

Gênero : Comédia

Runtime : 1H 30M

Director : Miguel Contreras Torres


No te engañes corazón (released in English as Don't Fool Yourself Dear) is the first full-feature film of Cantinflas after becoming a star of the carpa circuit (folk theater). It was also one of the earliest films of Sara García and Carlos Orellana and the first where they share the screen. Don Boni (Orellana) is diagnosed with a deadly disease and decides to spend his last days doing good deeds. He leaves his wife and decides to help people. He then gets drunk and wakes up with a winning lottery ticket and realizes that the doctor who diagnosed him has been sent to prison for fraud.


Carlos Orellana
Carlos Orellana
Don Boni
Sara García
Sara García
Doña Petro
Natalia Ortiz
Natalia Ortiz
Eusebio Pirrín
Eusebio Pirrín
Amigo de Canti
Eduardo Vivas
Eduardo Vivas
Don Gregorio (Goyo) Vidal
Carmen Molina
Carmen Molina
Joaquín Coss
Joaquín Coss
Señor Rebolledo
Carlos Villatoro
Carlos Villatoro
Paco Martínez
Paco Martínez
Señor Monforte, casero (uncredited)
Ismael Rodríguez
Ismael Rodríguez
Empleado oficina (uncredited)
Fanny Schiller
Fanny Schiller
Refugio (uncredited)
Estanislao Schillinsky
Estanislao Schillinsky
Cliente restaurante (uncredited)


Miguel Contreras Torres
Miguel Contreras Torres
Miguel Contreras Torres
Miguel Contreras Torres


Deixe-me Comer seu Pâncreas
Um dia, um estudante do ensino médio encontra um diário de sua colega Yamauchi Sakura. Nele, ela revela que está sofrendo de uma doença pancreática. Eles convivem um tempo juntos, mas a garota acaba falecendo. Doze anos depois, o rapaz se torna professor na mesma escola onde se formou. Enquanto conversa com seu aluno, ele relembra vários momentos em que passou com Sakura. Kyoko, que era amiga de Sakura, está prestes a se casar. Ela também recorda o tempo em que passaram juntos no colegial.
Sete Minutos Depois da Meia-Noite
Conor é um garoto de 13 anos de idade, com muitos problemas na vida. Seu pai é muito ausente, a mãe sofre um um câncer em fase terminal, a avó é uma megera, e ele é maltratado na escola pelos colegas. No entanto, todas as noites Conor tem o mesmo sonho, com uma gigantesca árvore que decide contar histórias para ele, em troca de escutar as histórias do garoto. Embora as conversas com a árvore tenham consequências negativas na vida real, elas ajudam Conor a escapar das dificuldades através do mundo da fantasia.
Pouco depois de voltar de uma viagem de negócios, Beth Emhoff morre de uma suposta gripe. Enquanto a epidemia mortal se espalha, os médicos precisam identificar o vírus para conseguir combatê-lo e acabar com o pânico da população.
Ataque dos Zumbis
Um funcionário de uma fábrica de armas descobre que uma bebida energética transforma seus colegas de trabalho em zumbis
Ray (Woody Allen) é um lavador de pratos que tem um grande plano: alugar uma loja ao lado do banco e utilizá-la como fachada para construir um túnel subterrâneo para assaltá-lo. Para tanto Ray logo consegue a ajuda de seus companheiros Danny (Michael Rapaport) e Tommy (Tony Darrow), que aceitam dividir os gastos com o aluguel da loja, mas enfrenta a resistência de Frenchy (Tracey Ullman), sua esposa, que se recusa a ajudá-lo em mais um plano. Após muita insistência Frenchy é convencida e passa a cuidar do funcionamento normal da loja, preparando biscoitos e os vendendo ao público enquanto Ray, Tommy, Danny e ainda Benny, um antigo companheiro de Ray que coincidentemente alugara a loja pouco antes do trio, se dedicam à construção do túnel. Entretanto, as vendas dos biscoitos vão de vento em popa, atraindo a atenção do público e da mídia ao mais novo fenômeno da culinária novaiorquina.
Mum's List
The story of Singe and Kate, a couple from North Somerset, whose lives were turned upside down when Kate was diagnosed with an incurable breast cancer. Over her last few days, she created her list: writing her thoughts and memories down, to help the man she loved create the best life possible for their two sons, after she was gone.
Antes Que o Diabo Saiba Que Você Está Morto
Andy e seu irmão mais novo Hank estão com problemas financeiros. Eles organizam um assalto a uma pequena joalheria para para saírem dessa situação de forma rápida e sem causar vítimas. O crime perfeito começa a dar errado quando descobrem que a loja pertence aos seus pais.
Ouro e Maldição
O filme mostra a transformação do caráter de três pessoas. Após um bom tempo trabalhando em uma mina, McTeague se muda para a Califórnia, onde passa a trabalhar ilegalmente como dentista, e conhece e se casa com Trina, prima de seu amigo Marcus, também interessado nela. Trina ganha um grande prêmio na loteria e, aos poucos, vai sendo dominada pela avareza, o que desperta o caráter violento de McTeague, e a inveja de Marcus.
Vida de Casado
Depois de três décadas de um casamento feliz, Harry (Chris Cooper) decide que deve matar sua mulher Pat (Patricia Clarkson) porque a ama demais para permitir que ela sofra quando ele a abandonar, já que está apaixonado pela jovem Kay (Rachel McAdams) que por sua vez, é cortejada pelo melhor amigo de Harry, Richard (Pierce Brosman). Enquanto Harry prepara seu plano de assassinato, os outros personagens estão ocupados com suas próprias traições. Como Harry, se deixam levar por suas paixões que, por sua vez, chocam-se com sua moralidade, bem intencionada porém desonesta ao mesmo tempo.
Sick: The Life and Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist
The story of Robert Flanagan, a man who was born with cystic fibrosis and told he wouldn't live past 20, who through a unique odyssey of masochism, art and love found a way to live decades past his expiration date.
Christmas in August
It's a sweltering summer, but Jung-won, a terminally ill, thirty-something photographer, is already in the winter of his life when he begins a tentative romance with a young traffic cop who doesn't know about his condition. Is their relationship doomed before it even begins?
We the Poor
A poor neighborhood in Mexico City. Carpenter Pepe el Toro lives peacefully with his daughter Chachita while woos the pretty Celia, but tragedy knocks his door when he is falsely accused of having perpetrated a felony.
Hassan and Marcus
A terrorist Muslim group calls for the execution of Sheikh Hassan for refusing to join their organisation. At the same time, a priest ,Marcos, is also facing death threats. Both men seek help from the government, who puts them under the witness protection program, giving each man the other's identity.
Three-Quarters Decent
This production is a light hearted comedy. The protagonist is an esteemed cartoonist that works at a news firm. The protagonist undergoes a difficult situation and emerges partly wounded. Following this experience he insists on going back to work but something about him has changed – he lets go of some of his upstanding principles to become “respectable less one quarter”
Marital Cheating
Hazem is a spoilt young man and a womaniser who takes advantage of his father's wealth to know more and more girls and stays away of commitment. When his father discovers what Hazem is doing, he starts to look for an appropriate wife for his son. Salma, is the lucky candidate who is desperately trying to change her husband's behaviour.
Lyfe's Journey
A family man makes a mistake that changes his life forever. With help he starts the journey to forgiveness, hopefully it will bring him back to his family.
Matrubhoomi: A Nation Without Women
A woman, attended by two midwives, is giving birth in a small village in India. When the child's cry rings, the father bangs on a steel plate to attract the attention of all the villagers, ...
X Large
Depois de ser rejeitado pela mulher que ama e perder o tio por problemas de obesidade, um artista solitário acima do peso resolve fazer uma mudança radical.
The Pearl
A poor Mexican diver discovers a valuable pearl in the ocean, but it brings his family only trouble
Sa'eedi Fil Gamaa El Amrekeia
Khalaf, a bumpkin southern Egyptian wins a scholarship to study at the American University in Cairo where students - many from Cairo's upper class - are known for their Americanized attitudes.


Love Your Neighbor
This film tells several short stories that end up lapsing in the emergency room of a hospital, because it is dedicated to nurses. Cantinflas appears at the end of the film playing the role of Luis, a man who has five daughters and looks forward to a boy, but fate plays a trick and the child dies at birth, but history gives a nice twist and a message of hope.
Vidita negra
El mono relojero
El Mono relojero is a 1938 Argentine animated short film directed by Quirino Cristiani. It is the only film from this director that exists up to this day, since all his other productions (including the first two animated feature films, El Apóstol (1917) and Sin dejar rastros (1918), as well as the first animated film with sound, Peludópolis (1931)) were lost in a series of fires at the facilities where the negatives and copies were stored.
Víctimas del pecado
A nightclub performer decides to raise the baby boy she found abandoned in a trash can, putting her job and social life in jeopardy.
For His Son
A father, anxious for his son's financial well being, develops a special soda pop called Dopokoke which is laced with cocaine. Dopokoke is advertised as relief "for that tired feeling." The drink is a success, but the son becomes addicted to it, much to his father's regret. Loosely based on the allegations that the Coca-Cola company and other soft drink manufacturers laced their soda with dope.
Wild Flower
The film features Fernandez himself as a character named Rogellio Torres. The lion's share of the footage, however, is devoted to the romance between Esperanza, granddaughter of a common laborer, and Jose Luis Castro, the firebrand son of a landowner. Joining a revolutionary movements, Castro is disowned by his father, but Esperanza remains loyally by his side. Later on, Castro's father is killed by outlaws; in seeking vengeance, he sacrifices his own life, while Esperanza carries on his revolutionary work with their young son in tow.
Doña Bárbara
A woman hardened by her past now runs a ranch she acquired through manipulation and bribery.
My Brother, Fidel
Follows the Cuban leader into the home of a 93 year old acquaintance of Jose Marti, who is now blind and who takes the duration of the film to realize who his illustrious interviewer actually is.
Rosario and Carlos, husbands, are part of a theater company. In a scene of jealousy, she should shoot and kill him. Carlos has had an affair with Zulma, another acriz of the company. On opening day, in the final scene, Rosario accidentally kills her husband. Someone change the gun ...
Una estrella y dos estrellados
In his eagerness, to be movie extras, Tin Tan and his carnal Marcelo police get into trouble, among other entanglements.
A Caveira Que Assobia
Quando o professor Marsh desaparece enquanto procurava a cidade perdida de Lukachukai, sua filha pede ajuda aos Três Mesquiteers.
One Day Less
Carmen (84) and Emeterio (97) are an elderly couple living out their last years in their house in Acapulco, the same house they built with their own hands. Time seems to have stopped for them; there is no day more special or less special than the one preceding it. All there is left to do is wait. Carmen and Eme survive together as they await the next visit of their family.
First-Year Student
Marina Orlova couldn't even imagine how many adventures are expecting to her in a first grade...
The Bed
La cama is a story that gives a voice to reveal the secrets held by beds. If your bed could speak, what stories would it tell? We spend more than a third of our life in bed; it is the uttermost intimate space. In them lay our secrets; perhaps that is why we never think about them. They are a direct witness of who we are, or who we wish to be. Who would give their bed a voice? Surely nobody in his or her right mind. What secrets are held by motel beds, that of a teenager, a newly divorcée, that of your neighbors?
También de dolor se canta
The movie starts with Braulio Peláez (Pedro Infante), a schoolteacher, having just fallen off his horse, representing the situation he and his family are in. The next scenes introduce the viewer to his family and their poor financial and social situation. As Braulio stumbles around looking for his glasses, he causes a famous film star, Alfonso de Madrazo (Rafael Alcaide) to crash his car. Braulio offers him to eat at his house as an apology. Braulio's sister and mother, big film fans, immediately recognise Alfonso and attempt to get him to bring the girl, Luisa Peláez (Irma Dolores) to Mexico City to become a film star. Alfonso agrees and tells them to come to the capital.
Small Gods
After her son gets killed in a car crash, Elena loses all lust for life. Recovering from the crash in a hospital a stranger, David, kidnaps her and takes her for a mysterious journey in an old camper.
La Cucaracha
The Mexican Revolution serves as a backdrop to a torrid love triangle composed of three freedom fighters: a colonel, a widow, and a fiery female soldier.
Pilotos de la muerte
A couple of provincial gas station employees travel to the capital seeking fortune of vehicle mechanics accidental career passing drivers.
Bellas de noche (Las ficheras)
The Boxer Germán Bronco Torres loses his license, and works as bouncer at the cabaret El Pirulí, where he falls for the fichera Carmen, and befriends of the pimp Margarito Fuensanta El Vaselinas, who lost a bet and has to pay to a gangsters. For 500 pesos for El Vaselinas, Bronco prepares a trap in the cabaret to the taxi driver Raul, to seduce his girlfriend, not knowing that the victim is his own sister Lupita.
La cárcel de Cananea
Law officer tracks and recaptures escaped convict.