A Vida Íntima de Adão e Eva (1960)
For the First Time See the Garden of Eden in Spectacolor!
Gênero : Comédia, Fantasia
Runtime : 1H 26M
Director : Albert Zugsmith, Mickey Rooney
Escritor : Robert Hill
A modern couple dream that they are Adam and Eve.
As maiores histórias do antigo testamento são trazidas para as telas com um domínio e força impressionantes neste filme internacional, que exibe os 22 primeiros capítulos do Gênesis. Esta é a história espetacular do homem, de sua queda, sua sobrevivência e sua fé indomável no futuro. Dando brilho à grandiosidade épica, temos as interpretações de George C. Scott como Abrão, Ava Garner como Sara e Peter O'Toole como a presença evocativa do anjo de Deus. O lendário John Huston dirige esta obra e também apresenta uma interpretação digna de nota como Noé. Da abertura do filme em meio ao caos cósmico até sua mensagem de esperança e salvação, A Bíblia mantém a todo momento sua característica de uma conquista monumental do cinema.
Vinte anos após os eventos de Iron Sky, a antiga base lunar nazista tornou-se o último refúgio da humanidade. A Terra foi devastada por uma guerra nuclear, mas enterrada nas profundezas do deserto existe uma força que poderia salvar a humanidade - ou destruí-la de uma vez por todas. A verdade por trás da criação da humanidade será revelada quando um velho inimigo, liderar nossos heróis em uma aventura na Terra Oca. Para salvar a humanidade, eles devem lutar contra o Vril, uma antiga raça reptiliana que muda de forma e seu exército de dinossauros.
Uma escuridão envolvente. De repente, a voz de uma criança, assustada, perguntando, projeta-se na escuridão...Raios enfraquecidos de luz começam a esculpir formas misteriosas no meio da escuridão... Entre eles, um ancião. Ele conforta a criança, exortando-a a ver as maravilhas da terra. E é com os olhos desta criança que testemunhamos a criação do Mundo.A natureza se faz viva com o primeiro raio de luz do amanhecer, recriando os sete dias da Criação. Seguindo cada passo de seus primeiros personagens Adão e Eva e seus filhos Caim e Abel, que causaram a ira de Deus levando-o a começar tudo outra vez. O sol novamente nasce. Uma pomba carrega um galho de oliveira. Noé traz em sua arca a esperança de uma nova vida, sinal de aliança com Deus.
A modern couple dream that they are Adam and Eve.
Jankovics's adaptation of the eponymous play is divided into multiple parts, and depicts the creation and fall of Man throughout history.
The three protagonists listen to a storyteller recount the creation as well as the Fall. At the same time, they learn their own lessons in honesty after tricking a gardener into giving them fruit for free.
An apple juice producer can't decide between his wife and his secretary and tries to commit suicide. Being committed to psychiatry, he falls asleep and dreams of adventures as Adam and Eve in heaven and hell.
In every man there lies a woman who can be awakened. The prohibited book De Serpentis Munere. Alchemical formulae able to change male DNA in female. Mysterious radioactive water. A biologist and a Vatican priest in search of the truth.
The God Complex is a comedy re-telling of the silliest stories in the Bible, and with a touch of logic, made just a bit sillier.
The plot begins with them and ends with humanity. This author wanted to show continuity: the first love and the supposed last is an indivisible whole of one eternal Love.
A TV film based on single act drama written by Miroslav Krleza, that belongs to his expressionist phase. It was first published in 1922, and then regularly as a part of collection of plays called "Legends". By giving them this primordial biblical names, in this drama Krleza speaks about the intricate relation between two lovers, while interweaving reality and unreality, giving wider context of human relations to everything.
Adam and Eve are in the Garden of Eden preparing their latest meal. After the meal, they take a stroll through time. They make a few stops along the way for some musical interludes. These stops include in the Gardens of Emperor Nero of Rome for a concert circa 100 A.D., in King Arthur's court, and at a beach resort in current times.
Adam creates Eve and puts her on his throne. A Child is about to be born.
Embark yourself to embrace temptation with Anna Henderson, a blogger getting out of town to work on her latest article on sexuality. Alone in her mountain retreat she finds out much about her own desires, as it becomes harder and harder to differentiate dream from reality.
Adão e Eva num jardim do Éden contemporâneo depois de fazerem amor.
Korean illustrator Shinyoung Kim’s colourful take on the story of Adam and Eve, wonderfully matched to the sounds of Basenji’s “Dawn”.
What happens when the Maker loses control over his creation and it starts to obey its own will?
In the beginning there was nothing, then God created existence, then Adam and it was going to be Adam's job to start the whole "procreation" thing, there was just one slight problem - Adam was going to need to talk to Eve first.
Micah McCaw plays his release The First Family, where Adam, Eve, Abel, and Cain reckon with their lives and struggle with their faith.
After crossing the line and eating from the forbidden fruit, Gringa feels that she is being monitored by someone else. Soon she will encounter herself with the happiness, love, hate and violence that exists in the small utopic island she lives in, portraying a character she is not, and under the gaze of someone else.