Russell A. Gausman

Nascimento : 1892-07-04, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Morte : 1963-05-20


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Spartacus, um homem que nasceu escravo, labuta para o Império Romano enquanto sonha com o fim da escravidão. Ele foi condenado à morte por morder um guarda em uma mina na Líbia. Mas seu destino foi mudado por um lanista (negociante e treinador de gladiadores), que o comprou para ser treinado nas artes de combate e se tornar um gladiador. Até que um dia, dois poderosos patrícios chegam de Roma, um com a esposa e o outro com a noiva. As mulheres pedem para serem entretidas com dois combates até à morte e Spartacus, é escolhido para enfrentar um gladiador negro, que vence a luta mas se recusa a matar seu opositor, atirando seu tridente contra a tribuna onde estavam os romanos. Este nobre gesto custa a vida do gladiador negro e enfurece Spartacus, de tal maneira que ele acaba liderando uma revolta de escravos, que atinge metade da Itália.
Com o Dedo no Gatilho
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Quando Clay Santell faz uma parada na cidade de Sutterville depois de ter o seu cavalo roubado, ele é confundido pelos moradores locais com um assassino chamado Travers. Eles capturam Santell e o entregam para o oficial Harry Deckett. Deckett, que está cansado de perseguir o verdadeiro Travers, decide matar Clay Santell e fazê-lo passar pelo malfeitor. Santerll consegue fugir e leva como refém a bela Janet Gifford. Janet acredita na inocência de Clay, e decide ajudá-lo a provar a sua verdadeira identidade.
A Vida Íntima de Adão e Eva
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A modern couple dream that they are Adam and Eve.
Anáguas a Bordo
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Uma comédia da 2 ª Guerra Mundial sobre um comandante de submarino que se encontra 'amarrado' com um decrépito e cor-de-rosa submarino, um oficial de suprimentos vigarista e um grupo de enfermeiras do exército. Um submarino recentemente comissionado é danificado logo no início da WW II. Um capitão, à procura de um comando insiste que pode leva-lo para um estaleiro e consertar. Indo lentamente nessa viagem, eles encontram um grupo de enfermeiras do Exército 'encalhadas' numa ilha e devem dar uma carona. Mulheres a bordo. Pode piorar? Tentando aplicar uma camada de tinta primer no submarino, eles têm que misturar branco e vermelho, a fim de ter tinta bastante para o serviço. Quando forçados a fugir da doca durante um ataque aéreo, eles se veem no único submarino cor-de-rosa do mundo, e com cinco mulheres nas cabines apertadas de um submarino.
Take a Giant Step
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This pioneering film in the history of African-American cinema, released two years before "A Raisin In The Sun", is the coming-of-age story of a Black high-school student living in a middle-class white neighborhood in the late '50s.
Confidências à Meia-Noite
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Em Nova York, a decoradora de interiores Jan Morrow (Doris Day) e o compositor mulherengo Brad Allen (Rock Hudson) usam a mesma linha compartilhada, mas Brad mantém ocupada a maior parte do tempo flertando com suas namoradas. Eles não se conhecem, mas Jan odeia Brad porque ela precisa do telefone para o seu negócio e não pode usá-lo. Coincidentemente cliente rico que Jan corteja, Jonathan Forbes, é o melhor amigo de Brad e comenta com ele que tem um amor não correspondido por Jan, que é uma mulher linda. Quando Brad encontra Jan por acaso em um restaurante, ele se apresenta como um turista ingênuo do Texas chamado Rex Stetson e a seduz. Mas Jonathan contrata um detetive particular para descobrir quem é Rex Stetson. (e 10)
Imitação da Vida
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O ano é 1947 e Lora Meredith (Lana Turner) é uma aspirante a atriz, viúva, que mora com sua sua única filha, Susie (Sandra Dee), e vive ignorando-a, enquanto busca construir uma carreira. Quando ela conhece Annie Johnson (Juanita Moore), uma afrodescendente também viúva e mãe solteira, convida-a a trabalhar na sua casa e criar as filhas das duas juntas. No momento em que Annie e sua filha Sarah Jane (Susan Kohner) se mudam para a casa de Lora, a menina passa a renegar as suas origens: por ter a pele bem mais clara que sua mãe, ela se declara branca para todos. Já Susie se sente rejeitada pela mãe e acaba encontrando conforto nos braços de um homem mais velho (John Gavin).
Cry Tough
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After getting out of prison, a Latino criminal tries to go straight.
Decisão de Homem
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A man must choose between work or his family after he is called back to work during a family vacation. He and his son have set a harmless rabbit trap in the woods near the cabin they are vacationing in. When the family returns home they realize that they forget to retrieve the trap and the son fears that a rabbit will be captured and die a slow death from starvation. The man is in line for a promotion, yet feels that he is under appreciated by his boss. He must choose whether or not to follow his instincts and do the right thing or possibly lose the promotion he has worked long and hard for.
Antro de Desalmados
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Rosalie (Sandra Dee) é uma jovem que foge de sua família, tentando seguir em companhia do caçador de peles de castor Yanci Hawks (Audie Murphy) . Na cidade entram em apuros sem fim, até que Yanci viu a necessidade de enfrentar o xerife (Gilbert Roland), que também é proprietário do Saloon da cidade, para resgatar Rosalie de seu trabalho como dançarina.
Curse of the Undead
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A mysterious epidemic has struck an Old West frontier town and young girls are falling deathly ill. Doc Carter, his lovely daughter Dolores, and preacher Dan Young have their hands full caring for the infirm. When one of the patients dies unexpectedly, Dan notices two puncture wounds on her neck. His investigation leads him to the strange gunslinger Drake Robey, who always seems to be slower on the draw than his opponents, but who—despite being outdrawn, and even shot—always manages to survive these deadly encounters. Dan soon discovers that Drake also has an aversion to crucifixes, sleeps in coffins, and cannot tolerate sunlight...
A Stranger in My Arms
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An Air Force pilot finds romance with his war buddy's widow.
Balas Que Não Erram
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O famoso pistoleiro John Gant aparece em uma pacata cidade do estado de Arizona e se recusa a sair até finalizar sua missão. Sua mera presença aterroriza os moradores da cidade. O médico defende o pistoleiro, mas os outros não o recebem tão bem.
The Restless Years
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A pretty, sheltered teenager falls for a boy from the wrong side of town.
De Folga Para Amar
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A love-starved soldier stationed at an Arctic base wins a furlough in Paris, but a pretty, no-nonsense military psychologist is ordered to accompany him as chaperone to keep him out of trouble.
Na Rota dos Proscritos
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Joe Maybe(Audie Murphy) é um renegado que se faz passar por um figurão do Exército para roubar o banco de uma cidade. Kyle, o Juiz do condado(Walter Matthau), nomeia-o para manter a paz e tudo vai bem, até que surge alguém que o reconhece e que também tem um plano relativo ao banco.
Falta Um Para Vingar
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Celebrated detective traces and finds beneficiaries to the will of a gold prospector murdered by bushwhackers.
Meu Sangue Por Minha Honra
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Ex-army sergeant Jed Givens and his gang rob an army payroll shipment led by Lt. Hemp Brown. Givens kills a civilian woman and all the soldiers, leaving Brown alive to face a military tribunal in which he is branded a coward, stripped of all insignia and drummed out of the army. Brown sets out to track down Givens in an effort to clear his name.
Kathy O'
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A movie publicist is assigned to keep the public from learning that a beloved child star is an egotistical little brat.
Raw Wind in Eden
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Passengers struggle to survive after their plane crashes on a remote island. Director Richard Wilson's 1958 drama stars Esther Williams, Jeff Chandler and Rosanna Podesta.
As Duas Faces do Crime
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Pursued by detectives, Johnny Walters leaves the city to visit his family in a small California town. Among the household: his dead brother's luscious widow Helen, who soon is attracted to him. Ominous events and conflicting evidence leave Helen suspicious, but uncertain about her brother-in-law as tension builds...
Voice in the Mirror
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Jim Burton, chronic alcoholic, is cared for by Ellen, his incredibly patient, sexy, hard-working wife. A doctor's warning that Jim could become mentally ill strikes enough fear into him that he really wants to cure himself...but can't. One night, he meets William Tobin, a fellow drunk, and finds that he helps himself by trying to help Tobin. Thus is born, amid setbacks, a group resembling Alcoholics Anonymous.
Turbilhão de Paixões
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An alcoholic captain sails a two-master through danger with a call girl and others on board.
Wild Heritage
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Travails of a family heading West in a covered wagon.
Amar e Morrer
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Em 1944, uma companhia de soldados alemães na frente russa está entorpecida pelos horrores e dificuldades da guerra quando chega o período de licença esperado pelo soldado Ernst Graeber (John Gavin). Na volta para a Alemanha, ele encontra sua casa bombardeada. Enquanto busca desesperadamente por seus pais, ele conhece a adorável Elizabeth Kruse (Lilo Pulver), filha de um prisioneiro político; Juntos, eles tentam resgatar alguma sanidade e chance de sobrevivência desse mundo cheio de ódio.
The Last of the Fast Guns
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A rich, dying Easterner hires gunfighter Brad Ellison to find his brother and heir in Mexico. En route, it becomes clear to Ellison that his is a dying profession. At a remote rancho, Ellison enlists ranch foreman Miles Lang to help him search the hills where the missing man is rumored to have lived. They find nothing ...except that someone wants to kill them; and Ellison becomes wrapped in a maze of double crosses.
The Thing That Couldn't Die
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A 400 year old disembodied head hypnotizes a female psychic, who recovered it using a dowsing rod, to search for the rest of its body.
This Happy Feeling
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On a stormy night, young woman asks another guest at party to rescue her from her lecherous boss and take her to the train station. When her rescuer suggests that she stop at his place to get out of her wet clothes, she dashes from his car. The door she knocks on for help is the home of a retired actor and there she spends the rest of the night. He makes no passes and next morning she discovers young man who drove her from party is a next door neighbor, before long the two men are competing for her affections.
Live Fast, Die Young
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A teenager finds her wayward sister running with thieves in San Francisco.
Girls on the Loose
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A nightclub operator (Mara Corday), her sister (Barbara Bostock), a beautician (Lita Milan) and two other women rob a payroll.
A Marca da Maldade
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Quando um carro-bomba explode no lado norte-americano da fronteira entre os EUA e o México, Miguel Vargas, o agente antidrogas mexicano, inicia sua investigação, junto com o capitão da polícia americana Hank Quinlan. Quando Vargas começa a suspeitar que Quinlan e seu parceiro obscuro, Menzies, estão plantando provas para enquadrar um homem inocente, suas investigações sobre sua possível corrupção rapidamente colocaram em risco a si e sua nova esposa, Susie.
Damn Citizen
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Louisiana's governor asks war hero Francis C. Grevemberg (Keith Andes) to lead the state police against corruption.
Flood Tide
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When the testimony of a crippled child sends a murder suspect to prison, a friend of the accused sets out to investigate the crime on his own.
A Força do Amor
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Change of pace comedy casts Lana Turner and Jeff Chandler as competing pilots who fall in love.
Na Fúria de uma Sentença
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Judge Jim Scott must contend with the vicious relatives of a murderer he's about to sentence...and his unfaithful fiancee.
The Female Animal
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Jaded movie star Vanessa Windsor, saved from a studio accident by handsome extra Chris Farley, pursues him, and soon he's the 'caretaker' of her beach house. Vanessa's sexy, alcoholic adult daughter Penny accidentally meets Chris, who rescues her from an 'octopus' boyfriend. Before you know it, Chris is involved with both mother and daughter, and his only way out is to take a job in a Mexican picture about man-eating orchids...
O Soldo do Diabo
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Na cidade rural de Spurline, Virgil Renchler (Orson Welles) é o poderoso dono da fazenda "Golden Empire". Uma noite, um trabalhador rural é espacando até à morte por empregados de Renchler. Quando o novo xerife Ben Sadler (Jeff Chandler) chega à cidade, descobre que será mais dificil do que se imagina, investigar esse crime.
Rastros do Espaço
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Rocks from a meteor which grow when in contact with water threaten a sleepy Southwestern desert community.
Almas Maculadas
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Na década de 1930, o outrora grande piloto da Primeira Guerra Mundial Roger Shumann atua como um piloto audacioso em shows de acrobacias aéreas, enquanto sua esposa, LaVerne, trabalha como para-quedista. Quando o repórter de jornal Burke Devlin chega para fazer uma história sobre o ato dos Shumanns, ele rapidamente se apaixona pela bela, e negligenciada, LaVerne.
Nos Degraus da Glória
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Hughie Mack, a not so nice western singer, is discovered by Clover Doyle as the next movie cowboy hero. His name is changed to Slim Carter and a promotional buildup begins. Leo Gallaher, an orphan boy wins the contest to spend a month with Slim. Leo is a good influence on his cowboy hero. Clover sees the good and more in Slim. Montana Burriss is Slim's double.
A Desforra do Estranho
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A stranger rides into town and says he is looking for a local Indian. Told he left town, the truth everyone has been hiding comes out including the stranger's true identity.
No Mundo dos Monstros Pré-Históricos
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Navy Commander Alan Roberts is assigned to lead an expedition to Little America in Antarctica to investigate reports of a mysterious warm water inland lake discovered a decade earlier. His helicopter and its small party, including reporter Maggie Hathaway, is forced down into a volcanic crater by a fierce storm. They find themselves trapped in a lush tropical environment that has survived from prehistoric times.
O Galante Vagabundo
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The eccentric Bullock household again need a new butler. Daughter Irene encounters bedraggled Godfrey Godfrey at the docks and, fancying him and noticing his obviously good manners, gets him the job. He proves a great success, but keeps his past to himself. When an old flame turns up Irene's sister Cordelia starts making waves.
A Última Etapa
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A gang of bank robbers with a posse in hot pursuit. Riding into the desert, they take refuge in Quantez, a small town they find deserted. Their horses tired and near death, they’re forced to stay the night — with the plan to cross the border into Mexico the next day.
Appointment with a Shadow
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George Nader plays a reporter whose career is ruined by liquor. A comeback opportunity presents itself when Nader is a bystander at the arrest of a well-known criminal.
Assassinato na Décima Avenida
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A rookie assistant DA is assigned to investigate the murder of a longshoreman, killed for exposing gangster involvement on the piers, and meets up with a "code of silence" amongst all potential witnesses.
O Homem das Mil Caras
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A turbulenta vida e carreira profissional do ator de vaudeville e estrela do cinema mudo de horror Lon Chaney (1883-1930), o homem das mil caras; homem de muitos infortúnios pessoais que nem mesmo seu grande sucesso conseguiu mitigar. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
A Passagem da Noite
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Ex-funcionário de uma estrada de ferro vê sua vida virar de pernas para o ar quando uma carga de um trem carregando US$ 10.000 é roubada por uma gangue.
A Flor do Pântano
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An unsophisticated young woman from the Mississippi swamps falls in love with an unconventional southern gentleman.
The Kettles on Old MacDonald's Farm
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Ma and Pa do their bit to hook lumberman Brad Johnson up with spoiled socialite Sally Flemming. Ma teaches Sally how to behave like a hick so she'll be compatible with Brad.
Fúria de uma Região Perdida
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Cientistas despertam no Ártico uma espécie de Louva-a-Deus gigante que provoca um rastro de pânico e destruição por onde passa. Clássico dos filmes de insetos gigantes dos anos 1950.
The Girl In The Kremlin
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In Moscow 1953, four terrified women prisoners are brought before Joseph Stalin, who chooses the beautiful Dasha. He punishes her by shaving off her long hair. Moments later, a plastic surgeon leads Stalin into the operating room and transforms his face so that he is unrecognizable. He vanishes, but OSS agent Steve Anderson searches for him in Europe.
Man Afraid
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A preacher (George Nader) fears for his family (Phyllis Thaxter, Tim Hovey) after killing a teenage burglar whose father seeks revenge.
The Night Runner
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A mental patient with a violent past is released from the institution, against the advice of his doctors, and sent back to his old neighborhood. Was he released too soon?
Epílogo de uma Sentença
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After a wild night, wealthy Michael Reston's adulterous wife Charleen comes home with her ripe young body barely concealed by a dress in rags; murder results. Top defense lawyer J.G. Blane, whose own marriage exists in name only, arrives in Desert View, Nevada to find the townsfolk and politically powerful Sheriff Hoak distinctly hostile to the Restons. In due course, Blane discovers he's been "taken for a ride," and that quiet desert communities can be deadly...
Hienas do Pano Verde
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An opportunistic young man from the slums gambles his way to wealth, power and high society.
O Incrível Homem Que Encolheu
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Scott Carey começa a diminuir de tamanho sem uma explicação aparente e tem de aprender a lidar com esta situação absurda. É considerado um clássico da ficção científica.
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As inovações da tecnologia e da cor, juntamente com o grande astro Errol Flynn, fazem desta refilmagem do clássico Singapore (1947) uma nova e mais estonteante aventura. Jim Brennan (Flynn) acaba acidentalmente se tornando o portador de uma enorme herança em diamantes, e passa a ser procurado por diversos trapaceiros. Sua noiva Stephanie (Cornnel Borchers), suspeita de estar escondendo as pedras, acaba sendo atacada e queimada até a morte. Cinco anos depois, ainda cheio de dor e arrependimento, Jim retorna a Istambul para recuperar os diamantes que havia escondido, e acaba por encontrar Stephanie viva e casada com outro homem (Torin Tatcher). Mas seu grande amor está sofrendo de amnésia e o rosto de Jim parece ter desaparecido completamente de sua memória... Nat King Cole, uma das maiores vozes que o mundo já conheceu faz uma aparição muito especial cantando o inesquecível sucesso When I Fall In Love.
Arma para um Covarde
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Depois da morte do pai, seus três filhos continuam cuidando do rancho da família. O mais velho é o líder, o mais jovem é meio desmiolado. A mãe preocupa-se mais com o filho do meio, tentando protegê-lo das maldades do mundo, enquanto os irmãos brigam por ele. Acaba ganhando a reputação de covarde.
Na Voragem de uma Paixão
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A high-school music teacher is the victim of a student who writes indecent notes and assaults women.
The Great Man
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Joe Harris, preparing a eulogy for popular radio commentator Herb Fuller, finds that nobody has a good word to say about him.
The Mole People
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A party of archaeologists discovers the remnants of a mutant five millennia-old Sumerian civilization living beneath a glacier atop a mountain in Mesopatamia.
Rock, Pretty Baby
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A high school rock group enters a band contest.
Palavras ao Vento
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Mitch Wayne e Kyle Hadley são amigos desde criança. A irmã de Kyle, Marylee, pretende se casar com Mitch. Mas este considera a jovem praticamente uma irmã e na verdade está apaioxonado por Lucy. O problema é que Kyle também está e é ele quem acaba se casando com Lucy, antes mesmo que Mitch pudesse expressar seus sentimentos. Kyle, antes um playboy e bebedor, com o tempo passa a ter mais responsabilidade. Mas então descobre que é estéril e mergulha com tudo na bebida. Marylee, movida pelo ódio de ter sido rejeitada, sugere ao irmão que Mitch e Lucy são amantes. E quando Lucy revela estar grávida, Kyle acusa o amigo Mitch de ser o pai.
O Covil da Desordem
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Jim Trask, ex-xerife de Abilene, retorna à cidade depois de lutar para a Confederação,mas todos pensavam que ele estava morto. Seu velho amigo Dave Mosely está agora com a ex-namorada de Trask e é um dos criadores de gado cada vez mais brigando com os produtores originais. Trask é persuadido a assumir como xerife de novo, mas há algo sobre a morte do irmão de Mosely na Guerra Civil que está assombrando ele.
Pillars of the Sky
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First Sergeant Emmett Bell faces off with Apache chieftain Kamiakin in this nuanced portrayal of racial tensions between Native Americans and white settlers in 1860s Oregon Country.
Honra de Selvagens
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Audie Murphy vive a história real de John Philip Clum, um agente do Exército americano enviado a uma tribo Apache para tentar novas formas de aproximação entre índios e brancos.
I've Lived Before
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Seeing a certain woman (Ann Harding) makes an airline pilot (Jock Mahoney) think he is a reincarnated World War I pilot.
Barcos ao Mar
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A história do USS "Belinda", Transporte de Ataque PA22, lançado no final de 1943 com o comando do Cap. Hawks e do ex-capitão da marinha mercante MacDougall. Apesar de atrito pessoal, os dois têm muito com o que lidar já que são os únicos oficiais experientes a bordo. A incompetência risível melhora gradualmente, mas a tripulação está longe de estar perfeita quando o navio entra em ação desembarcando tropas nas cabeças de praia inimigas.
Francis Entre Fantasmas
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A Ha-Ha-Haunted House Has Got 'Em! ...and it's every ghost for himself!
Congotanga, Refúgio de Proscritos
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Congotanga, West Africa, has no extradition laws; the government is controlled by foreign gangsters, headed by Carl Rittner. The latest plane from Europe carries lovely Louise Whitman, fleeing a French murder charge, and Mannering, who pays resident hit man O'Connell to kill her. Through a chain of circumstances Louise, O'Connell, and heroic surveyor David Carr end up alone in the jungle on Carr's mission to determine the true border of Congotanga... in which Rittner is keenly interested.
Behind the High Wall
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A group prison breakout goes from bad to worse when the desperate warden tries to steal the gang's dough.
O Vício Singra o Mississipi
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Ben Matthews desiste da vida de jogador de barco, na esperança de se estabelecer em Galena com sua namorada Zoe. Mas um importante cidadão de Galena é assassinado no barco. Quando chegam Ben encontra um grupo de linchamento querendo o seu pescoço e obviamente foge. Três anos de vida errante mais tarde, as cartas de Zoe param de chegar e Ben volta para encontrá-la e tentar a impossível tarefa de inocentar a si mesmo.
Crimes Vingados
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The sheriff of Gunlock is planning to hang Sam Hall, who shot three farmers found on cattle land, at sundown. At the casino, betting is 8 to 3 he won't make it. The cattlemen are set to rescue Sam; the farmers hope to lynch him before he can be rescued; and Hall schemes for escape with his girl Nellie. But Sheriff Jorden is most concerned with finding out who hired Hall: a leading suspect is the sheriff's future brother-in-law.
Fora da Lei
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A government agent's son wins respect and love when he challenges counterfeiters.
Domingo Sangrento
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Delegado, no dia de seu casamento, é salvo de uma emboscada por pistoleiro, que indiferente a modernidade, passa a tumultuar a cidade.
À Caça do Monstro
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Seqüência de "A Revanche do Monstro", dirigido por Jack Arnold. Agora a criatura é capturada por cientistas que querem transformá-la em um ser humano.
The Kettles in the Ozarks
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Ma and the kids head out to help Pa's brother Sedgewick with the his farm in Mournful Hollow, Arkansas. Things get tighter when a couple of bootleggers rent Sedge's barn to manufacture moonshine. With Ma and the kids, the bootleggers get their pay.
Raw Edge
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A Texan arrives in Oregon and seeks justice for his innocently-hanged brother
Punido Pelo Próprio Sangue
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O pai de Jim Slater morreu na emboscada Apache em Gila Valley, e o rapaz nunca o conheceu. Ele agora está buscando o único sobrevivente do massacre, que supostamente despareceu com um monte de ouro. No caminho, ele acaba com várias pessoas à sua caça, e encontra repetidamente a liberal Karyl Orton, que parece estar um uma missão semelhante à sua. Mas um novo rompante Apache e uma iminente guerra poderão atrapalhar seus planos.
O Preço do Medo
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A co-owner of a race track goes on the run after witnessing something he shouldn't have at the track.
World in My Corner
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A scrappy fighter from Jersey City named Tommy Shea -- "born in a dump, educated in an alley" -- catches the eye of wealthy businessman, Robert Mallinson, who allows him to train at his Long Island estate. Shea soon falls for Mallinson's daughter, Dorothy, but fears he doesn't have the money to support her in proper style. To get this money, Shea decides to work with crooked fight-promoter Harry Cram, even though this means dropping his honest manager, Dave Bernstein. As the big fight approaches, however, Shea begins to have second thoughts.
Onde Imperam as Balas
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When his life is saved in a shootout by a fellow gunman whose life he in turn had saved, Alex Longmire promises to give up his way of life. Riding into town he finds the only job available is deputy to sheriff Jade Murphy, an honest man caught between small farmers and a local cattle baron. And he has a pretty daughter. So Longmire decides to stay and see if he can use his expertise with firearms for good.
Chamas Que Não Se Apagam
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When a toy manufacturer feels ignored and unappreciated by his wife and children, he begins to rekindle a past love when a former employee comes back into his life.
Brutos em Fúria
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Grocery clerk Eddie Quaid, in danger of losing his father to alcoholism and his girl Julie through lack of career prospects, goes into boxing.
Tudo que o Céu Permite
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Cary Scott é uma respeitável viúva da alta classe média, que sente-se frustrada, mas reencontra o amor ao se apaixonar por Ron Kirby, seu jardineiro. Apesar de ser 15 anos mais velha e ter um casal de filhos já crescidos, ela decide assumir esta paixão. Entretanto Cary encontra preconceito em vários de seus amigos íntimos e até mesmo nos filhos, que não aceitam que a mãe tenha tal relação.
Rastros da Corrupção
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In 1899 Alaska, miners have to protect themselves from a phony legal team trying to steal their gold claims.
Running Wild
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To get evidence against a crooked garage owner, a rookie cop masquerades as a hard case who wants a job as a mechanic.
Sua Excelência O Sexo
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In 1880, Osawkie, Kansas is feuding with rival town Mandaroon over which will be county seat, keeping the town's men away from home most of the time. The last straw is when Matt Davis feels compelled to go on a new foray on his wedding night; his bride Liza (just call her Lysistrata) takes teacher Cassie's advice and organizes a marital strike to make the men-folk stop their nonsense.
Terrível como o Inferno
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A verdadeira história da Segunda Guerra Mundial de Audie Murphy, o soldado mais condecorado da história dos EUA. Baseado na autobiografia de Audie Murphy, que estrela como ele mesmo no filme.
Francis in the Navy
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In the U. S. Army intelligence office, bumbling lieutenant Peter Stirling receives a coded message from his friend, Francis, a talking mule. The note urges Pete to hurry to the Coronado, California naval base, where Francis is about to be sold as surplus. Pete rushes to the train station, but before he can board, nurse Betsy Donevan mistakes him for her shell-shocked brother, Navy boatswain Slicker Donevan. She tries to forcibly remove his uniform so he will not get into trouble for impersonating an Army officer. Finally she realizes that Pete is not Slicker but merely his mirror image.
Frenesi de Paixões
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Lynn Markham moves into her late husband's beach house the morning after former tenant Eloise Crandall fell from the cliff. To her annoyance, Lynn finds both her real estate agent and Drummond Hall, her beachcomber neighbor, making themselves quite at home. Lynn soon has no doubts of what her scheming neighbors are up to, but she finds Drummond's physical charms hard to resist. And she still doesn't know what really happened to Eloise.
Sangue de Mestiço
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A part-Indian mining engineer looks for gold in an Arizona ghost town with his socialite bride.
The Shrike
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Film version of Joseph Kramm's Pulitzer Prize play, about a Broadway playwright driven to a nervous breakdown by his shrewish wife.
Guerra Entre Planetas
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Estranhos fenômenos começam a acontecer com o físico nuclear Cal Meacham. Neste meio tempo, Cal aceita trabalhar em um projeto ultra-secreto, entretanto, ele desconfia que algo estranho, de fato, está acontecendo. Lá ele conhece a cientista Ruth Adams e junto dela tenta fugir. Na fuga, conhece a pessoa que o contratou, Exeter. Mas a descoberta mais fantástica ainda está por vir, quando ambos ficam sabendo que Exeter, na realidade, é habitante do planeta Metaluna. Exeter quer a ajuda dos cientistas para descobrir uma nova forma de energia para salvar Metaluna dos ataques dos aliens do Planeta Zagon.
A Revanche do Monstro
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Um grupo de cientistas encontrou na Amazônia um ser anfíbio, meio homem, meio peixe. A criatura fora baleada e deda como morta, mas agora se descobre que ele sobreviveu. Feito prisioneira, ela foi levada para um laboratório na Flórida. Após várias tentativas de humaniza-la ou até mesmo domesticá-la, a criatura sai de controle. Escapa do laboratório e tenta chegar ao mar, mas começa sofrer uma intensa perseguição.
A Caravana da Morte
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Jeff Carr, investigador especial, chega a Tomahawk. Sua missão é descobrir que é o responsável por uma série de assassinatos que está aterrorizando a cidade. O vaqueiro Alec Black é o suspeito apontado pela população local, mas não demora muito para Jeff chegar a conclusão de que ele é inocente. E agora quem será o assassino?
O Grande Guerreiro
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When young Crazy Horse, of whom great things were predicted, wins his bride, rival Little Big Man goes to villainous traders with evidence of gold in the sacred Lakota burial ground. Of course, a new gold rush starts despite all treaties, and Crazy Horse becomes military leader of his people. Initial Indian victories lead to the inevitable result. Uniquely, all is told from the Indian perspective.
Maldição da Serpente
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While stationed in Asia, six American G.I.'s witness the secret ritual of Lamians (worshipers of women who can change into serpents). When discovered by the cult, the High Lamian Priest vows that "the Cobra Goddess will avenge herself". Once back in the United States, a mysterious woman enters into their lives and accidents begin to happen. The shadow of a cobra is seen just before each death.
Homem sem Rumo
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O caubói Dempsey Rae chega, depois de uma temporada perdido pela vida, ao rancho da bela rancheira Reed Bowman (Jeanne Crain). Junto com o seu jovem e às vezes inapto amigo e "braço-direito" Jeff Jimson (William campbell), ele resolve ficar no rancho e aceitar a proposta de trabalho de Redd - muito mais fascinado pela linda e desbocada chefe do que pelo trabalho em si. Mas quando Rae descobre que ele e seu colega foram contratados, na verdade, para cercar terrenos ilegalmente, ele resolve abandonar seu emprego e voltar-se para o lado dos pequenos e lezados rancheiros que foram roubados. Mas o testa-de-ferro da rancheira Reed Steve Miles (Richard Boone), que gosta de enrolar seus inimigos em arame farpado, está disposto a dar a Dempsey Rae muito mais trabalho do que ele imaginaria...
Fuga Heróica
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No Território do Novo México, em 1852, um pequeno destacamento de tropas da cavalaria caminha até seu novo posto acima do Rio Colorado e o encontra sendo atacado por índios de Ute. Apenas nove deles conseguem sobreviver, incluindo a filha do oficial comandante morto, Laura Evans (Piper Laurie), o novo comandante, o arrogante Tenente Wayne Ford (Rex Reason), e o prisioneiro Brett Halliday (Dana Andrews), um soldado renegado que abandonou o seu comando a dois anos para se juntar a tribo Ute, que ele achava que estavam sendo maltratados. O Capitão Harper (William Talman), sabendo que a Ute vai voltar a atacar, quer escapar por terra, mas Halliday sabe dos costumes índios, e aconselha-os a tomar balsas pelo rio.
Abbott and Costello Meet the Keystone Kops
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Harry and Willie are scammed into buying the Thomas Edison studio lot by a man named Gorman. They decide to follow Gorman's trail to Hollywood where, unbeknownst to them, he has taken the identity of a foreign film director. The lads wind up as stunt doubles in film the which Gorman is now shooting, while the conman tries to have the bungling pair done away with before they realize who he really is.
Dominado Pelo Crime
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Follow the evolution of a small time juvenile delinquent hood to a big time racketeer. Based on the famous 1950 Brinks Robbery in Boston that netted the crooks $2.5 million. The story delves into the psychology of the perpetrators, as well as the intricate mechanics of the hold-up.
Três Marujos em Paris
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Three sailors on leave head for Paris with one thing on their minds.
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Western remake of "Destry Rides Again", starring Audie Murphy, Mari Blanchard, Thomas Mitchell, Lori Nelson and Lyle Bettger.
O Morro da Traição
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Pete Menlo (Howard Duff) possui terras para garimpo de ouro em Nevada e une-se a ele seu velho amigo Andy Martin (Lex Barker). O malandro dono de mina Bannon (John McIntire) quer também unir-se a eles para formar um monopólio mas é afastado.
Rifles Para Bengala
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Year 1856, British India. Capt. Jeffrey Claybourne is severely punished after disobeying an order. Feeling unworthy of his fiancée Vivian Morrow, the daughter of his superior officer, Claybourne leaves the army until he could regain his reputation. When the Rajah Karam launches an attack on the British forces in India, Claybourne finds a chance at redemption.
O Derradeiro Assalto
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Outlaws on the lam battle attacking Apaches.
Fúria Assassina
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Questioned as a murder suspect, solid (but drunk) citizen Al Willis attacks his police questioners, is beaten, and swears vengeance against them. Next night, Lieut. Parks is murdered; Willis is the only suspect in the eyes of tough Chief Conroy, who pursues him doggedly despite lack of evidence. The obsessed Conroy is dismissed from the force, but continues to harass Willis, who flees to a sleazy town on the Mexican border. Of course, Conroy follows. But which is crazy, Conroy or Willis?
O Escudo Negro de Falworth
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Nos dias do rei Henrique IV, os jovens Myles e sua irmã Meg foram criados como camponeses, sem qualquer conhecimento de quem era realmente seu pai. Mas um dia eles viajam para o castelo Mackworth. Lá Myles se apaixona por Anne, filha Mackworth, faz amigos e inimigos, e aprende a ser um cavaleiro, para que, através do plano de Mackworth e seu amigo o príncipe Hal, Myles possa recuperar do maquiavélico Albon seu verdadeiro direito de primogênito, e uso do Escudo Negro de Falworth.
Dinastia do Terror
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Brett Wade, gambler, gunslinger, and classical pianist, is wounded in a gunfight with the Ferris clan; the doctor finds signs of tuberculosis. En route to Colorado for his health, Brett stops in Socorro, New Mexico along with Ferris gunfighter Jimmy Rapp. Sheriff Couthen fears another shootout, but what Brett has in mind is saving waif-with-a-past Rannah Hayes from a life as one of Dick Braden's saloon girls.
Sublime Obsessão
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Um playboy egoísta apaixonado por uma mulher que parece magoar mais do que ele pretende começa a entender um significado mais profundo do relacionamento deles. Quando o rico e mimado Bob Merrick, tolamente, destrói sua lancha, a equipe de resgate o ressuscita com equipamentos que não estão disponíveis para ajudar um herói local, o Dr. Wayne Phillips, que morre como resultado. O Dr. Phillips havia ajudado muitas pessoas e, quando Merrick descobre o segredo de Phillips, que é doar desinteressadamente e em segredo, ele tenta de maneira desonesta. O resultado aliena ainda mais a viúva de Phillips, Helen, por quem Merrick se apaixonou. A persistência de Merrick causa outra tragédia, e ele deve refazer sua vida, inclusive voltando à faculdade de medicina, na tentativa de fazer as pazes e conquistar seu amor.
Francis Joins the WACS
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Peter Stirling (with his old friend the talking mule) is recalled to active the WACs!
Tambores da Morte
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Gary Brannon (Audie Murphy) e o pai Sam (Walter Brennan) são rancheiros pacíficos que acabam envolvidos nas maquinações de Frank Walker (Lyle Bettger). Frank deseja o ouro existente no território indígena, e para isso fomenta uma guerra entre brancos e índios. Ele também rouba uma carregamento daquele metal e coloca a culpa em Gary. Agora um fugitivo da Lei, Gary luta para provar sua inocência.
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If you remember Shelley Winters from "The Poseidon Adventure" or "Bloody Mama," you might tend to forget what a knockout she was early in her career. This film will give you the chance to see her as a sexy nightclub singer teaching her just-in-from-the-sticks friend Colleen Miller the ropes in New York City. When Winters finds out that her married boyfriend Barry Sullivan has fallen for Miller, the recriminations...and bullets...start to fly!
Escravas do Harem
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Salem, Massachusetts, 1800. Jason Starbuck (Jeff Chandlerna) chega a cidade para negociar peles e realizar sonhos, mas acaba se apaixonando por Roxana (Rhonda Fleming), que acaba rompendo seu noivado e parte para França para aguardar Jason. O navio que transporta Roxana é atacado por piratas e ela é vendida como escrava no Marrocos. Jason segue para o Marrocos e deve ganhar o apoio do sultão, a fim de localizar e salvar Roxana.
O Monstro da Lagoa Negra
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Na Amazônia brasileira, o pesquisador Carl Maia fotografa o que parece ser a nadadeira de um anfíbio possivelmente extinto. Carl viaja para mostrar sua descoberta e obter apoio financeiro, mas ao retornar com outros pesquisadores, descobre que dois funcionários deles foram mortos. Eles rumam para a Lagoa Negra, onde acham uma misteriosa criatura anfíbia, que pode ser o elo perdido entre duas espécies - uma aquática e outra terrestre.
Herança Sagrada
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Três anos após o final das Guerras Apache, o chefe pacificador Cochise vem a falecer. O seu filho mais velho, Taza (Rock Hudson), também divide com o pai as mesmas idéias sobre a paz entre os povos, mas seu irmão Naiche (Bart Roberts) anseia pela guerra... e também por destronar seu irmão e conseguir o amor de Oona (Barbara Rush). Naiche não perde tempo para começar uma nova briga com o homem branco, e graças ao orgulho desmedido do oficial da cavalaria local, o estopim da guerra finalmente explode. O renegado capturado Gerônimo (Ian MacDonald) logo se junta a eles nessa nova batalha, e ninguém sabe ao certo quem poderá vencer essa guerra que parece nunca ter fim...
Região do Ódio
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Em 1896, Jeff Webster (James Stewart) vê o início da corrida do ouro de Klondike como uma oportunidade para consguir uma fortuna no ramo do gado. Ele leva um rebanho de gado do Wyoming para Seattle, e depois para Skagway. Lá, ele e seu parceiro Ben Tatum (Walter Brennan) vendem o gado e passam a trabalhar com o ouro. Os problemas vão começar, pois duas mulheres começam a disputar o seu coração e várias pessoas ambiciosas estão de olho no seu dinheiro, e de tudo farão para roubá-lo.
Traição Cruel
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Quando seu pai e irmão são assassinados por uma gangue de ladrões de gado, o explorador de estradas Clay O'Mara (Audie Murphy) vara todo o Oeste em busca de vingança. No caminho, ele fecha uma estranha aliança com o fora-da-lei Whitey Kincade (Dan Duryea), um violento pistoleiro que está mais interessado em ver o inexperiente O'Mara tentando matar os assassinos que encontra pelo caminho do que propriamente ajudá-lo. Mostrando-se um verdadeiro durão, ele ainda encontrará muitos criminosos em seu caminho até que, num sangrento tiroteio, consiga finalmente defender a honra de sua família.
A Última Avançada
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A thrilling Cavalry-versus-Indians adventure starring Jeff Chandler as an Army official recruiting Seminole allies, against his superior's wishes, to stop a planned Kiowa attack.
Música e Lágrimas
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O famoso artista Glenn Miller (James Stewart) começa cedo a escrever sua história. Nos anos 30, ele entra nos negócios musicais e enfrenta algumas dificuldades iniciais como o fracasso de sua primeira banda de estrada. No entanto, ele não desiste e mais tarde casa-se com Helen Burger (June Allyson), que o acompanhará na sua trilha para o sucesso.
Taberna dos Proscritos
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Zona Libre é uma pequena vila do outro lado do rio nos Estados Unidos. Governada despoticamente pelo general Calleja, é um local atraente para foras da lei dispostos a pagar uma taxa. Clete Mattson, recem chegada ao lugar, tem dois milhões de dolares em ouro para comprar armas para os confederados. Mas em quem ele pode confiar com tanto dinheiro em seu poder? Certamente não Calleja, mas talvez a adorável Carmelita? O general pensa que ela é sua propriedade, mas Carmelita dá mostras de estar atraída por Mattson. Enquanto isso, o Mexico quer de volta as terras.
Lábios Que Mentem
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Eddie Darrow, seeking a mobster's widow in Macao, gets involved in a casino owner's affairs.
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Um guia se torna vítima de uma emboscada, e tem a sua caravana dizimada por índios yaquis, quando ele consegue chegar cidade, todos pensam que se trata de um covarde que abandonou a caravana guiada por ele. Sendo assim, todos querem que ele seja enforcado, exceto uma moça, que fazia parte da caravana, e graças à ele, não foi morta, junto com sua irmã e sobrinho, e consequentemente se apaixona por ele, e confia na sua inocência. Agora, ele terá que provar que ela tem razão.
The Glass Web
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The ice-cold diva Paula ruthlessly exploits the guys she dates. While blackmailing the married Don with a recent one-night-stand, she has a secret affair with Henry, who works as researcher for the weekly authentic TV show "Crime of the Week", which Don writes for. When Henry fails to help her to a role, she insults him deadly... and ends up dead herself. Now Don desperately tries to hide his traces, but Henry sabotages his efforts and suggests he write the unsolved murder case for next week's show...
The All American
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A family tragedy causes a college football quarterback to re-think his goals in life.
Ao Sul de Sumatra
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Duke Mullane, manager of a Malayan tin mine, goes to a little-known island to open a new mine in the jungle. Initially, the natives there are friendly, especially dancer Minyora...who proves to be affianced to local ruler King Kiang. Alas, a series of unfortunate incidents changes Kiang's attitude to hostility, and Duke is stranded with his crew, Minyora, and his old flame Lory...who's now engaged to his boss!
Levante dos Apaches
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Sheriff Lane Dakota captures robbery-murder suspect Greiner just as the latter is wounded in an Apache ambush. At remote outpost Apache River, Lane and his prisoner spend the night with other travelers, including 2 women with a surprising number of fancy dresses. In the morning, who should appear but a band of ostensibly peaceful Apaches strayed from the reservation. And bigoted Colonel Morsby is strongly inclined to shoot first and ask questions afterward...
Wings of the Hawk
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Gringo miner Gallager is caught up in the Mexican revolution of 1910-11 when corrupt administrator Ruiz appropriates his mine. Gallager saves the life of guerilla leader Raquel, then finds there's a price on his head; he becomes romantically involved with her in the course of a series of rescues and ambushes, leading up to Orozco's march on Ciudad Juarez.
A Espada de Damasco
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Tendo o seu pai sido morto às mãos de uma horda de soldados que transportam o símbolo de uma serpente enroscada, Harun decide ir até Bagdade para descobrir quem mandou executar o assassinato. Assim que chega à cidade arma-se com uma espada que parece estar dotada de uma incrível força e cuja magia só funciona nas suas mãos. Entretanto, no palácio, o malvado vizir Jafar conspira com o seu filho para derrubar o califa. Mas a filha deste, a princessa Khairuzan, apaixona-se por Harun e juntos viverão uma aventura para salvar o califado dos perfídios planos do vizir.
Sangue Por Sangue
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Em 1836, John Stroud, um dos rebeldes do Texas que estão cercados no Forte Álamo, recebe a notícia de que a sua região foi atacada pelos mexicanos. Ele ganha um sorteio com outros homens e sai do forte para tentar ajudar sua família e as de seus companheiros. Ao chegar lá só encontra o filho mexicano de um de seus empregados. Seu racho está queimado e sua esposa e filhos estão mortos. O garoto lhe diz que os responsáveis pelo ataque foram milicianos americanos que se aliaram aos mexicanos contra os rebeldes. Stroud leva o garoto até a cidade de Franklin, onde é preso como desertor e covarde. Na cadeia encontra um dos homens que atacaram sua família e que foi reconhecido pelo garoto mexicano. Quando o miliciano foge da cadeia com a ajuda de seu grupo, Stroud vai com ele, tentando se vingar na primeira chance.
Abbott e Costello Enfrentando o Médico e o Monstro
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Os policiais Slim e Tubby vão para Londres e conhecem um médico que apresenta uma personalidade diabólica.
Hordas Selvagens
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Durante a Guerra Civil, os sulistas agitadores utilizam equipamento dedicado a estragar a paz de soldados da União com Sioux em Wyoming. Ela oferece ajuda á um negociante de cavalos sem escrúpulos.
Desejo Atroz
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In 1910, a wayward mother re-visits the family she deserted.
Take Me to Town
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Saloon entertainer Vermilion O'Toole and her former partner in crime Newt Cole escape from a train ride to prison and hide out in logging town Timberline. Meanwhile, the three sons of widower Will Hall come to town in search of a wife for their dad. Vermilion needs to lay low to escape the marshal, so she accepts the boys' offer to visit pioneer community Pine Grove. Once there, she annoys local Mrs. Grundys but eventually starts to fit in.
Francis Covers the Big Town
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A man who has a talking mule gets a job on a newspaper, and both get mixed up in a murder trial.
A Ameaça que Veio do Espaço
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Um casal de noivos, o astrônomo John Putnan (Richard Carlson) e a professora Ellen Fields (Barbara Rush), testemunham a queda de um meteoro no deserto do Arizona, chocando-se violentamente contra o solo nas redondezas da pequena cidade de San Rock. Ao investigar de perto o misterioso objeto que veio do espaço, o homem descobre que se trata na verdade de uma nave extraterrestre, que fica soterrada após um desmoronamento de pedras na cratera formada por sua queda.
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Logo após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, o ex-soldado Steve Martin (James Stewart) viaja com o sonho de encontrar petróleo no fundo do Golfo do México. Junto com seu amigo do exército, Gambi (Dan Duryea), ele consegue o apoio financeiro do chefe de uma empresa petrolífera, o irritável Kermit MacDonald (Jay C. Flippen).
Jornada Sangrenta
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Estamos às vésperas da Guerra de Secessão, no Forte Union, território do Novo México. O tenente da União Jed Sayre, simpático à causa dos Navajos, luta para manter a paz entre brancos e índios. Mas o novo comandante, Capitão Lee Whitlock, pai da bela Marcy, acha que índio bom é índio morto. Escaramuças de ambos os lados sucedem-se num crescendo, com o renegado Menguito à frente dos nativos. As hostilidades são incentivadas pelo General Storey, cujo fim é fazer com que os soldados desertem em favor dos confederados.
Na Sombra do Disfarce
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Zachary Hallock and his son Joshua are farmers who live in a frontier town that suffers the assaults of a band of outlaws. After the murder of a Pinkerton's detective, the farmers decide to unite against the bandits, but Hallock rejects the proposal. To the astonishment of his son and his fiancée, Hallock decides to join the outlaws.
Com a Lei e a Ordem
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O Xerife Federal Frame Johnson é contratado para manter a paz em uma cidade incontrolável do Oeste Selvagem. Mas que tamanho deve ser o seu sacrifício para estabelecer a lei e a ordem? Ele deve escolher entre a mulher que ama e a vida perigosa de um oficial da lei da fronteira.
Desert Legion
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A commander in the Foreign Legion romances a mysterious and exotic princess.
A Morte Tem Seu Preço
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Kittridge is hired by the villans but turns to defend the rancher Saxon after learning the true situation. Kittrige wins Saxon's ranch with a cut of the cards but Saxon has other reasons for loosing the gamble. Telford and Lake try everything from bushwacking to setting a wildfire to stop the Saxon/Kittridge herd of cattle from reaching the railhead.
It Happens Every Thursday
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New York reporter Bob MacAvoy is persuaded by pregnant wife Jane to buy a broken-down weekly newspaper in Eden, California. They have humorous problems with small town mores and eccentric citizens. But their schemes to increase circulation get them in over their heads.
City Beneath the Sea
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Two adventures dive for treasure off the coast of Jamaica.
Abbott e Costello no Planeta Marte
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Lester and Orville accidentally launch a rocket which is supposed to fly to Mars. Instead it goes to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. They are then forced by bank robber Mugsy and his pal Harry to fly to Venus where they find a civilization made up entirely of women, men having been banished.
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Um tenente da cavalaria relata seus esforços para fazer as pazes com a tribo indígena Seminole. Tendo uma experiência estratégica bem-vinda nos pântanos quentes e úmidos da Flórida e na tribo local dos índios Seminole, o brilhante e ético graduado de West Point, Segundo Tenente Lance Caldwell, é transferido para o perigoso posto avançado de Everglades, em 1835. Supostamente impedindo o desenvolvimento da civilização branca, os Seminoles devem ser expulsos de suas terras nativas a todo custo; tudo o que existe entre as aspirações do comandante venenoso e o último dos clãs indianos é Caldwell. Mais cedo ou mais tarde, um sentinela morto e um confronto violento com os homens do poderoso líder Seminole, Chefe Osceola, mancharão os vastos e intransitáveis pântanos com sangue, enquanto uma linda mulher com muita força de vontade fica no meio da disputa. Poderá Caldwell ser a voz da razão e do compromisso?
The Mississippi Gambler
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Mark Fallon, with partner Kansas John Polly, tries to introduce honest gambling on the riverboats. His first success makes enemies of the crooked gamblers and of fair Angelique Dureau, whose necklace he won. Later in New Orleans, Mark befriends Angelique's father, but she still affects to despise him as his gambling career brings him wealth. Duelling, tragedy, and romantic complications follow.
Girls in the Night
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Juvenile delinquents (Joyce Holden, Glenda Farrell, Harvey Lembeck) trap a neighborhood hoodlum in New York.
A Rainha dos Renegados
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A saloonkeeper sides with the sheriff for justice after she's framed for rustling.
Bando de Renegados
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Libertado da prisão, John Wesley Hardin deixa um relato de sua vida no jornal local. Ele fala sobre seu pai excessivamente religioso, sua vida resultante de cartas e armas e seu amor por sua meia-irmã substituída em sua morte durante um tiroteio por Rosie, a garota do salão de dança.
Contra Todas as Bandeiras
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British Naval Officer fights pirates on Madagascar.
Because of You
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A female ex-con falls in love and hesitates to reveal her past.
The Raiders
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A rancher who has staked a claim during the California gold rush goes after the gang of murderous claim-jumpers who have stolen his claim and murdered his wife.
O Castelo do Pavor
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A Man investigates the disappearance of two of his friends who were the guests of a sinister Austrian count.
Império do Pavor
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Brothers Dan and Neil Hammond return to Texas after the Civil War. Ambitious Dan turns to rustling and then shady land deals to build an empire. Being held for a murder, he is rescued from a lynch mob by Neil, who is now the Marshal, but there is eventually a falling out between the brothers, good triumphing over evil.
Onde Impera a Traição
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Os mineradores vivem com medo dos bandidos que chegam de uma hora para outra, obrigando-lhes a assinarem a transferência de propriedade para os assaltantes. O xerife Tyrone, mais conhecido como Relâmpago, vai atrás dos bandidos. No meio do caminho, ele encontra a simpática Opal, mas ela tem um segredo que o esperto xerife terá que descobrir ele, mas é ferido durante a perseguição aos bandidos… Porem ao voltar Ele também tentará que descobrir quem matou o seu companheiro Dan Musick em sua ausência e vingar a sua morte, então nomeia o jovem Luke Cromwell, chamado de Silver Kid, como seu novo braço direito. Luke, aliás, esse está em busca de vingança, porque o pai foi uma das vítimas dos salteadores.
Abbott e Costello no Alasca
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Na década de 1890 na cidade de São Francisco, dois bombeiros voluntários resgatam o garimpeiro Joe McDermott quando este tenta cometer suicídio. Por um equívoco, a polícia começa a persegui-los por suspeita de assassinato deste garimpeiro. Para provarem sua inocência eles precisam do garimpeiro vivo, porém muitos o querem morto. Acabam todos indo para o Alasca, onde podem entrar numa fria.
Homens em Revolta
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The Denbow family denies access across their land to homesteaders. To evade a murder charge, Glenn Denbow marries Jane, the only witness who's in love with him. But the woman favors the settlers...
Francis Goes to West Point
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Francis the talking mule gets his owner in and out of trouble while he is taking basic training at West Point.
Sally and Saint Anne
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An Irish-American girl asks the saint to guide her family and save them from an alderman.
Tormento da Carne
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Deaf boxer Paul Callan captures the interest of gold-digging blonde Sonya Bartow and retired fight manager 'Pop' Richardson. For a time, Sonya has the upper hand with Paul, but ultimately a rival appears in the shape of upper-crust reporter Ann Hollis. With a 3-way fight under way for influence over Paul, he takes matters into his own hands, but learns that getting what he wanted isn't necessarily a happy ending.
Just Across the Street
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A plumber's secretary poses as the daughter of a prominent society couple.
...E o Noivo Voltou
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Alvah, um jovem soldado que vira dono de uma vinha, foge para Las Vegas com Lee, a filha de sua empregada. Mas uma catapora em Alvah acaba adiando a noite de núpcias. O resto do filme gira em torno de mais atrasos para a consumação do casamento, causada pela manipulação da Mama de Lee e do bando de parentes, em sua maioria desagradáveis, ​​com quem Lee encheu a casa.
The Red Ball Express
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August 1944: proceeding with the invasion of France, Patton's Third Army has advanced so far toward Paris that it cannot be supplied. To keep up the momentum, Allied HQ establishes an elite military truck route.
O Levante dos Apaches
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O oficial da cavalaria dos EUA, major Jim Colton (John Lund), é um líder compreensivo que tem um relacionamento de trabalho com o líder do Apache Cochise ( Jeff Chandler). O major Colton é prejudicado pelo agente indiano corrupto e politicamente ambicioso Neil Baylor (Bruce Cowling), que inicia um ataque falso e o sequestro do filho de um fazendeiro local. Enquanto Colton está investigando o assunto, Baylor convence o tenente George Bascom (John Hudson) de que a banda de Cochise é a culpada e o incita a liderar uma expedição contra a banda Apache para devolver o garoto. A expedição termina em desastre, com reféns executados de ambos os lados. Os Apaches e Cavalaria mais tarde se encontram em uma batalha no Apache Pass, a primeira vez que os índios encontram artilharia moderna (para a época)
Meet Danny Wilson
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A lounge singer sees his career skyrocket after he signs a contract for a mobster nightclub owner.
E o Sangue Semeou a Terra
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Homem lidera um grupo de pioneiros ao Oregon, onde iniciarão uma nova vida. No caminho, porém, eles passam por uma série de percalços e dificuldades.
O Último Duelo
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Bill Doolin injustamente acusado por funcionários da estrada de ferro de ajudar um assalto de trem por seus antigos amigos, os Daltons, ele se junta a sua gangue e torna-se um participante ativo em outros roubos.
Fúria de Paixões
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A San Francisco hood is rubbed out by rival Bruno Felkin, who himself reports the crime to Homicide Lt. Kelsey in an alibi scheme which fails. To escape, he stows away on a fishing boat. At sea, skipper Hamil Linder receives Bruno kindly, teaching him fishing; Bruno enlists Hamil's wayward son Carl to tend his slot machines. Then Carl takes an interest in Bruno's girl Connie. Climax in a storm at sea.
O Segredo da Caverna
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Macdonald Carey interpreta um ex-bandido que ao sair da prisão, busca um ouro perdido nas cavernas depois de um assalto quando ele era um adolescente.
Thunder on the Hill
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Sister Mary presides over a convent where a convicted murderess, who is being escorted to Death Row, is stranded by bad weather. She is slowly becoming convinced that Valerie is innocent so Sister Mary sets about to clear the girl and bring the real killer to justice.
A Princesa e os Bárbaros
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The Princess of Samarkand and an English knight confront the armies of Genghis Khan.
You Never Can Tell
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Ex-police/army dog King inherits a fortune from an eccentric millionaire. But someone poisons him for his fortune. He gets to go back to earth as a human detective to bring his killer to justice and protect the girl who used to look after him.
O Demolidor
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In Coaltown, Pennsylvania, miner Coke Mason hopes to better himself, buy a radio store, and marry Rose Warren. His gambler brother George thinks Coke can be more successful as a boxer, knowing that when he fights he's consumed with a murderous rage that makes him an "iron man." Seeing dollar signs in Rose's eyes, Coke reluctantly agrees, though he's fearful of the "killer instinct" that makes him a knockout success in the ring...and brings him the booing hatred of the fans. Will Coke throw off his personal demon before he kills someone?
The Lady from Texas
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An eccentric Civil War widow is accused of being insane.
Estouro da Manada
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O jovem filho mimado de um rico proprietário de ferrovia consegue se perder no meio do nada. Ele é encontrado por um cowboy que está conduzindo uma boiada e o rapaz deve começar a aprender as difíceis lições de trabalhar em equipe, se quiser chegar a San Diego.
Só Resta a Lembrança
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A soldier blinded in war returns home and attempts to adjust to civilian life.
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Al Stewart and Wilbert are magicians doing a stage act when they run into Wilbert's cousin, Dorothy McCoy. They find out that Wilbert's grandfather, Squeeze-box McCoy, had treasure hidden in the hills of Kentucky, which they go to find.
A Marca do Renegado
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An agent of Mexico poses as a pirate to foil a would-be emperor in 1820s California.
O Tirano
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The wicked Alain plots an elaborate revenge against his younger brother Edmund, leading to a deadly confrontation in his dungeon deathtrap.
Hollywood Story
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A producer takes over a small film studio and - sensing that it'll be a good movie- begins investigating an old murder of a silent film director shot in his office years ago. He finds that his life is threatened as he digs deeper into the mystery.
Crime no Circo
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A innocent dentist is murdered and the only apparent motive seems to be to steal a set of dental x-rays. To the police it looks like an accident, but private eye Brad Runyan thinks there's more to it.
O Príncipe Ladrão
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Século XIII. Um político mal e ambicioso que busca proclamar-se rei de Tânger, encontra uma dificuldade, o Príncipe Hussein, uma criança que é o legítimo herdeiro do trono. Para elimina-lo contrata um assassino, mas este fica com pena da criança e ao invés de mata-lo o carrega com ele. Assim, o príncipe cresce no meio de um bando de ladrões que irão ajudá-lo quando adulto a recuperar o trono.
Francis Goes to the Races
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In this funny sequel to the popular Francis the Talking Mule, the talkative Mule and his pal Peter get a job working on a horse-breeder's ranch. They end up saving it from financial ruin when Francis, who has the inside track with the racehorses, provides Peter with names of the winners before the races are run. Sure enough Peter finds himself with a fistful of cash and uses it to buy a racehorse for the farm. Unfortunately, the horse he chooses is suffering from a debilitating lack of confidence. When not dealing with the mare, Peter finds time to court the horse breeder's niece and trying to avoid the gangsters who want in on the winnings.
Budd Abbott & Lou Costello e o Homem Invisível
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Dois detetives particulares trapalhões ajudam um homem que foi acusado injustamente de assassinato e que se tornou invisível, a limpar seu nome!
Bedtime for Bonzo
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College prof Peter Boyd tries to salvage his professional and personal reputation by using a lab chimp to prove that environment trumps heredity in behavioral development.
Flechas da Vingança
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A gambler is thrown out of a western town, but returns when the town is suddenly threatened by a band of marauding Apaches.
Escola de Bravos
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A group of cadets have assorted problems at the U.S. Air Force Pilot Training Academy.
Coração Selvagem
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In 1866, a new gold discovery and an inconclusive conference force the U.S. Army to build a road and fort in territory ceded by previous treaty to the the disgust of frontier scout Jim Bridger, whose Cheyenne wife led him to see the conflict from both sides. The powder-keg situation needs only a spark to bring war, and violent bigots like Lieut. Rob Dancy are all too likely to provide this. Meanwhile, Bridger's chance of preventing catastrophe is dimmed by equally wrenching personal conflicts. Unusually accurate historically.
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Frenchie Fontaine sells her successful business in New Orleans to come West. Her reason? Find the men who killed her father, Frank Dawson. But she only knows one of the two who did and she's determined to find out the other.
Meu Amigo Harvey
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Devido à sua insistência de que ele tem um coelho invisível de 1,80 m de altura como seu melhor amigo, um homem de meia-idade lunático é considerado por sua família como insano. Mas ele pode ser mais sábio do que se pensa. O clássico sucesso dos palcos recebe o tratamento de Hollywood na história de Elwood P. Dowd, que torna-se amigo de um fantasma na forma de um coelho de tamanho humano chamado Harvey que só ele vê (e alguns outros privilegiados na ocasião também.) Depois que sua irmã tenta interná-lo numa instituição mental, uma comédia de erros se segue. Elwood e Harvey se tornam os catalisadores para que uma família possa remendar suas feridas e para o romance florescer em lugares inesperados.
Mystery Submarine
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Posing as an ex-German medical officer, a U. S. Navy Intelligence Officer sets out to rescue a kidnapped scientist, and sink a Nazi submarine, hiding off the coast of South America.
Cavaleiros da Bandeira Negra
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Os irmãos Jesse e Frank James, além de Cole e James Younger e ainda Kit Dalton, juntam-se ao bando de Quantrill, um Confederado que após a Guerra de Secessão dedica-se a saquear e matar civis, pretensamente em nome da causa. Quando percebe que todos não passam de simples bandidos, Jesse tenta ir embora, mas é convencido a ficar por Kate, a amante de Quantrill. Entre um ataque e outro, os passos da quadrilha são descobertos pelos soldados Ianques, que se aprontam para desbaratá-la.
Undercover Girl
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After her father is murdered, a girl joins the police force in an effort to track down the killers.
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The real-life deportation of gangster Lucky Luciano was the inspiration for this romanticized and slightly crackbrained crime drama. Jeff Chandler plays the Luciano counterpart, who once he arrives in Italy renews his criminal activities.
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McNally é um detetive que é enviado para descobrir quem está por trás de contínuos roubos do comboio que transporta o correio.
The Milkman
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A dairy owner's son takes a job as milkman with a rival company.
Saddle Tramp
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Carefree Chuck Connor is on his way west and stops off to see an old friend and his four lads. When his host is killed in a riding accident Chuck realises he must take care of the family. They hit the road and he takes a job on a ranch, but he has to keep the children hidden as his boss hates kids. There's also tension with the neighbouring ranch, and when a girl on the run from her nasty uncle joins the family unannounced Chuck wonders what he has done to deserve all this.
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Jack Early is a photographer who will stop at nothing to climb his way to the very top of the success ladder. On the strength of his sheer tenacity, he gets a job with a major newspaper, and it's not long before he's made a name for himself by charming a notorious crime boss, Nick Palmer, into allowing himself to be photographed. Palmer takes him under his wing, but Early decides to bite the hand that feeds him and sets Palmer and another crime boss, Colton, against one another.
Abbott and Costello in the Foreign Legion
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Jonesy and Lou are in Algeria looking for a wrestler they are promoting. Sergeant Axmann tricks them into joining the Foreign Legion, after which they discover Axmann's collaboration with the nasty Sheik Hamud El Khalid. Bits include Lou's mirage sightings, one a New York newsboy ("they gave me a bad corner").
Winchester 73
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A trajetória de um rifle dado como premio, de um malfadada proprietário para outro, em paralelo a busca de um cowboy por um fugitivo assassino. Em um concurso de tiro ao alvo, Lin McAdam ganha um famoso rifle Winchester, que é imediatamente roubada pelo vice-campeão, Dutch Henry Brown. Esta "história de um rifle" prossegue contando a busca de McAdams, e como o rifle muda de mãos, até o um confronto final em um precipício numa montanha rochosa.
Spy Hunt
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Roger Quain, escorting two zoo-bound black panthers on the train from Milan to Paris, is unaware that a Western agent, Catherine Ullven, has hidden a microfilm in the collar of one of the animals. But when the train is derailed in the Swiss Alps and the panthers escape, she is forced to involve him in her mission, which now includes enemy agents hunting the microfilm, the animals, Catherine and Roger. Corrected from an original submission by Guy Bellinger.
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Architect Hal Norton and wife Meg invite his widowed mother Louisa to move in with them, only to discover the sweet elderly lady is romantically involved with what seems to be every old coot in town.
Serras Sangrentas
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Ring Hassard (Audie Murphy) e seu pai Jeff (Dean Jagger) capturam e domam cavalos selvagens. Eles vivem isolados nas montanhas, porque Jeff é procurado por um crime que não cometeu. Quando Ring conhece a advogada Riley Martin (Wanda Hendrix), Jeff é ferido por um cavalo. Ring e Riley partem em busca de socorro, porém Ring acaba preso acusado de roubar cavalos. Riley defende-o, mas a essa altura o juiz está mais interessado é em saber onde seu pai está escondido.
Curtain Call at Cactus Creek
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Traveling entertainer gets mixed up with bank robbers.
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A police detective uses any means possible to trap a gang of shoplifters.
Território Comanche
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Irmãos e vilões, Maureen O'Hara e Charles Drake vão perturbar o sossego dos comanches para garimpar prata. É então que surge o simpático desbravador MacDonald Carey, que, ao som de um beijo estalado, traz a moça de volta ao bom caminho. Mas o irmão dela é mau de nascença e a luta será cruenta.
Nem o Céu Perdoa
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After stealing a gangster's money and his girlfriend, a doctor heads for a small village in Mexico to hide out.
Duelo Sangrento
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Western reconstituindo um dos episódios mais famosos da carreira de William H. Bonney, o fora-da-lei, Billy the Kid (1859-1881), interpretado por Audie Murphy. Aos 18 anos, Billy chega ao Novo México e abandona as armas, empregando-se no rancho do inglês Tunstall, com quem faz amizade e que o ajuda a regenerar-se. Tunstall, porém, é assassinado por ladrões de gado que operam na região e Billy resolve vingar-se deflagrando um combate que ficou conhecido como a Guerra do Condado de Lincoln (1878).
Outside the Wall
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Larry Nelson, paroled from prison after serving nearly half of his thirty-year sentence, is determined to not fall into the clutches of the law again, and takes a quiet job at a country sanitarium. Thete, he meets and falls for a nurse, Charlotte Maynard, and he knows the only way to enter her web is to have a lot of money, for Miss Maynard is somewhat of a gold-digger.
E...O Mulo Falou
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The truthful soldier Stirling didn't know how to lie about his source of information, the talking army Mule, Francis, so he was treated as a lunatic and led to one after another hilarious situations, where the mule was the only one that appeared in his right mind. In the process of all this, the mule assisted in uncovering a spy, Mareen, who pretended to be lost among the jungles, but was actually...
Entre o Amor e a Morte
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As far as the rest of the world is concerned, mill heiress Deborah Chandler Clark (Ida Lupino) is dead, killed in a freak auto accident. But Deborah is alive, if not too well. Having discovered a horrible truth about her new husband (Stephen McNally), Deborah is now a “woman in hiding,” living in mortal fear that someday her husband will catch up with her again. When a returning GI (Howard Duff) recognizes Deborah, however, she must decide whether or not she can trust him.
Sangue Acusador
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Undertow stars Scott Brady as a gambler just out of wartime military service. No longer interested in wagers and speculations, Brady wants only to open up a mountain vacation lodge. Before this can take place, Brady is framed for murder, and forced to hide out in the home of Peggy Dow. With the help of Dow and a policeman friend, Brady searches for the real murderer. Watch carefully in Undertow and you'll spot new Universal contractee "Roc" Hudson as a plainclothes detective.
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An Arab sheik's daughter (Maureen O'Hara) avenges his death, blamed on Hassan (Paul Christian) and his Black Riders.
The Story of Molly X
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Molly's husband Rick was a gang leader somewhere in the middle west. When he's shot, the tough woman moves to S.F. with a couple of the gang to start anew. Disguised as a noble woman, she and her gang rob security transports. But when one day Rob confesses to her that he killed Rick out of jealousy, she shoots him down immediately. In lack of proof she can't be convicted for the murder, but she goes to jail for the robberies. It's a new and very open female prison, where she learns a profession for the first time in her life.
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Paula Consodine comes to Los Angeles in search of her missing sister. Newspaperman Mark Sitko, investigating on Paula's behalf, discovers that the sister is dead, a supposed suicide. The whole thing seems a bit fishy to Sitko, and indeed it is: the girl's death was engineered by a black-market adoption racket, headed by one DeCola.
Calamity Jane and Sam Bass
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Drifter Sam Bass shows up in Denton, Texas (soon to host a great horse race) looking for work. Before long, he attracts the attention of pretty storekeeper Katherine Egan (the sheriff's sister) and that wild frontiers woman, Calamity Jane. Circumstances make Sam richer by a very fast race horse. But his seemingly good luck with horses and women leads him to disaster. Will he be forced into a life of crime?
The Gal Who Took the West
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In order to gain passage to the West, a woman poses as an opera singer, and causes a feud between two cousins.
Legião do Deserto
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O Capitão da Legião Estrangeira Paul Lartal, cuja tropa procurava o terrível Omar Ben Khalif nas montanhas da Argélia, é resgatado pela princesa da cidade perdida de Medara após uma emboscada. Apesar de seus superiores não acreditarem no relato do encontro, Lartal está decidido a voltar e ajudar a princesa e seu povo, que podem estar sob ameaça de Ben Khalif.
Frente a Frente com Assassinos
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Lost Caverns Hotel bellhop Freddie Phillips is suspected of murder. Swami Talpur tries to hypnotize Freddie into confessing, but Freddie is too stupid for the plot to work. Inspector Wellman uses Freddie to get the killer (and it isn't the Swami).
Um Passo em Falso
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Catherine Sykes disappears after a midnight drive with Professor Andrew Gentling . When she's presumed murdered, his friend Martha convinces him that he's a prime suspect and should investigate before he's arrested.
Illegal Entry
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Long before he became producer/director of The Tonight Show, Fred DeCordova helmed the Universal meller Illegal Entry. Howard Duff, who later worked with DeCordova on the TV series Mr. Adams and Eve, stars as Bert Powers, an undercover agent for the U.S. Department of Immigration. While attempting to bring a vicious gang of alien smugglers to justice, Powers falls in love with Anna Duvak (Marta Toren), a gang member who is Not What She Seems.
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When Joan Boothe accompanies husband-reporter David to Las Vegas, she begins gambling to pass the time while he is doing a story. Encouraged by the casino manager, she gets hooked on gambling, to the point where she "borrows" David's expense money to pursue her addiction. This finally breaks up their marriage, but David continues trying to help her.
Escrava do Ódio
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A former outlaw goes straight and is determined to catch and tame a wild stallion. Western.
Traficantes da Morte
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A federal agent infiltrates a crime syndicate.
The Life of Riley
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Inspired by the popular '40s radio show of the same title, director Irving Brecher's 1949 comedy stars William Bendix as a hard-working husband-and-father with no shortage of family problems.
Nem Tudo Que Reluz é Ouro
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The Kettles and their fifteen children are about to be evicted from their rundown rustic home when Pa wins the grand prize by coming up with a new tobacco slogan. Birdie Hicks is jealous of the family's new wealth, which includes a completely automated modern home, and accuses Pa of stealing the slogan. Reporter Kim Parker proves Birdie wrong and marries Tom Kettle.
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Romântico, o obsessivo Steve Thompson é atraído de volta para Los Angeles para fazer uma outra tentativa com Anna, sua ex-mulher. No entanto, agora Anna pertence ao submundo de LA. Steve acredita que pode resgatá-la, ignorando os conselhos e avisos de pessoas que tentam ajuda-lo. Ele acaba enveredando por um caminho perigoso que rapidamente leva todos para um lugar não esperado.
Cheyenne Cowboy
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Cheyenne Jones comes to the Blue River Ranch and asks for a job as a cowpuncher. Actually, Jones's real name is Buck McCloud and he's the new owner of the spread, having inherited it when his uncle died a year earlier. He's roaming the range incognito while trying to identify who's behind the cattle rustling that is afflicting his new business.
Legião Sinistra
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A post World War 2, US Army agent is assigned to join the Foreign Legion in search of high ranking Nazi war criminal who may have also enlisted.
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Two con men selling phony stock flee to Mexico ahead of the law, where they run into a woman friend from their earlier days, who is now a bullfighter.
Family Honeymoon
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Grant Jordan, bachelor botany professor, marries Katie, a widow with three kids, despite the machinations of Grant's former girlfriend Minna. But on the wedding day, Aunt Jo, who was to babysit, breaks a leg; so the kids come along on the honeymoon.
Piedade Homicida
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A man kills his terminally ill wife to prevent her further suffering.
Amei um Assassino
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Bill Saunders, a former prisoner of war living in England, whose experiences have left him unstable and violent, gets into a bar fight in which he in kills a man and then flees. He hides out with the assistance of a nurse, Jane Wharton, who believes his story that the killing was an accident.
You Gotta Stay Happy
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Indecisive heiress Dee Dee Dillwood is pushed into marrying her sixth fiancée, but unable to face the wedding night, she flees into the adjacent hotel room of commercial pilot Marvin Payne, who just wants to sleep. She then persuades him to take her to California.
The Saxon Charm
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In order to get his way, New York producer Matt Saxon manipulates and controls everyone around him but his latest protégé, novelist Eric Busch, finally stands-up to him.
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John Payne is the no-good lowdown rat who tries to capitalize on postwar patriotism and grief. He finagles a war widow (Joan Caulfied) into giving up her savings for a nonexistent memorial. When Payne falls in love with the widow he has pangs of conscience, but he reckons without his con-artist boss (Dan Duryea), who tends to bolster his arguments with muscle and bullets.
For the Love of Mary
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Young girl gets a job at the White House as a switchboard operator and gets mixed up in politics.
Paixão e Sangue
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Set at the beginning of the Civil War, Tap Roots is all about a county in Mississippi which chooses to secede from the state rather than enter the conflict. The county is protected from the Confederacy by an abolitionist and a Native American gentleman. The abolitionist's daughter is courted by a powerful newspaper publisher when her fiance, a confederate officer, elopes with the girl's sister. The daughter at first resists the publisher's attentions, but turns to him for aid when her ex-fiance plans to capture the seceding county on behalf of the South.
Ele e a Sereia
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Enquanto está de férias no Caribe com sua esposa, um homem encontra inesperadamente uma sereia e se apaixona por ela.
Vênus, Deusa do Amor
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A window dresser's kiss brings a statue of the Roman goddess of love to life.
Up in Central Park
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A newspaper reporter and the daughter of an immigrant maintenance man help expose political corruption in New York City.
Abbott e Costello Encontram Frankenstein
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Aboot e Costello trabalham na agência de correspondências, até que ficam responsáveis por uma carga macabra: duas grandes caixas, contendo uma o corpo de Drácula, e a outra o de Frankenstein. O plano de Drácula é dar a Frankenstein um novo cérebro, e é aí que os atrapalhados amigos entram em uma fria, pois são seduzidos por uma bela garota que trabalha para o vampiro.
Another Part of the Forest
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This 'prequel' to The Little Foxes tells how the ruthless members of the old-South Hubbard family got that way.
Resgate de uma Consciência
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During WWII, industrialist Joe Keller commits a crime and frames his business partner Herbert Deever. Years later, his sin comes back to haunt him when Joe's son plans to marry Deever's daughter.
Carta de uma Desconhecida
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Na Viena do século 19, a jovem e tímida Lisa se apaixona por Stefan, pianista famoso e mulherengo. Anos depois, já adulta, ela se entrega a ele. Logo em seguida, o músico parte em turnê sem saber que havia engravidado Lisa.
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Pepe Le Moko leads a gang of jewel thieves in the Casbah of Algiers, where he has exiled himself to escape imprisonment in his native France.
Cidade Nua
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Dois detetives da cidade de Nova York, Don Muldoon (Barry Fitzgerald) e Jimmy Halloran (Don Taylor) são designados pra investigar um misterioso assassinato de uma mulher. Seguindo os rastros de joias roubadas ligadas ao crime, os detetives localizam Ruth e seu noivo. Os dois, juntamente com o assassino da mulher, controlam um ladrão de joias que vem importunando a sociedade de Nova York. Um dos mais excitantes filmes do gênero "noir" da década.
A Woman's Vengeance
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A cheating husband is charged in the poisoning death of his invalid wife, in spite of other women and suicide also being suspected.
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A Shakespearian actor starring as Othello opposite his wife finds the character's jealous rage taking over his mind off-stage.
O Segredo da Porta Fechada
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Uma jovem mulher viaja para o México de férias e conhece um homem ideal, por quem se apaixona. Eles se casam e mudam para uma mansão, onde ocorreram vários assassinatos. Curiosa, a jovem descobre os mistérios que a casa guarda, mas ainda deseja descobrir um último segredo: o que tem atrás da porta de um quarto que seu marido mantém sempre trancado.
O Exilado
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In 17th-century England, Charles II, the rightful heir to the kingdom, is driven from his country by militants working for rogue leader Oliver Cromwell. Charles ends up in the Netherlands, where he falls for local beauty Katie and spends his days happily in the quiet countryside. Unfortunately, Cromwell's associate Col. Ingram and his men track Charles down, and the would-be monarch must resort to swashbuckling his way to freedom.
The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gap
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Chester Wooley and Duke Egan are travelling salesmen who make a stopover in Wagon Gap, Montana while enroute to California. During the stopover, a notorious criminal is murdered, and the two are charged with the crime.
Do Lodo Brotou uma Flor
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Um vigarista tenta chantagear um gangster mexicano. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
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After the war, Matt Gordon returns to Singapore to retrieve a fortune in smuggled pearls. Arrived, he reminisces in flashback about his prewar fiancée, alluring Linda, and her disappearance during the Japanese attack. But now Linda resurfaces...with amnesia and married to rich planter Van Leyden. Meanwhile, sinister fence Mauribus schemes to get Matt's pearls.
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Numa violenta penitenciária, o prisioneiro Joe Collins planeja se rebelar contra o capitão Munsey, o chefe dos guardas louco pelo poder. Na Penitenciária de Westgate, superlotada, onde a violência e o medo são a regra e o diretor tem menos poder que os guardas e os principais prisioneiros, o prisioneiro menos satisfeito é o duro Joe Collins. Acima de tudo, Joe odeia o capitão Munsey, um pequeno ditador que se vangloria de seu poder absoluto. Após mais uma infração, Joe e seus companheiros de cela como castigo são colocados dentro dos temidos tubos de drenagem; e isso acende o estopim de um esquema de fuga com todas as chances de se transformar em um banho de sangue. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
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When Ivy, an Edwardian belle, begins to like Miles, a wealthy gentleman, she is unsure of what to do with her husband, Jervis, and her lover, Dr. Roger. She then hatches a plan to get rid of them both.
The Web
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A brash young lawyer takes a short-term but high-paid job as bodyguard for a slick business exec being threatened by a former partner, and quickly realizes he may be in over his head.
The Vigilantes Return
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Marshal Johnnie Taggart (Jon Hall) , posing as an outlaw named "Ace" Braddock, comes to Bannack, Montana to restore law and order. But he is recognized by Kitty, co-owner with Clay Curtwright of the infamous Bull Whip saloon. But "bad-girl" Kitty keeps her mouth shut. When Johnnie's pal Andy reports a stage holdup, Curtwright's henchman, Ben Borden, talks the sheriff and Judge Holden into suspecting Johnnie. Johnnie reveals himself to Judge Holden as a government marshal, and the judge voices his opinion that Curtwright is the leader of the road agents, but voices it in the presence of his granddaughter, Louise Holden. The Judge doesn't know that Louise is in love with Curtwright, and she tips him off as to Johnnie's real identity. Curtwright frames Johnnie for a murder and arranges for the crooked sheriff to promote a lynching and Andy and Kitty help Johnnie escape jail. Johnnie rounds up vigilantes and heads for a showdown at the Bull Whip saloon
Time Out Of Mind
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The son of a wealthy Maine family shocks his relatives by announcing he wants to pursue a career in music.
O Ovo e Eu
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World War II veteran Bob MacDonald surprises his new wife, Betty, by quitting his city job and moving them to a dilapidated farm in the country. While Betty gamely struggles with managing the crumbling house and holding off nosy neighbors and a recalcitrant pig, Bob makes plans for crops and livestock. The couple's bliss is shaken by a visit from a beautiful farm owner, who seems to want more from Bob than just managing her property.
Buck Privates Come Home
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Two ex-soldiers return from overseas--one of them having smuggled into the country a French orphan girl he has become attached to. They wind up running into their old sergeant--who hates them--and getting involved with a race-car builder who's trying to find backers for a new midget racer he's building.
No Limiar da Glória
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While packing her belongings in preparation of evacuating the White House because of the impending British invasion of Washington D.C., Dolly Payne Madison thinks back on her childhood, her first marriage, and later romances with two very different politicians, Aaron Burr and his good friend James Madison. She plays each against the other, not only for romantic reasons, but also to influence the shaping of the young country. By manipulating Burr's affections, she helps Thomas Jefferson win the presidency, and eventually she becomes First Lady of the land herself.
The Brute Man
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A facially disfigured and mentally unhinged man wreaks his revenge on those he blames for his condition.
Os Assassinos
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Pistoleiros matam uma vítima que não resiste, e o investigador Reardon descobre seu envolvimento passado com a bela e mortal Kitty Collins. Dois assassinos profissionais invadem uma pequena cidade e matam um atendente de posto de gasolina, "o sueco", que os espera sem opor nenhuma resistência. O investigador de seguros Reardon investiga o caso contra as ordens de seu chefe, que considera o caso trivial. Juntando os fios da vida do sueco, Reardon descobre uma complexa história de traição e crime, tudo ligando com a deslumbrante e misteriosa Kitty Collins.
Lawless Breed
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Government agents Ted Everett and Tumbleweed are sent to Spearville, Texas, where the law agencies have failed to stop a series of bank robberies. Arriving incognito, they become involved with the gang, and end up being accused of murdering banker Bartlet Mellon. They escape a lynch mob and return with evidence that Mellon has faked his death, hoping to gain the insurance, and is also leading the gang under another name.
The Time of Their Lives
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Two ghosts who were mistakenly branded as traitors during the Revolutionary War return to 20th century New England to retieve a letter from George Washington which would prove their innocence.
Anjo Diabólico
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A falsely convicted man's wife, Catherine, and an alcoholic composer and pianist, Martin team up in an attempt to clear her husband of the murder of a blonde singer, who is Martin's wife.
The Dark Horse
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This 1946 film stars Phillip Terry as a war veteran, who is persuaded by machine politico Donald MacBride to run for alderman. Ann Savage plays the "honest government functionary" with whom the hero falls in love. Terry finds that disreputable politicians are using his war record to push through some shady legislation, so he renounces these hacks.
Paixão Selvagem
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O homem de negócios, Logan Stuart (Dana Andrews), está escoltando a noiva de seu amigo, Lucy Overmire (Susan Hayward), de volta para sua casa na distante cidade de Jacksonville, no Oregon. No trajeto de sua dura jornada Lucy se sente atraída por Logan cujo coração parece pertencer a outra pessoa.
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Maria Montez plays a Spanish dancer named Rita, who is determined to bring Nazi collaborator Colonel Jose Artiego (Preston Foster) to justice. Artiego is at presently working incognito, as military governor of the North African city of Tangier. Maria finds an unexpected ally in the form of Artiego's discarded mistress Dolores (Louise Allbritton).
Her Adventurous Night
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A boy's tall tale about a gun puts his parents and school principal in jail.
Melodia Fatal
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A convicted thief in Dartmoor prison hides the location of the stolen Bank of England printing plates inside three music boxes. When the innocent purchasers of the boxes start to be murdered, Holmes and Watson investigate.
A Mulher-Lobo de Londres
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Os cidadãos de Londres, em véspera de virada de século, estão apavorados e a Scotland Yard está confusa com a misteriosa série de sangrentos assassinatos no mais famoso parque da cidade. Em uma propriedade próxima, Phyllis Allenby (June Lockhart) teme que a maldição de Allenby, responsável pela morte de seus pais, tenha a transformado em uma mulher-lobo. Assombrada por seus sonhos e preocupada em ficar louca, Phyllis termina o seu noivado com seu noivo (Don Porter). Determinado em provar que a mulher que ele ama não poderia ser uma assassina, ele trama um jeito de desmascarar o verdadeiro assassino.
Strange Conquest
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Two doctors try to find the cure for a fatal disease, while battling each other for the affection of a beautiful woman doctor.
House of Horrors
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An unsuccessful sculptor saves a madman named "The Creeper" from drowning. Seeing an opportunity for revenge, he tricks the psycho into murdering his critics.
The Spider Woman Strikes Back
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A young girl goes to work as a live-in caretaker for a spooky old woman. She doesn't know that every night, the woman drains some blood from her to feed her strange plant.
Blonde Alibi
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Soon after a young woman breaks off her engagement to a doctor, the doctor is found murdered. Suspicion falls on his ex-fiancé and a pilot with a checkered past.
Little Giant
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Lou Costello plays a country bumpkin vacuum-cleaner salesman, working for the company run by the crooked Bud Abbott. To try to keep him under his thumb, Abbott convinces Costello that he's a crackerjack salesman. This comedy is somewhat like "The Time of Their Lives," in that Abbott and Costello don't have much screen time together and there are very few vaudeville bits woven into the plot.
Noite Tenebrosa
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Holmes and Watson board a passenger train bound from London to Edinburgh, to guard the Star of Rhodesia, an enormous diamond worth a fortune belonging to an elderly woman of wealth; but within the first hour of the trip, the woman's son is murdered and the diamond stolen and any of the passengers in their car could be the killer thief.
Little Miss Big
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A wealthy eccentric women escapes from a mental institution and finds refuge with a financially strapped barber and his two daughters
Almas Perversas
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Um homem na crise da meia idade se aproxima de uma mulher mais nova, e o noivo dela a convence a enganá-lo de forma que ambos consigam um pouco da suposta fortuna dele.
O Travesseiro da Morte
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Attorney Wayne Fletcher and his secretary have an affair. When Wayne's wife is found smothered to death, he becomes the prime suspect. As the police investigate the murder, a psychic with questionable motives tries to contact the deceased woman. Soon, Wayne begins seeing visions of his dead wife, and other people involved with the case begin to be killed, one by one.
A Casa do Drácula
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Os veteranos do terror Lon Chaney (Lobisomem) e John Carradine (Drácula) chegam ao laboratório do Dr. Edelman (Onslow Stevens) para implorar uma cura para seus instintos assassinos. Mas apesar da sinceridade do Lobisomem, Dracula na verdade procura apenas se aproximar da enfermeira (Martha O'Driscoll), quem ele pretende convencer a se tornar uma de suas "princesas das trevas". A loucura chega a seu extremo quando o doutor descobre o corpo de Frankenstein e faz tentativas de trazê-lo de volta à vida. Esses fatos são mais do que os moradores da vilas vizinhas podem suportar, levando-os a se unir para impedir as loucuras que ameaçam a segurança de seus familias e moradias.
The Crimson Canary
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Members of a Jazz Band come under suspicion when a beautiful nightclub singer is murdered.
Desforra em Argel
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After the King of Ruthenia has been assassinated, Holmes and Watson are engaged to escort his son to Europe via Algiers, aboard a transatlantic ocean liner which also carries a number of suspicious persons, any of whom may be involved in a plot to also assassinate him.
Estranha Revelação
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A scientist who is working on a cure for influenza is victimized by his unscrupulous boss, who releases the vaccine before it's ready, resulting in the death of the scientist's son.
That Night with You
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In this musical comedy, a young singer becomes so desperate to appear on Broadway that she goes to a prominent producer and tells him that she is the daughter who resulted from his day-long marriage to a young woman he knew years ago. The producer is delighted and soon puts his daughter up on stage. The trouble begins when the girl's "mother" suddenly pays a call. For her own reasons, the woman decides to play along with the girl's ruse. Fortunately, by the story's end, the truth is revealed, all differences are reconciled and happiness ensues.
River Gang
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An orphan girl lives with apparently kind uncle who turns out to be a murderer.
The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry
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George Sanders stars in this engrossing melodrama about a very domineering sister who holds a tight grip on her brother -- especially when he shows signs of falling in love.
Lady on a Train
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While watching from her train window, Nikki Collins witnesses a murder in a nearby building. When she alerts the police, they think she has read one too many mystery novels. She then enlists a popular mystery writer to help her solve the crime on her own, but her sleuthing attracts the attentions of suitors and killers.
The Jungle Captive
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Once again Paula the ape woman is brought back to life, this time by a mad doctor and his disfigured assistant, who also kidnaps a nurse in order to have a female blood donor.
The Naughty Nineties
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In the gay '90s, cardsharps take over a Mississippi riverboat from a kindly captain. Their first act is to change the showboat into a floating gambling house. A ham actor and his bumbling sidekick try to devise a way to help the captain regain ownership of the vessel.
A Mulher de Verde
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Sherlock Holmes investigates when young women around London turn up murdered, each with a finger severed. Scotland Yard suspects a madman, but Holmes believes the killings to be part of a diabolical plot.
The Frozen Ghost
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When a man dies of a heart attack, a stage and radio mentalist believes he has willed him to die because he was angry with the man. Riddled with guilt, the mentalist cancels further shows, breaks off his engagement to his female partner, who can read minds while in a hypnotic trance, and takes refuge in the eerie wax-museum-cum-home of another woman friend.
That's the Spirit
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A vaudeville performer returns from the dead to help his wife and daughter, who are being dominated by a greedy banker.
Beyond the Pecos
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Rancher Lew Remington is at odds with longtime rival Bob Randall. The two men battle over rights of oil land that borders both their properties.
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A desert pickpocket, his sidekick, and an escaped slave help an incognito queen in danger.
See My Lawyer
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Ole and Chic are comedians employed in a nightclub, but seeking to be released from their contracts to take a better job. But the prissy nightclub owner, B. J. Wagonhorn, refuses to let them go. In reprisal, they start hurling insults at the nightclub patrons… a ploy that soon has them facing multiple lawsuits… to the delight of three struggling attorneys, Charlie Rodman, Bettty Wilson and Arthur Lane.
Here Come the Co-eds
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Molly, her brother, Slats, and his pal, Oliver, are taxi dancers at the Miramar Ballroom. As a publicity stunt, Slats plants an article about Molly claiming her ambition is to earn enough money to attend staid, all-girl Bixby College. Bixby's progressive dean offers Molly a scholarship. Molly accepts on the condition that Slats and Oliver come along too as campus caretakers. But the pompous Chairman threatens to foreclose on the school's mortgage if Molly isn't expelled. Together, the trio, with the help of some new friends, concocts a scheme to raise enough money to save the school. The plan involves a bet on the Bixby basketball team, which is playing in a game rated at 20 to 1 by the local bookie. But the bookie has other plans for their dough and hires a group of ringers to step in for the opponents. All is not lost, at least while Oliver has the chance to turn things around for his friends-one way or another.
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Baseado livremente na história da vida real do Dr. Crippen, este filme é um pequeno tesouro de suspense criminal, com fortes lances de film-noir. É dirigido por um dos maiores mestres do noir, Robert Siodmak, outro alemão da escola expressionista, fugido do nazismo. Este é um melodrama sem maiores complexidades, mas belamente dirigido. É baseado na novela This Way Out, de James Ronald, tem muitas semelhanças com o caso do Dr. Crippen que foi acusado em 1910 de ter assassinado sua esposa e fugido para o Canadá com sua amante. Charles Laughton, como sempre, está soberbo em sua interpretação, valorizando a direção de Siodmak e transformando seu trabalho em verdadeira obra de um mestre.
She Gets Her Man
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The corny daughter of a famed policewoman tries to catch a blowgun killer.
A Praga da Múmia
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Após 25 anos dos últimos acontecimentos, a múmia Kharis e a princesa Ananka permanecem submergidos no pântano do vilarejo de Mapleton. Um novo Sacerdote surge destinado a levar ambas múmias de volta ao Egito, mas a múmia da princesa Ananka tomou sua forma mortal e anda pelo vilarejo com amnésia, sem saber quem é e de onde veio... sem se lembrar que estava há 25 anos no pântano da cidade. Agora, Kharis tem que trazê-la até o monastério abandonado onde está o Sacerdote para lhe dar a poção das folhas de tana e transformar a princesa novamente em uma múmia e levar ambas finalmente de volta para o Egito.
A Mansão de Frankenstein
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Um cientista lunático e perigoso foge da prisão e ressuscita Drácula. Seu ato de terror vai mais além, quando ele consegue trazer de volta os monstros Frankenstein e Lobisomem, que estavam congelados e enterrados.
Arsène Lupin
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Uma jovem rica, mas ingênua, possui algumas joias de valor inestimável. Ela não sabe que essas joias são de um valor inestimável, mas uma quadrilha de ladrões de joias sabe que são.
Dead Man's Eyes
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Artist David Stuart is blinded by a jealous assistant / model. His fiance's father generously offers his eyes for a sight restoring operation. There's only one hitch: Stuart has to wait until after the man dies. Not surprisingly, when the benefactor dies a very premature death, suspicion falls on the artist.
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Dr. Hohner, theatre physician at the Vienna Royal Theatre, murders his mistress, the star soprano when his jealousy drives him to the point of mad obsession. Ten years later, another young singer reminds Hohner of the late diva and his old mania kicks in. Hohner wants to prevent her from singing for anyone but him, even if it means silencing her forever.
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Quando dois encanadores (Bud Abbott e Lou Costello), muito atrapalhados, são contratados para um serviço em uma casa de granfinos, eles acabam convidados para uma luxuosa festa a fantasia, por engano. Os dois veem ali a chance de finalmente entrar na alta sociedade, mas vão acabar se envolvendo em grandes confusões.
Gypsy Wildcat
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In an unspecified Renaissance kingdom, no sooner has Anube's gypsy tribe encamped near Baron Tovar's village when Count Orso is found murdered. The wicked baron blames the gypsies and imprisons them all in his castle. Meanwhile, a mysterious stranger on a white horse has hidden the murder arrow and won the heart of gypsy belle Carla, to the discomfiture of her erstwhile fiancée Tonio. Baron Tovar is also fascinated by Carla...especially when he notices her heraldic pendant.
Reckless Age
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Linda Wadsworth rebels against her millionaire grandfather, J. H. Wadsworth, and runs away from home. Unknown to Mr. Wadsworth, she gets a job at one of his many five-and-ten-cents stores as a clerk.
Pérola Negra
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The famous Borgia Pearl, a valuable gem with a history of bringing murder and misfortune to its owner since the days of the Borgias, is brought to London, thanks in part to Sherlock Holmes. But before long the jewel is stolen, due to an error on Holmes' part, and shortly thereafter, a series of horrible murders begin, the murderer leaving his victims with their spines snapped and surrounded by a mass of smashed china.
Férias de Natal
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Don't be fooled by the title. Christmas Holiday is a far, far cry from It's a Wonderful Life. Told in flashback, the story begins as Abigail Martin marries Southern aristocrat Robert Monette. Unfortunately, Robert has inherited his family's streak of violence and instability, and soon drags Abigail into a life of misery.
Trigger Trail
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The tale of Clint Farrell, an aspiring lawyer who must use both his wits and his brawn to save his town from being taken over by a villainous railroad financier.
O Fantasma da Múmia
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Supremo Sacerdote Yousef Bey (John Carradine) é enviado aos Estados Unidos para resgatar a múmia de Kharis (Lon Chaney Jr.) e da princesa Ananka e trazê-las de volta ao Egito. Ao realizar um ritual no Museu onde se encontra a múmia da princesa Ananka, ela some no ar como se fosse uma alma e reencarna no corpo de Amina (Ramsay Ames), uma egípcia que vive na América e têm a mesma aparência da falecida princesa. Agora Kharis deve sequestrar Amina e levá-la até o Supremo Sacerdote, para juntos voltarem para o Egito e obterem o descanso eterno em sua tumba.
South of Dixie
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To save their music publishing firm from bankruptcy, Bill "Brains' Watson creates a colorful life-story about his partner, Danny Lee, representing him as a descendant of Louisiana's famous Josh Lee family and rightful poet laureate of Dixieland.
A Vingança do Homem Invisível
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Robert Griffin (Jon Hall) é um foragido de manicômio com sérios distúrbios mentais, pois há mais de 6 anos foi soterrado em uma escavação, perdendo assim a memória e o juízo mental. Agora ele volta para junto de seus amigos de expedição e cobra sua parte na fortuna que foi descoberta. Por ser uma pessoa alterada e foragida, os amigos chamam a polícia e este é expulso do condado. Em uma noite vagando na chuva, bate a porta do Dr. Drury (John Carradine) que faz experiencia com animais a respeito da invisibilidade. Robert Griffin vê a invisibilidade como uma forma de se vingar dos amigos que o "roubaram" e tentar conquistar a filha do casal, oferecendo-se assim de cobaia para tal experimento.
Jungle Woman
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Paula, the ape woman, has survived the ending of CAPTIVE WILD WOMAN and is running around a creepy old sanitarium run by the kindly Dr. Fletcher, reverting to her true gorilla form every once in a while to kill somebody.
Mulher Cobra
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Quando descobre que sua noiva tollea foi raptada, ramu e seu amigo kadu viajam para uma ilha do pacífico em busca de resgatá-la. O que eles não sabem é que esta ilha é habitada por um povo fanático, adoradores da deusa cobra, e que todos os visitantes desta ilha são assassinados ao chegarem para serem dados em sacrifício ao deus vulcão. A ilha é comandada pela maligna irmã de tollea, naja, a mulher cobra, que além de cair em desejo por seu novo prisioneiro, ramu, está pronta para eliminar todos à sua volta que a impeçam de realizar suas vontades, inclusive sua benevolente irmã.
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After bringing his beautiful new wife Paula home to America from a remote island on which she was raised, Professor Norman Reed begins to feel the clash between his world of rational science and hers of bizarre dancing and freaky voodoo rituals. Norman's stuck-up friends also sense Paula's strangeness, and soon their meddling gossip and suspicious scheming push the poor woman to use her magic to defend herself and her husband – and maybe even to kill! Or is it just the power of suggestion...?
Dama Fantasma
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Uma secretária dedicada arrisca sua vida para tentar encontrar uma esquiva mulher que pode provar que seu chefe não assassinou sua esposa egoísta. Num casamento infeliz, Scott Henderson passa a noite com uma mulher de chapéu que ele pegou em um bar. Voltando para casa, ele encontra sua esposa estrangulada e se torna o principal suspeito do assassinato. Todo esforço para estabelecer seu álibi fracassa; estranhamente, ninguém parece se lembrar de ter visto a dama fantasma (ou seu chapéu). Na prisão, Scott perde as esperanças, mas sua fiel secretária, "Kansas", persegue obstinadamente pistas evanescentes pelas sombrias ruas noturnas. Será que ela poderá salvar Scott a tempo?
Moonlight in Vermont
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A poor country girl from Vermont travels to New York City to attend a theatrical school.
Sherlock Holmes e a Mulher Aranha
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Sherlock Holmes investigates a series of so-called "pajama suicides". He knows the female villain behind them is as cunning as Moriarty and as venomous as a spider. Based on "The Sign of Four" and the short stories "The Dying Detective", "The Final Problem", "The Speckled Band" and "The Adventure of the Devil's Foot".
A Batalha Final
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A true-life epic that revolves around an exclusive bataillon of the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II, "Carlson's Raiders," whose assignment is to take control of a South Pacific island once possessed by the United States but now under Japanese command.
Calling Dr. Death
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Losing his memories of the last few days, neurologist Dr. Steele is told that his wife has been brutally murdered. Steele, aware of his conniving wife's infidelity, believes he may have been the killer and enlists the aid of his pretty nurse Stella to hypnotize him into recovering his lost memories.
Never a Dull Moment
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Nightclub gangsters hire a vaudeville act called the Three Funny Bunnies (Ritz Brothers).
O Abutre Humano
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Dr. Alfred Morris, a university chemistry professor, rediscovers an ancient Mayan formula for a gas which turns men into pliant, obedient, zombie-like ghouls. After medical student Ted Allison becomes a guinea pig for Morris, the professor imagines that Allison's fiancée, a beautiful concert singer Isabel Lewis, wants to break off the engagement because she prefers the professor as a more "mature" lover but in reality loves Eric, her accompanist. In order to bring Ted back from his trance-like states, Morris commands him to perform a cardiectomy on recently deceased or living bodies in order to use serum from their hearts as a temporary antidote. When the serial murders seem to coincide with Isabel's touring schedule, ace reporter "Scoop" McClure gets on the mad scientist's trail.
O Filho do Drácula
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O maior filme de vampiros de todos os tempos renova seu reino de terror nesse espetacular filme de 1840. Lon Chaney Jr., conhecido por seus papéis como Lobisomem e Frankenstein, estrela como Conde Alucard, o sanguinolento filho do famoso vampiro da Transilvânia. Quando Katherine (Louise Allbritton), uma bela garota do sul obcecada por pensamentos sobre a vida eterna, convida o conde para sua mansão nos Estados Unidos, ela abre uma caixa de pandora do maldoso conde. Juntos eles procuram saciar sua sede por sangue humano com assassinatos noturnos, nessa experiência no gênero de terror dirigida por Robert Siodmak.
Os Mistérios da Vida
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Anthology film of three tales of the supernatural. The first story is set at the Mardi Gras in New Orleans. The second involves a psychic who predicts murder. The third is about a man who literally meets the girl of his dreams.
Crazy House
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Ole Olsen and Chic Johnson are Broadway stars who return to Universal Studios to make another movie. The mere mention of Olsen and Johnson's names evacuates the studio and terrorizes the management and personnel. Undaunted, the comedians hire an assistant director and unknown talent, and set out to make their own movie.
Corvetas em Ação
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The story of a Canadian WWII naval vessel, with a dramatic subplot concerning her first captain.
Sherlock Holmes Enfrenta a Morte
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During WWII several murders occur at a convalescent home where Dr. Watson has volunteered his services. He summons Holmes for help and the master detective proceeds to solve the crime from a long list of suspects including the owners of the home, the staff and the patients recovering there.
Arizona Trail
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A young cowboy returns home to help his father fight off a gang trying to take over the family ranch.
A Trilha Solitária
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Rancher Blaze Barker returns to Dead Falls after being framed by land-grabbers and spending two years in jail. Paroled, he can't wear a gun, but is aided by Marshal Fargo Steele. The gang is out to gain control of all of the valley land before a dam is constructed. When Blaze raises the money to pay off the taxes on his ranch, he finds it has been marked to incriminate him.
All by Myself
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Career woman Jean. almost a partner in Mark's advertising firm, has been falling in love with Mark, who of course is unaware of it. But unknown to Jean, Mark has become engaged to singer Val. When Jean finds out she tries to save face by saying that she is also engaged, and then uses a little social blackmail to get psychiatrist Bill Perry to pretend to be her fiancé for an evening out with Mark and Val.
Captive Wild Woman
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An insane scientist doing experimentation in glandular research becomes obsessed with transforming a female gorilla into a human...even though it costs human life.
Pistoleiros Sem Pistola
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Flash Fulton (Bud Abbott) and Weejie McCoy (Lou Costello) take pictures of a bank robbery. Lured to the mountain resort hideout of the robbers and accompanied by Dr. Bill Elliott (Patric Knowles) and Peggy Osborn (Elyse Knox), they also meet old friend Johnny Long (Johnny Long) and his band and singer Marcia Manning (Ginny Simms). Dr. Elliott and Peggy are being held in a remote cabin by the robbers, but Weejie rescues them by turning himself into a human snowball that becomes an avalanche that engulfs the crooks.
White Savage
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A native boy plays Cupid for a shark fisherman and a South Sea Islands princess.
It Comes Up Love
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This modest bit of comedy and romance in the adolescent vein is about a couple of spirited juveniles, Donald O'Connor and Gloria Jean, who carry on a flirtation parallel with that of their elders, Louise Allbritton and Ian Hunter.
Sherlock Holmes em Washington
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In World War II, a British secret agent carrying a vitally important document is kidnapped en route to Washington. The British government calls on Sherlock Holmes to recover it.
Alta Malandragem
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Abbot and Costello must find a replacement for a woman's horse they accidentally killed after feeding it some candy. They head for the racetrack, find a look-a-like and take it. They do not realize that the nag is "Tea Biscuit," a champion racehorse.
Frankenstein Encontra o Lobisomem
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Lon Chaney Jr., agora um lobisomem, procura o Dr. Frankenstein na esperança de que este o liberte de sua maldição. Ele encontra o cientista morto, mas a sua criatura continua viva e causando o terror.
Keep 'Em Slugging
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A gang of tough street kids decide to go straight and get jobs in order to free draft-age men for the war effort. However, because of their past tangles with the law, they can't find anybody who'll hire them. Finally one of them gets a job at the department store where his sister works, but runs afoul of a store executive who is in league with a ring of hijackers.
Hi'ya, Chum
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Entertainers get stranded in a small boomtown, and open up a restaurant.
A Sombra de uma Dúvida
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O Tio Charlie vai visitar seus parentes na cidadezinha de Santa Rosa. Mas sua sobrinha, também chamada de Charlie, começa a suspeitar de que ele é o famoso Assassino de Viúvas Alegre, um criminoso que está sendo procurado pela polícia e fugiu da Filadélfia para a Califórnia.
Sherlock Holmes e a Arma Secreta
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In the midst of World War II, Sherlock Holmes rescues the Swiss inventor of a new bomb-sight from the Gestapo and brings him to England, where he shortly falls into the clutches of Professor Moriarty.
As Mil e Uma Noites
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Neste incrível épico das Arábias, os personagens das histórias que encantaram leitores no mundo todo ganham vida com toda a sua paixão e glória através da história de irmãos que lutam entre si pelo poder político e pelo amor de Sherazade (interpretada pela encantadora e carismática Maria Montez). Contando com um elenco memorável, cenários suntuosos e figurinos exóticos, “As Mil e Uma Noites” é um clássico imperdível que já encantou platéias de todas as idades no mundo todo!
Mug Town
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Steve Bell, Tommy, Pig, Ape, and String are run of town. Steve, while hopping a freight card and trying to avoid the brakeman, is killed. The boys meet Steve's mother, Alice Bell and Tommy is given a job in the storage garage which she owns jointly with Mack Steward. Steve's brother Don Bell is working with some gangsters by tipping them off on valuable merchandise that can be hijacked. Pig, Ape and String overhear Don's plans to use Tommy as the fall guy in the next hijacking.
Madame Spy
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Joan Bannister is the wife of globe-trotting war correspondent David Bannister. Returning to the US, Bannister becomes suspicious when Joan begins keeping company with known Nazi functionaries, notably the sinister Mr. Peter. Suspecting that his own wife may be the elusive “Madame Spy” wanted by American authorities, Bannister is in for quite a few surprises.
The Old Chisholm Trail
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Dusty Gardner, and other Texas ranchers, are driving a herd of cattle to Abilene, Kansas along the Chisholm Trail. Desperate need of water takes them to the Turner ranch, where Belle Turner demands exorbitant prices for the water. Dusty learns that Belle is also trying to oust Mary Lee and Montana Smith from the trading post Mary operates. The sheriff sides with Belle following a fight between the two women. Belle knows there is artesian springs under the land the trading post occupies and intends to get the property by any means.
Little Joe, the Wrangler
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Mining executive Neal Wallace arrives to investigate the losses at a gold mine and is immediately framed for murder. The murderers then incite a lynch mob but the Sheriff lets him go. Wallace eventually convinces the Sheriff of his innocence and the two then work together to get the gang that is looting the gold ore.
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An ex-gambler helps a beautiful widow, and becomes involved with a murder, secret agents, and saboteurs.
Quem é o Culpado?
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Two dumb soda jerks dream of writing radio mysteries. When they try to pitch an idea at a radio station, they end up in the middle of a real murder when the station owner is killed during a broadcast.
A Tumba da Múmia
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30 anos depois de profanar a tumba de Ananka e enfrentar seu guardião, a múmia Kharis (Lon Chaney Jr.), Steve Banning está velho e constitui família. Mas Kharis e seu Sacerdote não morreram e prometem vingança a toda linhagem dos Banning. Sendo assim, vão para os Estados Unidos trazer terror aos familiares dos arqueólogos que ficaram famosos e ricos há mais de 30 anos com a profanação da tumba sagrada da princesa Ananka. Sequência de "A Múmia" (1932) e "A Mão da Múmia" (1940).
Night Monster
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Kurt Ingston, a rich recluse, invites the doctors who left him a hopeless cripple to his desolate mansion in the swamps as one by one they meet horrible deaths.
Pardon My Sarong
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A pair of bus drivers accidentally steal their own bus. With the company issuing a warrant for their arrest, they tag along with a playboy on a boat trip that finds them on a tropical island, where a jewel thief has sinister plans for them.
O Agente Invisível
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Os alemães desejam comprar a fórmula da invisibilidade com o filho do Dr. Frank Griffin. Este por sua vez, não vende a fórmula, e os Estados Unidos no período da Segunda Guerra Mundial, também desejam o produto. Mas Frank Raymond resolve dar a fórmula com a condição de que ele mesmo a tome e se infiltre nos quartéis generais dos nazistas, a fim de pegar um caderno com o nome de todos agentes duplos infiltrados nos Estados Unidos e também evitar um grande ataque em massa à Nova York que planejaram. Com a ajuda na Alemanha de Maria Soreson (Ilona Massey), o agente invisível poderá auxiliar na Guerra mais do que mil espiões juntos.
Drums of the Congo
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A safari sets out to find a meteorite that fell in the African jungle.
There's One Born Every Minute
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A nine-year-old Elizabeth Taylor made her film debut in this lively comedy. She plays the spoiled-brat daughter of a pudding manufacturer who has been entered into the town's mayoral race by some of the local businessmen. They have chosen him because they think he is easy to manipulate. As a sales gimmick, the pudding magnate advertises that his product contains the highly nutritious "Vitamin Z." He suddenly begins selling pudding like crazy and soon his political campaign is well-funded. Unfortunately, there is no "Vitamin Z" and when this is discovered, the town fathers try to dump him and show that he is a fake.
A Indomável
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When honest ship captain Roy Glennister gets swindled out of his mine claim, he turns to saloon singer Cherry Malotte for assistance in his battle with no-good town kingpin Alexander McNamara.
Danger in the Pacific
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Scientist-explorer David Lynd leaves wealthy bride-to-be June Claymore at the altar to join photographer Andy Parker and British secret service agent Leo Marzeli in search of rare minerals. They soon run afoul of crooked trader Tagani, who's been busily stockpiling weapons in the hills on behalf of his Nazi partners.
Tough as They Come
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The 'Dead End Kids & Little Tough Guys' are working as collectors for a finance company, when they discover the company's illegal activities and try to stop them.
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O excitante thriller do tempo de guerra, realizado por Alfred Hitchcock em 1942, estrelando Robert Cummings no papel de operário de uma fábrica de aviões de Los Angeles que testemunha o bombardeamento da fábrica por um agente Nazista. Durante a mortífera explosão, o melhor amigo de Cummings morre e ele próprio é erroneamente acusado de sabotagem. Para limpar o seu nome, Cummings inicia uma inexorável perseguição através do país que o leva de Boulder Dam ao Radio City Music Hall, em Nova Iorque e, finalmente, a um perigoso confronto no topo da Estátua da Liberdade. O primeiro filme de Hitchcock com um elenco totalmente norte-americano, desenrola-se a uma velocidade alucinante até atingir um clímax de arrepiar, criando uma excitante obra de artes do suspense.
O Fatídico Caso do Doutor Rx
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Private eye Jerry Church is hired by a criminal defense lawyer after five mobsters he has gotten acquitted are apparently strangled by a serial killer.
Frisco Lil
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Lil becomes a dealer in a gambling casino in order to get the information she needs to clear her father of a murder charge. She also falls in love with lawyer Brewster.
O Fantasma de Frankenstein
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Ygor ressuscita o monstro de Frankenstein e leva-o até o filho do médico original, Ludwig, em busca de ajuda.
Unseen Enemy
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The Unseen Enemy in this wartime meller is Nick (Leo Carrillo), the outwardly effusive manager of a San Francisco waterfront café. To make enough money to ensure his daughter Gen's (Irene Hervey) entree into society, Nick sells his services to a gang of foreign spies, who then use Nick's establishment as a rendezvous point. The plan is to covertly send out a Japanese vessel for the purpose of raiding and destroying American merchant ships. The spies' secret code is hidden in the lyrics of a song called "Lydia", which the unwitting Gen performs on request day after day.
The Mad Doctor of Market Street
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A fugitive doctor (Lionel Atwill) tries to raise the dead for South Sea Islanders.
Cavalheiros da Galhofa
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Two peanut vendors at a rodeo show get in trouble with their boss and hide out on a railroad train heading west. They get jobs as cowboys on a dude ranch, despite the fact that neither of them knows anything about cowboys, horses, or anything else.
Sealed Lips
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There's something very odd about Romano, a notorious gangster serving time in the federal pen. For one thing, Romano doesn't sound much like himself. For another, he always seems to be hiding something. Detective Lee suspects that something's amiss, and he's probably right!
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Olsen and Johnson, a pair of stage comedians, try to turn their play into a movie and bring together a young couple in love, while breaking the fourth wall every step of the way.
O Lobisomem
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O clássico de terror original que apresentou um dos mais abomináveis monstros do cinema! Lon Chaney jr. retrata Larry Talbot, que regressa ao castelo do seu pai (Claude Rains) no País de Gales e encontra uma bela mulher (Evelyn Ankers). Numa noite fatídica, Talbot acompanha-a a uma festa local onde o destino de Jenny é revelado por uma misteriosa cigana. As atmosferas de sonho e os cenários aprimorados, combinados com uma trilha sonora arrepiante tornam "O Lobisomem" numa obra-prima não só do gênero, mas também de todos os tempos!
Dois Aviadores Avariados
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When a barnstorming stunt pilot decides to join the air corps, his two goofball assistants decide to go with him. Since the two are Abbott & Costello, the air corps doesn't know what it's in for.
The Masked Rider
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The beautiful owner of a silver mine in Mexico asks an employee for help when bandits keep robbing her shipments.
Never Give a Sucker an Even Break
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Never Give a Sucker an Even Break is a 1941 film about a man who wants to sell a film story to Esoteric Studios. On the way he gets insulted by little boys, beaten up for ogling a woman, and abused by a waitress. W. C. Fields' last starring role in a feature-length film.
It Started with Eve
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A young man asks a hat check girl to pose as his fiancée in order to make his dying father's last moments happy. However, the old man's health takes a turn for the better and now his son doesn't know how to break the news that he's engaged to someone else, especially since his father is so taken with the impostor.
Segure o Fantasma
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Two bumbling service station attendants are left as the sole beneficiaries in a gangster's will. Their trip to claim their fortune is sidetracked when they are stranded in a haunted house along with several other strangers.
Paixão Fatal
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In old New Orleans, a beautiful adventuress juggles the attentions of a rich banker and a dashing sea captain.
Cracked Nuts
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A young man in a small town wins $5000 in a radio contest. He goes to New York City to propose to his girlfriend, but gets mixed up with a crooked attorney and two con men...
Hello, Sucker
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A young couple buy a bankrupt vaudeville booking agency, and try to make it a success.
Marinheiros de Água Doce
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Popular crooner Russ Raymond abandons his career at its peak and joins the Navy using an alias, Tommy Halstead. However, Dorothy Roberts, a reporter, discovers his identity and follows him in the hopes of photographing him and revealing his identity to the world. Aboard the Alabama, Tommy meets up with Smoky and Pomeroy, who help hide him from Dorothy, who hatches numerous schemes in an attempt to photograph Tommy/Russ being a sailor.
O Gato Negro
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Greedy heirs wait in a mansion for a rich cat lover to die, only to learn her cats come first.
Model Wife
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Complications in a dressmaking firm when a model has to hide her marriage.
Horror Island
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A down-on-his luck businessman organizes an excursion to Sir Henry Morgan's Island for a treasure hunt only to encounter a mysterious phantom and murder.
O Monstro Elétrico
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Mad scientist turns a man into an electrically-controlled monster to do his bidding.
The Man Who Lost Himself
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John Evans encounters his lookalike, Malcolm Scott. When Scott is killed in an accident, Evans finds himself mistaken for Scott and decides to do some good in his new role.
Nice Girl?
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Jane is a nice girl and has had her eyes on a young man who seems more interested in his hand-built car than in Jane. She decides to shed her "nice girl" image when an associate of her father comes to town on his way to study Australian Aboriginal tribes.
Ordinário, Marche!
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Petty con artists Slicker Smith and Herbie Brown mistakenly join the Army evading the cops. The cop chasing them winds up as their drill instructor. A rich young man and his former working class chauffeur are not only in the same unit, they're vying for a pretty girl who seems attracted to both.
Lucky Devils
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Lucky Devils casts the mismatched duo as a pair of intrepid newsreel cameramen. When they're not risking their lives coverning the Hot Spots of the world, Dick (Arlen) and Andy (Devine) busy themselves romancing Norma (Dorothy Lovett) and Gwendy (Janet Shaw), respectively.
A Mulher Invisível
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O excêntrico Professor Gibbs, brilhante, mas pouco prático, inventa uma máquina de invisibilidade e põe um anúncio para uma cobaia. Ele recebe uma candidata, Kitty Carroll, uma modelo atraente e aventureira, que acha que ser invisível a ajudaria a resolver algumas pendências. As complicações surgem quando três bandidos atrapalhados roubam a máquina para usar no seu chefe.
San Francisco Docks
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Longshoreman Johnny Barnes is in love with Kitty Tracy, barmaid at her father's waterfront saloon, and he beats up Cassidy, a crooked politician who has been annoying her. Cassidy is murdered that night and Johnny is jailed for the crime. Kitty, her father Andy Tracy, and waterfront-priest Father Cameron believe Johnny is innocent but all evidence points to his guilt.
Give Us Wings
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Dead End Kids epic. The boys want desperately to fly, and get mixed up with crooked crop dusters, whose planes are flying deathtraps.
Trail of the Vigilantes
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A reporter goes undercover to break up an outlaw gang.
O Guarda
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Um homem trapalhão e beberrão, zombado pela própria filha de sete anos e atormentado pela esposa, vive aventuras e confusões sendo substituto de diretor de cinema e confundido com herói de assalto a banco.
One Night in the Tropics
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Jim "Lucky" Moore, an insurance salesman, comes up with a novel policy for his friend, Steve: a 'love insurance policy', that will pay out $1-million if Steve does not marry his fiancée, Cynthia. The upcoming marriage is jeopardized by Steve's ex-girlfriend, Mickey, and Cynthia's disapproving Aunt Kitty. The policy is underwritten by a nightclub owner, Roscoe, who sends two enforcers - Abbott and Costello - to ensure that the wedding occurs as planned.
A Pecadora
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Banished from various U.S. protectorates in the Pacific, a saloon entertainer uses her femme-fatale charms to woo politicians, navy personnel, gangsters, riff-raff, judges and a ship's doctor in order to achieve her aims.
Slightly Tempted
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A con man tries to sell phony stocks to unwary investors.
A Mão da Múmia
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A cômica dupla de arqueólogos Steve (Dick Foran) e Babe (Wallace Ford) estão viajando pelo Egito quando descobrem evidências do local de sepultamento da antiga princesa egípcia Ananka. Depois de receber financiamento de um excêntrico mágico (Cecil Kellaway) e sua bela filha Marta (Peggy Moran), eles partem para o deserto onde são aterrorizados por um sinistro sumo sacerdote (George Zucco) e a múmia Kharis (Tom Tyler), que são os guardiões do túmulo de Ananka. Sequência de "A Múmia" (1932).
The Leather Pushers
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A shifty boxing promoter places an amateur in fixed fights, then hands his contract over to an suspicious female investigative reporter as a raffle prize. He later regrets his actions, however, when the boxer becomes an honest champion.
Hired Wife
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Ad man Stephen Dexter asks his secretary Kendall to marry him as a loophole in order to protect his finances during an important business deal. Once the deal is completed, he asks Kendall for a divorce and is dismayed when she refuses.
When the Daltons Rode
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Young lawyer Tod Jackson arrives in pioneer Kansas to visit his prosperous rancher friends the Daltons, just as the latter are in danger of losing their land to a crooked development company. When Tod tries to help them, a faked murder charge turns the Daltons into outlaws, but more victims than villains in this fictionalized version. Will Tod stay loyal to his friends despite falling in love with Bob Dalton's former fiancée Julie?
South to Karanga
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Passengers bound to an African copper mine at Karanga to quell a native uprising encounter murder and intrigue on the way.
It's a Date
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An aspiring actress is offered the lead in a major new play, but discovers that her mother, a more seasoned performer, expects the same part. The situation is further complicated when they both become involved with the same man.
A Casa das Sete Torres
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A decadência da família Pyncheon é simbolizada no aspecto sombrio de sua mansão, em cujas fundações estão a ganância, a traição e a arrogância. Persistirá o mal, como terrível maldição, enquanto sobreviverem os últimos Pyncheons.
Minha Dengosa
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While on her way by stagecoach to visit relatives out west, Flower Belle Lee is held up by a masked bandit who also takes the coach's shipment of gold. When he abducts Flower Belle and they arrive in town, Flower Belle is suspected of being in collusion with the bandit.
Inferno Verde
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A group of adventurers head deep into South American jungle in search of an ancient Incan treasure.
A Volta do Homem Invisível
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Preso sob a acusação de ter matado seu irmão, Geoffrey Radcliffe aguarda sua sentenção - morrer na forca. Mas, logo depois de receber a visita de seu amigo Dr. Frank Griffin, Geoffrey simplesmente desaparece. O inspetor policial Sampson começa a investigar e acredita que Griffin é na verdade o irmão do Homem Invisível original (do primeiro filme) e deu a Geoffrey a fórmula da invisibilidade. Continuação do clássico de 1933.
The Big Guy
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A man is given the choice between having fabulous wealth or saving an innocent man from the death penalty.
Atire a Primeira Pedra
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Homem que controla pequena cidade mata xerife e elege um vagabundo para substituí-lo. O que ele não sabe é que o rapaz não irá se dobrar.
A Torre de Londres
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In the 15th century Richard Duke of Gloucester, aided by his club-footed executioner Mord, eliminates those ahead of him in succession to the throne, then occupied by his brother King Edward IV of England. As each murder is accomplished he takes particular delight in removing small figurines, each resembling one of the successors, from a throne-room dollhouse, until he alone remains. After the death of Edward he becomes Richard III, King of England, and need only defeat the exiled Henry Tudor to retain power.
Call a Messenger
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A tough street kid attempts to rob a post office and is caught. In order to avoid reform school, he takes a job as a messenger with the post office. He finds that he likes it, and when his brother is released from prison, attempts to help his brother go straight. However, the two of them get mixed up with a local gangster, who has plans to start robbing post office branches and using the messenger and his brother to do it.
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Diabolical French capitalist Paul Reynard is forced to leave Irene, his bride of one year, when he is arrested for the crimes of forgery and embezzlement and sentenced to a penal colony off the coast of South America.
Noite de Pecado
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Romance and heartbreak walk hand-in-hand when Philip Chagal accidentally meets Helen Lawrence in a restaurant where she is a waitress. Unhappily married to a woman who suffers from mental illness, he is attracted to her and they make a date to go sailing, arriving at Philip's country home just as a storm is breaking. Helen learns who he is for the first time, a celebrated-and-famous concert pianist and, falling in love with him, decides to leave before matters go further. A hurricane hits and their car is crippled by a falling tree. Rising water forces then to seek shelter in the choir loft of a church, where they spend the night.
A Casa Mal-Assombrada
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A detective goes undercover as a producer to investigate an actor's murder, which occurred during the performance of a play...
The Sun Never Sets
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The Randolph family have a tradition of working in the British colonial service. Clive comes home from a mission in the Gold Coast of Africa accompanied by his wife Helen. He discovers his younger brother John, is not keen on following in his footsteps. John is then persuaded to try colonial service by his grandfather. He is accompanied by Clive who has been sent to investigate the source of a series of radio broadcasts that are sewing unrest throughout the world. These may be linked to Hugo Zurof, a man plotting to rule the world.
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A former prizefighter tries to help his son pay off his gambling debts.
O Filho de Frankenstein
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Barão Wolf von Frankenstein quer limpar o nome da família da desgraça. Com a ajuda de Ygor, Wolf consegue reanimar o monstro que seu pai criou. Mas quando vários aldeões são mortos misteriosamente, Wolf deverá encontrar o culpado.
Piratas das Nuvens
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Cafe waitress Barbara Whitney refuses to acknowledge her marriage to Air Policeman Nick Conlon until he upgrades his career. He does so by infiltrating a hi-jacking gang, posing as passengers, that robs airplanes carrying valuable items and money, and parachuting their escape from the scene of the crime.
Gambling Ship
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A gambler uses his winnings to help support an orphanage.
Letter of Introduction
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An aging actor, trying to make a comeback on Broadway, is surprised when his estranged daughter shows up. It seems that she is an actress and is also trying to make it on Broadway. He tries to re-establish his relationship with her while also trying to hide the fact that she is his daughter from the press.
The Rage of Paris
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Nicole has no job and is several weeks behind with her rent. Her solution to her problems is to try and snare a rich husband. Enlisting the help of her friend Gloria and the maitre'd at a ritzy New York City hotel, the trio plot to have Gloria catch the eye of Bill Duncan, a millionaire staying at the hotel. The plan works and the two quickly become engaged. Nicole's plan may be thwarted by Bill's friend, Jim Trevor, who's met Nicole before and sees through her plot.
A Casa Sinistra
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Seeking shelter from a relentless rainstorm and landslides in a remote region of Wales, five travelers are admitted to a large foreboding old house that belongs to the extremely strange Femm family. Sepulchral Horace Femm and his obsessive, inhospitable sister Rebecca are the group's peculiar hosts. The house also holds surprises - and a brutish mute manservant named Morgan.
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Drácula (Bela Lugosi) é um conde vindo dos Cárpatos que aterroriza Londres por carregar uma maldição que o obriga a beber sangue humano para sobreviver. Após transformar uma jovem em vampira, ele concentra suas atenções em uma amiga dela, mas o pai da próxima vítima se chama Van Helsing (Edward Van Sloan), um cientista holandês especialista em vampiros que pode acabar com seu reinado de terror.
O Fantasma da Ópera
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Um compositor grotescamente desfigurado conhecido como o "Fantasma" assombra a casa de ópera de Paris, onde, apaixonado, ajuda secretamente Christine Daae a ser uma diva da ópera. Após atraí-la para seu covil subterrâneo, o Fantasma declara seu amor por ela. Mas Christine ama Raoul de Chagny e planeja fugir com ele depois de sua próxima apresentação. Quando o Fantasma descobre, ele rapta Christine, provocando a ira de Raoul - e uma horda de parisienses raivosos. O filme foi relançado com som, em 1929, usando discos de som da Vitaphone/Western Electric.