
Djuka Begovic (1991)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 1H 30M

Director : Branko Schmidt


After spending 13 years in prison, forty-year-old Djuka Begovic returns to his home-village in Slavonia. He promises to his mother that he will begin a new and honest life. He finds new meaning in taking care of his daughter Smilja. He tries to chase away destructive thoughts that threaten to overwhelm him by throwing himself into hard work. However, everything around him reminds him of his past and his family's tragic destiny. His family was wealthy at the beginning of the twentieth century, but was destroyed by the capitalist powers that took over the villages and broke the traditional family cooperatives. Djuka's personal life was marked by constant conflicts with his father.


Slobodan Ćustić
Slobodan Ćustić
Đuka Begović
Fabijan Šovagović
Fabijan Šovagović
Asja Jovanović
Asja Jovanović
Filip Šovagović
Filip Šovagović
Urška Hlebec
Urška Hlebec
Krunoslav Senčić
Krunoslav Senčić
Đuka kao dječak
Zaim Muzaferija
Zaim Muzaferija
Ilarija Begović
Perica Martinović
Perica Martinović
Nataša Tič Ralijan
Nataša Tič Ralijan
Mustafa Nadarević
Mustafa Nadarević
Helena Buljan
Helena Buljan
Zoran Pokupec
Zoran Pokupec
Željko Vukmirica
Željko Vukmirica
Stjepan Bahert
Stjepan Bahert
Milan Jovanović
Milan Jovanović


Branko Schmidt
Branko Schmidt
Ivan Kozarac
Ivan Kozarac
Branko Schmidt
Branko Schmidt
Fabijan Šovagović
Fabijan Šovagović


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