
Royal Shakespeare Company - Richard II (2013)

I wasted time, and now doth time waste me.

Gênero : Drama, História

Runtime : 3H 0M

Director : Gregory Doran


A monarch ordained by God to lead his people. But he is also a man of very human weakness. A man whose vanity threatens to divide the great houses of England and drag his people into a dynastic civil war that will last 100 years.


David Tennant
David Tennant
Richard II
Nigel Lindsay
Nigel Lindsay
Henry Bolingbroke
Michael Pennington
Michael Pennington
John of Gaunt
Oliver Ford Davies
Oliver Ford Davies
Duke of York
Antony Byrne
Antony Byrne
Mowbray / Duke of Norfolk
Emma Hamilton
Emma Hamilton
The Queen
Oliver Rix
Oliver Rix
Duke of Aumerle
Sean Chapman
Sean Chapman
Earl of Northumberland
Jim Hooper
Jim Hooper
Bishop of Carlisle
Jane Lapotaire
Jane Lapotaire
Duchess of Gloucester
Jake Mann
Jake Mann
Sam Marks
Sam Marks
Marcus Griffiths
Marcus Griffiths
Edmund Wiseman
Edmund Wiseman
Harry Percy
Youssef Kerkour
Youssef Kerkour
Lord Willoughby
Marty Cruikshank
Marty Cruikshank
Duchess of York
Elliot Barnes-Worrell
Elliot Barnes-Worrell
Joshua Richards
Joshua Richards
Lord Ross / Gardener
Keith Osborne
Keith Osborne
Sir Stephen Scroop
Gracy Goldman
Gracy Goldman
Miranda Nolan
Miranda Nolan
Simon Thorp
Simon Thorp
Earl of Salisbury


Gregory Doran
Gregory Doran
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
Steve Eveleigh
Steve Eveleigh
Shaunna Harrison
Shaunna Harrison
Makeup Artist
Stephen Brimson Lewis
Stephen Brimson Lewis
Set Designer
Tim Mitchell
Tim Mitchell
Lighting Design
Paul Englishby
Paul Englishby
Martin Slavin
Martin Slavin
Sound Designer
Owen Horsley
Owen Horsley
Assistant Director
Bruce O'Neil
Bruce O'Neil
Music Director
Helena Palmer
Helena Palmer
Simon Ash
Simon Ash
Production Manager
Stephanie Arditti
Stephanie Arditti
Costume Supervisor
Kwame Lestrade
Kwame Lestrade
Director of Photography
Christina Baker
Christina Baker
Makeup Supervisor
David Gopsill
David Gopsill
Associate Producer
Hayley Pepler
Hayley Pepler
Production Coordinator
Judy Chesterman
Judy Chesterman
Script Supervisor
Andy Rose
Andy Rose
Sound Supervisor
Sue Bourne
Sue Bourne
Unit Manager


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A. K.
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