Joshua Richards

Joshua Richards


Joshua Richards


Rei Arthur - A Volta da Excalibur
Sir Kay
Em seu últimos momentos, o Rei Arthur, ferido mortalmente por seu filho Mordred, revela a Sir Bedivere que tem outro filho e que será tarefa do cavaleiro protegê-lo. Além disso, o rei moribundo pede ao amigo que leve Excalibur de volta ao lago para mantê-la segura. Anos depois, o destino coloca Bedivere e Owain, o filho perdido de Arthur, frente a frente. Eles terão que trabalhar juntos para recuperar o trono, usurpado por Mordred, e contarão com a ajuda de Merlin e de Excalibur para lutar.
The Lighthouse
Two lighthouse keepers clash, making their duties difficult even before a freak storms hits and strands them at the lighthouse for months. Based on a true story.
RSC Live: Henry V
Bardolph / Fluellen
Henry IV is dead and Hal is King. With England in a state of unrest, he must leave his rebellious youth behind, striving to gain the respect of his nobility and people. Laying claim to parts of France and following an insult from the French Dauphin, Henry gathers his troops and prepares for a war that he hopes will unite his country. Gregory Doran continues his exploration of Shakespeare's History Plays with Henry V performed in the 600th anniversary year of the Battle of Agincourt. Following his performance as Hal in Henry IV Parts I & II Alex Hassell returns as Henry V.
RSC Live: Henry IV Part 2
King Henry's health is failing as a second rebellion against his reign threatens to surface. Intent on securing his legacy, he is uncertain that his son Hal is a worthy heir, believing him more concerned with earthly pleasures than the responsibility of rule. Sir John Falstaff is sent to the country side to recruit fresh troops. Amongst the unwitting locals opportunities for embezzlement and profiteering prove impossible to resist - as the king's health continues to worsen, Hal must choose between duty, and loyalty to an old friend.
RSC Live: Henry IV Part 1
With his crown under threat from enemies both foreign and domestic, Henry IV prepares for war. Having deposed the previous king, he is only too aware how tenuous his position is, and the price to be paid if he falters.
Royal Shakespeare Company - Richard II
Lord Ross / Gardener
A monarch ordained by God to lead his people. But he is also a man of very human weakness. A man whose vanity threatens to divide the great houses of England and drag his people into a dynastic civil war that will last 100 years.
Playing Burton
Richard Burton
The story of Richard Burton, based on the stage play by Mark Jenkins.
Devil's Bridge
Sean takes his two friends into the rural wilds of Wales in search of an underworld specialist who can illegally revive his failing business. Deep in alien, isolated territory, they accidentally cross William Parry, a broken and desperate farmer dangerously hateful and paranoid of all around him. The situation spins rapidly out of control, spiraling into a horrific Heart Of Darkness spree of pointless violence and revenge as Parry hunts the three friends across the stark and unforgiving terrain.
Pânico Virtual
A história gira em torno de quatro pessoas que foram sorteadas de um site de relacionamento e ganharam um voo de graça para Nova Iorque. Logo que entram no avião, são convidados para uma rodada de jogos, a fim de se conhecerem melhor. Mas não demora muito para que as perguntas se tornem invasivas e revelem segredos ocultos dos jogadores. Uma vez tendo seus segredos mais doentios revelados para desconhecidos, um por um, vai ganhando uma tarefa especial, que pode acabar tirando a vida de uns para salvar outros. Em um jogo mortal, os assassinos ganham.
Quando Páris, o príncipe de Troia, se apaixona por Helena, rainha de Esparta, o rei inicia uma guerra de anos entre os dois reinos. Para vencer, Esparta conta com Aquiles, um guerreiro lendário que comanda um exército próprio.
Rancid Aluminium
Police officer
Pete Thompson thinks he has it all. However, following the death of his father his close friend and accountant reveals the company he has been left is bust and the only way out is to do business with the Russian mafia. His life and heart are on the line when he leave to restore the fortunes of the family firm.
Reasonable Force
Desk Sergeant
In times of civil unrest, crack police units like Inspector Maclntyre 's get the job of keeping order on the streets. But when a demonstrator dies after a riot, who will the public - and the Police Force itself - hold accountable?