Home Movie: On the Set of Philippe Garrel's 'Le lit de la vierge' (1968)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 39M

Director : Frédéric Pardo


An experimental and poetic portrait of a woman.


Tina Aumont
Tina Aumont
Pierre-Richard Bré
Pierre-Richard Bré
Pierre Clémenti
Pierre Clémenti
Philippe Garrel
Philippe Garrel
Jean-Pierre Kalfon
Jean-Pierre Kalfon
Babette Lamy
Babette Lamy


Frédéric Pardo
Frédéric Pardo
Sylvina Boissonnas
Sylvina Boissonnas
Frédéric Pardo
Frédéric Pardo
Frédéric Pardo
Frédéric Pardo


Mia recounts her most intimate confessions, uncensored, in her first approach to a totally new world of domination and submission.
The Water Walker
A documentary following young Anishinaabe water activist Autumn Peltier as she travels to the UN to preserve the future of Indigenous communities.
Trust Me
A folk horror movie about a woman who follows her boyfriend into the woods for a romantic surprise only to find something far more sinister. Inspired by thousands of witness accounts documenting the ongoing phenomenon of a certain species of shape-shifting creature in the forests of North America.
Parcialmente Nublado
Gus é uma nuvem cinzenta solitária e insegura que esculpe filhotes. Cada nuvem é responsável por esculpir um tipo de filhote, como de cachorro, gato ou bebê humano. Após esculpidos, as nuvens passam os filhotes para sua cegonha, que entrega para os futuros pais. O problema é que os bebês que Gus é responsável por esculpir, diferente de outras nuvens, são um tanto perigosos, como crocodilos, porcos-espinhos, entre outros. E a cegonha Peck, companheiro inseparável de Gus, é quem lida com a entrega desses filhotes. As criações de Gus são verdadeiras obras de arte, mas para Peck não são mais que um punhado de entregas. Á medida que as criações de Gus ficam mais “indisciplinadas”, o trabalho de Peck fica mais difícil. Como a cegonha vai lidar com o seu trabalho pavoroso e o temperamento de seu amigo Gus ao mesmo tempo? Faz parte da Coleção Pixar Curtas 02.
Contos Proibidos do Marquês de Sade
Vivendo em um asilo ao término de sua vida, o Marquês de Sade (Geoffrey Rush) torna-se amigo do diretor do asilo em que reside, Abbe Coulmier (Joaquin Phoenix). Com ele o Marquês troca confidências a respeito da afeição de ambos para com a lavadeira do asilo, Madeleine (Kate Winslet). A amizade de ambos cresce cada vez mais, até que Napoleão Bonaparte envia ao asilo um conceituado médico (Michael Caine), no intuito de curar o Marquês de sua suposta loucura. Entretanto, a vinda do médico apenas faz com que o caráter rebelde do Marquês fique cada vez mais forte.
Ligação Interrompida
Após o mundo ser afetado com um vírus e o distanciamento social passar a ser uma realidade, três amigos começam a fazer ligações semanais para manter contato, porém tudo começa a ficar estranho quando um deles tem uma mudança brusca de personalidade.
Trolls: Vamos Festejar
Quando descobre que os Bergens não têm mais feriados em seu calendário, a eternamente otimista Poppy, rainha dos Trolls, procura o auxílio de Branch e de toda a turma em uma missão deliciosamente estranha de consertar algo que os Bergens nem acham que está ruim! A música não para nunca com Trolls Dias de Festa da DreamWorks!
Deadpool: No Good Deed
Deadpool sees an opportunity to save the day, but it doesn't go entirely as planned.
A kid begs to stay home while his older sister runs to the store. After she leaves, he wishes he would have gone because he doesn’t feel comfortable being at home in the dark as strange things start to happen...
Como Treinar o Seu Dragão: Homecoming
Se passando logo antes do emocionante epílogo do último capítulo da trilogia de filmes – e 10 anos depois do final de “Como Treinar o Seu Dragão 3” – “Como Treinar o Seu Dragão: Homecoming” começa com Soluço e Banguela compartilhando histórias de sua relação especial com suas respectivas famílias enquanto elas se preparam para o Festival Snoggletog.
Dinner for One
A very old woman wants to have dinner with her friends. As they are all dead, the butler has to play the role of every guest.
Minions Curta: Aprendendo a Pedalar
Margo, Edith e Agnes encontram um caminhão de sorvete. Então as três vão atrás do caminhão, mas Agnes cai quando tenta pedalar até o caminhão. Os Minions, vendo ela tão chateada com isso, decidem construir para ela uma motocicleta temática, com Unicórnios. Agnes sai para um pequeno passeio pela cidade.
Minions Curta: Mascote
Um Minion, vendo muitos donos passearem com seus cachorros, quer um filhote também. Ele tenta arrumar uma joaninha, mas não dá certo. Felizmente o UFO que expulsa a joaninha, de alguma forma, concorda em se tornar um Bichinho de Estimação.
Hotel Transilvânia: Mascote
Dennis sonha em ter um cachorrinho e, claro que o Drac não resiste a este pedido.
Marvel One-Shot: Agente Carter
A agente britânica Peggy Carter se une à nascente organização S.H.I.E.L.D. Enquanto procura o enigmático Zodíaco, a agente Carter luta contra seu chefe misógino e burocrático, o agente Flynn.
Marvel One-Shot: Todos Saúdem o Rei
Trancado na prisão, o infame Trevor Slattery concorda em encontrar um documentarista.
Marvel One-Shot: Artigo 47
Um casal se depara com uma arma Chitauri e usam ela para cometer crimes.
Minions Curta: Reforma do Lar
A assistente social está chegando à casa do Gru para verificar se ela é adequada para crianças. Margo, Edith, Agnes e os Minions decidem fazer uma reforma na casa para torna-la segura para crianças e assim evitar a volta ao orfanato.
O Natal de Angela
Na igreja com a família na Véspera de Natal, Angela tem uma ideia extraordinária. Um conto comovente baseado numa história de Frank McCourt.
Wallace & Gromit: As Calças Erradas
Primeiro curta de Wallace e Gromit a ganhar um Oscar de Melhor Curta de Animação, no qual Wallace e Gromit, com a ajuda das encrenqueiras Tecno-Calças da NASA ( Administração Nacional da Aeronáutica e Espacial ), tentam caçar um ladrão pingüim Feathers McGraw que roubou um diamante do Museu Principal.


In a dark and spare theatrical space, four characters use gesture, language, and movement to explore themes of desire and mortality.
Song of Heroes
The building of blast furnaces Magnitogorsk and the Kubas Basin by Komsomol, the Communist Union of youth, as part of Stalin’s first five-year plan.
A Diary of a Murderess
A beautiful young woman sets her sights on an aging millionaire. She seduces him, and moves into his mansion with him. She soon tires of him, though, and after she gets rid of him, she goes after his son.
The Call of Sex
A man finds a woman that reminds him of his long lost love: his step-sister with whom he initiated his sex life. But he is married and his wife wants proof of the cheating to get a divorce.
Orders Signed in White
After a phone call has been intercepted (an industrialist is going to receive a huge amount of money from a foreign bank), Mafioso Luca Albanese is assigned to set up a big robbery. He and his gang (three men and three women) then hide-out in a remote mountainous region, but soon at each other's throats. Moreover, someone is killing Albanese's men one by one, leaving white paint on the victim's faces...
Peyote Queen
Peyote Queen opens with black-and-white perforations that pulsate to the beat of drumming and escalate to light-bathed split screens and kaleidoscopic effects. Switching to lively organ accompaniment, the film pours out a stream of simple scratchings that rollick across the screen. Fish, breasts, flowers, boats, water, lips, hearts, stars—the hieroglyphs explode with color and celebrate the female creative force. The surge slows with the return of ritual drumming, this time with chanting, and a self-reflective coda. -- National Film Preservation Foundation
Angel City
A detective fiction mixed with an essay-documentary about Los Angeles, Hollywood and the film industry, Angel City is a satiric comedy with serious intentions.
Double Strength
Four stages of a lesbian relationship explored in an experimental film starring performance artists Terry Sendgraff and Barbara Hammer on suspended trapezes and ropes.
She Had Her Gun All Ready
Two women- one passive and resigned, the other aggressive and domineering - interact in various locations in New York city. The film explores the dynamic between them before ending with a showdown at the roller-coaster on Coney Island.
Mouse Heaven
A short film featuring various vintage Mickey Mouse toys.
George Dumpson's Place
Employing experimental techniques, Emshwiller magically moved through a collection of objects and artifacts in order to capture the spirit of George Dumpson and his backyard museum.
In the Shadow of the Machine
The film was produced as a compilation film. Blum reported in “Film-Kurier“ (5.11.1928): "It will be assembled from excerpts of partly unpublished Ukrainian films. […] Some American footage has also been used. To get material as impressive as possible, a number of films, 0-60, have been viewed." Based on ideas by Dziga Vertov, and largely assembled from the last reel of his film 'The Eleventh Year', this compilation presents an explicit critique of the very technology that Vertov sought to praise, stressing the dark side of industrialization—hands mangled in workplace accidents, train wrecks, coffins—and connects to a particularly German concern with the negative effects of technology stretching from the Romantics to Heidegger, Horkheimer, and Adorno in the twentieth century.
Hammer used old x-ray footage, rearranged, colored and orchestrated through optical printing, in order to reveal hidden bodily movements and rhythms in its constant juxtaposition.
Nitrate Kisses
Essay documentary explores eroded emulsions and images for lost vestiges of lesbian and gay culture. First feature by a pioneer of lesbian cinema, Hammer weaves gay and lesbian couples with footage that unearths the forbidden and invisible history of a marginalized people.
Two Males for Alexa
Curd Jurgens as the betrayed husband is incredibly expressive and believable; Rosabla Neri, as the philandering Alexa, delivers her usual thoughtful performance and, in doing so, makes her potentially cardboard cut-out character multi-dimensional, and Juan Luis Galiardo, as Alexa'a heartthrob Pierre, also cares enough about his craft that he avoids the trappings of a potentially stereotypical character and, like Neri, makes him real and full of depth
Uma Simples História
Uma mulher chega a Paris com sua filha em busca de trabalho. Com recursos limitados e sem sorte, elas acabam sem dinheiro, sem casa e dependentes da rara bondade de estranhos.
Ah Pook Is Here.
A disturbingly organic-looking figure speaks to us of life, politics and death as the symbol of the common man toils away. Written and narrated by William S. Burroughs.
Closed Circuit
During a spaghetti western screening a man is shot dead, the doors are locked and the police is called in to investigate.
The Final Scoop
Marco, a television journalist, reads "red lies" on his teletext system in order to gather material on the homosexual world for a story he's working on. Unfortunately, he is implicated in a series of murders in which the victims are all gay. Marco becomes a suspect and is forced to investigate the crimes himself in order to prove his innocence.
Exploding Plastic Inevitable
Exploding Plastic Inevitable was a series of multimedia events organised by Andy Warhol between 1966 and 1967, featuring musical performances by The Velvet Underground and Nico, screenings of Warhol's films, and dancing and performances by regulars of Warhol's Factory. It is also the title of a 18-minute film by Ronald Nameth filmed during one week of the show in Chicago, Illinois in 1966.