
The Adventures of Daredevil Jack (1920)

The serial with a thousand punches.

Gênero :

Runtime : 20M

Director : W.S. Van Dyke


Heavyweight boxing champion Jack Dempsey stars in this 15 chapter action serial, of which portions of reels 1, 2, and 4 survive. In the serial he plays the star fullback of his college's football team who gets drawn into an adventure when he stops to rescue a young woman from some thugs on a country road. It includes a gag featuring an exploding football. The rest of the cast includes Lon Chaney, Edgar Kennedy, Bull Montana, Josie Sedgwick and Herschel Mayall.


Jack Dempsey
Jack Dempsey
Jack Derry
Lon Chaney
Lon Chaney
Royce Rivers
Josie Sedgwick
Josie Sedgwick
Glory Billings
Herschel Mayall
Herschel Mayall
Leonard Billigns
Albert R. Cody
Albert R. Cody
Edgar Billings
Ruth Langdon
Ruth Langdon
Edward Hearn
Edward Hearn
Cyril Dennison
Clyde Benson
Clyde Benson
The Butler
Frank Lanning
Frank Lanning
MacManus, the Indian
Aggie Herring
Aggie Herring
Mrs. Corcoran
W.C. Robinson
W.C. Robinson
Gang Member
Al Kaufman
Al Kaufman
Gang Member
S.E. Jennings
S.E. Jennings
Gang Member
Frank Coghlan Jr.
Frank Coghlan Jr.
Edgar Kennedy
Edgar Kennedy
Bull Montana
Bull Montana
Fred Starr
Fred Starr
Carl Stockdale
Carl Stockdale


W.S. Van Dyke
W.S. Van Dyke
Gus Peterson
Gus Peterson
Director of Photography
Robert Brunton
Robert Brunton
Hal C. Kern
Hal C. Kern
Jack Cunningham
Jack Cunningham
Frederick Chapin
Frederick Chapin
Scenario Writer
Harry O. Hoyt
Harry O. Hoyt
Scenario Writer
W.S. Van Dyke
W.S. Van Dyke
Scenario Writer


Dr. Mabuse, o Jogador
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Captain America
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Aventuras do Capitão Marvel
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Em Gotham City, Batman (Lewis Wilson) luta contra Dr. Daka (J. Carrol Naish), um japonês mentor de um grupo de espionagem que sabota instituições. Daka tem um aparelho que pulveriza uma radiação mortal, tendo assim, muita facilidade de destruir seus inimigos, além de poder recrutar homens, fazer uma lavagem cerebral neles e transformá-los em seus servos. Batman precisa usar todo o seu poder de morcego para enfrentar este inimigo.
Batman and Robin
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Flash Gordon Conquista o Universo
Uma misteriosa praga, a Morte Púrpura, devasta a Terra. Dr. Zarkov, investigando em sua nave espacial, encontra uma espaçonave do planeta Mongo lançando um pó na atmosfera. Com certeza, Ming, o Impiedoso está de volta com seus velhos estratagemas. Então retornam Mongo, Flash, Dale, e Zarkov, desta vez com aliados esperando: Prince Barin de Arboria e Rainha Fria das terras do norte congeladas de Frigia; onde, é encontrado o Polarite, antídoto para a praga. Mas Ming vai usar todas as suas forças para impedir os nossos heróis de frustrar seus planos de conquista.
Flash Gordon: No Planeta Mongo
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O Expresso da Aventura
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Atom Man vs Superman
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The Phantom Empire
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Dick Tracy Returns
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Radar Men from the Moon
Commando Cody, 'Sky Marshal of the Universe', works with American scientists Joan Gilbert and Ted Richards in the development of a flying suit and a rocket to the Moon. When the nation's defences are being sabotaged and destroyed, Cody learns that an atomic-gun is being used and that the men on the moon are the culprits.
King of the Rocket Men
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The Phantom Creeps
A mad scientist attempts to rule the world by creating various elaborate inventions.
The Black Widow
The Daily Clarion hires detective story writer Steve Colt to investigate the deaths of a group of scientists working on an atomic rocket development project. Behind the killings is fortune teller Sombra, a spy from an Asian country intent on world domination, who is determined to pilfer the atomic rocket by luring workers from the project to her parlor and killing them with black widow spider venom when they refuse to cooperate.
Drums of Fu Manchu
The nefarious Dr. Fu Manchu searches for the keys to the tomb of Genghis Khan, in order to fulfill a prophecy that will enable him to conquer the world. His nemesi, Dr. Nayland Smith and his associates fight to keep the evil doctor from getting his hands on the keys. In 1943 the serial was edited together into a feature movie also called Drums of Fu Manchu.
Fighting With Kit Carson
In this Western, comprised of 12 chapters from a serial, Kit leads a group carrying a large gold shipment across the wild West. When the Mystery Riders attack and steal the gold, Kit is the only survivor. He later joins forces with the cavalry to retrieve it.