Lon Chaney

Lon Chaney

Nascimento : 1883-04-01, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

Morte : 1930-08-26


Lon Chaney (born Leonidas Frank Chaney) - nicknamed "Man of a Thousand Faces" - was an American Silent screen star. He died after completing his only sound film.


Lon Chaney
Lon Chaney
Lon Chaney
Lon Chaney


They Came from the Attic
The Phantom of the Opera (Archival Footage)
A teenage boy is home alone for the weekend but when nocturnal creatures living in his attic escape, he must survive.
A Messenger from the Shadows (Notes on Film 06 A/Monologue 01)
Thanks to his myriad film roles, Lon Chaney is known as “the man of a thousand faces,” and you could say that the early horror era never beheld a figure more intriguing. Yet because of his numerous transformations, his face never became as iconic as that of, say, Boris Karloff. Accompanied by a soundtrack from Bernhard Lang, this “re-imagination of shots” taken from Chaney´s forty-six surviving films offers a beguiling excursion into the history of film. The director reveals surprising associations, while highlighting the enduring magic of works which are now more or less forgotten.
Fragments: Surviving Pieces of Lost Films
Himself (archive footage)
Among the pieces featured in Fragments are the final reel of John Ford's The Village Blacksmith (1922) and a glimpse at Emil Jannings in The Way of All Flesh (1927), the only Oscar®-winning performance in a lost film. Fragments also features clips from such lost films as Cleopatra (1917), starring Theda Bara; The Miracle Man (1919), with Lon Chaney; He Comes Up Smiling (1918), starring Douglas Fairbanks; an early lost sound film, Gold Diggers of Broadway (1929), filmed in early Technicolor, and the only color footage of silent star Clara Bow, Red Hair (1928). The program is rounded out with interviews of film preservationists involved in identifying and restoring these films. Also featured is a new interview with Diana Serra Cary, best known as "Baby Peggy", one of the major American child stars of the silent era, who discusses one of the featured fragments, Darling of New York (1923).
Nadie inquietó más
Various Roles (archive footage)
A peculiar, meticulous, vocationally archeological account of the professional life of the actor, Spanish by birth, Argentinean by adoption, Narciso Ibañez Menta (1912-2004), spiritual disciple of Lon Chaney, the new man of a thousand faces, master of horror, star of Argentinean theater, cinema and television for decades.
Bela Lugosi: The Fallen Vampire
Himself (archive footage)
On Valentines Day, 1931, Universal Pictures released the film Dracula - the first true horror movie. Its worldwide success catapulted the film's lead actor, Romanian-born Bela Lugosi, to overnight stardom. "Bela Lugosi: The Fallen Vampire" traces the life and career of this mysterious man whose name became synonymous with the evil, yet magnetically compelling Count Dracula. Using archival still and film clips as well as interviews with film historians, actors and Lugosi himself, the special chronicles the meteoric rise and then precipitous decline of a talented yet tragic man who forever changed the face of horror films.
Famous Monster: Forrest J Ackerman
Self (archive footage)
Famous Monster takes a fast-paced, colorful look at the life of science fiction's greatest fan - Forrest J. Ackerman, whose 85 year love affair with the genre helped bring it into the mainstream and shape the way we view science fiction today.
London After Midnight
Professor Edward C. Burke (archive footage)
A reconstruction, made from still photographs, of the lost 1927 Tod Browning film London After Midnight (1927) starring Lon Chaney.
Lon Chaney: A Thousand Faces
Self (archive footage)
Lon Chaney, a estrela do cinema mudo e artista da maquiagem, conhecido por suas diversas caracterizações e célebre por seus filmes de terror, torna-se o tema deste documentário.
Universal Horror
(archive footage)
A documentary about the era of classic monster movies that were made at Universal Studios during the 1930s and 1940s.
Lon Chaney: Behind the Mask
A documentary on the life and career of actor Lon Chaney, with clips from his films and interviews with people who knew him.
Lon Chaney: Son of a Thousand Faces
Born Creighton Chaney, this is a biographical documentary on Lon Chaney Jr, the only star to play all four of the classic monsters: the Mummy, the Wolf Man, Frankenstein and Dracula.
The Horror of It All
The Phantom (archive footage)
A collection of film clips from horror movies and interviews with the actors and directors who made them.
The Horror Hall of Fame: A Monster Salute
(archive footage)
In this made-for-TV production, Vincent Price and his hunchback sidekick (Billy Van) host a pun-filled salute to the horror film genre from its earliest beginnings all the way up to The Exorcist. Featuring clips from classic horror films and interviews with genre greats like Frank Gorshin, John Carradine, John Astin and SFX legend Bill Tuttle, among others.
Yesterday and Today
(archive footage)
A compilation of early-day silent films that serves as a glimpse back to the formative days of the movie industry as a salute to Hollywood's Golden Year, so proclaimed by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce as 1953.
Screen Snapshots (Series 25, No. 1): 25th Anniversary
Self (archive footage)
A look back at 25 years of Columbia's series of newsreels chronicling the film industry and the lives of Hollywood stars. Clips from earlier films in the series are featured, along with a montage of film greats who have passed away in the intervening years.
Screen Snapshots (Series 22, No. 10)
Self (archive footage)
The edition of Screen Snapshots celebrates 25 years of production. It looks at the content of edition #1, then a tribute to movie people who have died in those 25 years. Finally there are tributes to the Screen Snapshots series by Cecil De Mille, Walt Disney, Louella Parsons and Rosalind Russell.
The House That Shadows Built
(archive footage)
The House That Shadows Built (1931) is a short feature, roughly 48 minutes long, from Paramount Pictures made to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the studio's founding in 1912. It was a promotional film for exhibitors and never had a regular theatrical release and includes a brief history of Paramount, interviews with various actors, and clips from upcoming projects (some of which never came to fruition). The title comes from a biography of Paramount founder Adolph Zukor, The House That Shadows Built (1928), by William Henry Irwin.
Trindade Maldita
Professor Echo / Grandma O'Grady
Versão falada, de 1930, do filme mudo de Tod Browning: "A Trindade Maldita" (1925). Um trio de ex-artistas de circo se unem formando o grupo de bandidos "Trindade Maldita" e montam um esquema para roubar pedras preciosas. Único filme falado de Lon Chaney, aonde ele, conhecido por ser o homem de mil rostos, faz várias vozes diferentes.
Trindade Maldita
Makeup Artist
Versão falada, de 1930, do filme mudo de Tod Browning: "A Trindade Maldita" (1925). Um trio de ex-artistas de circo se unem formando o grupo de bandidos "Trindade Maldita" e montam um esquema para roubar pedras preciosas. Único filme falado de Lon Chaney, aonde ele, conhecido por ser o homem de mil rostos, faz várias vozes diferentes.
Grumpy Anderson
A train operator's obsession with being on time leads to tragedy for his family.
Tiger Haynes
Quando Tiger Haynes (Chaney) descobre que sua amada filha Toyo (Lupe Velez) pretende se casar com Bobby Bailey (Lloyd Hughes), o filho de um dono de circo americano, o caçador de animais da Indochina acaba dando a sua bênção. Mas quando Bobby junta-se a Tiger para um passeio de barco pelo rio, o rapaz logo cai no feitiço sedutor de Madame de Sylva (Estelle Taylor) , a distante mãe de Toyo e vingativa ex-esposa de Haynes. Então, quando ela tenta igualar o placar roubando Bobby de sua filha, Haynes decide cuidar de Sylva de uma vez por todas .
West of Zanzibar
Phroso 'Dead-Legs'
Phroso é um bem-sucedido mágico de espetáculos casado com Anna, mulher que também é objeto de desejo de outro homem, o comerciante de marfim Crane. Quando Anne deixa Phroso para ficar com Crane, começam as tragédias. Numa briga com Crane, Phroso fica paralítico. Alguns meses depois, Anna já não está com o amante e morre deixando uma criança. Com sua vida destruída, Phroso jura vingança contra o homem que tomou sua esposa e lhe deixou paralítico, e parte para África. Dezoito anos depois, ele se tornou o líder de uma tribo africana, parte de seu plano para liquidar Crane. No meio de tanto ódio, a criança, agora uma mulher, se tornou uma prostituta alcoólatra em Zanzibar. Phroso segue com sua vingança, mas a situação foge de seu controle e as tragédias atingem a todos.
Laugh, Clown, Laugh
Tito Beppi
A despairing clown suffering a broken heart and a self-indulgent count who uncontrollably laughs learn to help each other with their problems, but both fall in love with the same young woman.
The Big City
Chuck Collins
Gangster boss Chuck Collins, despite his ruthlessness, is a basically decent fellow. Collins is plagued by a rival gang, led by deceptively boyish Curly, who has been stealing jewelry from the rich and famous. Our "hero" tricks the other crooks into turning the gems over to him, intending to use them for his own profit (he throws the cops off track by hiding jewels in a plate of spaghetti!) But sweet heroine Sunshine eventually persuades Collins and his cohorts to turn honest.
Enquanto a Cidade Dorme
Dan Coghlan
Um policial durão de Nova York está determinado a derrubar um bandido que sempre conseguiu um álibi para os crimes de que foi acusado, apesar do detetive saber que ele é culpado de cometer todos eles.
Vampiros da Meia Noite
Professor Edward C. Burke
O corpo de um homem rico é encontrado no interior de sua casa e o laudo pericial aponta suícidio, porém cinco anos depois a residência do homem passa a receber estranhas presenças sobrenaturais que, ao que tudo indica, são vampiros.
Life in Hollywood No. 3
Part of a 7-part series exploring all aspects of Hollywood.
Durante a Guerra Civil na Russa, há muita fome na Sibéria. O estúpido camponês Sergei está à procura de cadáveres para alimento. Ele conhece uma misteriosa jovem na cidade de Novokursk . Ela pede a Sergei que diga a todos que encontrarem que ele é seu marido. Eles encontram uma casa abandonada, onde podem descansar ... Mas um estranho está escondido dentro dela...
O Monstro do Circo
Alonzo the Armless
Um atirador de facas, de grande sucesso num circo por não ter braços e usar os pés nos seus números, esconde um grande segredo.
O Mandarim
Mr. Wu / Wu's Grandfather
Criado por seu avô para respeitar as antigas leis da China, Mandarin Wu é um homem extremamente autoritário. Entretanto, ele é um pai amoroso com sua linda filha Nang Ping. Ela está para se casar com um homem escolhido por seu pai, um homem que ainda não conhece. Mas ela se apaixona por um visitante britânico, Basil Gregory. Basil informa Nang Ping que deve retornar para a Inglaterra com sua família, mas ela o surpreende com a revelação de que carrega um filho seu. Wu fica sabendo da desonra de sua filha e deixa as antigas leis da China o conduzirem à tragédia inevitável.
Os Fuzileiros
Sergeant O'Hara
O Sargento O'Hara, da marinha americana, tem em suas mãos os recrutas em formação, um deles, "Skeets' Burns, é uma pedra em seu sapato. Se já não bastasse a péssima vocação de Burns para as forças armadas, ele ainda flerta com a enfermeira Nora Dale, a quem o sargento O'Hara ama secretamente. Nora desconhece os sentimentos de O'Hara e sente-se atraída pelo belo 'Skeet". Mas uma indiscrição faz ela se voltar contra ele, e é preciso uma expedição para a China e uma batalha contra o inimigo da brigada para resolver as coisas entre a enfermeira e seus dois Marinheiros.
Tirano e Mártir
Singapore Joe
Joe, a former sea captain whose wife died during the birth of their child at sea, is now a pockmarked, disreputable divekeeper in Singapore where he indulges in shady operations with Herrick, known as The Admiral. They ship for Mandalay, where Joe's daughter lives with a priest, Father James, and tends a curio shop, unaware that her father regularly sends money to Father James for her support. Although his daughter clearly finds him abhorrent, Joe determines to take her away until he learns that The Admiral has fallen in love with her and plans to marry her. He persuades Father James (actually his brother) not to perform the ceremony, and The Admiral is shanghaied by Joe's men. The girl, suspecting Joe, goes to his brothel in Singapore and is about to be assaulted by Charlie, a lecherous Chinaman, when Joe intervenes and is stabbed. The Admiral comes to her rescue and escapes with her on a boat.
O Falcão Negro
The Blackbird / The Bishop
Dois ladrões, Blackbird e West End Bertie, se apaixonam pela mesma garota, uma dançarina de boate francesa chamada Fifi. Para ganhar seu coração, cada um deles tenta superar o outro.
The Tower of Lies
After his beloved daughter leaves for the city to pay off his debt, an old farmer goes mad when her letters become less frequent and it is suspected she may be using her body to get the money.
O Fantasma da Ópera
Erik, The Phantom
Um compositor grotescamente desfigurado conhecido como o "Fantasma" assombra a casa de ópera de Paris, onde, apaixonado, ajuda secretamente Christine Daae a ser uma diva da ópera. Após atraí-la para seu covil subterrâneo, o Fantasma declara seu amor por ela. Mas Christine ama Raoul de Chagny e planeja fugir com ele depois de sua próxima apresentação. Quando o Fantasma descobre, ele rapta Christine, provocando a ira de Raoul - e uma horda de parisienses raivosos. O filme foi relançado com som, em 1929, usando discos de som da Vitaphone/Western Electric.
O Fantasma da Ópera
Makeup Artist
Um compositor grotescamente desfigurado conhecido como o "Fantasma" assombra a casa de ópera de Paris, onde, apaixonado, ajuda secretamente Christine Daae a ser uma diva da ópera. Após atraí-la para seu covil subterrâneo, o Fantasma declara seu amor por ela. Mas Christine ama Raoul de Chagny e planeja fugir com ele depois de sua próxima apresentação. Quando o Fantasma descobre, ele rapta Christine, provocando a ira de Raoul - e uma horda de parisienses raivosos. O filme foi relançado com som, em 1929, usando discos de som da Vitaphone/Western Electric.
A Trindade Maldita
Professor Echo / Granny O'Grady
Três artistas de circo abandonam suas vidas de cativeiro e formam uma quadrilha conhecida como "A Trindade Maldita" - um espetacular ventríloquo, um anão, e um homem forte unem forças para cometer uma série de assaltos. Refilmado posteriormente em uma versão falada chamada de "Trindade Maldita".
O Monstro
Dr. Ziska
A general store clerk and aspiring detective investigates a mysterious disappearance that took place quite close to an empty insane asylum.
Ironia da Sorte
Paul Beaumont aka HE
O filme conta a história de um gênio científico que é humilhado pela esposa. Para expressar sua dor, ele se torna um palhaço de circo. Lá, aparentemente, ele encontra uma chance de renovação. Mas será que ele conseguirá encontrar a felicidade?
The Next Corner
Juan Serafin
While honeymooning in Paris Elsie is rescued from attentions of a man.Her hero is Don Arturo who takes her to Countess Longueval after her husband must go for work to Argentine.When her husband returns he is shocked how have Elsie change.Elsie goes to a party in Arturos hunting lodge,where he forces himself on her.Arturo is shot by a Stranger and Elsie confesses all to her forgiving husband.Juan Serafin is found shot.
O Corcunda de Notre-Dame
Produção da era silenciosa que adapta o clássico de Victor Hugo. Chaney está no papel de Quasimodo, o tocador de sino da Catedral de Notre Dame, desafortunadamente deformado. Ele se apaixona por Esmeralda, uma jovem e bela dançarina cigana, logo depois que ela lhe deu água quando ele estava apanhando em praça pública. as o gesto fora apenas por comiseração. Ainda assim, Esmeralda mais tarde é acusada de trair e esfaquear seu amado. Por isso ela é torturada e sentenciada à morte. Quasimodo é quem vai resgata-la nas escadarias de Notre Dame.
O Corcunda de Notre-Dame
Makeup Artist
Produção da era silenciosa que adapta o clássico de Victor Hugo. Chaney está no papel de Quasimodo, o tocador de sino da Catedral de Notre Dame, desafortunadamente deformado. Ele se apaixona por Esmeralda, uma jovem e bela dançarina cigana, logo depois que ela lhe deu água quando ele estava apanhando em praça pública. as o gesto fora apenas por comiseração. Ainda assim, Esmeralda mais tarde é acusada de trair e esfaquear seu amado. Por isso ela é torturada e sentenciada à morte. Quasimodo é quem vai resgata-la nas escadarias de Notre Dame.
The Shock
Wilse Dilling
Emocionante filme de gangster em que Chaney interpreta Wilse Dilling, um bandido deficiente, traficante e arrombador de cofres, Saindo da escuridão de Chinatown para a luz redentora do sol do campo, Dilling se afasta de sua vida de crime, mas é puxado de volta quando o pai da mulher que ele ama é chantageado. Sugado para um redemoinho de vício e intriga, Dilling luta para manter sua humanidade enquanto o filme caminha para um espetacular clímax.
While Paris Sleeps
Henri Santodos
Lon Chaney plays a Parisian sculptor who falls in love with his model (Mildred Manning). She, however, cares nothing for him. The film is considered lost.
All the Brothers Were Valiant
Mark Shore
All the Brothers Were Valiant (1923)
Quincy Adams Sawyer
Obadiah Strout
Quincy Adams Sawyer is a young attorney who one day meets a girl in the park and is immediately smitten with her.
A Blind Bargain
Dr. Arthur Lamb / The Ape Man
Chaney plays two roles: mad scientist Arthur Lamb and Lamb's "experiment", known only as the Ape Man. This hideous creature was the result of Lamb's attempts to transplant animal glands into human beings.
Yen Sin
Yen Sin, um chinês humilde, é lavado à terra depois de uma tempestade e encontra-se um estranho em na comunidade pesqueira profundamente cristã de Urkey. Yen Sin escolhe ficar, apesar de seu status de "pagão" desprezível, apenas para revelar a hipocrisia no meio da sociedade hipócrita .
Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist foge do orfanato em que vive e ruma para Londres, onde é acolhido por Fagin, um bandido que coordena os roubos praticados por sua gangue de menores abandonados. Mas há segredos na história da família de Oliver esperando para vir à luz...
The Light in the Dark
Tony Pantelli
Uma jovem é atingida pelo carro de uma dama da sociedade e fica gravemente ferida. Mais tarde, um ladrão fica sabendo que determinada taça poderia ser o Santo Graal, com poderes curativos, e se propõe a roubá-la, na tentativa de curar a garota que está morrendo e se mudou para seu cortiço. ("The Light of Faith" é a versão condensada de três rolos de "The Light In The Dark").
Flesh and Blood
David Webster
Um condenado foragido em Chinatown assume a identidade de um aleijado para tentar encontrar um empresário que o incriminou há 15 anos. Mas ele descobre que sua filha se apaixonou pelo filho deste homem.
The Trap
A felicidade de um mineiro é destruída quando um rival rouba sua mina. Ele se torna obcecado por vingança, e planeja uma armadilha para o homem que lhe tirou a mina.
The Trap
Gaspard the Good
A felicidade de um mineiro é destruída quando um rival rouba sua mina. Ele se torna obcecado por vingança, e planeja uma armadilha para o homem que lhe tirou a mina.
Voices of the City
Voices of the City is a 1921 American silent crime drama film starring Leatrice Joy and Lon Chaney that was directed by Wallace Worsley. It is considered to be a lost film.
Bits of Life
Chin Chow
This film combines four short films under the title Bits Of Life. The Bad Samaritan is taken from a story in Popular Magazine in which the son of a Chinese father and a white mother is sold into slavery by his father. The boy becomes a criminal and a cunning but cruel thief. The one time he stops to help a lady in distress he is thrown in jail. Wesley Barry is the young boy and Lon Chaney the grown-up criminal.
The Ace of Hearts
Mr. Farallone
A rivalidade romântica entre os membros de uma sociedade secreta torna-se ainda mais tensa quando um dos homens é escalado para realizar um assassinato .
For Those We Love
Trix Ulner
Berenice Arnold spends her time trying to keep her family happy. This is easier said than done -- her brother, Jimmy, is a gambler and he steals 80 dollars that his father was responsible for. Berenice sets out to get the money back, but winds up causing a scandal because of her association with Trix Ulner, a gambler and thief.
Fora da Lei
Ah Wing / 'Black Mike' Sylva
Silent Madden, um líder criminoso de San Francisco, e sua filha Molly deixaram a vida de crimes depois de receber conselhos de Chang Low, um filósofo confucionista que vive em Chinatown. Black Mike, um gangster desprezível, incrimina o pai de Molly em assassinato, fazendo com que Molly perca a fé na lei e retorne ao crime.
Nomads of the North
Raoul Challoner
Três homens disputam o amor da bela Nanette Roland enquanto as majestosas florestas do norte tornam-se o cenário para um assassinato, uma caça ao homem e um incêndio florestal. Chaney interpreta a paixão de Nanette, Raoul Challoner, que chega para impedir o casamento forçado dela. Uma morte acidental faz com que o casal fuja para o norte, onde o policial Corporal O'Connor (Lewis Stone) os persegue obstinadamente. E o caos começa...
The Penalty
Na infância, Blizzard sofreu um acidente e durante a cirurgia suas pernas foram, talvez desnecessariamente, amputadas. Crescendo transtornado com isto, ele se torna um criminoso cruel e líder da máfia de San Francisco. Agora ele tentará se vingar do cirurgião que realizou sua operação.
The Adventures of Daredevil Jack
Royce Rivers
Heavyweight boxing champion Jack Dempsey stars in this 15 chapter action serial, of which portions of reels 1, 2, and 4 survive. In the serial he plays the star fullback of his college's football team who gets drawn into an adventure when he stops to rescue a young woman from some thugs on a country road. It includes a gag featuring an exploding football. The rest of the cast includes Lon Chaney, Edgar Kennedy, Bull Montana, Josie Sedgwick and Herschel Mayall.
The Gift Supreme
Merney Stagg
A trama envolve um filho (Durning) sendo deserdado pelo pai (MacDowell) por se recusar a terminar sua amizade com uma bela jovem (Owen) das favelas de Londres, por quem está apaixonado. Atualmente temos apenas um fragmento do filme: apenas o primeiro dos seis rolos do filme permaneceu.
Treasure Island
Blind Pew / Merry
Young Jim Hawkins is caught up with the pirate Long John Silver in search of the buried treasure of the buccaneer Captain Flint, in this adaptation of the classic novel by Robert Louis Stevenson.
The Wicked Darling
Stoop Connors
Uma garota pobre é forçada a roubar para viver. Depois que ela rouba o colar de uma rica dama da sociedade, ela se esconde na casa de um homem que acaba por ser ex-noivo da socialite.
Adaptação do romance de Joseph Conrad sobre luxúria e violência em uma ilha dos Mares do Sul. Axel Heyst, um andarilho descompromissado, instalou-se em uma ilha dos mares do sul. Ele fica com pena de uma jovem problemática, Lena, e lhe dá refúgio na ilha. Mas o pirata Mr. Jones acredita que Heyst tem um tesouro enterrado na ilha e leva seus companheiros para uma invasão no refúgio de Heyst.
When Bearcat Went Dry
Kindard Powers
Bearcat Turner Stacy loves Blossom Fulkerson and promise her to give up drinking. Turner is arrested and he find Blossom in the arms of Jerry Henderson. Kindard Powers attack Handerson thinking he's a Officer. He can rescue himself and hid in Blossoms cabin. Later he is attacked again but this time rescued by Turner. He forces him into marry Blossom from hes deathbed and when he dies, Turner goes after Powers and kills him. Blossom leaves the community, but comes back and agrees to marry Turner.
Paid in Advance
Bateese Le Blanc
In the northwestern wilderness of Alaska, an innocent young girl falls into the clutches of a band of evil men of the gold fields.
The Miracle Man
The Frog
A gang of crooks evade the police by moving their operations to a small town. There the gang's leader encounters a faith healer and uses him to scam gullible public of funds for a supposed chapel. But when a real healing takes place, a change comes over the gang. Lost film, only the most famous scene has survived.
A Man's Country
'Three Card' Duncan
Dance-hall queen Kate Carewe is the toast of the gold-mining camp of Huxley's Gulch. One day a minister, Ralph Bowen, arrives to "clean up" the town. He is scorned by the miners, gamblers and "loose women" of the place, especially Kate, who resents that Bowen calls her a "scarlet woman".
Caras Falsas
Karl Eckstrom
Durante a I Guerra Mundial, um ladrão profissional conhecido como Lobo Solitário recebe a missão de roubar um cilindro com informações importantes por trás das linhas alemãs e trazê-lo para a sede da inteligência aliada. No entanto, é enviado um grupo de agentes alemães para detê-lo, chefiado pelo homem que foi responsável pela morte da irmã do ladrão.
Danger, Go Slow
Muggsy Mulane, a waif who wears boy's clothing, jumps a freight train to the country after Jimmy "the Eel," the leader of the gang of crooks with whom she works, is arrested. In the village of Cottonville, Muggsy befriends Aunt Sarah, whom she later discovers is Jimmy's mother. When Muggsy learns that the greedy Judge Cotton, who holds the mortgage on Aunt Sarah's property, is planning to foreclose, she threatens to blackmail him, and he relents.
The Talk of the Town
Jack Langhorne
Her strict upbringing is driving Genevra French (Dorothy Phillips) crazy, so when she gets her hand on a book called "How to Attract the Opposite Sex," she takes its advice to heart. She uses her newly found wiles on Lawrence Tabor (William Stowell) and gets him to marry her. Only after the wedding does she tell him she married him just to get away from her family, and that she intends to do exactly as she pleases.
That Devil, Bateese
Louis Courteau
After her romance with Martin Stuart shatters, Kathleen St. John leaves Montreal for the little village of Montrouge, where she plans to teach school. Kathleen loses her way between the station and the village and is attacked in the woods by the town bully, Louis Courteau. Seeing a pretty woman in distress, Bateese Latour, a warmhearted lumberjack whose drunken temper tantrums have earned him the sobriquet "That devil, Bateese," beats off her attacker. A short time later, Bateese falls in love with Kathleen, and promising to abandon his drinking, he carries her off and marries her.
Riddle Gawne
Hame Bozzam
When Gawne finds his brother dying and hears that the killer has run off with his brother's wife, he swears revenge.
A Broadway Scandal
'Kink' Colby
Having been misinformed that all French girls are morally suspect, American soldier David Kendall (Edwin August) is in for quite a shock when he's shipped Over There. After meeting several "nice" Frenchwomen, David returns to the states with a whole new perspective on things. It isn't long before he falls in love with Nenette (Carmel Myers), the daughter of French-born restaurateur Armande Bisson (Andrew Robson). But when Nenette is implicated in a murder, the disillusioned David instantly repudiates her -- and by extension, all Daughters of France.
The Grand Passion
Paul Argos
Dick Evans is the corrupt boss of a rough-and-tumble munitions town called Powderville. He hires his friend, Jack Ripley, to establish a newspaper, intending merely to further his own financial ambitions; however, Jack envisions The Trumpet as an instrument of good and soon persuades Dick to clean up Powderville.
Broadway Love
Elmer Watkins
A small-town girl who goes to New York hoping to become a Broadway star falls in with a fast crowd.
The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin
A propagandistic view of the First World War, showing the political greed of the German Kaiser Wilhelm, the resistance of some of his own soldiers, and fanciful prediction of the nature of the war's end.
The Scarlet Car
Paul Revere Forbes
Paul Revere Forbes, um antepassado de Paul Revere, é um caixa do banco de Cyrus Peabody. Ele descobre que Cyrus e seu filho, Ernest, têm especulado com 35 mil dólares de dinheiro do banco, e que toda a soma foi perdida. O filme é baseado no romance "The Scarlet Car" de Richard Harding Davis, que também foi a base de um filme de 1923 com o mesmo nome.
Seducer (uncredited)
Dorothy Phillips was starred as Elinor Crawford, a small-town girl who becomes a reporter on a big-city newspaper -- and immediately plunges into the "Bohemian" lifestyle. Assigned to interview a condemned murderer, Elinor must first obtain permission from criminal lawyer Evan Klavert (William Stowell), who happens to hail from Elinor's hometown and who prudishly disapproves of her current mode of living.
Anything Once
Waughnt Moore
Playboy Franklyn Farnum inherits a Western ranch on the condition that he shall run it properly for 6 months. A villain (none other than Lon Chaney) makes an attempt to distract him from reaching the goal, but Farnum, no longer the wastrel of yore, persists and becomes full owner of the property.
The Empty Gun
Paul Neihoff
This melodrama about an actress in love with a playwright and the stage manager blackmailing her for her affections offers a unique glimpse into Chaney’s career before his classic performances in The Hunchback of Notre Dame and The Phantom of the Opera.
Pay Me!
Joe Lawson
During a violent disagreement, a miner strangles his partner and accidentally shoots the man's wife. He then deserts his own wife and son to elope with the saloon keeper's daughter. As they are fleeing, the girl discovers the deed and insists upon caring for the baby found in the dead wife's arms.
The Rescue
Thomas Holland
After divorcing her husband Kent, actress Anne Wetherall returns to the stage. Upon receiving a plea for help from childhood chum Nell Jerrold begging Anne to save Nell's daughter Betty from marrying Kent, the ex-Mrs. Wetherall decides to journey to the Jerrold's home in the town of Wheaton to investigate.
Fires of Rebellion
Russell Hanlon
Madge Garvey (Dorothy Phillips) works in a shoe factory. Her father Joe (Richard de la Reno) is a drunk who beats his wife (Alice May Youss), and her sister Helen (Belle Bennett) has repeated the pattern by marrying Dan Mallory (Edward Brady). The new foreman, John Blake (William Stowell), fires Mallory. Mallory attacks him, but because of his alcohol abuse, his heart gives out and he dies. Blake asks Joe for Madge's hand, and he accepts for her. Madge longs for something better, when Cora, a former stenographer from the company (Golda Madden), writes her from the big city.
A Doll's House
Nils Krogstad
Nora Helmer has years earlier committed a forgery in order to save the life of her authoritarian husband Torvald. Now she is being blackmailed lives in fear of her husband's finding out and of the shame such a revelation would bring to his career.
The Flashlight
Henry Norton / Porter Brixton
Jack Lane (William Stowell) has made an invention for photographing wild animals. It consists of a camera with a trigger -- when the trigger is stepped on by a passing animal, a flash goes off and the camera shoots the picture. Lane goes up to the mountains to try out his new contraption. When a recluse refuses to let him spend the night in his cabin, Lane goes to sleep out of doors, with the camera set up near by. In the middle of the night, he is awakened by the flash and the sound of gunshots. Trekking back to his own cabin the next day, he develops the picture, which is of a girl holding a rifle. He returns to the recluse's cabin where he is arrested for murder.
The Girl in the Checkered Coat
Hector Maitland
When Mary and Fannie Graham, daughters of a good mother but a father with criminal instincts, are left motherless, Mary flees from her unhappy surroundings while Fannie, inheriting her father's disposition, remains and is raised as a thief.
Hell Morgan's Girl
Sleter Noble
Roger Curwell (William Stowell) is disowned by his father (Joseph W. Girard) because of his desire to be an artist. But instead of making good as a painter, Roger finds himself drunk and on the skids in San Francisco's Barbary Coast. At a dive run by Hell Morgan (Alfred Allen), he meets Lola (Dorothy Phillips), who nurses him back to physical and moral health.
The Piper's Price
Billy Kilmartin
After divorcing his first wife and marrying a more gentle natured woman, Ralph Hadley finds himself again attracted to his ex-wife, a shrewd business woman. Trouble begins when he foolishly invites her to lunch, setting gossipy tongues-wagging. The news reaches his devoted wife who has discovered she is pregnant.
The Price of Silence
Edmond Stafford
A woman gives up her illegitimate child, and then marries without telling her new husband about the child.
The Place Beyond the Winds
Jerry Jo
The story of a young woman living in the wilderness.
If My Country Should Call
Dr. George Ardrath
A doctor is called to the home of a young man who wants to enlist in the Army.
The Mark of Cain
Dick Temple
The Grasp of Greed
En route to Australia, beautiful authoress Alice Gordon (Louise Lovely) is shipwrecked on a desert island in the company of wealthy book publisher John Meeson. Sensing that his days are numbered, and lacking pencil and paper, Meeson tattoos his last will and testament on Alice's lovely back.
Bobbie of the Ballet
Hook Hoover
Wealthy Jack Stimson (Jay Belasco) falls in love with Broadway diva Velma Vrooman (Gretchen Lederer), and for her sake bankrolls the musical production in which she is currently starred. But when Velma proves to be fickle and unreliable, Jack shifts his affections to humble chorus girl Bobbie (Louise Lovely).
The Gilded Spider
An unusual story about the crossing paths of the poor Italian family of the sculptor Giovanni (Lon Chaney) and a reckless American millionaire, Cyrus Kirkham (Gilmore Hammond).
Tangled Hearts
John Hammond
Montgomery Seaton, one of the idle rich, pays more attention to his friends' business than to his marital situation.
The Grip of Jealousy
Silas Lacey
In pre-Civil War days, a woman dies in childbirth. Her sister, believing the child to be illegitimate, leaves the baby in the care of one of her sister's slaves.
The Millionaire Paupers
Mrs. Burne-Smith and Mrs. Winthrop have determined to make a match between their respective children regardless of the fact that the two in question have never seen each other.
A Mother's Atonement
A man recalls his earlier days when he was married and his wife cheated on him.
Alas and Alack
The Fisherman and Hunchback Fate
Uma pescadora conta a sua filha mais nova um conto de fadas sobre uma princesa aprisionada por um corcunda em uma concha do mar. Uma história que se assemelha a sua própria vida.
The Oyster Dredger
Vera, an heiress, while on a trip to the seaside, sees and admires Jack, an oyster dredger. She takes a fancy to his mode of living and through her lawyer proposes to change places and life with him for a time, placing all her property in trust with her lawyer. Jack finally agrees to the proposition and is installed in the wealthy girl's home
The Oyster Dredger
Vera, an heiress, while on a trip to the seaside, sees and admires Jack, an oyster dredger. She takes a fancy to his mode of living and through her lawyer proposes to change places and life with him for a time, placing all her property in trust with her lawyer. Jack finally agrees to the proposition and is installed in the wealthy girl's home
The Oyster Dredger
Vera, an heiress, while on a trip to the seaside, sees and admires Jack, an oyster dredger. She takes a fancy to his mode of living and through her lawyer proposes to change places and life with him for a time, placing all her property in trust with her lawyer. Jack finally agrees to the proposition and is installed in the wealthy girl's home
The Stool Pigeon
Walter Jason, a young man from the country, comes to the big city to find a position, but fails to do so. Oswald Trumble, so known to society, though in reality a master crook, strolls through the park, his mind busy with a scheme to steal the jewels of Mrs. Crosby Moore, a leader of society, whose forthcoming fancy-dress ball is the talk of the town. As Trumble approaches the bench where Jason is seated, the young man arises, shows exhaustion and then slowly continues on his way. Struck with Jason's clean-cut appearance, Trumble follows the young man, trails him to the river, and prevents him from committing suicide.
The Stool Pigeon
Walter Jason, a young man from the country, comes to the big city to find a position, but fails to do so. Oswald Trumble, so known to society, though in reality a master crook, strolls through the park, his mind busy with a scheme to steal the jewels of Mrs. Crosby Moore, a leader of society, whose forthcoming fancy-dress ball is the talk of the town. As Trumble approaches the bench where Jason is seated, the young man arises, shows exhaustion and then slowly continues on his way. Struck with Jason's clean-cut appearance, Trumble follows the young man, trails him to the river, and prevents him from committing suicide.
The Measure of a Man
Donald MacDermott
Helen MacDermott, daughter of the Factor at Bear Lake, has been carefully and religiously brought up by her widowed father. Bob Brandt, a dashing young gambler and adventurer, stops at Bear Lake in his wanderings, and having occasion to visit the post to buy supplies, he becomes acquainted with Helen. She quickly surrenders to his charms.
Damon and Pythias
Wild Man (uncredited) (unconfirmed)
The friendship of Damon, the senator, and Pythias, the soldier, is famous in Ancient Syracuse.
Based on a play by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Originally released in six reels, but later cut to four due to poor reviews. A lost film.
The Oubliette
Chevalier Bertrand de la Payne
Primeiro episódio da série " As Aventuras de François Villon ", um vagabundo, poeta e filósofo que viaja a Paris com seu amigo Collin. No caminho, após ajudarem um casal de idosos, ficam sem dinheiro e acabam roubando dois monges. São presos, mas Villon consegue escapar com a ajuda de Collin, que é enforcado. Villon, indo dizer adeus ao seu amigo, vê o Chevalier de Soissons zombar do cadáver e mata o cavaleiro, ficando com sua armadura. A partir daí, continua sua jornada para Paris, vivendo aventuras dignas de um cavaleiro.
By the Sun's Rays
Frank Lawler, the Clerk
Filme mais antigo sobrevivente com Lon Chaney em um papel maior, "By the Sun's Rays" é apenas um dos vários westerns de 2 rolos estrelando o florido Murdock MacQuarrie. MacQuarrie desempenha um detetive que investiga uma série de roubos de carregamento de ouro. No caminho, ele se apaixona pela bela filha (Agnes Vernon) de um superintendente de mina, para o desespero de um mal-humorado auxiliar de escritório da mina (Chaney), que também está apaixonado pela moça...
A Ranch Romance
Raphael Praz
Raphael Praz kidnaps heroine Kate.
The Forbidden Room
John Morris
Fulfilling a promise made to his mother on her deathbed, Dr. James Gibson finds his sister Pauline who has run away after giving birth to an illegitimate child. His sister's mind has snapped and Gibson takes his sister and his baby niece home with him. The years pass and the niece has grown into a beautiful woman, while her mother is kept locked in a room that the young woman is forbidden to enter. Gibson and his wealthy neighbor, John Morris, are both interested in hypnotism, and one night the two men conduct an experiment by hypnotizing Gibson's niece. This film is presumed lost.
The Tragedy of Whispering Creek
The Greaser
American silent short movie.
The Tragedy of Whispering Creek
American silent short movie.
The End of the Feud
Wood Dawson
For fifty years the Dawsons and the Putnams have been engaged in a deadly family feud. Old Hen Dawson is now the patriarch of the Dawsons, and Jed Putnam is the leader of the Putnams.
Discord and Harmony
Lon - the Sculptor
Joy reigns in a colony of struggling artists because Old Felix, a composer, has at last sold one of his symphonies. The night of its initial hearing at the grand opera house the members of the colony turn out en masse. Too poor for orchestra seats, they gather in the gallery around the old composer. The old composer is happy almost to tears, and when the last note has died away there is a cry for the composer. Felix attempts to utter a few words of thanks, but is smothered with flowers. At his studio his friends have prepared for his welcome, and it is upon his arrival there that be feels the happiness which comes of success. However, at the other end of the hall another different drama is being enacted. A girl sits beside her stricken mother, and as the merriment in the studio reaches its height, the soul of the mother departs from the body.
The Restless Spirit
The Russian Count (uncredited)
The Dreamer is unhappy with his marriage and runs away. He collapses and is found by The Desert Flower, who convince him to return to his family. In various illusions he sees himself in three stories. In first is Napoleon. In the second he is a Knight. And in the third a Sultan. But in all the illusions he die. Meanwhile his wife is about to be send into the desert while refusing to remarry a Stranger. Before this could happen, the Dreamer arrives and send the Stranger into the desert. He becomes again a loved and respected member of the Town.
Poor Jake's Demise
The Dude
Jake's wife fears he has made good his suicide threat after he has caught her making love to the Dude in his own home. During the last minute preparations for Jake's funeral, the mourners are suddenly surprised to find him sitting upright in their midst.
The Ways of Fate
Two men playing cards, the argument, flash of a revolver, and one lay dead.