
A Desperate Adventure (1924)

Gênero :

Runtime : 0M

Director : J.P. McGowan


A Desperate Adventure is a 1924 silent film western directed by J. P. McGowan and starring Franklyn Farnum.


Franklyn Farnum
Franklyn Farnum
Marie Walcamp
Marie Walcamp
Priscilla Bonner
Priscilla Bonner


J.P. McGowan
J.P. McGowan
James Ormont
James Ormont
Walter L. Griffin
Walter L. Griffin
Director of Photography


The Virginian
A good-natured but chivalrous cowboy romances the local schoolmarm and leads the posse that brings a gang of rustlers, which includes his best friend, to justice.
Black Cyclone
A cowboy and a wild horse find they have some things in common: both have enemies out to get them and both must save their mates from danger.
Border Vengeance
After Wes Channing's partner, the feckless Buck Littleton, loses his half-interest in their ranch to gambler Flash Denby, Wes stands up against the sheriff's men when they try to seize the ranch-- land that has a gold mine on it. Denby tries to trick Mary Sims, granddaughter of Wes's neighbor Rufe Sims, into signing over the rights to the land. Denby's machinations are all set in order-- but Wes's right hook may prove to be a hell of a monkey wrench!
Venus of the South Seas
The daughter of man who owns a South Seas pearl business falls in love with a wealthy traveler. Her father dies, leaving her the business. A greedy ship captain schemes to take the business from her.
Uncle Tom's Cabin
The first screen adaptation of Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel to star a black man in the title role.
Hurricane Hal
A young Texan known as "Hurricane Hal," saves Bill Adams from Mexican bandits. In gratitude, Adams gives Hal a job on his ranch
Quem Teve a Culpa?
A wife, bored by her overweight slob of a husband, gives in to the temptation of a slickly seductive poet.
Home, Sweet Home
John Howard Payne leaves home and begins a career in the theater. Despite encouragement from his mother and his sweetheart, Payne begins to lead a life of dissolute habits, and this soon leads to ruin and misery. In deep despair, he thinks of better days, and writes a song that later provides inspiration to several others in their own times of need.
Branded a Bandit
A miner has struck it rich and gives some ore to cowhand Jess Dean to take to his granddaughter. But Horse Williams has the miner shot and uses the ore found on Jess to accuse him of the murder. Jess escapes from the mob of townspeople who later learn that the body of the supposedly dead miner has mysteriously disappeared.
The Wrath of the Gods
An American sailor falls in love with a fisherman's daughter and convinces her that Jesus is more powerful than the gods who have cursed her.
Based on Charles Perrault's fairy tale: Cinderella is mistreated by her stepmother and stepsisters, but she is able to go to the Royal Ball with the help of the Fairy Godmother.
A Cidade Sem Judeus
In the Republic of Utopia, because of the bad economic crisis ailing the nation, the Jews are made the scapegoats for the economic and social ills affecting the population; therefore, the government decides to expel them. Leo Strakosch is among the exiled. He is engaged to Counsellor's Linder's daughter. He gets into the Republic, in a clandestine way, to show to the society the wrongness of their anti-semitic prejudice. Bettauer's novel differs essentially from the film version. "Vienna" was named "Utopia". Even a happy ending was provided.
His Majesty, the Scarecrow of Oz
A wicked king has taken over the Emerald City, and wants his daughter, Princess Gloria to marry the horrid courtier Googly-Goo, though she loves Pon, the Gardener's Boy. The camera follows two farmers placing a Scarecrow upon a pole in a cornfield. Pon rescues a Kansas girl named Dorothy from the evil witch Mombi, whom Princess Gloria has been taken to by King Krewl to freeze her heart so she will no longer love Pon. An Indian princess has a ceremony to bring the Scarecrow to life. Pon rescues the cold-hearted princess and they flee for help, discovering the Scarecrow, who promptly falls in love with the princess, and Button-Bright, a lost boy from America. They come to the castle of the Tin Emperor, Nick Chopper, and after oiling him, he falls in love with Gloria. After a bit of a chase aided by the Sawhorse and the Wizard, Mombi turns Pon into a Kangaroo, and a slough of Fred Woodward's animals battle it out.
O Selvagem
Johnny Strabler (Marlon Brando) é o líder de uma gangue de motociclistas conhecida como Black Rebels Motorcycle Club. Eles vivem perigosamente, enfrentando os perigos e arriscando suas vidas inconsequentemente. O grupo chega à Wrightsville, uma pequena cidade, e após causar arruaças tomando o troféu de um vencedor de corridas, seguem para outra cidade, invadindo uma cafeteria. Johnny conhece Kathie Bleeker (Mary Murphy), filha do chefe da polícia, e que trabalha na cafeteria. Ele decide ir embora, mas seu grupo começa mais uma briga, desta vez com um grupo de rivais liderados por Chino (Lee Marvin). (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
O Sonho de Wadjda
Wadjda tem dez anos de idade, e mora no subúrbio de Riade, a capital da Arábia Saudita. Ela é uma garota teimosa e cheia de vida, que gosta de brincar com os garotos. Um dia, após uma disputa com o amigo Abdullah, ela vê uma bela bicicleta verde à venda. Wadjda gostaria de comprar a bicicleta, para superar o colega em uma corrida, mas na sociedade conservadora onde vivem, garotas não podem dirigir carros ou bicicletas. Ela decide então fazer de tudo para conseguir o dinheiro sozinha.
Broadway Love
A small-town girl who goes to New York hoping to become a Broadway star falls in with a fast crowd.
The Forbidden City
The daughter of a Chinese mandarin is sentenced to death for her secret marriage to an American. Their child, raised in the mandarin's palace, grows up and escapes to seek her father, now a high-ranking official in the Philippines.
Shifting Sands
Marcia Grey is wrongly convicted on trumped-up evidence of a German. After serving her term, she rebuilds her life and marries well.
O Símbolo dos Resistentes: Uma História da Ku Klux Klan
Racistas descobrem que, sob a terra de proprietário negro, há vastas campos de petróleo, e passam a ameaçá-lo caso ele se recusa a vendê-la.
Raffles: The Amateur Cracksman
Raffles is an English gentleman with a secret life—he is the notorious jewel thief known as "The Amateur Cracksman." While sailing from India to England accompanied by his friend, Bunny Manners, it is rumored that the infamous cracksman is aboard ship. Raffles warns a lady passenger to keep an eye on her necklace, which is stolen soon afterward. Although a search reveals no evidence, the necklace is returned upon reaching London.