Townsman (uncredited)
O Oklahoma Land Run de abril de 1889 define o cenário para uma saga épica de um aventureiro de fronteira, sua esposa, sua família e seus amigos. A saga épica de uma família de fronteira, Cimarron começa com o Oklahoma Land Rush em 22 de abril de 1889. A família Cravet transforma seu jornal Oklahoma Wigwam em um império comercial e Yancey Cravet é o idealista aventureiro que, para a raiva de sua esposa, desperdiça a oportunidade de se tornar governador, pois isso significa ajudar a espoliar os nativos americanos de suas terras e recursos.
Office Worker (uncredited)
Um funcionário ambicioso (Jack Lemmon) descobre um atalho para subir na companhia em que trabalha: Ceder seu apartamento para os encontros amorosos de seus chefes. A tática inicialmente dá certo, mas passa a ser ameaçada quando ele se apaixona pela amante de um de seus chefes.
Audience Member (uncredited)
A mysterious hypnotist is suspected by the police of being responsible for a wave of young, attractive women committing various forms of self-mutilation.
Juror (uncredited)
An adulterous couple is accused of murder after the woman's husband is shot and killed during a scuffle. A high-profile court case tells the story.
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Em Nova York, a decoradora de interiores Jan Morrow (Doris Day) e o compositor mulherengo Brad Allen (Rock Hudson) usam a mesma linha compartilhada, mas Brad mantém ocupada a maior parte do tempo flertando com suas namoradas. Eles não se conhecem, mas Jan odeia Brad porque ela precisa do telefone para o seu negócio e não pode usá-lo. Coincidentemente cliente rico que Jan corteja, Jonathan Forbes, é o melhor amigo de Brad e comenta com ele que tem um amor não correspondido por Jan, que é uma mulher linda. Quando Brad encontra Jan por acaso em um restaurante, ele se apresenta como um turista ingênuo do Texas chamado Rex Stetson e a seduz. Mas Jonathan contrata um detetive particular para descobrir quem é Rex Stetson. (e 10)
Townsman (uncredited)
Lorenzo Charlton, um fiscal do governo, é enviado à fazenda da família Larkins para averiguar o porquê eles têm sonegado impostos. Ao perceber que a família mantém um confuso sistema econômico, ele decide ajudá-los a pôr a casa em ordem.
Party Guest (uncredited)
Em 1929, Joe e Jerry, dois músicos desempregados, testemunham sem querer o cruel Massacre do Dia de São Valentim. Desesperados para não serem pegos pelos gangsters, eles se disfarçam de mulheres e entram para um grupo feminino musical, que está indo para Miami fazer shows. Joe se apaixona por Sugar, a garota problema do grupo, enquanto um milionário se apaixona pelo disfarce de Jerry, tudo isso em meio a uma convenção de criminosos, que também está acontecendo em Miami.
Passerby Outside Bar (uncredited)
Em 1948, o escritor Dave Hirsh retorna à sua cidade natal de Parkman, Indiana. Ele deixou o exército e não tem certeza do que vai fazer para o resto de sua vida, embora não deseje ser um escritor. Não tem certeza do por que está voltado para casa. Não se dá bem com seu irmão mais velho Frank e nem com sua cunhada Agnes, que o odeia. Logo se encontra com um jogador profissional Bama Dillert e se tornam grandes amigos. Também tem que lidar com Ginnie Moorehead, uma garota que conheceu em Chicago na noite da sua partida e ela decidiu ir junto. Não planeja ficar na cidade por muito tempo até que conhece Dawn French uma professora de redação criativa na universidade local e uma fervorosa admiradora de suas obras anteriores. Ele se apaixona por ela, mas ela não é tão rápida em se apaixonar por ele.
Party Guest (uncredited)
Isolde Poole (Doris Day) e August "Augie" Poole (Richard Widmark) são incapazes de ter um bebê, depois de anos de tentativas. Eles contratam a Agência de Adoção Rock-A-Bye, e a Srta Novick (Gia Scala) é designada como investigadora. Por conta de um absurdo mal entendido ela fica com uma impressão muito ruim de Augie Poole e o seu relatório será desfavorável. Por circunstâncias ainda mais rebuscadas, Augie é capaz de mudar a ideia da Srta. Novick e então passa a acreditar que o bebê que ela está carregando é dela. Rock-A-Bye encontra um bebê para os Pooles, e Augie está convencido de que o bebê é da Srta Novick, e que ele é o verdadeiro pai. Tanto que sua esposa Isolde passa a acreditar também. Ela corre o risco de deixá-lo, mas todos os mal-entendidos são finalmente esclarecidos por um final feliz.
New Year's Eve Party Reveller
A young woman returns home after being institutionalized in a mental hospital.
Postmaster (uncredited)
Celebrated detective traces and finds beneficiaries to the will of a gold prospector murdered by bushwhackers.
Barrister (uncredited)
Quando Leonard Vole (Tyrone Power) é preso sob a acusação de ter assassinado uma rica viúva de meia-idade, Sir Wilfrid Robarts (Charles Laughton), um veterano e astuto advogado, concorda em defendê-lo. Sir Wilfrid está se recuperando de um ataque do coração quase fatal e "supostamente" está em uma dieta, que o proíbe de ingerir bebidas alcoólicas e de se envolver em casos complicados. Mas a atração pelas cortes criminais é algo muito forte para ele, especialmente quando o caso é bem difícil. O único álibi de Vole é o testemunho da sua esposa, Christine Vole (Marlene Dietrich), uma mulher fria e calculista. A tarefa de Sir Wilfrid fica praticamente impossível quando Christine Vole concorda em ser testemunha, não da defesa, mas da acusação.
Passenger at Airport
A widowed Nevada rancher goes to Italy and marries the sister of his deceased wife and brings her back to the ranch, but his haunting memories of his lost love and her tendency to drift away to other men cause the two to have a tough time at keeping a marriage together.
Scavenger Hunter / Party Guest (uncredited)
The eccentric Bullock household again need a new butler. Daughter Irene encounters bedraggled Godfrey Godfrey at the docks and, fancying him and noticing his obviously good manners, gets him the job. He proves a great success, but keeps his past to himself. When an old flame turns up Irene's sister Cordelia starts making waves.
Man Smoking Outside Courtroom (uncredited)
Four sisters in New Zealand fall for four U.S. soldiers en route to the Pacific theater in WWII.
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Prohibition-era nightclub crooner Joe E. Lewis has his career and nearly his life cut short when his throat is slashed as payback for leaving the employ of Chicago mob boss Georgie Parker. A broken alcoholic, Joe is brought back from the abyss by his faithful piano player, Austin Mack, who helps turn the former singer into a successful stand-up comedian. But Joe's demons plague his romantic life even as he reaches new heights of success.
Ballet Audience Member (uncredited)
Um homem e uma mulher vivem um romance enquanto estão em um cruzeiro que parte da Europa com destino à cidade de Nova York. Apesar de serem noivos de outras pessoas, ambos concordam em se reunir no topo do Empire State Building em seis meses. No entanto, um acidente infeliz a impede de ir ao encontro, e ele teme que ela tenha se casado ou que tenha deixado de amá-lo.
Barfly (uncredited)
Earp (burt Lancaster) é um homem da lei que chega a tombstone para limpar a cidade dos bandidos. Holliday (Kirk Douglas) é um dentista de formação, famoso pela rapidez no gatilho e pelo gosto pelos jogos de carta. Eles se unem para enfrentar Ike Clanton (Lyle Bettger) e seu perverso bando.
Party Guest (uncredited)
In this musical-comedy, Dean Martin plays an American hotel mogul who becomes smitten with a young Italian woman (Anna Maria Alberghetti) when buying a hotel in Rome. To marry this gal, he has to get her three older sisters married off.
Party Guest (uncredited)
Biochemists give fruit-fly serum to a dying woman, with side effects.
Guest at Duval's Fashion Show (uncredited)
Um famoso fotógrafo de modas, Dick Avery (Fred Astaire), trabalha para a Quality Magazine, uma conceituada revista feminina. Dick cumpre as determinações da editora da revista, Maggie Prescott (Kay Thompson), que não está satisfeita com os últimos resultados e tenta encontrar "um novo rosto". Dick o acha em Jo Stockton (Audrey Hepburn), uma balconista de uma livraria no Greenwich Village onde um ensaio fotográfico ocorrera recentemente. Após certa resistência, Maggie aceita Jo como a modelo que irá à Paris para fotografar e ser o símbolo da Quality. Jo só concorda pois lá poderá conhecer Emile Flostre (Michel Auclair), um intelectual cujas ideias ela idolatra. Entretanto, ao chegarem em Paris as coisas não correm como o planejado.
Audience Member
O último filme com Jerry Lewis e Dean Martin juntos, é uma sátira da vida em Hollywood. Steve Wiley é um enganador que engana Malcolm Smith quando ele ganha um carro, alegando que ele ganhou também. Tentando roubar o carro, Steve diz a Malcolm que ele mora em Hollywood, ao lado de Anita Ekberg. Quando Malcom ouve isso, ambos partem para Hollywood e a aventura começa ...
Patron at 21 (uncredited)
Former radio singer Kay learns from her gossipy friends that her husband, Steve, has had an affair with chorus girl Crystal. Devastated, Kay tries to ignore the information, but when Crystal performs one of her musical numbers at a charity benefit, she breaks down and goes to Reno to file for divorce. However, when she hears that gold-digging Crystal is making Steve unhappy, Kay resolves to get her husband back. The Opposite Sex is a remake of the 1939 comedy The Women.
Extra (uncredited)
Em 1872, o nobre inglês Phileas Fogg (David Niven) aposta vinte mil libras com seus colegas do Clube Reformatório de Londres de que ele consegue dar a volta no planeta em exatamente oitenta dias. Ao lado do engenhoso Valet Passepartout (Mario Moreno), ele busca cumprir o seu objetivo com aventuras em todos os continentes, acaba conhecendo e se encantando pela bela viúva Aouda (Shirley MacLaine), ao mesmo tempo que, em uma conspiração, é acusado de ter roubado o dinheiro que investiu na aposta.
Druggist (Uncredited)
After being shown what hypnotism can do, a doctor starts to study it in depth. When he experiments on a friend's wife, she regresses into an early life, that of Bridey Murphy.
Dance Extra (uncredited)
Laura Partridge is a very enthusiastic small stockholder of 10 shares in International Projects, a large corporation based in New York. She attends her first stockholder meeting ready to question the board of directors from their salaries to their operations.
Party Guest (uncredited)
Os amigos da infância Tracy Lord (Grace Kelly) e C.K. Dexter-Haven (Bing Crosby) se casaram e se divorciaram muito rapidamente. Agora, Tracy está prestes a se casar de novo, desta vez com um esperto empresário alpinista social. Bing ainda a ama. A revista Spy chantageia a família da Grace ameaçando revelar as façanhas do pai playboy se não for permitida fazer a cobertura jornalística do casamento.
Racetrack Spectator (uncredited)
Quando o ex-presidiário Johnny Clay diz que tem um grande plano, todos querem participar. Especialmente quando o plano é roubar 2 milhões de dólares em um esquema "ninguém vai se machucar". Mas, apesar do planejamento cuidadoso, Clay e seus homens se esqueceram de uma coisa: Sherry Peatty, uma garota ambiciosa e traiçoeira que está planejando um grande golpe só seu... mesmo que para isso ela precise acabar com toda a gangue de Clay!
Gus Linden, former racketeer head of a Detroit local of the United Automobile Workers of America, A.F.L, attempts to destroy his successor, Blair Vicker, so he can put his old rackets back into the auto factories. Vickers fights him off, ultimately winning help from Linden's attractive daughter Barbara and from Joni Calvin, Vickers' moll.
Spectator at Hot Box Club (uncredited)
Comédia musical ambientada no submundo de Nova York, entre pequenos furtos e jogadores profissionais. Marlon Brando é o jogador Sky Masterson e Jean Simmons, uma voluntária do Exército da Salvação. Frank Sinatra completa o trio como o banqueiro Nathan. A história começa quando Brando é desafiado a levar a missionária Simmons para Havana. A aposta funciona até que eles se apaixonam. Oportunidade de se ver e ouvir Marlon Brando cantando "Luck Be A Lady", enquanto Sinatra entoa "Guys And Dolls" e "Adelaide".
Townsman (uncredited)
O xerife Calem Ware (Randolph Scott) da cidade de Medicine Bent, está cansado de matar e de fugir das balas de seus inimigos. Para manter a paz na cidade, suas atividades em nome da lei e ordem destruíram sua vida pessoal. Agora, ele espera poder reconciliar-se com sua ex-esposa, Tally Dickinson (Ângela Lansburry), que agora é a estrela de um show musical itinerante. Mas, logo quando Tally chega à cidade, Ware é forçado a enfrentar uma grande quadrilha de bandidos liderada pelos terríveis Thorne (Warner Anderson) e Clark (John Emery). Assim, Ware precisa decidir entre cumprir seu dever e livrar a cidade dos bandidos enfrentando Baskam (Michael Pate), um pistoleiro de aluguel, ou abandonar as armas e se reconciliar com Tally. Desta vez, o xerife terá que enfrentar mais de um duelo...
Townsman (uncredited)
Former buffalo hunter and entrepreneur Wyatt Earp arrives in the lawless cattle town of Wichita Kansas. His skill as a gun-fighter makes him a perfect candidate for Marshal, but he refuses the job until he feels morally obligated to bring law and order to this wild town.
Nightclub Patron (Uncredited)
An ex-military accountant is recruited by the FBI to infiltrate the mob in Chicago in an attempt to break open the rackets. To complicate his job, two women stand in his way, each with their own agenda.
Townsman at Carnival (uncredited)
No Vale das Salinas, na Califórnia, na época da Primeira Guerra Mundial, Cal Trask disputa com o irmão Aaron, o "menino de ouro" da família, o amor de seu pai. Cal se sente solitário, e desde a infância luta pela atenção do pai, que não esconde sua preferência pelo outro filho. Só que uma surpresa muda um pouco as coisas: Cal descobre que sua mãe, dada como morta há muito tempo, mora perto dele. Ele vai fazer um empréstimo com ela, que virou prostituta, para salvar a fazenda da família e ganhar a aprovação do pai.
Randolph Scott, um poderoso rancheiro e criador de gado, está determinado a administrar o seu vasto negócio com mão de ferro e integridade. Porém, tem como seu maior inimigo, um proprietário de terras local (Richard Boone), de caráter duvidoso, que não gosta de resolver seus problemas com base na lei, e sim, prefere usar o persuasivo poder da pistola. Produção primorosa do próprio Scott e Harry J. Brown, seu sócio em vários filmes, que fizeram grande sucesso de bilheteria. Interpretações irrepreensíveis de Richard Boone e Jocelyn Brando (irmã de Marlon Brando), que honrou o nome da família de atores
Vicious gangster Vincent Canelli pulls off a daring prison escape just moments before going to the electric chair, taking with him Peter Manning – a bank robber and cop killer who was to die right after him. Taking several hostages along, they try to get their hands on the loot from Manning’s robbery to finance their escape from the country.
Party Guest (uncredited)
A young stage hopeful is murdered and suspicion falls on her mentor, a Broadway producer.
Club Patron (uncredited)
Um dos clássicos absolutos do Natal, este musical conta com os insuperáveis Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Vera-Ellen e Rosemary Clooney que cantam temas de Irving Berlin como Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep ou o lendário White Christmas. O filme, sobre dois ex-soldados que tentam montar um espetáculo de Natal na estância de férias de um antigo general, é um semi-remake de Michael Curtiz do também natalício Holiday Inn, de 1942, para o qual foi criado o tema do título e que ganhou então o Óscar de Melhor Canção.
Ray (uncredited)
Esther Blodgett (Judy Garland) é uma sonhadora artista que deseja se tornar uma grande estrela do cinema americano. Seu sonho se torna realidade quando ela conhece o astro de Hollywood Norman Maine, e os dois se apaixonam. Depois de um tempo, eles se casam, e a carreira de Esther começa realmente a decolar, e ela passa a ser chamada pelo nome artístico de Vicky Lester. Só que enquanto sua fama aumenta, seu marido está cada vez mais decadente e afundado no álcool, o que começa a abalar a carreira da esposa. Segunda versão da clássica história e primeiro filme colorido do diretor George Cukor.
Barfly (uncredited)
Deadwood, no território de Dakota, é em grande parte terra de homens, onde a Rastreadora de indios Calamity Jane (Doris Day) é tão boa cavaleira, prepotente e traquejada com uma arma como qualquer homem, uma personalidade bastante avassaladora. Mas o tenente do exército que ela está paquerando realmente não gosta dessas suas qualidades, digamos, mais "finas". Uma das bravatas de Jane a leva para Chicago para recrutar uma atriz para o palco da Jarreteira de Ouro. Chegando, a senhora em questão parece, a primeira vista, ser uma rival mais feminina para os amigos homens de Jane. Inclusive para seu inimigo amigável Wild Bill Hickok (Howard Keel).
Club Manager (uncredited)
A supermodel gets murdered. While investigating the case the story of a waitress turned glamor girl is revealed.
Man Departing Train
Passengers on an ocean liner recall their greatest loves.
Assistant on Set (uncredited)
Narrado em flashback, o filme traça a ascensão e a queda de um produtor de Hollywood duro e ambicioso, Jonathan Shields, visto pelos olhos de vários conhecidos, incluindo o escritor James Lee Bartlow, a estrela Georgia Lorrison e o diretor Fred Amiel. Ele é um homem difícil e ambicioso que impiedosamente usa todos - incluindo o escritor, estrela e diretor - na escalada para se tornar um dos maiores de Hollywood. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Party Guest / Audience Member (uncredited)
Em mais um filme da dupla Martin e Lewis, Bill Martin (Dean Martin) é um comediante sem sucesso que, para inovar seu show, coloca o comparsa Ted Rogers (Jerry Lewis) na platéia para interagir com ele durante a apresentação. Mas, rapidamente, Ted começa a se tornar a estrela do espetáculo.
Joseph Cotten plays an assistant bank manager who steals $1,000,000 from the safe late on a Friday and then plans to flee to Brazil over the weekend.
Tourist in Show (Uncredited)
A husband and wife act are hoping to find success on Broadway.
Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
A jovem Carrie (Jennifer Jones) viaja do Meio-Oeste dos Estados Unidos para Chicago em busca de crescimento na vida. No trem, ela conhece George Hurstwood (Laurence Olivier), um respeitável homem de família e de boa situação financeira. O rapaz se apaixona por ela e se dispõe a largar tudo por seu amor.
Train Passenger (uncredited)
Uma mulher que vai testemunhar contra um chefão da Máfia deve ser protegida contra seus assassinos na viagem de trem de Chicago para Los Angeles.
Spectator (uncredited)
Um filme espetacular, bem à maneira de DeMille, que é também a maior homenagem que o cinema prestou ao mundo do circo. O grande circo que é o pano de fundo deste drama humano é o famoso Ringling Bros-Barnum & Bailey, e James Stewart é o palhaço que esconde um passado misterioso. Entre os convidados especiais encontramos Bing Crosby, Bob Hope e William Boyd. Oscar de melhor filme em 1952.
Assistant Gambling House Cashier (Uncredited)
A crime gang leader is losing her sight, so while her lover goes into hiding, she checks in to the hospital for extensive surgery to recover her eyesight. There she is treated by a handsome young doctor. As expected not only does the doctor successfully open her eyes, he also opens her heart for him.
Four strangers board a plane and become fast friends, but a catastrophic crash leaves only one survivor. He then sets off on a journey to discover who these people were, but ultimately discovers the devastating truth about himself.
Townsman at Dance (uncredited)
Sylvanus Hurley is a swindler who's been swindled: he's been given a deed to a large plot of mangrove swamp in the out-of-the-way community. So he decides to con the locals, some of whom are not as honest as he....
Waiter (Uncredited)
Jim and Connie's postwar New York building troubles keep Jim from working on his novel. Ex-WAC from Jim's army days Roberta moves in, further upsetting Connie but pleasing Jim's friend Ed. Tenant Charley, who marries tenant Eadie, loans money to Jim to help him keep the building, money which this Casanova obtains from rich widows.
Passenger on Airplane
Pete Garvey improvisa uma agência de adoção de órfãos de guerra, em Paris, quando um ultimato de sua antiga noiva chama-o de volta para Boston, com dois órfãos adotados para derreter o coração dela.
Elevator Passenger (uncredited)
An insurance agent's greedy girlfriend with a taste for mink leads him to a life of crime.
The wicked Alain plots an elaborate revenge against his younger brother Edmund, leading to a deadly confrontation in his dungeon deathtrap.
Company Executive (uncredited)
Um jovem ambicioso ganha o coração de uma herdeira, mas tem que lidar com a gravidez de sua ex-namorada.
O jovem e pobre George Eastman (Montgomery Clift) deixa sua mãe religiosa em Chicago e vai para a Califórnia esperando encontrar um emprego melhor nos negócios de seu tio rico, Charles Eastman. Seu primo Earl Eastman avisa que há muitas mulheres na fábrica e a regra básica é que ele não deve paquerar qualquer uma delas. George encontra a operária Alice Tripp no cinema e eles começam a namorar. No entanto o marginalizado George é promovido e encontra a linda Angela Vickers numa festa na casa de seu tio. Angela o apresenta à alta sociedade local e eles se apaixonam. Mas Alice está grávida e ela quer se casar com George.
Reverend (uncredited)
Pretty female attorney Abigail "AJ" Furnival is hired to keep high-flying cowboy movie star Ben Castle out of trouble in Las Vegas. Despite his many faults, Abigail falls in love with and marries Ben, with the hope that she can mold him into the virtuous hero he plays on the screen.
When Lt. John Harkness is assigned as the new skipper of a submarine chaser equipped with an experimental steam engine, he hopes that the U.S.S. Teakettle's veterans will afford him enough help to accomplish the ship's goals. Unfortunately, he finds the crew and its officers share his novice status or only have experience in diesel engines.
Board Member (uncredited)
Ellen McNulty leaves her New Jersey hamburger stand and heads west to pay a surprise visit to her son and his new bride. When Ellen arrives, her daughter-in-law mistakes her for the maid she has hired for a big party they are throwing. Rather than cause any embarrassment, Ellen goes along with the charade, which leads to many complications.
Townsman (uncredited)
A series of reversals bring two desperate people together. When a saloon owner is framed by his partner for a stagecoach robbery, he fights to secure an acquittal.
Coroner (uncredited)
Frank Johnson foge da polícia depois de se tornar uma testemunha ocular de um crime. Ele é perseguido pela cenográfica San Francisco por sua esposa, um repórter, a polícia, e ... o verdadeiro assassino. Frank Johnson (Ross Elliott), única testemunha de um assassinato de gangues, vai se esconder e é perseguido pelo inspetor de polícia Ferris (Robert Keith), na suposição de que Frank está tentando escapar de uma possível retaliação. A esposa de Frank, Eleanor (Ann Sheridan), suspeita que ele está realmente fugindo de seu casamento fracassado. Auxiliada pelo jornalista Danny Leggett (Dennis O'Keefe), Eleanor vai para as ruas tentar localizar seu marido. O assassino também está procurando por ele e faz marcação cerrada sobre Eleanor. e 12.
Sarah Siddons Awards Guest (uncredited)
Margo Channing é uma reconhecida atriz da Broadway que está envelhecendo e Eve Harrington é uma jovem fã que consegue se infiltrar na vida de Channing e que acaba ameaçando sua carreira e relacionamentos pessoais. Filme baseado na obra The Wisdom of Eve, de Mary Orr.
Sleeping Train Passenger (uncredited)
Police catch a break when suspected kidnappers are spotted on a train heading towards Union Station. Police, train station security and a witness try to piece together the crime and get back the blind daughter of a rich business man.
Subway Commuter (uncredited)
A young woman living in Manhattan pretends to be the mother of an infant in order to get a seat on the subway.
Screenwriter (uncredited)
This short film focuses on the job of the Hollywood screenwriter.
Uma estrela veterana do cinema mudo se recusa a aceitar que seu reinado acabou. Então ela contrata um jovem roteirista para ajudá-la a reconquistar o sucesso. O escritor acredita que pode manipular a atriz, mas percebe que está redondamente enganado.
Country Club Guest
In flashback from a 'Rebecca'-style beginning: Ellen Foster, visiting her aunt on the California coast, meets neighbor Jeff Cohalan and his ultramodern clifftop house. Ellen is strongly attracted to Jeff, who's being plagued by unexplainable accidents, major and minor. Bad luck, persecution...or paranoia? Warned that Jeff could be dangerous, Ellen fears that he's in danger, as the menacing atmosphere darkens.
Factory Worker (uncredited)
Tenta retratar uma futura primeira viagem tripulada à Lua, sendo financiada por um consórcio privado. As dificuldades variadas que ocorrem e precisam ser superadas. Uma tentativa de ser o mais realista possível, baseado em um romance de Robert A. Heinlein que também trabalhou como consultor do filme.
Man in Hotel Bar (uncredited)
Two tobacco growers battle for control of the cigarette market.
Arthur Mansfield
Laura Mansfield catches a glimpse of mob hit man Jackie Wales after he shoots her businessman father. At the police station, Laura identifies Jackie as the murderer, but the policeman in charge of the case, Lt. Brewster, lets him go, citing a lack of corroborating evidence. Outraged, Laura worms her way into the unsuspecting Jackie's heart, trying to snare him and mob-connected club owner Armitage in her trap.
Train Passenger (uncredited)
A penniless pregnant woman adopts the identity of a rich woman killed in a train crash.
Cashier (uncredited)
Obcecado por armas de fogo desde a infância, Barton não consegue encontrar um objetivo na vida depois de passar anos num reformatório e depois como instrutor de tiro no exército. A situação muda quando ele conhece a insinuante e misteriosa atiradora Annie Starr num circo local. Perdidamente apaixonados, os dois atiradores fogem deixando um rastro de crimes pelo Estado, como uma versão contemporânea de Bonnie e Clyde.
Grand Juryman / Courtroom Spectator (Uncredited)
Cleve Marshall is an assistant district attorney who falls for the shadowy Thelma Jordon. With her sordid past -- and her relationship with thief Tony Laredo kept secret from the married attorney, Jordon seduces the easily swayed Marshall, and uses him to cover up her misdeeds. When Jordon becomes the prime suspect for the murder of her wealthy aunt, she turns to Marshall, who goes to great lengths to clear her name.
Maitre D' (uncredited)
Prototype dumb blonde Irma and her slacker, wheeler-dealer boyfriend Al interfere in the love life of Irma's level-headed room mate Jane.
Dr. Isaacs (uncredited)
Uma jovem ingênua se apaixona por um bonito jovem, mas seu pai emocionalmente abusivo suspeita que seja um caçador de fortunas. Em meados do século XIX, a rica família Sloper - o cirurgião viúvo Dr. Austin Sloper, sua filha adulta Catherine Sloper (única filha sobrevivente de Dr. Sloper) e Lavinia Penniman, recentemente viúva irmã de Dr. Sloper - moram em uma casa suntuosa em 16 Washington. Square, Nova York. Apesar de todas as lições que Dr. Sloper pagou para encentivar as graças sociais para ela, Catherine é uma mulher simples, desajeitada e extremamente tímida, que passa todo o seu tempo livre sozinha fazendo bordados quando não está idolatrando seu pai. A falta de charme e beleza social de Catherine é óbvia para o Dr. Sloper, que espera que sua irmã Lavinia atue como sua guardiã e ajude socialmente .O primeiro homem a mostrar interesse por Catherine é o belo Morris Townsend, que ela conheceu em uma festa de família.
Man at Train Station (uncredited)
A garçonete do refeitório da Warner Brothers Judy Adams (Doris Day) está ansiosa para estourar nas telas. Ela acha que sua grande chance pode ter chegado quando os atores Jack Carson e Dennis Morgan concordam em ajudá-la. Mal sabe ela que os dois só estão tentando tirar um filme do buraco. E além disso o chefão do estúdio Arthur Trent (Bill Goodwin) não está ajudando nem um pouco. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Gino Monetti (Edward G. Robinson) é um banqueiro ítalo-americano que trata sem muita consideração seus quatro filhos, que já são adultos. Gino participou de várias atividades ilegais para construir seu negócio e agora está preso. Embora os filhos sempre estivessem sabendo dos negócios questionáveis do pai, eles lhe recusam ajuda para ficar fora de prisão. Liderados por Joe Monetti (Luther Adler), o filho mais velho, três dos filhos assumem o negócio. Apenas Max Monetti (Richard Conte) se mantém leal ao seu pai, em razão disto seus três irmãos conspiram e Max também é mandado para a cadeia. Max promete ao agonizante Gino que irá se vingar dos seus traiçoeiros filhos, mas quando ele é libertado não consegue se vingar, nem mesmo depois que um dos seus irmãos, Tony (Efrem Zimbalist Jr.), tenta matá-lo. Max deixa seus irmãos e ruma para a Califórnia para ter uma nova vida com Irene Bennett (Susan Hayward), sua noiva.
Army Officer at Dance (uncredited)
Two Cavalry Officers clash over the Colonel's Daughter at a remote outpost with Indian troubles.
Treasury Department officials recruit a florist (Raft) to lead them to a wanted criminal (Macready); but once he gets too close, he finds he's the hunted.
After straight-arrow district attorney Joseph Foster says in frustration that he would sell his soul to bring down a local mob boss, a smooth-talking stranger named Nick Beal shows up with enough evidence to seal a conviction. When that success leads Foster to run for governor, Beal's unearthly hold on him turns the previously honest man corrupt, much to the displeasure of his wife and his steadfast minister.
Delegate on Platform (Uncredited)
Insurance investigator Sam Donovan is looking into the apparent suicide of a man in a small Midwestern town. All clues leads him into suspecting murder. Unfortunately, no one wants to assist him with the case, including Sheriff Larry Best.
Marty Freeman (uncredited)
A film director, in bad standing with his studio, tries to turn a local carnival dancer into a "French" movie star and pass her off as his big new discovery
Country Club Member (uncredited)
Lora May Hollingsway, who grew up next to the wrong side of the tracks, married her boss who thinks she is just a gold digger. Rita Phipps makes as much money writing radio scripts at night as her school teacher husband does. Deborah Bishop looked great in a Navy uniform in WWII but fears she'll never be dressed just right for the Country Club set. These three wives are boarding a boat filled with children going on a picnic when a messenger on a bicycle hands them a letter addressed to all three from Addie who has just left town with one of their husbands. They won't know which one until that night.
Nightclub Extra (uncredited)
A budding young writer thinks it's her lucky day when she is chosen to be the new secretary for Owen Waterbury, famous novelist. She is soon disppointed, however, when he turns out to be an erratic, immature playboy. Opposites attract, of course, but not without sub-plots that touch on competitiveness within marriage and responsibility.
Man on Jury (uncredited)
No Cabo Breton do pós-guerra, os esforços de um médico para orientar uma mulher surda/muda são prejudicados quando ela é estuprada, e a gravidez resultante causa escândalo. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Man (uncredited)
A night club owner takes on the crooks who killed his best friend.
Big Winner (uncredited)
Pursued by the big-time gambler he robbed, John Muller assumes a new identity—with unfortunate results.
Party Guest (uncredited)
The murder of nightclub hostess leads an investigator (Kane Richmond) to seedy nightspots.
Two stepsisters become rivals for the same handsome bachelor. Comedy.
Mr. Norton (uncredited)
A gang of bank robbers is pursued by an insurance investigator.
The body of a young actress is brought to her home town by the man who loved her. He knows that she wanted all the church bells to ring for three days after she was buried, but is told that this will cost a lot of money. The checks that he writes to the various churches all bounce, but it is the weekend and, in desperation, he prays that a miracle will happen before the banks reopen. It does, but not in the way he hoped.
Stroud, o editor de uma revista policial, tem que adiar as férias com sua esposa, novamente, quando uma loira glamorosa é assassinada e ele é designado por seu chefe, Janoth, para encontrar o assassino. À medida que a investigação avança à sua conclusão, Stroud deve tentar impedir sua equipe investigativa, normalmente brilhante, à medida que acumulam evidências (embora equivocadas) de que ele é o assassino.
Cole Armin vai para Albuquerque trabalhar com seu tio John. Cansado das táticas de John, Cole resolve ficar ao lado de Ted Wallece e sua irmã Celia, rivais de seu tio.
Al (uncredited)
Cheerful outlaw Charlie Boles leaves former partners Lance and Jersey and heads for California, where the Gold Rush is beginning. Soon, a lone gunman in black is robbing Wells Fargo gold shipments. One fateful day, the stage he robs carries old friends Lance and Jersey...and notorious dancer Lola Montez, coming to perform in Sacramento. Black Bart and Lance become rivals for both Lola's favors and Wells Fargo's gold.
Ship Passenger (uncredited)
Three young girls try to help their divorced mother find the right husband.
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Frankie Madison retorna a Nova York depois de 14 anos de prisão. Noll Turner, ex-parceiro de Frankie em contrabando, é agora um rico gerente de boate, e Frankie está esperando que ele honre um acordo verbal de 'meio-a-meio' que eles fizeram quando ele foi pego e Noll escapou. Chance gorda! Será que Frankie, que conhece apenas os métodos violentos da Lei Seca, vai vencer no Big Business? Vai ser difícil... mesmo com a improvável ajuda da cantora Kay, a ex-namorada de Noll. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Party Guest (uncredited)
A Shakespearian actor starring as Othello opposite his wife finds the character's jealous rage taking over his mind off-stage.
Ship Lounge Extra
Scat Sweeney e Hot Lips Barton, dois músicos do Vaudeville desempregados, fogem para bordo de um navio rumo ao Rio, depois de incendiar acidentalmente o topo de um circo. Eles então se envolvem com uma possível suicída, Lucia, que primeiro agradece a eles, então, inesperadamente, os entrega ao capitão do navio. Então eles descobrem que ela foi hipnotizada, para passar por um casamento de conveniência, e quando o navio chega ao Rio, os meninos aparecem na cerimônia, a fim de interromper o casamento e ajudar a pegar os bandidos. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Man Leaving Courtroom (uncredited)
A artista Daisy Kenyon se apaixona pelo advogado Dan, casado com a volátil Lucille. Dan viaja por algumas semanas e Daisy começa a sair com um veterano de guerra, com quem acaba se casando. Quando Dan retorna, as coisas se complicam ainda mais.
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
A judge flees the pressures of professional and family life for a job as a short-order cook.
Party Guest
Um dos primeiros filmes a abordar diretamente o preconceito racial, esta aclamada adaptação do best seller de Laura Z. Hobson’s tem Gregory Peck como um jornalista encarregado de escrever uma série de artigos sobre o anti-semitismo. Procurando a abordagem adequada, ele resolve se passar por judeu e logo descobre como é ser vítima da intolerância religiosa.
Premier Biscuit Co. Board Member (uncredited)
Blondie #21: Blondie opens a bakery in her home to help fill the family cookie jar in this entry in the long-running domestic comedy series based on the popular comic strip. Her tasty cookies become so popular that a cookie magnate makes her an offer that is difficult to refuse. Unfortunately, this creates all kinds of problems for the Bumsteads.
Man Raising Theatre Curtain (uncredited)
In 1915, Kansas theatre usher Merton Gill is a rabid silent-movie fan. When he brings Mammoth Studios free publicity by imitating star Lawrence Rupert's heroics, they bring him to Hollywood to generate another headline; he thinks he'll get a movie contract. Disillusioned, he haunts the casting offices, where he meets and is consoled by Phyllis Montague, bit player and stunt-woman. When Merton finally gets his "break," though, it's not quite what he envisioned.
Victim of the Stock Market Crash (uncredited)
Monsieur Verdoux (Charles Chaplin) é um assassino em série golpista. Ele casa com senhoras ricas e logo depois as mata para ficar com toda a herança. Esse dinheiro ele usa para sustentar sua verdadeira família, que se encontra em dificuldades financeiras desde que Verdoux se deu mal nos negócios.
Restaurant Patron
A private eye (Adele Mara) and her sidekick solve the case of a dead client.
Faculty Member (uncredited)
A juíza Margaret Turner (Myrna Loy) descobre que sua irmã adolescente, Susan (Shirley Temple), se apaixonou por Richard Nugent (Cary Grant), um artista de meia-idade que já foi julgado por ela. Quando Susan é encontrada no apartamento dele, ele é “condenado” a sair com Susan até ela perder atração por ele.
Man at Brown Derby with Sunglasses (uncredited)
Aspiring actor Joe McDoakes blows his first part at Warner Bros. and has to settle for being a stand-in.
Poker Player (Uncredited)
Shy, destitute Peter Porter meets equally impoverished Nancy Crane at a Florida beach. Inspired by Peter's belief that a person can acquire wealth simply by creating an aura of success, the outgoing Nancy convinces Peter to join her in impersonating a confident and eccentric wealthy couple. The experiment works, and the couple secure a stunning wardrobe and a lavish room at a resort. Peter panics, however, when he gets a fantastic job offer.
Doctor at Medical Conference (uncredited)
An Australian nurse discovers an effective new treatment for infantile paralysis, but experiences great difficulty in convincing doctors of the validity of her claims.
Man in Audience
Washington, início do século XX. Garoto judeu prefere cantar a seguir os estudos religiosos, conforme desejo de seu pai. Torna-se artista do vaudeville, encanta-se com o jazz, junta-se a uma companhia de blackface, casa-se com uma não judia, atinge o estrelato, deixa crescer o ego, estraga a vida... mas não abandona o show biz.
Man on Train (Uncredited)
Art curator George Steele experiences a train wreck...which never happened. Is he cracking up, or the victim of a plot?
Concert Attendee (uncredited)
Em Nova York, Don Birman (Ray Milland) sonhava ser escritor, mas não consegue seu objetivo por estar sofrendo de um bloqueio. Assim, é completamente dominado pelo álcool e passa a ter como única meta obter dinheiro para continuar se embriagando, se esquecendo que as pessoas que o rodeiam sofrem por vê-lo neste estado e tudo fazem para afastá-lo da bebida. Mas enquanto a namorada, Helen St. James (Jane Wyman), editora de uma revista, quer ajudá-lo, ele bebe cada vez mais.
Man Leaving Drugstore (uncredited)
An unemployed drifter, Eric Stanton wanders into a small California town and begins hanging around the local diner. While Eric falls for the lovely waitress Stella, he also begins romancing a quiet and well-to-do woman named June Mills. Since Stella isn't interested in Eric unless he has money, the lovelorn guy comes up with a scheme to win her over, and it involves June. Before long, murder works its way into this passionate love triangle.
Radio Station Man in Studio (uncredited)
This entry in the Crime Does Not Pay series focuses on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's effort to ensure that drugs are fully tested before they are sold to consumers. Two unscrupulous investors market the drug 'Diabulin' as a substitute for insulin after preliminary tests show good results. After a short time, however, users start dying from the drug. The FDA and the state attorney general's office then go after the drug marketers.
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
When two bumbling barbers act as agents for a talented but unknown singer, they stage a phony murder in order to get him a plum role.
Graduation Ceremony Spectator (uncredited)
A woman screenwriter lives in a shabby bungalow in order to be near her husband, a 39-year-old newspaper editor who has just joined the army.
Rodeo Spectator (uncredited)
Paramount's highly-fictionalized 1945 musical biography of Texas Guinan, the Roaring '20s New York nightclub owner and celebrity with alleged underworld connections who famously greeted her customers with the phrase, "Hello, suckers!"
Reporter (Uncredited)
In San Francisco, detective partners Jack Packard and Doc Long are hired by socialite Jefferson Monk who believes someone is following him with the aim to kill him.
Guest at Pleyel Hall Concert (uncredited)
Prof. Joseph Elsner guides his protégé Frydryk Chopin through his formative years to early adulthood in Poland. The professor takes him to Paris, where he eventually comes under the wing and influence of novelist George Sand and rises to prominence in the music world, to the exclusion of his old friends and patriotic feelings towards Poland.
Stage Manager (uncredited)
Homem tem como único objetivo é manter-se como o grande e renomado artista, fazendo do espetáculo um escape de vida. Quando sua ajudante vê nele um alvo fácil de sedução, planeja o assassinato do inconveniente marido. O que ela não sabe é que o despertar do amor em Flamarion pode tornar-se uma obsessão mortal.
Pelican Club Patron (uncredited)
Boisterous nightclub entertainer Buzzy Bellew was the witness to a murder committed by gangster Ten Grand Jackson. One night, two of Jackson's thugs kill Buzzy and dump his body in the lake at Prospect Park in Brooklyn. Buzzy comes back as a ghost and summons his bookworm twin, Edwin Dingle, to Prospect Park so that he can help the police nail Jackson.
Rancher (uncredited)
A posse, hunting the assailant of Denton's Partner, captures Steve Carlisle (Charles Starrett), who identifies himself as a mineralogist sent to check the area for quartz for radio parts. Calling at the Denton ranch, Steve hires Cannonball Mullins (Dub Taylor), who has just been fired by Jane Fielding (Vi Athens), Denton's ward. Steve learns that she wants to sell the ranch to the Empire Syndicate. Paul Edwards (Lloyd Bridges), syndicate representative, plans to convert the ranch into a swank hotel-gambling operation. At a party which Jane gives for Edwards, Hiram Denton (William Gould), is murdered and Steve is accused. He and Cannonball escape before the sheriff can take them into custody, and in searching for evidence find that Jane and Edwards are married and have done the killings in order to gain the ranch.
Proprietor of Diner Stand (uncredited)
Quando dois encanadores (Bud Abbott e Lou Costello), muito atrapalhados, são contratados para um serviço em uma casa de granfinos, eles acabam convidados para uma luxuosa festa a fantasia, por engano. Os dois veem ali a chance de finalmente entrar na alta sociedade, mas vão acabar se envolvendo em grandes confusões.
Massachusetts Medical Society Man (uncredited)
The biography of Dr. W.T. Morgan, a 19th century Boston dentist, during his quest to have anesthesia, in the form of ether, accepted by the public and the medical and dental establishment.
Cowboy Sunset Carson teams up with Frog Millhouse on a routine supply trip to Placer City. Before long, the duo find themselves ambushed by a team of dastardly highwaymen embroiled in an extortion ring. Sunset and Frog must then go undercover to set things right for a mining town under siege. Galloping hooves, spittin' six shooters, and all manner of disreputable behavior ensue.
Church Usher (uncredited)
Jovem padre chega em vilarejo onde um velho pastor é o responsável pela paróquia. Tudo corre bem até que a igreja local é incendiada.
Ball Guest (uncredited)
American Susan travels with her father to England for a vacation. Invited to a society ball, Susan meets Sir John Ashwood and marries him after a whirlwind romance. However, she never quite adjusts to life as a new member of the British gentry. At the outbreak of World War I, John is sent to the trenches and never returns. When her son goes off to fight in World War II, Susan fears the same tragic fate may befall him too.
R.A.F. Officer (uncredited)
The "war of nerves" which gripped the European continent in 1938, is the background for this war thriller starring George Sanders.
Bartender Homer (uncredited)
In this western, a decent Indian agent loses his job and his good name after someone steals the government money he was to deliver to a tribe. Because he cannot bear to see the people starve over the long winter, he begins searching for the robbers. He does so by looking for the unusual coins that had been included in the payroll.
Robert is found beside the highway with a head injury and amnesia. His amnesia motivates him to become a Physician and the country's leading criminal psychologist.
Ticket Hawker (uncredited)
A narrator provides very brief info on the beginnings and history of Vaudeville while Vaudeville acts are staged by impersonators and contemporary performers.
Policeman (uncredited)
The East Side Kids find a young girl in the apartment of a man who has just been murdered. Believing her to be innocent, they hide her in their clubhouse while they try to find the real killer. The killer, however, used a baseball bat as his murder weapon, and the bat has the fingerprints of one of the gang on it.
A beautiful heiress is an excellent poker player. Her comfortable life changes when her father and his fortune die during market crash of the 1800's.
Boyhood friends grow up into different professions: one a dedicated Canadian Mountie, the other a notorious gambler.
Federal Agent
A superhero known as The Black Commando battles Nazi agents who use explosive gases and artificial lightning to sabotage the war effort.
Farmer (uncredited)
A propaganda film, made in the early months of World War II, dramatizing a new group of U.S. Army Air Force pilots receiving their wings from Lt. General H.H. Arnold. An off-screen narrator introduces four of them to us; we see them before the war, during flight training, and in their first assignments as pilots.
Chicago Businessman
The Western hero takes on a ruthless land baron whose henchmen killed his best friend.
Racetrack Spectator (uncredited)
A charming racketeer seduces the DA's stepdaughter for revenge, then falls in love.
Juror (uncredited)
Accused of killing her employer, financier Bjorn Faulkner (Nils Asther), Kit is championed by wisecracking sailor-on-leave Steve Van Ruyle (Robert Preston), who has a vested interest in the outcome of the trial.
Conventioneer Extra
Faith and Hope Banner, sisters, are "convention hostesses" in a hotel. A body is discovered next door as the magician's convention is leaving and the mortician's convention is arriving, and the sisters, with help from manager Wilburforce Puddle, try to hide it. Complicating matters, Hope's boyfriend, Tommy, is a newspaper reporter in the hotel covering some labor negotiations.
Barfly (uncredited)
After her family's mansion is burned down by Yankee soldiers for hiding the rebel leader Captain Sam Starr (Scott) Belle Shirley (Tierney) vows to take revenge. Breaking Starr out of prison, she joins his small guerrilla group for a series of raids on banks and railroads, carpetbaggers and enemy troops. Belle's bravado during the attacks earns her a reputation amongst the locals as well as the love of Starr himself. The pair get married, but their relationship starts to break down when Sam Starr lets a couple of psychotic rebels into the gang, leaving Belle to wonder if he really cares about the Southern cause.
Bit Role
Three seafaring fur traders fall in love with a female stowaway they discover aboard their ship. Many adventures follow.
Military Officer (uncredited)
Popular crooner Russ Raymond abandons his career at its peak and joins the Navy using an alias, Tommy Halstead. However, Dorothy Roberts, a reporter, discovers his identity and follows him in the hopes of photographing him and revealing his identity to the world. Aboard the Alabama, Tommy meets up with Smoky and Pomeroy, who help hide him from Dorothy, who hatches numerous schemes in an attempt to photograph Tommy/Russ being a sailor.
Como tacada de despedida, a recém demitida repórter Ann Mitchell faz matéria com uma carta falsa do desempregado "John Doe" ou Zé Ninguém, que ameaça o suicídio em protesto pelos males sociais. O jornal é forçado a recontratar Ann e a contratar John Willoughby para se fazer passar pelo Zé Ninguém "Doe". Ann e seus chefes cinicamente usam e abusam dessa história, extraem tudo que é possível, até que a filosofia do inventado "Zé Ninguém" faz surgir um movimento político inteiro.
Tailor in Montage (uncredited)
Depois de um ano estudando ofídios amazônicos, o rico - porém rústico - Charles Pike conhece em um navio Jean Harrington, uma golpista. Eles se apaixonam, mas um engano os separa. Para reconquistá-lo, Jean se disfarça como uma senhora inglesa e volta para atormentá-lo.
Officer (uncredited)
Petty con artists Slicker Smith and Herbie Brown mistakenly join the Army evading the cops. The cop chasing them winds up as their drill instructor. A rich young man and his former working class chauffeur are not only in the same unit, they're vying for a pretty girl who seems attracted to both.
Friend of Von Neuhoff (Uncredited)
Rightful owner of the kingdom, the Duchess of Zona, is engaged in a power struggle with the evil General Gurko. Edmond, the son of Monte Cristo, dons many disguises to come to the aid of the Duchess.
Man in Audience (uncredited)
Songwriters Calhoun and Harrigan get Katie and Lily Blane to introduce a new one. Lily goes to England, and Katy joins her after the boys give a new song to Nora Bayes. All are reunited when the boys, now in the army, show up in England.
Columbia's 12th serial of 57 total (following 1940's "Deadwood Dick" and ahead of 1941's "White Eagle") is another of director's James Horne's "classics" where he evidently figured that the same reactions that served him well in Laurel and Hardy films would work well in action serials where he has all hands, heroes and villains alike, doing some kind of over-the top "take", no matter the situation. This loose adaptation of an Edgar Wallace story finds Michael Bellamy (Kenne Duncan in his Kenneth Duncan period) inheriting Garr Castle, but his brother, Abel Bellamy (James Craven, as usual making Oil-Can Harry look smooth), has him imprisoned unjustly and moves into the castle himself. When Michael's wife, Elaine Bellamy (Dorothy Fay), fails to return after visiting Abel, her sister Valerie Howett (Iris Meredith), accompanied by their father,
Townsman (uncredited)
Texas Ranger Dusty Rivers ("Isn't that a contradiction in terms?", another character asks him) travels to Canada in the 1880s in search of Jacques Corbeau, who is wanted for murder. He wanders into the midst of the Riel Rebellion, in which Métis (people of French and Native heritage) and Natives want a separate nation. Dusty falls for nurse April Logan, who is also loved by Mountie Jim Brett. April's brother is involved with Courbeau's daughter Louvette, which leads to trouble during the battles between the rebels and the Mounties. Through it all Dusty is determined to bring Corbeau back to Texas (and April, too, if he can manage it.)
The story opens as Stony returns to his home town, only to discover that his sheriff father has been murdered by person or persons unknown. The new sheriff (Henry Brandon) resents the arrival of the Mesquiteers, going so far as to frame Tucson on a murder charge.
Gene inherits a meat-packing plant, then faces stiff competition from snooty Ann Randolph, rival owner determined to do him in.
Alarmed Townsman (uncredited)
Dois amigos petroleiros meio malandros, que ao longo de 20 anos se tornam magnatas do petróleo, amam a mesma mulher. Os amigos Big John McMasters e Square John Sand, ambos aventureiros do petróleo, são do tipo falantes, divertidos, que conseguem malandramente equipamentos e capital suficiente para desenvolver os seus próprios campos de petróleo. Mas sua amizade é posta à prova quando Big John fica inadvertidamente apaixonado por Elizabeth, a namorada de longa data de Square John Sand. Eventualmente, sua amizade e parceria chega ao fim num Cara ou Coroa. Anos mais tarde, quando o interesse de Big John pela bela Karen Vanmeer ameaça seu casamento também, Square John intervém em um esforço para salvar o casamento de seu ex-amigo - mesmo que isso signifique arruiná-lo financeiramente.
Columbia's 11th serial and the first western serial that James W. Horne solo-directed.
Prison Guard
Nightclub owner Steve Larwitt (George Raft) sees his empire of investments collapse as he faces tax evasion charges and attacks by rivals. Believing Steve will be safer in prison for one year, his wife, Brenda (Joan Bennett), testifies against him on advice from his lawyer, Slant Kolma (Lloyd Nolan), who is in love with her. After Steve receives 10 years in Alcatraz, Brenda moves to be near him and avoids advances of airplane builder Tim Nolan (Walter Pidgeon), who knows nothing about her past.
Marine Officer
Charlie impersonates an employee of the U.S. government to foil an espionage plot which would destroy part of the Panama Canal, trapping a Navy fleet on its way to the Pacific after maneuvers in the Atlantic.
The Shadow battles a villain known as The Black Tiger, who has the power to make himself invisible and is trying to take over the world with his death ray.
Board Member
A divorce lawyer prospers as a gambling tycoon.
Starting in 1913 movie director Connors discovers singer Molly Adair. As she becomes a star she marries an actor, so Connors fires them. She asks for him as director of her next film. Many silent stars shown making the transition to sound.
Saving a dog from the pound gets a man mixed up in murder.
Deputy Frank (uncredited)
Uma diligência atravessa o Monument Valley, entre Tonto e Lordsburg, com cinco passageiros, aos quais se junta Ringo Kid, que viaja para acertar as contas com os irmãos Plummer mas, a meio caminho, ocorre um violento ataque de apaches. Um clássico de John Ford, sempre citado entre os melhores filmes de todos os tempos e que serviu de modelo a muitos outros faroestes. O filme é impecável em todos os níveis: direção, elenco, fotografia (de Bert Glennon) e história (baseada no conto Stage to Lordsburg de Ernest Haycox e roteirizada por Dudley Nichols).
Cowboy (uncredited)
Mary Smith decides after a lifetime of being a shut-in to do something wild while her father is out campaigning for the presidency, so she takes off for the family's home in West Palm Beach and inadvertently becomes romantically entangled with earnest cowboy Stretch Willoughby. Neither the dalliance nor the cowboy fit with the upper class image projected by her esteemed father, forcing her to choose.
The Lawyer
Gangsters plan an assassination of a rival while he rides the train carrying him to prison.
Rodeo Spectator
A singing cowboy turns out to be a tenderfoot.
2nd Train Conductor (uncredited)
College town life gets turned upside down after a button-down botany professor secretly weds a sizzling night-club singer.
A doctor comes to the aid of local ranchers who are fighting to protect their water rights.
O ator Paul Muni foi o rei das chamadas cinebiografias nos Anos Dourados de Hollywood, criando uma galeria de grande interpretações. Warner Bros era o estúdio de maior evidência na época entre o gosto popular, oferecendo ao público, produções arrebatadoras e polêmicas, banhadas de contestação social. Estas duas forças do estrelato e do humanitarismo se uniram em 1937, neste marco da cinematografia: Emile Zola foi a primeira produção da Warner a ganhar o Oscar de Melhor Filme (ainda recebeu outras 10 indicações e 3 estatuetas). O filme narra a ascensão do escritor francês Emile Zola e seu envolvimento na defesa do capitão Alfred Dreyfus, um militar condenado injustamente sob a acusação de traição apenas por ser judeu. Na verdade, ele passa a se interessar pelo caso somente quando procurado pela esposa de Dreyfus, e desafia os militares publicando o famoso J'accuse, um manifesto a favor do capitão.
Spectator (uncredited)
Ferguson is a rough-and-tumble hockey player who discovers that his chosen profession is nothing more than a racket, a plaything for game-fixing racketeers. When his brother is killed in a highly suspicious accident, Ferguson and team trainer Holland join forces to bring the killers to justice.
A romantic headwaiter fights to save a woman from her possessive ex-husband.
Plainclothesman (uncredited)
A secretária do defensor público e um ex-presidiário se casam e tentam viver juntos, mas uma série de desastres deixa suas vidas fora de controle. Joan é a secretária do defensor público em uma cidade grande. Ela é apaixonada por um criminoso chamado Eddie, e acredita que ele é uma pessoa fundamentalmente boa, que só teve alguns problemas na vida. Ela usa sua influência para libertá-lo mais cedo, e ele tenta ir em frente depois de se casar com ela, mas as coisas não dão tão certo. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
A 1936 exploitation film directed by Walter Shumway. This film presents the viewer some strong information about what can happen to children when they are ignored by their parents.
Lawyer George Lessin
When Brent Halston returns he finds his father in an insane asylum and Wilton about to foreclose on their ranch and bring sheep onto the cattle range. When Wilton kills a rancher, Brent is blamed and jailed. Escaping jail he gets Ware to confess that he payed to have Halston committed. He then gets unexpected help from Ethel Gordon when Wilton tries to foreclose.
Mike - Ticket Taker
While visiting the circus with his family, Charlie is recruited by the big top's co-owner to investigate threatening letters that he's received.
James Deley
The star of "Song of the Toreador" receives threatening messages that he will not survive the preview screening of the film. The studio publicist works with the Director, the Producer and the police, to discover who is behind the threats.
A police chief and two security agencies work to find out who is behind a recent rash of hijackings.
Major Marcus Reno
Kit Cardigan seeks the killer of his father...among other plot threads leading up to the famous historical incident.
Jim Reece
Three cowboys buy a ranch but have to fight off gunmen to keep it.
Dance Extra (uncredited)
A country girl goes to the city and gets a job in a posh hotel, and winds up becoming an instant celebrity thanks to an ambitious photographer.
An evil ranch foreman tries to provoke a range war by playing two cattlemen against each other while helping a gang to rustle the cattle. Each cattleman blames the other for missing cattle. With the help of Bill Cassidy (Hop-along, because of an earlier bullet wound) and Johnny Nelson, the warring cattlemen join forces to do in the outlaws.
Marshal Joe Mullane
Tom Henderson is made Sheriff of Chico to fight Slim Walker's gang. Unknown to Tom, banker Luke Hargrave is the gang's real boss. Dad Kane is looking for the man that blinded him whom he can remember by his voice. He finds him when the gang robs the bank and Tom chases them down.
Desperados menace a mining operation.
Jim Bullard escapes from prison and returns to settle matters with the Rascob's that framed him. He kills two of them leaving an ace as his calling card. Bull remembers the deck of cards that fell when he fought Dave had no aces and the Rascob's set out after him. Trapped in a cabin, Dave receives unexpected help from Bullard.
Crooked Dealer
Bill travels to a new state after the outlaw Scarface saves him from a lynch mob. There he takes a job on the Barton ranch and joins in the fight against gang leader Larkin. Finding a wounded Scarface he helps him recover. Arrested by Larkin's stooge Sheriff, and with another lynch mob after him, he once again needs Scarface's help.
Bartender (uncredited)
Romance strikes when a vacationing millionairess and her daughter and son spend their vacation at a posh New England resort.
A jobless cowpuncher rides into Cottonwood, Arizona in search of the man who swindled his father.
George Wilson
Henry Jethrow is after the Wilson ranch. He has George Wilson unknowningly sign a note for the ranch, has him killed, and then presents the note. The Pinto Kid, investigating cattle rustlers, accidentally drops his glove at the murder scene and now has a price on his head. He has Beth Wilson turn him and use the reward money to reclaim the note. Now he has to escape jail and find the real killers.
Case aka Green
Big-city gangsters run out of gas in the middle of the desert. A local cowboy gives them a tow back to his ranch, and the gangsters decide his ranch would be the perfect hide-out.
A cowboy takes on a gang of gold mine swindlers.
Sheriff Ed Dawson
Sheriff Ed Dawson (Franklyn Farnum)asks Texas Rangers Wally Wallace (Hal Taliaferro) and Bill (Al Hoxie), to go into an outlaw stronghold, where his daughter Ann (Dorothy Crittin)is being held prisoner, and capture the gang led by Larkin (Yakima Canutt). But Wally's identity is revealed and they are taken prisoner.
Henchman Frank
The owner of a stagecoach line is about to lose his mail contract after 30 years because he's been underbid. His competitor is actually a crook who's planning to hijack the stagecoach and rob the mail--and, for good measure, have a go at his rival's pretty young daughter.
Carter, the Banker
A cowboy comes to the aid of a banker and his daughter who are fighting outlaws.
After Sheriff Ken puts money in the safe, his brother Clem gives Rawhide the combination. With the money gone the disgruntled townsmen make Boots Sheriff and lock up Ken. Clem, now a prisoner of Rawhide, has a change of heart and sends Ken a message with the outlaw's location. Ken escapes by impersonating the saloon entertainer and rides for the hangout.
Fred Palmer
A cowboy drifting around the border gets mixed up with Mexican revolutionary gun smuggling when he becomes friends and rivals with the chief smuggler.
Mr. Sampson, publisher of 'The Herald'
Cub reporter Daniel Greely gets a job on a big city newspaper. A string of robberies occur and the owner of the paper blames the police for not rounding up the crooks. Daniel discovers that a coded message in the newspaper's editor's box tips the crooks about each robbery.
Disguising himself as an outlaw, a marshal comes to the aid of a man and his daughter who are being terrorized by a criminal gang.
Sheriff Jake Ludlow
A young ranch foreman, Bud Drake aka The Kid, is wrongfully arrested for the theft of six-thousand dollars from ranch-owner "Hardshell" Beckett. He escapes and with the aid of Beckett's adopted daughter, Alice, sets out to clear his name.
Army Captain
A gambler sets out to help a pretty young woman save her trading post.
Two married couples are involved in divorce proceedings; Patricia and Ronny, who are still in love with each other, and Jerry and Amy who couldn't care less for each other. Patricia's friendship with "Duchess," a tragic, aging lady well versed in making mistakes, leads her and Ronny to the avoidance of a mistake.
In 1877, thieves Ace Beaudry, Bronco Dawson and Bull Stanley head West together after having each been betrayed by a woman. They come across a wagon train bound for the town of Custer, where hundreds of people are gathering for a land rush in the Dakotas, which President Ulysses S. Grant has opened to settlers thanks to a treaty with the Sioux Indians. After the three rogues ride off, they spy a lone wagon with a tempting string of thoroughbreds. Before they can steal the horses, however, the wagon is attacked by a gang led by Layne Hunter, a shifty saloon owner from Custer. The trio chase off the gang, and as they are about to abscond with the horses, they find pretty Lee Carleton, whose father was killed in the attack.
Master of Ceremonies (uncredited)
Two men, one timid and one aggressive, make out as comical criminals.
Fire Department Captain
The story of the firemen at Engine House No.8, where widower Frank "Dad" Brooks is the beloved veteran and whose children, Milly and Jimmie, are especially fond of firemen Dan and "Beauty" Johnson. The problem of the day is concern whether or not Brooks is going to qualify for a pension...until a three-alarm inferno breaks out at the orphanage.
Having quit their old gang and gone straight, Bert Allen and Joe Kemp finally own their own ranch after three years, but Joe robs the Riverton bank of the Green River Dam payroll - using Bert's horse, gun and gloves and leaving behind Bert's hat.
Master of Ceremonies
Three sailors go searching for a girl who swindled one of them out of half his pay.
Marmaduke Grandon
This comedy-melodrama focuses on Marmaduke Grandon (Franklin Farnum), who's a drug store clerk with aspirations to be a movie star.
Battling Jack Brewster
An action movie serial that premiered in 1924
A Desperate Adventure is a 1924 silent film western directed by J. P. McGowan and starring Franklyn Farnum.
The foreman of a cattle-ranch located on the Texas-Mexico border is the leader of a gang of alien-smugglers bringing Chinese immigrants illegally into the United States. An under-cover Texas Ranger is sent to investigate.
Bill Holt
Rancher Bill Holt has a small homestead and insists on holding onto his land, much to the chagrin of crotchety old Judd Acker, a neighboring rancher who would like to see him vacate.
A mining engineer is hired to run a valuable mine formerly belonging to lovely Peggy O'Day's family.
James Brown
A milquetoast Easterner who on a trip to the Wild West is mistaken for a U.S. marshall.
Dick Storm
Spirited story of West, which begins after the hero has spent four years overseas and has left the army so much of a fighting devil that he becomes embroiled in a mix-up. Learning that his antagonist has died from wounds is the reason for the hero going West, when he meets a tramp who is on his way to join a gang of outlaws and who invites the ex-soldier to join.
The Cowboy and the Rajah
Cupid's Roundup is a silent Western
William (Bill) Dexter
Brother Bill is a 1919 silent Western
When Pals Fall Out
Shackles of Fate
The Puncher and the Pup
Ford Cameron
A dying lady tells a woman she must marry Frank Cameron. She unknowningly marries the almost always drunken Ford Cameron by mistake and immediately flees. Ford takes a job of ranch foreman and gives up drinking. Only after being attacted to a woman on the ranch does he suddenly remember he is already married.
Jim Westgard Jr.
Vengeance and the Girl
Hell's Fury Gordon
Donald Doyle / Jerry Doyle
Second of 12 in the Franklyn Farnum two-reel Western series produced by Canyon Pictures Corp.
Steve Lanyon - aka The Desert Rat
Steve Lanyon (Franklyn Farnum), known as the Desert Rat, returns with gold and saloon owner Brazos Pete plots to get it.
Henry Egbert Xerxes
A cub reporter investigates a gang of counterfeiters.
Dick Arlington
A wealthy old man is murdered after deciding to write his nephew out of his will. Fearing that he will be accused of the murder his nephew takes flight but, with the help of a young woman whose life he saves, he has to try and track down the real murderer.
Richard Bolton / Spike O'Brien
Richard Bolton, a timid bookworm, is too shy to declare his love for the beautiful Helen. While she remains unimpressed, however, the Countess Wintershin pursues him relentlessly, to Richard's embarrassment and her jealous husband's dismay.
Billy Kennedy
A man bets his father $10,000 that he'll marry his girlfriend within the next week, even with the opposition of both his and his girlfriend's fathers.
Billy Winthrop
Paul Revere Forbes, um antepassado de Paul Revere, é um caixa do banco de Cyrus Peabody. Ele descobre que Cyrus e seu filho, Ernest, têm especulado com 35 mil dólares de dinheiro do banco, e que toda a soma foi perdida. O filme é baseado no romance "The Scarlet Car" de Richard Harding Davis, que também foi a base de um filme de 1923 com o mesmo nome.
Capt. August Sieger / Louis Siever
Louis and August Siever, the twins sons of a German father and American mother, are traveling in Europe when war breaks out. August joins the Kaiser's army, but Louis, a supporter of the United States, is practically made a prisoner in Berlin for a year while he tries to prove his American citizenship. After a violent confrontation with Louis, August steals his brother's passport and leaves for New York with Gerda Anderson, a German spy.
Teddy Crosby
Playboy Franklyn Farnum inherits a Western ranch on the condition that he shall run it properly for 6 months. A villain (none other than Lon Chaney) makes an attempt to distract him from reaching the goal, but Farnum, no longer the wastrel of yore, persists and becomes full owner of the property.
Stuart Adams
A publicist for a racy burlesque troupe romances the daughter of the head of The Purity League, an organization that wishes to see such shows banned.
Arnold Baird
In his will, Mr. Baird leaves his son Arnold (Franklyn Farnum ) just one seven-passenger auto and a hundred dollars to keep it filled up and in good repair. When James Bennett (Mark Fenton) hears of this, he insists that Baird do something to make his fortune before he can marry his daughter Ruth (Agnes Vernon). Bennett begins by using the car to start a jitney-bus line. This is not terribly impressive to Bennett -- who owns a trolley company -- and he decides he would rather see Ruth married to his controller, William Mott-Smith (H.J. Bennett).
Jack Tempest
A 1917 American silent comedy film
Sam Brockton / 'Dippy' Lewis
A rancher moves to the city, and finds competition for the affections of an heiress in the form of a doppelganger.
Felix, the Man
Love Never Dies was set in France, and convincingly so (which was not often the case in American-made films of this period). It is established in the first reel that hero Felix and heroine Cecile have been sweethearts since childhood. Later on, Fate forces Felix and Cecile to separate, but viewers could take heart in the positive sentiments expressed by the film's title.