Heal Your Self (2011)

Taking responsibility for your health.

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 6M

Director : Norm Hacker


Heal Your Self speaks to some of the greatest authorities on health today. They speak directly to the viewer, breaking down the major steps that affect your health. Topics include: food and nutrition, emotional and environmental stresses, the power of the mind, self-education, meditation, love - plus, practical steps you can take to start to restore your health. This is wall-to-wall information, that doesn't sidestep the critical issues that are necessary for you to address, to maintain or regain your health.


John Gray
John Gray
Bernie Siegel
Bernie Siegel
Susan Ryan Jones
Susan Ryan Jones
Gerald Celente
Gerald Celente
Jeffrey Hollender
Jeffrey Hollender
Aubrey Hampton
Aubrey Hampton


Norm Hacker
Norm Hacker


Fat Fiction
Leading health experts examine the history of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and question decades of dietary advice insisting that saturated fats are bad for us.
Dieta de Gladiadores
The Game Changers é um documentário de 2018 sobre os benefícios da alimentação à base de plantas para atletas. Ele abrange várias histórias de sucesso de atletas de origem vegetal, faz referência a estudos científicos e aborda outros argumentos para dietas baseadas em plantas que se estendem a não atletas
Remy sonha tornar-se um grande chefe de cozinha... só que é um rato e, por isso, "persona non grata" em qualquer cozinha que se preze. Para piorar, a sua família é contra a ideia. Um dia, conhece o jovem Linguini, um ajudante de cozinha trapalhão que precisa de manter o emprego. Surge então a mais improvável das parcerias, com o rato escondido no chapéu do cozinheiro e indicando-lhe o que deve fazer.
Depois de uma discussão pública com um crítico gastronômico, um chef deixa seu trabalho em um restaurante popular de Los Angeles para abrir um food truck com o filho. Enquanto recupera o amor pela comida e seu talento culinário, ele tenta aproximar sua família distante.
Super Size Me: A Dieta do Palhaço
O diretor Morgan Spurlock decide ser a cobaia de uma experiência: se alimentar apenas em restaurantes da rede McDonald's, realizando neles três refeições ao dia durante um mês. Durante a realização da experiência o diretor fala sobre a cultura do fast food nos Estados Unidos, além de mostrar em si mesmo os efeitos físicos e mentais que os alimentos deste tipo de restaurante provocam.
Receitas de Amor
Rob Haley (Dougray Scott), é um chefe de um restaurante em Londres, e está triste depois de perder sua esposa. Com o incentivo de seu infame amigo e infame da TV Chef Gordon Ramsay, Rob decide apimentar a sua vida, transformando um pub de cabeça para baixo, tornando-o um restaurante gourmet. Sua comida chama a atenção - e o paladar - de uma bela crítica americana de gastronomia, Kate Templeton.
O Sushi dos Sonhos de Jiro
No subsolo de um edifício de escritórios em Tóquio, Jiro Ono, antigo mestre do sushi de 85 anos, trabalha incansavelmente em seu restaurante de fama internacional, o Sukiyabashi Jiro. Enquanto seu filho Yoshikazu encara a pressão de ficar no lugar do pai e gerenciar o lendário restaurante, Jiro-san persegue implacavelmente sua busca pelo sushi perfeito.
461 Days of Bento: A Promise Between Father and Son
Kazuki Suzumoto is divorced and he lives with his 15-year-old son Kouki. Kouki is in a susceptible time. The father feels guilty about his son. Kouki then fails his high school entrance exam. In the spring of the following year, Kouki barely passes his high school entrance exam. Kouki mentions to Kazuki that he likes his father's lunch box. The father and son make a promise to each other. Kazuki promises that he will make a lunch box everyday for Kouki. Kouki promises that he will never skip school.
Suspíria: A Dança do Medo
As trevas tomam conta de uma renomada companhia de dança, envolvendo a diretora artística do grupo, uma ambiciosa jovem dançarina e um psicoterapeuta de luto. Alguns irão sucumbir ao pesadelo. Outros irão finalmente despertar.
Agente Asher
Asher é um ex-agente da Mossad que virou uma arma para alugar, vivendo uma vida austera em um Brooklyn em constante mudança. Aproximando-se do fim de sua carreira, ele quebra o juramento que fez quando jovem e conhece Sophie em um acidente que deu errado. Para ter amor em sua vida antes que seja tarde demais, ele deve matar o homem que ele era, por uma chance de se tornar o homem que ele quer ser.
Tea for Two
Two friends share a light-hearted conversation over tea until the exchange takes a bizarre turn.
Capitão Fantástico
Ben é o pai de seis crianças pequenas, que decide fugir da civilização e criar os filhos nas florestas selvagens do Pacífico Norte. Ele passa os seus dias dando lições às crianças, ensinando-os a praticar esportes e a combater inimigos. Um dia, no entanto, Ben é forçado a deixar o local e retornar à vida na cidade. Começa o aprendizado do pai, que deve se acostumar à vida moderna.
Carrie, A Estranha
A quieta e sensível adolescente Carrie White enfrenta insultos dos colegas na escola e abuso em casa de sua mãe, uma fanática religiosa. Quando estranhos acontecimentos começam a acontecer em torno de Carrie, ela começa a suspeitar que tem poderes sobrenaturais.
O Retorno de Johnny English
Anos após ser demitido, Johnny English é convocado de volta à ativa para impedir que uma quadrilha infiltrada no serviço secreto britânico assassine o primeiro ministro chinês.
Pegando Fogo
Adam Jones já foi um respeitado chef em Paris, mas o abuso de drogas e álcool destruiu sua carreira. Depois de passar um tempo em Nova Orleans, ele tem uma nova oportunidade em Londres, quando é contratado por seu antigo maître para ser o chef de cozinha de um restaurante requintado. Exigindo a perfeição da sua recém-formada equipe, o amargo e temperamental Jones tem uma segunda chance para realizar seu sonho de ganhar uma terceira estrela Michelin.
Salsicha Party
Salsicha Party, um filme de animação para um público adulto, conta-nos a história de uma salsicha que lidera um grupo de produtos de supermercado numa demanda para descobrir a verdade sobre a sua existência e o que realmente acontece quando são escolhidos para sair do supermercado.
Love in the Time of Cholera
Na Colômbia, logo após a Grande Guerra, um velho cai de uma escada; morrendo, ele professa grande amor por sua esposa. Após o funeral, um homem visita a viúva - ela o dispensa com raiva. Volte mais de 50 anos para o dia em que Florentino Ariza, um garoto do telégrafo, se apaixona por Fermina Daza, filha de um comerciante de mulas.
Carrie White, uma adolescente tímida que foi criada por uma mãe rigorosa, controladora e fanática, vai descobrir que tem um dom raro: a capacidade de mover e controlar objectos com a mente. Porém, ela não controla essa capacidade, e após sofrer uma humilhação enorme no baile de finalistas da escola, ela vai finalmente vingar-se daqueles que a trataram mal durante anos.
Tá Chovendo Hambúrguer 2
Após a desastrosa tempestade de comida no primeiro filme, Flint (Bill Hader) e seus amigos são obrigados a deixar a cidade de Boca Grande. Sem saída, ele aceita o convite de seu ídolo, Chester V (Will Forte), e junta-se à The Live Corp Company, que reúne os melhores inventores do mundo. Porém, quando descobre que sua máquina ainda funciona e agora cria perigosas comidas animalescas mutantes, Flint decide retornar e tentar salvar o mundo.
Quando a inocente jovem Lucy (Scarlett Johansson) aceita transportar drogas dentro do seu estômago, ela não conhece muito bem os riscos que corre. Por acaso, ela acaba absorvendo as drogas, e um efeito inesperado acontece: Lucy ganha poderes sobre-humanos, incluindo a telecinesia, a ausência de dor e a capacidade de adquirir conhecimento instantaneamente.


Got the Facts on Milk?
Got the facts on Milk? (also known as "The Milk Documentary" is an entertaining, award winning feature documentary that dares to question the conventional wisdom of the much publicized health benefits of milk and dairy products. Addressing myth, truth and all in-between, the film is a humorous yet shocking exposition that provokes serious thought about this everyday staple.
The Grounded
The Grounded movie tells the true tale of an Alaskan wildlife filmmaker’s persistent curiosity and quest to test the claims of what appears to be an outrageously simple and “too good to be true” healing concept – physical, bare skin contact with the Earth – which may have been known by civilizations throughout history. New research has started to confirm the unexpected, that the surface of the Earth has a healing power, like a gigantic treatment table.
Você pode curar sua vida
Misturando episódios dramáticos com depoimentos de alguns dos autores e professores mais conhecidos na área de bem-estar, o filme lhe ensinará como curar suas feridas emocionais e psicológicas e assim curar sua vida. Através de lições práticas e dramatizações comoventes, você aprenderá como usar afirmações positivas para transformar a sua auto-estima, seus relacionamentos, sua saúde, suas finanças e sua carreira. Um filme para deixar de sofrer, curar suas feridas e viver a vida plena que você merece!
FRESH is more than a movie, it’s a gateway to action. Our aim is to help grow FRESH food, ideas, and become active participants in an exciting, vibrant, and fast-growing movement.
Second Opinion
The story of a young science-writer at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, who risked everything by blowing the whistle on a massive cover-up involving a promising cancer therapy.
Pink Ribbons, Inc.
Breast cancer has become the poster child of corporate cause-related marketing campaigns. Countless women and men walk, bike, climb and shop for the cure. Each year, millions of dollars are raised in the name of breast cancer, but where does this money go and what does it actually achieve? Pink Ribbons, Inc. is a feature documentary that shows how the devastating reality of breast cancer, which marketing experts have labeled a "dream cause," becomes obfuscated by a shiny, pink story of success.
"Origins" takes a journey through the biological roots of where we have come from and where we have gone. Using fire as a metaphor for technology, the film looks at the advances of our civilization and how the recklessness of unchecked technology is now choking out the environment and poisoning our bodies. Interviews with the biggest names in the health and green space create compelling context and arguments for how we can better coexist with nature. "Origins" shows how man, technology, and nature can walk together in balance.
Bethany's Story
Bethany's Story is a documentary about the healing power of food. Bethany lived the life of a normal teenage girl before she became paralyzed by a bad reaction to medication and was told she would never walk again. The documentary covers her amazing recovery as she makes dramatic lifestyle changes. Featuring interviews with leading nutrition experts and medical doctors, Bethany's Story is a testament to the power of food as medicine, as well as the courage of a young girl to face an immense obstacle, overcome it and in the process help inspire all of us to make forward progress in our lives, whatever our challenge may be.
Love Bomb
After quitting her job at the World Trade Center Rhea Zimmerman finds herself 9 months later, in New York City on 9/11, feeling afraid, horrified, lost and wondering what she could do to help create a better story for humanity. She finds her answer and her healing when she fuels herself with purpose by becoming a chiropractor with a passion for unconditional love and international service. 11 years later we join her on a 5-day chiropractic service trip to The Sacred Valley, Peru with her new boyfriend Austin and her friend Alejandra. They are on a mission to serve as many people as possible offering healing, hope, and connection through collaboration with a medical clinic. Watch as the three stretch themselves by surrendering to service, affecting thousands that they touch, and ultimately, transforming as individuals through the power of love and teamwork. Love Bomb is interwoven with expert voices that explore themes of human transformation, love, altruism, and consciousness.
Eating Alabama
In search of a simpler life, a young couple returns home to Alabama where they set out to eat the way their grandparents did – locally and seasonally. But as they navigate the agro-industrial gastronomical complex, they soon realize that nearly everything about the food system has changed since farmers once populated their family histories. A thoughtful and often funny essay on community, the South and sustainability, “Eating Alabama” is a story about why food matters.
Inhabit: A Permaculture Perspective
Inhabit is a feature length documentary introducing permaculture: a design method that offers an ecological lens for solving issues related to agriculture, economics, governance, and on. The film presents a vast array of projects, concepts, and people, and it translates the diversity of permaculture into something that can be understood by an equally diverse audience. For those familiar, it will be a call to action and a glimpse into what's possible - what kind of projects and solutions are already underway. For those unfamiliar, it will be an introduction to a new way of being and a new way of relating to the Earth. For everyone, it will be a reminder that humans are capable of being planetary healing forces.
Common Weeds and Wild Edibles Of The World
Author/filmmaker Sergei Boutenko enjoys foraging for free food. He believes that wild edibles are extremely nutritious and should be collected and consumed regularly by everyone. To ensure that people collect edible plants in a safe and responsible manner, Boutenko produced this film. Common Weeds And Wild Edibles Of The World is an instructional video on how to safely and sustainably harvest, clean, and prepare the most common wild edibles. In addition to in-depth instruction on how to forage for over a dozen edible plants, this movie also contains many useful tips that will help you reduce your monthly food bill and allow you to enjoy new healthful culinary flavors.
Powered by Green Smoothies
In the summer of 2013 Sergei Boutenko put 10 endurance athletes (five ultra-runners and five CrossFitters) on green smoothies and followed them around with his camera to find out the answer to this question. Starting out as healthy athletes (or so they thought!), 10 individuals embark on a six-week experiment of continuing their typical training and racing regimen, but with one major difference: they are drinking a quart of green smoothies every day. You'll be astonished at the results that begin to emerge. From a decrease in injuries to feeling supercharged to run for hours on end, there might be a bit more to smoothies than just tasting delicious. If you like to exercise, you need to see this film!
Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days.
Healing Cancer From The Inside Out
A shocking and informative expose of the "Cancer Industry" and the "Western Diet".
Eating, 2nd Edition: Introducing The RAVE Diet presents graphic evidence of how animal foods are not meant for human consumption, and how the suffering and death of the animals "takes revenge" on the humans who eat them by causing most of our chronic diseases, and how the switch to a all whole-food plant based diet can begin to reverse many of these diseases in as little as three weeks.
Diet for a New America
"This is John Robbins' amazing video documentary Diet for a New America (1992) which explores the causes why Americans eat so much meat and what does this do to their health and the environment. Although it is commonly known today that meat and diary products are one of the primary causes for heart and other deadly diseases, Americans don't seem to care at all and are living (and dying) with them every day. When this award-winning documentary was first aired the US National Cattlemen's Association mounted an aggressive campaign to discredit the program and keep it from being aired. But the attempt to thwart the show failed, and the program went on to be one of public television's all-time most successful documentaries.
The Raw Natural
The Raw Natural documentary explores professional athletes reaching peak performance and untapped potential through raw food nutrition. The film highlights, Evan Strong, who regains his competitive edge in sports through raw food nutrition after a tragic accident that causes him to lose a leg and end his professional career in skateboarding. Evan's accident becomes the impetus for his change in diet to simple, healthy raw food nutrition. Evan is now the world champion in adaptive Snowboarding (Ranked # 1 at the XGames, World Cup, Nationals, etc) See how raw food nutrition has led to incredible new triumphs in the athletic careers of professional athletes in surfing, MMA fighting, tennis, baseball, snowboarding and more... This film also features renowned raw food chefs and leading health and nutrition experts, as well as top athletes and professional players who are also experiencing the benefits from raw food nutrition. What would you do to stay in the game?
Freedom From Choice
Freedom From Choice explores the endless layers of backroom dealing that is the US lobbying industry. Through a series of thought-provoking interviews, experts from numerous industries explain in simple terms how the political 'revolving door' creates unfair regulations which affect their industry. Supplemented by recent news clips and archival footage, the experts paint a startling picture of the overregulation of modern American life.
The Healing Effect
The Healing Effect Movie is a documentary about the healing power of food. Featuring best-selling authors and experts from around the world including: John Robbins, Joel Fuhrman, Daphne Miller, David Wolfe, Charlotte Gerson, John McDougall, Philip McCluskey, John Bagnulo and many more. The film follows the story of a police officer in the gritty city of Lowell, Massachusetts who has radically changed his diet and inspired his community. This movie explores the power of prevention, why bad genes are not your destiny, food and lifestyle secrets from the healthiest, longest lived people on the planet, as well as simple steps to get started right now in changing your life, one bite at a time!