
The Land (2016)

On the street your dreams will cost you

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 1H 42M

Director : Steven Caple Jr.


Four teenage boys devote their summer to escaping the streets of Cleveland, Ohio, by pursuing a dream life of professional skateboarding. But when they get caught in the web of the local queenpin, their motley brotherhood is tested, threatening to make this summer their last.


Jorge Lendeborg Jr.
Jorge Lendeborg Jr.
Moisés Arias
Moisés Arias
Rafi Gavron
Rafi Gavron
Patty Cake
Ezri Walker
Ezri Walker
Erykah Badu
Erykah Badu
Michael Kenneth Williams
Michael Kenneth Williams
Natalie Martinez
Natalie Martinez
Kim Coates
Kim Coates
Uncle Steve
Machine Gun Kelly
Machine Gun Kelly
Linda Emond
Linda Emond
Deanna Sherman
Deanna Sherman
Michael Ray Escamilla
Michael Ray Escamilla
Ashleigh Morghan
Ashleigh Morghan
Dontez James
Dontez James
Carrying Dealer
Christopher Amitrano
Christopher Amitrano
Dan Anders
Dan Anders
Average Joe
Pauline Nowakowski
Pauline Nowakowski
Alice Braga - Evelyn's Mother
Ryan Mulkay
Ryan Mulkay
Rod Fielder
Rod Fielder
Market Customer
Scott Garan
Scott Garan
Factory Worker
Jessica Jones
Jessica Jones
Popular High School Girl
Davis Aguila
Davis Aguila
Momma's Goon
Megan Brautigam
Megan Brautigam
Nightclub Goer
Nadia Simms
Nadia Simms
Kelly Saunders Childs
Kelly Saunders Childs
Skateboard Competitor (uncredited)
Joe Fishel
Joe Fishel
Factory Worker (uncredited)
Mark Salas
Mark Salas
Market Patron (uncredited)
Nicole Tubbs
Nicole Tubbs
Skate Fan (uncredited)
Robert Hunter
Robert Hunter
Melvin Gregg
Melvin Gregg
Tom Kondilas
Tom Kondilas
Henry Bush Tits
Andy Tarr
Andy Tarr
Deli Customer
Dominique Paramore
Dominique Paramore
Mother Customer
Aswan Harris
Aswan Harris
Elliot's Goon
Cherie McClain
Cherie McClain
Trinh Ann
Trinh Ann
Teen Hottie
Karin Boesler
Karin Boesler
MaMa's Market Worker
Mrva Russell
Mrva Russell
Evelyn's Sister
Alexander Dean Williams
Alexander Dean Williams
Deborah Charity
Deborah Charity
Festival Attendee (uncredited)


Steven Caple Jr.
Steven Caple Jr.
Steven Caple Jr.
Steven Caple Jr.
Steven Holleran
Steven Holleran
Jongnic Bontemps
Jongnic Bontemps
Saira Haider
Saira Haider


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