
Selling Body (1988)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 1H 36M

Director : You Jin-sun
Escritor : Lee Hee-woo


Na-young becomes a prostitute when her heart is broken and then she is sexually violated by Jung-han, a street thug.


Na Young-hee
Na Young-hee
Kim Mun-hui
Kim Mun-hui
Ma Hung-sik
Ma Hung-sik


Lee Hee-woo
Lee Hee-woo
You Jin-sun
You Jin-sun
Kim Nam-jin
Kim Nam-jin
Director of Photography
Shin Byung-ha
Shin Byung-ha
Park Sun-duk
Park Sun-duk


Nos lacs sous la surface
In Quebec, the lakes we love and take for granted are quickly perishing, as highlighted by the proliferation of aquatic plants and algae in our water bodies. With images of lakes and dozens of interviews, the documentary points the finger at those responsible for this decline.
The Hasty Man Drinks His Tea with a Fork
A blend of drama and documentary, this film follows several people caught up in the turmoil of the modern world. The drama centres on a woman who has burned out and who holds up her own despair – and her attempts to rebuild her life – as a mirror to the rest of us. With a blend of gravity and humour, Sylvie Groulx's film shows the absurdity of a society dedicated to the cult of speed at all costs.
Los pobres aman con las manos
Tony, Pol and Baby are three friends that get together to search a solution to their project for the future, at a standstill. They criticize constantly the system and the other people's precariousness, without realizing that they share the same feeling of poverty.
Foxglove Candy
A triad of vicious vixens scam (and occasionally murder) hapless, lonely men from the internet but run into a nightmarish labyrinth of deception and horror when one attempts to use her wiles on a far more cunning adversary.
A short documentary about the construction of the parisian subway in the 50s.
A hot summer. Hidden in the forest, Jeanne and Jonas live in their converted truck. Before heading back on the road, they prepare one last action.
Spermicidal Lube
A Micro Universe is formed inside an expired tube of spermicidal lubricant dating back from the 1980’s. We see the formation of this universe through its aeons and the existential crises unfurling as a sex pest is eager to utilise it.
In the Grip of Gazprom
The war in the Ukraine has changed the way many European countries view Russian politics. Suddenly it became clear how dependent countries had become on Russian gas imports for decades and what Vladimir Putin was up to. However, no country needs more gas than Germany. It was only after Russia's invasion of the Ukraine that the German government realized that Russia had long used gas as a weapon to impose its will on states. The instrument created for this purpose is the natural gas production company GAZPROM. So how did Germany become so dependent on Russian gas? The documentary shows how, over several decades and several changes of government, a broad alliance of politicians and business representatives did everything possible to secure Germany's energy supply with cheap Russian gas, while the Kremlin's foreign policy became increasingly aggressive and the warnings of experts went unheeded.
A Força de um Amor
Las Vegas. Jesse Lujack (Richard Gere) rouba um Porsche e vai para Los Angeles, sendo perseguido pela polícia. Após matar um policial, ele procura refúgio na casa de Monica Poiccard (Valérie Kaprisky), sua namorada, e na leitura de revistas em quadrinhos. Retido na cidade sem conseguir cobrar uma dívida, Jesse vê aos poucos o cerco se fechar sem nada poder fazer para escapar. Jesse desestrutura a vida de Monica, forçando-a abandonar a faculdade para fugir com ele para o México, mas uma grande surpresa o aguarda.
Ondas do Destino
No norte da Escócia uma jovem mulher (Emily Watson) se apaixona e se casa com um dinamarquês (Stellan Skarsgard) que trabalha em uma plataforma de petróleo. Quando ele retorna ao seu serviço sofre um acidente, quebrando seu pescoço e provavelmente o deixando incapacitado para o resto da vida. Nesta situação ele pressiona a mulher a procurar amantes e lhe contar detalhes de suas relações.
Doll Fluids
Two tortured souls meet and end in pain and mutilation.
A waste picker woman segregates coconut shells from the wet waste of a society daily to be used as firewood. One day, she finds the shells missing.
Num subúrbio de Nova York, Connie Sumner (Diane Lane) leva uma vida feliz e segura ao lado de Edward (Richard Gere), com quem está casada há 11 anos, e seu filho Charlie (Erik Per Sullivan). Aparentemente nada poderia se interpor na felicidade do casal, mas o amor é posto à prova quando Connie esbarra com Paul Martel (Olivier Martinez), um belo e sensual francês. Os dois se tornam amantes e são dominados por uma paixão que não para de crescer, enquanto o comportamento da mulher começa a gerar suspeitas em Edward.
Baviera, 1957. Em uma pequena cidade, Schuckert é um magnata corrupto da construção. Quando o novo oficial honesto Herr von Bohm é nomeado, ele tenta se aproximar de Schuckert e ousa entrar no bordel da Villa Fink – o verdadeiro centro da economia da cidade. Até que se apaixona pela prostituta Lola.