
Chely (1977)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 0M

Director : Ramón Fernández



Fernando Fernán Gómez
Fernando Fernán Gómez
Josele Román
Josele Román
Pedro Mari Sánchez
Pedro Mari Sánchez
José Maya
José Maya
Ignacio Campos
Ignacio Campos
Antonio Gamero
Antonio Gamero
Beatriz Elorrieta
Beatriz Elorrieta
Tomás Zori
Tomás Zori
Mary Paz Pondal
Mary Paz Pondal
Manuel Alexandre
Manuel Alexandre
Isabel Luque
Isabel Luque
Cristina Victoria
Cristina Victoria
Flora María Álvaro
Flora María Álvaro
Ángel Menéndez
Ángel Menéndez
Margarita Calahorra
Margarita Calahorra
Manuel Pereiro
Manuel Pereiro
Carmen Martínez Sierra
Carmen Martínez Sierra
Marisol Ayuso
Marisol Ayuso
Salvador Orjas
Salvador Orjas
Julián Navarro
Julián Navarro
Rafael Vaquero
Rafael Vaquero
Ricardo Palacios
Ricardo Palacios
Manuel Guitián
Manuel Guitián
Serafín García Vázquez
Serafín García Vázquez
Tony Valento
Tony Valento
Juan Cazalilla
Juan Cazalilla
Fernando Guillén
Fernando Guillén
Don Antonio


Ramón Fernández
Ramón Fernández
Juan José Alonso Millán
Juan José Alonso Millán


Street Warriors
Perros Callejeros is based on the juvenile delinquency of the 1970s and 80s in Spain. The story is set in Barrio de la Mina in Barcelona one of the most conflict neighbourhoods in Spain. The characters chosen were real juvenile delinquents all with criminal records, which the director used to give the film a realistic touch. This film is very powerful and dramatic, it shows how these kids were brought up to survive on the streets.
A chronicle of the life of Jaro, the leader of a juvenile delinquent gang, depicting his rise from street urchin to outlaw anti-hero on the way to his inevitable end.
Depressa, Depressa
Angela is a young waitress who turns her back on society when she meets and falls in love with Pablo, a reckless criminal delinquent. Along with Pablo’s gang of car thieves, the pair embark on a drug and disco-fueled robbery spree as they hurtle toward oblivion.
Street Warriors II
A veteran policeman named Fernando feels a lot of hatred against Ángel because the boy ran him over with a car leaving him lame. Now Fernando accuses the young crook of having participated in a robbery at a gas station in which a murder has occurred. Helped by his friends, Ángel rebuilds the facts that serve him as an alibi, but while he is in pre-trial detention in La Modelo prison (Barcelona) a terrible mutiny will take place.
Tudo Sobre Minha Mãe
Após a morte de seu amado filho adolescente em um acidente, Roth deixa Madri para Barcelona para lidar com sua dor, ficar com velhos amigos e – talvez – entrar em contato com o pai – distante – que o menino nunca conheceu.
O Que Eu Fiz Para Merecer Isto?
A sobrecarregada faxineira Gloria trabalha em vários lugares para conseguir se manter. Sua vida implacável está repleta de excêntricos: um marido taxista abusivo, um filho adolescente traficante, uma sogra ingrata e uma vizinha prostituta que paga Gloria para estar com clientes exibicionistas.
Tempo de Recomeçar
George Monroe (Kevin Kline) é um arquiteto de meia idade que descobre repentinamente que está com câncer e tem pouco tempo de vida. Ele então decide aproveitar o tempo que lhe resta para se aproximar de Sam (Hayden Christensen), seu filho problemático e rebelde, bem como fazer as pazes com Robin (Kristin Scott Thomas), sua ex-esposa. Ao mesmo tempo, George decide por construir uma casa, na intenção de deixá-la como herança para Sam.
Origens Secretas
Para deter um assassino em série, um meticuloso inspetor conta com a ajuda de um nerd apaixonado por quadrinhos.
Marcados Pelo Sangue
Prisão, drogas e guerra de gangues tocam três jovens (Damian Chapa, Jesse Borrego, Benjamin Bratt) no leste de Los Angeles de 1970 a 1990.
Uma Prece Antes do Amanhecer
Encarcerado em uma das prisões mais bárbaras e mortais do planeta, a Klong Prem, na Tailândia, Billy Moore (Joe Cole) está buscando meios para se manter vivo e passar por todos aqueles pesadelos. Sendo assim, para sobreviver, decide adentrar no mundo do Muay Thai, sem nem imaginar que iniciar esta arte marcial viria a transformar sua vida para sempre.
Cartel Land
O documentário coloca questões políticas e pessoas através dos vigilantes dos dois lado da fronteira entre EUA e México que lutam contra os ferozer cartéis de drogas mexicanos. Com acesso sem precendentes, o documentário profundos questionamentos sobre a ilegalidade, a quebra da ordem e se os cidadão podem combater violência com violência.
Cães de Guerra
Após uma experiência mal sucedida em fazer negócios com o governo, dois amigos moradores de Miami Beach, que levam uma vida tranquila e que só queriam dinheiro para sustentar seu vício em maconha, descobrem que existe um mercado ilícito em expansão com a venda de armas para o exterior. Ao fechar um contrato de 300 milhões de dólares, eles terão de ir para o Afeganistão acompanhar a explosiva transação pessoalmente.
Dope: Um Deslize Perigoso
Malcolm Adecombi (Shameik Moore) é um nerd que vive em um bairro violento em Los Angeles e se desdobra entre provas finais, admissões acadêmicas, audições de clássicos do hip-hop e ensaios de sua banda de rock. Certa noite comparece a uma festa e, após uma confusão, volta para casa com a mochila cheia de drogas, o que o leva a arriscar novas maneiras de se dar bem.
Boogie Nights: Prazer Sem Limites
Eddie Adams (Mark Wahlberg) é um jovem de 17 anos sexualmente bem-dotado. Ele é descoberto por Jack Horner (Burt Reynolds), um diretor veterano que o transforma em Dirk Diggler, uma celebridade da subcultura do mundo pornô no apogeu dos anos 1970. O sucesso faz com que Eddie se envolva no mundo das drogas e a súbita fama pode ter seu preço.
O Acordo
Aos 18 anos de idade, Jason é condenado a dez anos de prisão por posse de um pacote de drogas, embora não soubesse do conteúdo da embalagem. O pai do jovem começa a investigar e corre riscos quando um importante narcotraficante mexicano é exposto.
A Grande Beleza
Vencedor do Oscar de Melhor Filme Estrangeiro, este conto à la Fellini de decadência e amor perdido encontra um jornalista envelhecido na Itália relembrando seus dias em meio à exuberante vida noturna de Roma após seu 65º aniversário.
Sicário: Dia do Soldado
O oficial da CIA Matt Graver (Josh Brolin) volta a contactar seu sicário de confiança, Alejandro Gillick (Benicio Del Toro), desta vez para sequestrar a filha caçula (Isabella Moner) de um barão das drogas mexicano. Os famosos cartéis agora são considerados células terroristas e o objetivo da missão, orientada secretamente pelo alto escalão do governo, é fazer eclodir uma guerra entre os grupos rivais.
Fique Rico ou Morra Tentando
Após a morte de sua mãe quando ele era um menino, Marcus tem pouco apoio em sua vida. Ele começa a trabalhar para o traficante Levar e seu assistente. Apesar de Marcus fazer bom dinheiro vendendo drogas, seu sonho é se tornar um rapper. Quando ele reencontra um antigo amor e é baleado várias vezes durante um assalto, Marcus decide que é hora de mudar sua vida. No entanto, seus antigos sócios não vão deixá-lo ir tão facilmente.
Membro de uma força tarefa de elite da agência anti-drogas dos Estados Unidos roubam o quartel general de um cartel de drogas. A situação se complica quando eles começam a morrer pouco a pouco. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sam Worthington, Olivia Williams, Josh Holloway e Mireille Enos integram o elenco.
Conexão Escobar
O agente federal Robert Mazur conseguiu se infiltrar no maior cartel de drogas colombiano usando a identidade de Bob Musella, um empresário especializado em lavagem de dinheiro. Mazur torna-se amigo de Roberto, homem de confiança de Pablo Escobar, e inicia seu grande plano. A verdadeira história da batalha de um homem contra o maior cartel de drogas do mundo.


People Are Funny
A comedy based on NBC's "People Are Funny" radio (and later television) program with Art Linkletter with a fictional story of how the program came to be on a national network from its humble beginning at a Nevada radio station. Jack Haley is a producer with only half-rights to the program while Ozzie Nelson and Helen Walker are the radio writers and supply the romance. Rudy Vallee, always able to burlesque himself intentional and, quite often, unintentional, is the owner of the sought-after sponsoring company. Frances Langford, as herself, sings "I'm in the Mood for Love" while the Vagabonds quartet (billed 12th and last) chimes in on "Angeline" and "The Old Square Dance is Back Again."
At the height of Reign of Terror Maximilien Robespierre orchestrates the trial and execution of several of his fellow leading French revolutionaries including Georges Danton.
Combat America
Produced in 1943 under the guidance of Army Air Force Lieutenant Clark Gable, this film follows a single 8th Air Force B-17 crew from training through a series of missions over Europe.
Not Mozart: Letters, Riddles and Writs
Letters, Riddles and Writs is a one act opera for television by Michael Nyman broadcast in 1991.
Ice Kiss
Iskyss is a strong and poetic love story based on Gunvor Galtung Haavik’s double life through 30 years. During the Cold War, she was employed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and assigned to the Norwegian Embassy in Moscow. With the information she had access to in the capacity of her position as interpreter and secretary, she frequently fed the KGB secret information.
Glad Rags to Riches
A girl has to decide who to marry: a poor country boy or a rich nightclub owner.
A Place of One's Own
Moody, atmospheric ghost story starring Mason as a retired tradesman who purchases an old mansion that has been vacant for 40 years because it is believed to be haunted by the spirit of a young woman who had died there. Unaware of the mansion's reputation, Mason and his wife Mullen move in and hire a young woman, Lockwood, to keep house. Soon after Lockwood's arrival, strange things begin to happen in the household, and it becomes apparent that she is possessed by the spirit of the dead girl, though Mason scoffs at the idea. On death's door and bedridden, Lockwood asks for the same doctor who treated the woman who died 40 years ago. He arrives and treats her. The next morning Lockwood is cured, and it is revealed by the police that the doctor's dead body was found in his carriage hours before the time Mason claims he arrived to see Lockwood. Convinced that not only the ghost of the girl but that of the doctor as well entered his home, Mason finally believes in the supernatural.
Love Is Like That
A loving couple struggle to fend for themselves in modern day Los Angeles, One a loner and down and out, the other a lonely but hardworking secretary. Eventually, as cracks form in their passionate relationship, they resort to robbing an aging actress for money.
Back to Normandy
A filmmaker returns to Normandy thirty years after a working on a movie based on a local homicide and tries to find the actors who worked on the project.
Auge in Auge - Eine deutsche Filmgeschichte
This is not merely another film about cinema history; it is a film about the love of cinema, a journey of discovery through over a century of German film history. Ten people working in film today remember their favourite films of yesteryear.
Die Halbzarte
The story of the Dassau family, a family of artists: Frau Dassau is a composer, her husband is a writer, and their children are equally gifted as painters, poets and musicians. But unfortunately, no one wants to invest money in their art. The family is about to starve when Nicole comes up with a marvelous idea: She is going to write the "most scandalous book", the sex memoirs of a teenager. For this, she hides under the pseudonym of Eva. The book becomes an enormous success indeed, but Nicole's parents are decent people, and the public interest in their sluttish daughter begins to bother them. Things begin to get even more unpleasant when Nicole falls in love with an American publisher who'd prefer a virgin…
El camino de las hormigas
Four nights in Caracas. A documentary essay about chaos and civilization.
First Snow
On Christmas Eve, Léa and Juliette, a couple, want to rob a supermarket that Juliette knows is empty of surveillance on this festive evening. But, as much for each of them as for Eric, the vigil who is there after all, nothing will happen as planned. Besides, shortly before leaving him alone, the store manager gave Eric a gun, just in case.
Souvenir of Canada
While Douglas Coupland works on a grand art project about Canada, the writer recounts his life and his musings about the various aspects of Canadian identity.
I Love Vienna
I love Vienna is a social comedy that explores the clash of cultures and values.
The Forgotten
Based on a story by Vietnam veteran Paul Staples, the film concerns six American Green Berets, held for 17 years in a Vietnamese POW camp. They are finally released in secret, during a delicate trade-talk session between Vietnam and the United States. Captain Tom Watkins, the ex-prisoners' CO, begins to suspect that government-man Adam Roth, who is in charge of the debriefing, may be pursuing a hidden agenda that will result in the early deaths of Watkins and the five men under his command.
The Man with the Objective Lens
A humorous and satirical comedy, which places a man from the year 2222 one day in the (then) present day life in GDR, East Germany under Communist regime. Using a crystal for mind reading he uncovers some improprieties and moral weaknesses in the "Beautiful future" professed by VEB ("Volkseigener Betrieb" – "State Owned Holdings").
Angels of Iron
The subject of this historical drama is a splintering Berlin in the years of 1948 and 1949. Played against the backdrop of social upheaval, the characters in the drama come to epitomize the best and worst of each pole of the political sphere. A 17-year-old hoodlum by the name of Gladow works hand-in-glove with a local white-collar criminal to rob and pillage every day and night, defying capture. While he and his gang of thugs are terrorizing the people of Berlin, the Soviets are trying to make the blockade of their region of control impermeable. The future casts long shadows over the drama, as Berlin's problems take the shape of times to come.
Know Your Mushrooms
KNOW YOUR MUSHROOMS follows uber myco visionaries Gary Lincoff and Larry Evans (two of the more expert and unforgettably mercurial characters in the community) as they lead us on a hunt for the wild mushroom and the deeper cultural experiences attached to the mysterious fungi.