Cat's Play (1974)
Gênero : Drama, Romance
Runtime : 1H 55M
Director : Károly Makk
Karoly Makk's heartbreaking story of two unmarried sisters who cast wistful glances back at their lives, but still believe in hope and love, earned an Academy Award Nomination for Best Foreign Language Film in 1974. In this follow-up to the director's internationally acclaimed Love, Makk once again exhibits his extraordinary skills at drawing emotionally compelling performances from his talented female leads. Makk's film opposes the bleakness of the outside world with passion, love, and loyalty.
Dois estudantes muito amigos ficam chateados, pois suas respectivas namoradas rompem com eles no mesmo dia. Assim, eles vão ao shopping local para arejar a cabeça e, se possível, encontrar um meio de recuperarem suas namoradas. Mas esta simples ida ao shopping acaba se transformando em uma sucessão de confusões.
The executive producers of High School Musical keep the good times rolling with this upbeat musical comedy set in the one place every American teenager's home away from home - the local shopping mall. Ally (Nina Dobrev) is an optimistic adolescent singer/songwriter whose hard working mother owns the mall music shop frequented by every teen in town. When Ally shares her music with Joey (Rob Mayes), a janitor in the mall who harbors rock star ambitions, she is thrilled to find someone who can truly relate to her songs as well as her heart. Trouble looms on the horizon, however, in the form of the mall owner's spoiled rotten daughter Madison (Autumn Reeser). Madison is the kind of girl who's used to getting whatever she wants, and what she wants now could prove disastrous for both Ally's ambitions, and her mother's popular music store.
Com a trilha sonora da nova onda dos anos 80, um casal de jovens amantes de diferentes origens desafia seus pais e amigos para ficarem juntos.
Maureen (Kristen Stewart) é uma jovem americana que mora em Paris e trabalha como "personal shopper" para uma celebridade local. Ela também tem uma capacidade especial para se comunicar com o mundo dos mortos. A moça dividia esse dom com seu irmão, recém-falecido, que parece estar querendo enviar uma mensagem para o mundo dos vivos.
Ronnie Barnhardt (Seth Rogen) é o chefe da segurança de um shopping. Ele vive com a mãe alcoólatra, é apaixonado por Brandi (Anna Faris) e um tanto desequilibrado. Criminosos perturbam a ordem do local e ele, empenhado na investigação, faz acusações loucas e infundadas. Um detetive (Ray Liotta) chega para verificar os casos e Ronnie perde de vez o controle.
Em Nova York, nos anos 50, às vésperas do natal, as aventuras de Eloise, menina rica, travessa, mas de bom coração, que mora com sua governanta num hotel de luxo. Eloise tenta aproximar um jovem garçom do hotel de sua amada, uma moça rica que está de casamento marcado com um sujeito nada amigável.
Depois de perder a mulher de seus sonhos, Anderson (Biggs) está convencido de que nunca irá se apaixonar outra vez. Mas graças a seu melhor amigo ele é encorajado a conhecer uma garçonete chamada Katie (Fisher). Mesmo sendo uma desconhecida, Anderson não leva muito tempo para pedir a moça em casamento. Uma situação desconcertante, mas que irá mostrar que aquele era o tipo de amor que Anderson e Katie sempre estiveram procurando.
A jovem Heather Mason passou a vida fugindo, ao lado do pai, de forças que ambos nunca compreenderam muito bem. Mas quando seu pai desaparece misteriosamente, a jovem se depara com uma estranha e terrível realidade que guarda respostas sobre os pesadelos que a infernizam desde a sua infância. Não demora até que Heather descubra que não é a pessoa que imaginava ser, com a ameaça de ficar aprisionada em sofrimento eterno para sempre.
Os mortos estão retornando a vida e atacando os vivos. Quatro sobreviventes do ataque escondem-se em um shopping abandonado e planejam contra-atacar. No entanto, milhares de mortos-vivos descobrem o esconderijo e iniciam um novo massacre, contaminando alguns sobreviventes que retornam como zumbis e somam-se ao exército de abomináveis criaturas.
Ernest se torna uma estrela do basquete, depois que um anjo lhe dá um parque de tênis mágicos.
O Pateta, sob a orientação de um narrador, tenta instalar o seu novo Home Theater a tempo para o grande jogo, com resultados desastrosos.
During the holiday season, Ethan, a meteorologist, and his wife Addison, a TV news reporter, must put aside their differences and band together to help save others and rescue their missing children from a massive F6 twister that has unexpectedly descended upon their small Texas town.
O alcoólatra Davey Stone comete uma infração e é condenado a prestar serviços comunitários. Supervisionado por um juiz idoso, ele tenta se tornar um homem melhor, abandonando os velhos hábitos.
Os Minions precisam arrumar US $ 20 para comprar uma Batedeira de Banana como visto na TV. Então, eles arrumam um trabalho de corte de gramado em uma casa velha.
A group of teenagers that work at the mall all get together for a late night party in one of the stores. When the mall goes on lock down before they can get out, the robot security system activates after a malfunction and goes on a killing spree. One by one the three bots try to rid the mall of the “intruders.” The only weapons the kids can use are the supplies in other stores, or if they can make it till morning when the mall opens back up.
Tony Takitani seems to find emotions illogical and immature. When he falls for Eiko, his life changes. But Eiko has an all-consuming obsession: designer clothes.
Alicja, uma garota de 14 anos, enrola-se em uma nova classe em meados do ano, ficando sozinha nesse novo ambiente. Um dia, uma colega de classe a convida para sair ao novo shopping center, onde podem olhar vitrines de cosméticos caros, tomar sorvete durante o almoço, ouvir música, olhar pessoas elegantes e... encontrar "patrocinadores" potenciais. - See more at:
Oregon, 1980: Jane, Elaine and Louise are all feeling the effects of inflation and cannot afford the high cost of living. Jane cannot afford a babysitter or get married and if she wants privacy with her boyfriend, she has to sleep in the car. Even worse, her war veteran father comes to live with her to turn her life upside down. Louise lives a happy life with her veterinarian husband, Albert. She runs an antique shop on the side, but since it doesn't take in any profit, the IRS considers it a hobby. She needs to come up with the money to keep it going, or she will be trouble with the IRS. Elaine's husband has left her for another woman and without any money. She is in a constant struggle with banks, power companies, and gas stations. She needs money to get by and also catches the eye of police officer Jack. The local mall is having a contest that features a giant money ball that states it will help fight the inflation.
A snake creature secretly lurks inside a shopping mall. A family is fed a meal that turns them into monsters. An airplane hijacking is interrupted by the birth of a tiyanak.
A young man named Eric apparently dies in a suspicious house fire after saving his girlfriend, Melody. One year later, a new mall is constructed atop where Eric's house once stood, where a shadowy, uninvited guest is preying on the mall's crooked developers.
During the worldwide Depression of the 1930s, a young shopgirl is in love with a man of her own financial class, but succumbs to the seductive machinations of her wealthy boss.
Self fashion show.
Dirigido por Randall Wright, o documentário relembra a formação do artista David Hockney na cena britânica da pop art e aborda aspectos de sua vida pessoal, como a coleção de filmes e fotografias de Hockney.
How does art survive in a time of oppression? During the Soviet rule artists who stay true to their vision are executed, sent to mental hospitals or Gulags. Their plight inspires young Igor Savitsky. He pretends to buy state-approved art but instead daringly rescues 40,000 forbidden fellow artist's works and creates a museum in the desert of Uzbekistan, far from the watchful eyes of the KGB. Though a penniless artist himself, he cajoles the cash to pay for the art from the same authorities who are banning it. Savitsky amasses an eclectic mix of Russian Avant-Garde art. But his greatest discovery is an unknown school of artists who settle in Uzbekistan after the Russian revolution of 1917, encountering a unique Islamic culture, as exotic to them as Tahiti was for Gauguin. They develop a startlingly original style, fusing European modernism with centuries-old Eastern traditions.
Six young filmmakers from Central and East Europe developed shorts about the theme of "generation".
Journalists from all over America meet Marlon Brando in a New York hotel room to interview him about his new film, Morituri. Seeing this as an opportunity to let the legendary actor promote the film, they find Brando unwilling to talk about it, instead he is more interested in larking about and turning on the charm when being interviewed by a former winner of the Miss USA competition.
Nigeria's film industry, Nollywood, is the third-largest in the world--an unstoppable economic and cultural force that has taken the continent by storm and is now bursting beyond the borders of Africa. "Nollywood Babylon" is a feature documentary detailing the industry's phenomenal success. Propelled by a booming 1970s soundtrack of African underground music, the movie presents an electric vision of a modern African metropolis and a revealing look at the powerhouse that is Nigerian cinema.
A World War II-style "war game" setting the wealthy customers against skilled mercenaries goes awry when the simulated war gets too real.
A story of two young people in Hungary, Jancsi and Kata. First they are good friends, later lovers. Soon after the 1956 Revolution Kata leaves Hungary, Jancsi stays there. After 10 years Jancsi is allowed to visit Kata in France, their love is reborn, but after a short, very happy period Jancsi has to return to Hungary and their love fades as years have gone by.
A divorced middle-aged woman takes home an ardent suitor, only to discover that he prefers her teenage son. The mother is an overworked coffee-shop attendant, the suitor turns out to be a plain-clothes policeman and the boy is a frustrated flautist.
Visionary, radical, spiritual seeker, renowned poet, founding member of a major literary movement, champion of human rights, Buddhist, political activist and teacher. Allen Ginsberg's remarkable life challenged the very soul of the United States.
As if we were in a small town. An ordinary day in a kid’s life. An incredibly hot day. Here everything is unique. One gang. One game. One field. One girl. In the span of one day, how can this boy arrive at such a changing point in his life from which there is no return?
The Hungarian Oh, Bloody Life reflects on the heavy emotional toll taken by the repressive Stalin regime. Dorotya Udvaros plays a young actress from a high-born family. The government bias against persons of wealth threatens to destroy her career before it begins. As a final blow, she is threatened with deportation. The exasperation inherent in the film's title is only the tip of the iceberg.
The Sultan of Zanzibar has a harbor infested with sharks, which makes it impossible for ships to trade with him. In an attempt to fix the problem, he brings twelve hippos into the harbor to keep the sharks away. His idea works well enough, but once the hippos are no longer a novelty and the people no longer feed them, they begin to starve. After the hungry hippos rampage through the city looking for food, Aban-Khan, the king's adviser, slaughters all the hippos except one, a little hippo named Hugo.
A country boy comes to Budapest to study and tries desperately to retain his integrity amid the corruption of the capital.
A moving story of a bright and sensitive schoolboy growing up in an old, established boarding school in the city of Debrecen in eastern Hungary.
The film is set over the course of a New Year's Eve night in the Croatian port city of Split, where it follows three parallel plots. The first plot line features a small-time drug dealer Nike (Marinko Prga) and a young widow Marija (Nives Ivankovic); the second plot line deals with a drug addict called Maja (Marija Skaricic) who decides to have sex with an US Navy sailor called Franky (Coolio) in exchange for some heroin; the third one shows a young couple, Luka and Andela (Vicko Bilandzic and Ivana Roscic) who spend the night desperately looking for a place to celebrate the New Year by having their first sexual experience. The plots are connected through Dino Dvornik's concert, where all of them pass through at some point, and through the omnipresent fireworks that dot the night sky over the course of the film.
Bruno, a bisexual but closeted young man lives in rural Hungary with his girlfriend Mari. Also on the scene is her homosexual brother Ringo. Mari doesn't know that when the boys go off to work together in the city they raise cash by turning tricks and burglarizing houses.
A little boy loses his way in reality. He is duplicated. His doubles appear everywhere. The more he meets, the more he is afraid of himself...