
O Filho do Czar (1973)

Gênero : Música

Runtime : 1H 30M

Director : Arthur Maria Rabenalt


O enredo de Der Zarewitsch baseia-se vagamente numa história verídica. Retrata o exílio autoimposto de Zarewitsch, filho do Czar Russo, que fugiu ao comando do seu pai para se tornar monge ou se interessar pelos militares, com a sua amante Sonja disfarçada de pagem. O casal passou dois anos escondido até que seu pai o obrigou a regressar. Em vez de retornar, no entanto, ele fugiu novamente e só se convenceu a retornar quando seu pai morreu e ele teve que assumir o trono.


Wieslaw Ochman
Wieslaw Ochman
Teresa Stratas
Teresa Stratas
Birke Bruck
Birke Bruck
Harald Juhnke
Harald Juhnke
Paul Esser
Paul Esser
Lukas Ammann
Lukas Ammann
Willy Mattes
Willy Mattes


Arthur Maria Rabenalt
Arthur Maria Rabenalt
Béla Jenbach
Béla Jenbach
Heinz Reichert
Heinz Reichert
Wolf Neuber
Wolf Neuber
Arthur Maria Rabenalt
Arthur Maria Rabenalt
Fritz Buttenstedt
Fritz Buttenstedt
Executive Producer
Horant H. Hohlfeld
Horant H. Hohlfeld
Heinz Pehlke
Heinz Pehlke
Gisela Haller
Gisela Haller
Gabriela Bönner
Gabriela Bönner
Assistant Director


Nos Lábios Não
Este, para quem só há felicidade conjugal quando se é o primeiro marido da mulher, é escrupulosamente mantido na ignorância do casamento com Eric Thomson. Só a irmã de Gilberte, Arlette Poumaillac, ainda solteira, conhece o segredo. Mas o que aconteceria se, por pura coincidência, Georges Valandray iniciasse uma relação de negócios com Eric Thomson e ficassem amigos?
The Bat
Eisenstein gets in trouble for shooting a grouse. He is told that he must go to prison for his crime. However, his friend has invited him to an aristocratic ball. Eisenstein, despite being married, wants to go to the ball to meet women. Eisenstein lies to his wife. He tells her that he is going to prison but actually he goes to the ball. His story arises the suspicion of his wife. His wife devises a plot to catch her womanizing husband.
The Metropolitan Opera: The Merry Widow
Renée Fleming lights up the Met stage as Hanna Glawari, the fabulously wealthy widow of the title in Lehár’s beloved operetta, set in Paris and seen in a glittering production directed and choreographed by Broadway’s Susan Stroman. Nathan Gunn is Danilo, Hanna’s former flame, who is supposed to woo and marry her in order to keep her fortune in their home country of Pontevedro. Kelli O’Hara sings Valencienne, the flirtatious young wife of the Pontevedrian ambassador in Paris, Baron Zeta, played by Thomas Allen, and Alek Shrader is her suitor, Camille. Andrew Davis conducts the waltz-rich score, and the new English translation is by Jeremy Sams.
Der Vetter aus Dingsda
Silva Varescu, a self-sufficient and professionally successful cabaret performer from Budapest, is about to embark on a tour of America. Three of her aristocratic admirers, named Edwin, Feri and Boni, prefer her to stay. Edwin, unaware that his parents have already arranged a marriage for him back home in Vienna, orders a notary to prepare a promissory note of his expected marriage to Silva within ten weeks.
The Night Is Young
Young Austrian Archduke Paul "Gustl" Gustave is in an arranged engagement but his uncle, the emperor, decides to let Gustl carry on a fling with ballet dancer Lisl Gluck.
Call of the Flesh
A student nun falls in love with a Mexican singer starring in a cafe next door to her convent.
Babes in Toyland
Based on the classic Broadway operetta by Victor Herbert and Glen MacDonough, this live television special became an annual Christmas tradition with rotating cast members.
Under the Roofs of Montmartre
A story of three struggling artists: a painter, a poet, and a composer, living in a bohemian Montmartre district of Paris. They help a poor flower girl, Violette, to find shelter, when she is thrown out by her landlord.
Wie einst im Mai
1838: Fritz Jüterbog and Ottilie von Henkeshofen love each other, but the difference in status is too great for Ottilie's parents to give their consent to a marriage. And so Fritz sets off for America and returns from there 20 years later as a made man to ask for Ottilie's hand in marriage again. In the meantime, however, Ottilie - believing that Fritz had long since forgotten her - is married in a manner befitting her status, but very unhappily. Fritz, who is highly successful as an entrepreneur, is elevated to hereditary nobility because of his great services to the fatherland. It is too late for a union with Ottilie, but despite the years that pass, the two cannot forget their love. 75 years later, Fritz and Ottilie have died in the meantime, their grandchildren Fred and Tilla meet and fall in love.
O Barão Cigano
Ambientada na Hungria no século XVIII, esta é a história do casamento de um fazendeiro, retornado do exílio com uma garota cigana que é apresentada como filha de um pax turco, e legítima dona de um tesouro escondido. A trama envolve uma Rainha românia, um Major, um comissário malandro, um Governador Militar, um bando de ciganos e uma tropa de hussardos.
Perfectly Normal
A shy young man with a passion for opera has his world turned upside down by a con artist who really does have a heart of gold.
Ottilie Van Zandt is forced to wed her cousin, despite her love for Richard Wayne, the gardener's son. Richard leaves, vowing to return a wealthy man and eligible suitor for her. He returns to find she has already married and, in turn, marries another girl on impulse. Two generations later, the grandchildren of Ottilie and Richard, who both have inherited their names as well, meet and develop a close friendship that culminates in the romance that their grandparents began but could not consummate years before.
Up in Central Park
A newspaper reporter and the daughter of an immigrant maintenance man help expose political corruption in New York City.
Where the Lark Sings
Country girl Margit sits for the artist Sándor, from Budapest. She is fascinated and charmed by him, and agrees to accompany him to the capital, so he can complete the painting there. Disillusionment sets in, however, when Sándor wins a prize with the finished portrait and loses interest in her. Margit recognizes that her true happiness lies at home, with Pista, her faithful lover.
A Terra dos Sorrisos
Lisa, a filha mimada do Conde Lichtenfels, apaixona-se pelo príncipe chinês Sou-Chong numa festa na casa do pai. O Príncipe Sou-Chong responde aos seus sentimentos e, apesar dos avisos do pai, Lisa segue o seu amor para a China. Na China, no entanto, o casal apaixonado é logo atirado de volta para a realidade social. Tornam-se cada vez mais conscientes da incompatibilidade dos seus personagens. O antigo admirador de Lisa, o Conde Gustav von Pottenstein (Gustl), que viajou para a China, dá-lhe conforto. Sou-Chong é questionado pelo um tio, de seguir o velho costume de se casar com quatro meninas Manchu. Quando Sou-Chong decide seguir esta tradição, Lisa mergulha num profundo desespero. Impulsionada pela saudade da sua antiga vida, ela e Gustl planejam fugir do palácio. Sou-Chong frustra o seu plano, mas percebe que não pode segurar Lisa e deixa-a ir com um sorriso triste.
O Morcego
Às vésperas de um baile na residência do príncipe Orlofsky, Gabriel Eisenstein deve se apresentar na prisão para cumprir oito dias por desacato a uma autoridade. Seu amigo, Dr. Falke, o convence a não se entregar naquela noite e ir ao baile. No ano anterior Falke, vestido de morcego, foi vitima de uma brincadeira de Eisenstein e abandonado, fantasiado e embriagado, em uma praça publica, virando motivo de chacota da população local pela manhã. Secretamente Falken convence a empregada, Adele a ir ao baile também, e depois a mulher de Eisentein, Rosalinde, para ir com uma máscara. Os próximos dois atos contam os encontros e desencontros dos personagens no baile e depois na delegacia de policia.
O Filho do Czar
O enredo de Der Zarewitsch baseia-se vagamente numa história verídica. Retrata o exílio autoimposto de Zarewitsch, filho do Czar Russo, que fugiu ao comando do seu pai para se tornar monge ou se interessar pelos militares, com a sua amante Sonja disfarçada de pagem. O casal passou dois anos escondido até que seu pai o obrigou a regressar. Em vez de retornar, no entanto, ele fugiu novamente e só se convenceu a retornar quando seu pai morreu e ele teve que assumir o trono.
Lilla helgonet
Celestin is the singing teacher in a monastery and Denis is one of her students. They both dream about the life outside. (It's a Swedish version of the famous vaudeville-opérette "Mam'zelle Nitouche").
Where Is This Lady?
A British musical film directed by Victor Hanbury and Ladislao Vajda