Eric Clapton - Uma Vida em 12 Compassos (2018)
Gênero : Documentário, Música
Runtime : 2H 15M
Director : Lili Fini Zanuck
Saiba mais sobre a vida e a obra do guitarrista Eric Clapton por meio de depoimentos de personalidades que o conheceram bem de perto como B.B. King, Jimi Hendrix e George Harrison.
Woodstock ou Festival de Woodstock foi um festival de música realizado entre os dias 15 e 18 de agosto de 1969 na fazenda de gado leiteiro de 600 acres de Max Yasgur, 70 quilômetros a sudoeste da cidade de Woodstock. Foi anunciado como "Uma Exposição Aquariana: 3 Dias de Paz & Música". O festival deveria ocorrer originalmente na pequena cidade de Wallkill, mas os moradores locais não aceitaram, o que levou o evento para a pequena Bethel, a uma hora e meia de distância. O festival exemplificou a era da contracultura do final da década de 1960 e começo de 1970. 32 dos mais conhecidos músicos da época se apresentaram durante um fim de semana, por vezes chuvoso, para 400 mil espectadores. Evento único e lendário, reconhecido como um dos maiores momentos na história da música popular. Tudo foi filmado para um documentário lançado em 1970, Woodstock, com trilha sonora dos melhores momentos, e com a canção Woodstock, de Joni Mitchell.
An account of the life and work of the Polish writer Stanisław Lem (1921-2006), a key figure in science fiction literature involved in mysteries and paradoxes that need to be enlightened.
The Killers live performance at Rock in Rio in Lisbon, Portugal on July 18, 2002. Songs include Somebody Told Me, Run for Cover, Smile Like You Mean It, and When You Were Young.
Celebrated Chinese couturier Guo Pei is perhaps best known for designing the brilliant gold gown Rihanna wore to the Met Ball in 2015. But Guo’s quest to be recognized by the gatekeepers of Paris haute couture goes beyond the red carpet and taps into global power dynamics and the perpetual tension between art and commerce.
Em 1997 o diretor argentino Fernando Birri retorna ao seu país para rodar um documentário sobre o 30º aniversário da morte de Che Guevara e a importância das utopias naquele tempo. Esse foi o início da aventura cinematográfica que levou o diretor desde La Higuera até Montevideo, passando por Buenos Aires, em um diálogo com artistas e pensadores contemporâneos latino-americanos. Carmen Guarini decidiu registrar esses momentos. Esse material bruto ficou escondido por 20 anos em uma frágil VHS. As imagens foram resgatadas e lançaram luz sobre a importância desse poeta e mestre latino-americano, falecido aos 92 anos em dezembro de 2017.
A compilation that highlights works from the Three Stooges. It includes the shorts Brideless Groom, Sing a Song of Six Pants, and Malice in the Palace, also Ed Wynn's live TV Camel Comedy Caravan starring Shemp, Larry, and Moe.
Uma viagem poética ao mundo visual do lendário cineasta e ator Orson Welles (1915-85) que revela um novo retrato de um gênio único, tanto de sua vida quanto de sua monumental obra: através de seus próprios olhos, desenhados por sua própria mão, pintados com seu próprio pincel.
In 1948 Pablo Picasso met the hairdresser Eugenio Arias. Both were linked by the fate of emigration. If Picasso initially only had his hair cut by Arias, a deep friendship soon developed.
Produced and directed this documentary for BBC in the 1980’s, about David Gulpilil, acclaimed Australian Aboriginal actor, dancer and musician. The film shows how Gulpilil is always working to bridge the gap between the tribal Aboriginal and Western worlds. He divides his time between a traditional tribal lifestyle and his artistic work, which has included major film roles, collaboration with contemporary dance and music groups and teaching Aboriginal dance and culture. Bill and David travel to Hollywood where David was the most popular Australian in the world at that time, with FOUR films playing in America – WALKABOUT, STORM BOY, THE LAST WAVE and MAD DOG MORGAN. After relating to both the black and native American cultures and filming a quick scene for a big Hollywood picture, he pines to head back through the Outback to his beloved Arnhem Land. Edited by Simon Dibbs and shot by Ray Henman.
The documentary "Juanas, bravas mujeres", by Sandra Godoy, portrays the life of Juana Rouco Buela and her fight for women's rights.
A biography of the short-lived character actor Laird Cregar.
After a sound technician accidentally kills his band's drummer, he hides the body in his flat whilst also stepping in to be the replacement.
Born into aristocracy, Toulouse-Lautrec moves to Paris to pursue his art as he hangs out at the Moulin Rouge where he feels like he fits in being a misfit among other misfits. Yet, because of the deformity of his legs from an accident, he believes he is never destined to experience the true love of a woman. But that lack of love in his life may change as he meets two women
The words I promised to Kin-ichi Motegi,'This is the first and last. I tell you everything about Fishmans without telling a lie.'" The friends who made the sound of Fishmans devoted their lives to music. Shinji Sato's way of life is packed in this movie for nearly three hours.
James Baldwin was at once a major 20th century American author, a Civil Rights activist and, for two crucial decades, a prophetic voice calling Americans, black and white, to confront their shared racial tragedy.
In four corners of the globe, in each of the four seasons, four outstanding violinists guide us on an extraordinary journey through their four distinct homelands. From the springtime blossoms of Japan, into the blistering heat and thunderstorms of an Australian summer; from a joyful autumn in New York, to the unforgiving cold and human warmth of a Finnish winter. The resonant and much-loved music of Antonio Vivaldi's The Four Seasons and the timeless stories they tell, form the backbone to this bold and engaging celebration of friendship, homeland and the cycles of life.