Jason Rayton


Sonhos de Uma Vida
Leo e Molly têm um relacionamento conflituoso. Molly vive os desafios de lidar com o estado mental caótico de seu pai, mas, à medida que avança pela cidade de Nova York, seu dia assume uma qualidade alucinatória e épica. A jovem descobre que a mente de Leo está fluindo continuamente dentro e fora de várias vidas paralelas
Uma Guerra Pessoal
Assistant Editor
Biografia sobre a jornalista Marie Colvin, premiada repórter norte-americana, conhecida por cobrir zonas de conflito como Chechênia, Kosovo e Zimbábue. Durante um trabalho no Sri Lanka, ela perdeu seu olho esquerdo em 2001 e passou a usar um tapa-olho, que se tornou sua marca registrada até sua morte em 2012. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Uma Noite com Beverly Luff Linn
Assistant Editor
Lulu Danger (Aubrey Plaza) está em um casamento com o qual vive insatisfeita. Para mudar sua infelicidade, um acontecimento afortunado vem à tona quando um homem misterioso do seu passado vem até a cidade onde ela mora para se apresentar em um evento.
Eric Clapton - Uma Vida em 12 Compassos
Assistant Editor
Saiba mais sobre a vida e a obra do guitarrista Eric Clapton por meio de depoimentos de personalidades que o conheceram bem de perto como B.B. King, Jimi Hendrix e George Harrison.
The Entertainer
He used to be the host of a silly, but popular television quiz, but these days one of his side jobs is to be a Bar Mitzvah host, doing work that gives people no joy, that no one even needs, and that only stands in the way of people entertaining themselves at a dignified ceremony. He faces the eternal challenge of all actors - how can you bring joy to other people when you yourself have none? Played by Toby Jones, one of Britain’s best character actors (he played and voiced Dobby in Harry Potter films, starred in Captain America: The First Avenger and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, as wells as on television drama Sherlock), this sad character becomes a hero of a story that resembles an ancient tragedy about being not needed at the feast of life of other people.
Boys On Film 8: Cruel Britannia
From the cliffs of the Isle of Wight to an abandoned swimming pool in Lambeth, Boys On Film 8: Cruel Britannia presents an eclectic mix of ten UK-set short films including: Harry Wootliff's "I Don't Care" starring Iwan Rheon; Ben Peters's "Downing" starring Jamie Brotherston and Ross William Wild; David Andrew Ward's "All Over Brazil" starring Iain De Caestecker, Frank Gallagher, and Gemma Morrison; David Leon and Marcus McSweeney's "Man and Boy" starring Eddie Marsan, Geoff Bell, and Eddie Webber; Aleem Khan's "Diana" starring Neeraj Singh; Jason Bradbury's "We Once Were Tide" starring Alexander Scott, Tristan Bernays, and Mandy Aldridge; Hong Khaou's "Spring" starring Chris O'Donnell and Jonathan Keane; Sybil H. Mair's "The Chef's Letter" starring Jonathan Firth, Ray Fearon, and Layke Anderson; Faryal's "What You Looking At?!" starring Rez Kabir, Michael Twaits, and Hussina Raja; and Dominic Leclerc's "Nightswimming" starring Harry Eden, Linzey Cocker, and Tim Dantay.
Runaways Luke and Ellen are caught breaking into an older, Victorian styled swimming facility one evening. As they only want a warm place to sleep, Martin, the person on patrol, lets them stay on the proviso that they don't break anything else. As Luke and Ellen go swimming in the pool, Luke spots Martin voyeuristically watching them. That small act begins an emotionally charged situation involving all three, but which was only supposed to involve Luke and Martin.