Bulgarian Lamentation Songs (1968)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 27M

Director : Martin Slivka


A documentary about lamentation songs of Bulgarian funeral rites.



Martin Slivka
Martin Slivka
Martin Slivka
Martin Slivka
Alfréd Benčič
Alfréd Benčič
Jozef Grussmann
Jozef Grussmann
Camera Operator
Eduard Palček
Eduard Palček
Pavol Sásik
Pavol Sásik


On 3 April 2004, during the holiday of Ashura, Iraqi rebels loyal to Shiite leader Muktada As-Sadr, launched an insurgency in the Polish zone. The Poles, together with Bulgarian soldiers and Iraqi police, were given the task of defending City Hall, led by Lieutenant colonel Grzegorz Kaliciak. The clash developed into the biggest Polish engagement since World War II. Not a single allied soldier died, although about 80 insurgents were killed in a counter-attack.
A police inspector frames an innocent boy as terrorist, but is later forced to conspire with his victim as both create an intricate web of lies to steal money from the incompetent government bodies.
Porta para o Inferno
When former LAPD officer Brett Anderson takes a job as head of security at an old apartment building in Sofia, Bulgaria, he soon begins to experience a series of bizarre and terrifying events. Soon after delving into the building's sinister history and investigate its shadowy owners and past employees, Brett uncovers a malevolent force nestled deep in the bowels of the building that will do anything to be set free into our world.
Man with the Screaming Brain
The brains of a Russian taxi driver and a wealthy businessman are brought together in one body by a mad scientist.
Um ex agente do FBI, Robert Diggs é recrutado pelo embaixador dos Estados Unidos (Donald Sutherland) para descobrir a identidade de um assassino que está matando os terroristas mais procurados pelos Estados Unidos e Europa. Isso era parte do projeto Sofia, um programa secreto do governo que foi encerrado. Robert aceita o cargo para escapar da lembrança da morte da sua esposa, a qual ele se sente culpado. Mas encontrar esse vigilante misterioso e implacável não vai ser nada fácil e Robert vai descobrir uma complexa rede de controle de mentes por trás de tudo isso.
Captain Conan
The last days of World War I, Eastern front. Captain Conan, a lone wolf, a true warrior, leads a band of ruthless French fighters who love hand-to-hand combat; they are not fit for peacetime, they only feel really alive in the chaos of the battlefield.
In the early autumn of 1985 the police are seeing the consequences of a shocking and mysterious incident that took place in an isolated mountain hut in the Balkan Mountains. The film "Roseville " is artistic interpretations inspired by eyewitness accounts and clues found within the cabin.Vasil ( Kalin Vratchanski ) and Nadia ( Lydia Indjova ) are a young couple who arrive on holiday in "Roseville". There they meet the keeper George ( Plamen Manassiev ) and his best friend Dora ( Elena Petrova ). Later joining the gang is Stephen Court ( David Chokachi ) - an old associate of George. The presence of Vasil unlocked " storm " of unexplained events that will test the sanity of all. Everyone faces the the horror of their own fears and the invisible force that wants to control them, lurking in the dark and quietly knocks on the door to their minds.
Strike Zone
In Sofia, Bulgaria, Lt. Col. John Hart, Lt. Rick Burns and an elite team of Navy SEALS are on a mission to stop the transfer of missile guidance technology to a Mid-Eastern country. The system's computer control is hidden in a fake archaeological site - the Lost City of Rajkumar.
Eastern Plays
Dois irmãos distantes são reunidos quando desempenham papéis opostos em uma surra racista: enquanto Georgi, que recentemente se juntou a um grupo neonazista, participa da violência, Hristo testemunha e resgata uma família turca. Georgi, agora convidado a participar de eventos maiores, começa a questionar sua implicação no movimento e Hristo se pergunta se a linda garota turca que ele salvou poderia ser sua passagem para a triste vida de Sofia. Somente reunindo os dois irmãos serão capazes de avaliar o que realmente querem da vida.
O Chifre da Cabra
Bulgária, século 17. Uma família é violentamente atingida por uma tragédia causada por turcos otomanos invasores. O pai e sua pequena filha são obrigados a fugir para as montanhas, onde ele a educa rigidamente como se fosse um menino. Um afiado chifre de cabra será o instrumento de sua vingança. .
I See Red People
After twenty-five years spent in France, I return to Bulgaria, camera in hand, with a vertiginous suspicion: what if my family had collaborated with the political police of the communist regime? And what if they were part of the "red trash" that the demonstrators on the street want to see disappear? I decide to investigate and to film, constantly, ready for anything. My adventure transforms itself into a tragic comic odyssey; a film that combines espionage with family.
Samy é preso pela polícia na França por contrabandear dinheiro falso. Pressionado por um investigador policial ambicioso, ele se torna informante da polícia. Ao se envolver no tráfico de pessoas, ele se apaixona por Elka, uma prostituta cigana.
A Dose of Happiness
The real story of the journalist Vesela Toteva (in the role is her daughter -Valentina Karoleva) searching for her own happiness during the dynamic and uncertain 90's in Bulgaria. A tale about drugs, fall, fear and redemption.
Bulgarian Lovers
Daniel é homossexual. Tem quarenta anos, um belo emprego e uma família rica que ele está sempre usando. Contudo tem que esconder uma vida paralela a partir do momento em que conhece Kyrill, um jovem búlgaro impetuoso e terrivelmente atraente. Kyrill leva Daniel a caminhos de paixão, crime e perigos até então desconhecidos, que vão se tornar o sentido da sua existência e a a sua destruição pessoal.
Target of Opportunity
Jim Jacobs and Nick Carlton, childhood friends, are CIA operatives on a sting operation in Chechnya. The raid of a rebel militia group goes bad and the entire teams gets wiped out except for Jim and Nick, who manages to save them both. Five years later, they are out of the CIA game.
While hitchhiking from Sofia to Ruse, Kamen meets Avé, a 17-year-old runaway girl. With each ride they hitch, Avé invents new identities for them, and her compulsive lies get Kamen deeper and deeper into trouble. Reluctantly drawn into this adventure, Kamen begins to fall in love with the fleeting Avé.
Dyakon Levski
The movie is about the great historical figure Vasil Levski. It follows three different plot lines: the relationship with his mother, Gina, the relationship with his loved one, Ana, and the plans for freeing Bulgaria from the Ottoman Empire. The movie starts in 1846 and follows Vasil Levski's whole life until his hanging in 1873.
Bulgarian Rhapsody
The story of two adolescents, Moni and Zhozho, who meet 17-year-old Zheni in 1943 and with whom both fell in love. The events that follow unfold while Bulgaria has to decide on the deportation of 11 343 Jewish citizens in Macedonia and Thrace.
Rezervat za rozovi pelikani
The film is a children comedy about six fat boys who experience great adventures while fighting hunger. They realize what friendship means and finally turn into little men.
Under the Yoke
Follows the Bulgarian people's struggle for national independence in the period from 1875 to the Liberation from Otoman bondage.