O quarto projeto de longa-metragem de Dusan Hanak foi na verdade filmado em 1980, devido aos censores comunistas, no entanto, o público levantou-se em 1989. Os principais protagonistas da narrativa são três empregados ferroviários, que são apanhadas entre as encomendas postais num triângulo relacional peculiar. Feio e pequeno, Pista ama em vão Viera, que, no entanto, se apaixonou pelo seu companheiro Vinca.
This film is a psychological study of a woman who chooses solitude as an escape from the duplicity and emotional barrenness of the men around her.
A story of a young student of medicine, who arrives in a small mountain village after being accused for carrying out illegal abortion. The film reflects the moral decline of the society, where stealing in secret and making compromises against one's beliefs make up mundane reality. The filmmakers went to perhaps the furthest possible limits in terms of allowed social criticism in the 1980s. The negative picture is enhanced by its rural setting, since the Slovak village had been traditionally associated with strict morals and conservative values.
When a selfless king learns of a beautiful princess in a neighboring kingdom who callously turns down every suitor with an insult, he tries his luck to no avail. So, he hatches a plot with her father in which the princess is married to him, in disguise as a beggar, so he can teach her lessons about humility and compassion.
Jakub, a dreamer and budding magician, juggles between parcels and services rendered to the villagers. His eyes cross that of the beautiful gypsy Jolanka. Together, they will try to live a first and big love, despite the pressure of their respective communities.
A segunda e, infelizmente, a última longa-metragem feita por um talento único entre cineastas eslovacos, Elo Havetta, é uma das imagens mais originais da cinematografia eslovaca. O filme foi concebido como uma paráfrase da prosa de Vincent Šikula, os episódios trágicos de que o guionista Lubor Dohnal e Havetta compuseram numa história dramática. As personagens principais são veteranos da Primeira Guerra Mundial que voltam para casa. E enquanto eles sentem a necessidade de encontrar uma casa e se acalmar, eles também são impulsionados por uma paixão pela vida livre de um vagabundo.
A visual essay on the forgotten parts of Eastern Europe. The outskirts here are a Slovakian town in the Tatra Mountains. Though censored for 17 years, Dusan Hanáks poetic visual essay is not a political or even social film. It goes to far deeper and more fundamental levels of human experience. Inspired by the photographs of Martin Martinek, the films power lies in its unusual portraits of people whose raw visual beauty radiates from their very souls.
Art-naive gallery of craft guilds of Haban ceramics in Slovakia.
A story of a man threatened by a fatal illness evaluating his life (the number 322 in the film title stands for the diagnosis of one kind of cancer). He understands his illness as a form of punishment for his cruel deeds in the 1950s. In the face of reality and his efforts to cleanse himself he hits a barrier of indifference, lack of interest, and individual and collective selfishness. He has to find his own reconciliation with his illness and his past and present life.
A story of a man threatened by a fatal illness evaluating his life (the number 322 in the film title stands for the diagnosis of one kind of cancer). He understands his illness as a form of punishment for his cruel deeds in the 1950s. In the face of reality and his efforts to cleanse himself he hits a barrier of indifference, lack of interest, and individual and collective selfishness. He has to find his own reconciliation with his illness and his past and present life.
Um dos personagens principais é Maria, uma estalajadeira; sempre uma noiva, mas nunca uma esposa. Ela encontra o recém-chegado Pierre, que perturba a paz da pequena aldeia e ensina os moradores a aproveitar a vida. O filme está cheio de fogos de artifício de cores bonitas, e uma sensação agradável. É como um carrossel de humor e situações humanas que nos levam para longe, desde o primeiro fotograma ao final inesperado, fazendo com que o espectador ria alegremente. Usando uma abordagem de mosaico para a linha narrativa tradicional, o cineasta cria uma imagem de alegria bastante anárquica. "Celebração no Jardim Botânico" é um mundo de fantasia, cheio de diversão de verão, bom humor e deleite. A estreia de E. Havetta foi inspirada por arte ingénua, impressionismo francês, e silencioso burlesco, bem como as tradições folclóricas eslovacas ocidentais.
Animated short inspired by 'Yellow Submarine'.
A man changes his behavior according to the term of the year.
A documentary about lamentation songs of Bulgarian funeral rites.
Ethnographic documentary about customs and ceremonies connected with death in a Bulgarian village.
A traditional Advent mass filmed in a church in the historical town of Spisska Sobota (Northern Slovakia), featuring authentic liturgical texts and songs.
An animation short by Viktor Kubal.
A documentary féerie about the problems with tourists from abroad. How foreigners “invade” our homeland. A series of minute observations on life under so-called “real socialism” provokes sparkling ironic and satirical commentary—a broadside against the bankrupt Communist system.
A documentary about the cycle of human life and the eternity of nature.
As a peasant cultivates his land, he pulls technological progress from out of a molehill: railways, highways, mechanization... The fertile lands will be buried under the merciless pressure of technological progress until they become an urban jungle.
Documentary illustrating the classic principles of Byzantine iconography on the examples of sixteen icons from a museum of ancient Greek art.
A film about Slovak icons painted in the period of the late 15th to the early 19th centuries, when original Byzantine icon was ending in Slovak folk art.
Documentary film about apprentice youth about to enter real life.
Poetic documentary about works of several artists from ideas to “births” of works of art.
A documentary about the artistic and verbal expressions of mentally ill people.
A movie built up of three stories about life in a small Slovak town. The Prosecutor: the district attorney is a jazz orchestra soloist at the same time and that is much disliked by the local provincial society. The Defender: is about a young doctor's relation to his patient, who is open about his reactionary opinions. The Judge: it is only after long years that the old judge realizes that his own marriage is in jeopardy.
A comedy about a lost inheritance, love and a red umbrella, which, according to a local legend, belonged to St. Peter himself.
Assistant Camera