
Estatus (2018)

Gênero : Drama, Thriller, Ficção científica

Runtime : 0M

Director : Ricardo Araújo
Escritor : Ricardo Araújo, Sara Puente



Fernando Tato
Fernando Tato
Susana Sampedro
Susana Sampedro
Fran Paredes
Fran Paredes
Laura Ponte
Laura Ponte
Diego González
Diego González


Majo Reinoso
Majo Reinoso
Producer's Assistant
Né Ogando
Né Ogando
Ricardo Araújo
Ricardo Araújo
Carlota Nieto
Carlota Nieto
Assistant Director
Pedro Tizón
Pedro Tizón
Director of Photography
Jorge Castro
Jorge Castro
Director of Photography
Ricardo Araújo
Ricardo Araújo
Sara Puente
Sara Puente
Sara Puente
Sara Puente
Art Direction
Adán Cordeiro
Adán Cordeiro
Dani Cornes
Dani Cornes
Majo Reinoso
Majo Reinoso
Uxía López
Uxía López
Makeup Artist
Laura Guizán
Laura Guizán
Video Report
Dani Cornes
Dani Cornes
Jorge Castro
Jorge Castro
Pedro Tizón
Pedro Tizón


Vidas em Jogo
Nicholas Van Orton é um banqueiro bem-sucedido que se mantém discreto. Quando seu irmão distante Conrad retorna para seu aniversário, traz para Nicholas um presente estranho: uma participação em um jogo da vida real. Inicialmente inofensivo, o jogo fica cada vez mais pessoal e Nicholas começa a temer por sua vida quando ele escapa de agentes organizadores do jogo misterioso. Sem ninguém em quem confiar, o banqueiro tem que encontrar respostas por si mesmo.
Projeto X: Uma Festa Fora de Controle
Três garotos no último ano do colégio decidem fazer uma festa de aniversário para serem reconhecidos. Porém no decorrer da festa as coisas saem de controle.
Frozen: Febre Congelante
É aniversário de Anna. Elsa e Kristoff trabalham na preparação da maior festa de todos os tempos, mas a ansiedade da Rainha descontrola seus gelados poderes e coloca a celebração e todo o reinado em risco.
Feliz Aniversário Para Mim
Virginia (Melissa Sue Anderson) está prestes a completar 18 anos e seus amigos do colégio estão sendo assassinados um a um por um misterioso assassino. A jovem, que sofre de pequenos momentos de amnésia devido a um grave acidente de carro, começa a gerar desconfiança: será que é ela a assassina?
The McPherson Tape
On October 8th, 1983, the McPherson family gathered together to celebrate the 5th birthday of Michelle, the littlest member of their household. Everything was captured on VHS by Michael McPherson and his new camcorder — including the alien invasion.
Mike purchases a faulty camera on the cheap to record his girlfriend's surprise birthday party only for it to stick on record and capture a series of hilarious and at times cringe-worthy secrets from the unwitting guests.
Company: Uma Comédia Músical
Em uma performance explosiva, Raúl Esparza é Bob, um solteirão convicto, centro das atenções de cinco casais de amigos que não se conformam com sua solidão. Logo os dilemas dos casais vão se revelando, envolvendo Bob cada vez mais em suas vidas. A ação se passa em Nova Iorque e é uma divertida e sofisticada exploração do amor e dos relacionamentos. Vencedor do 1971 Tony Award de Melhor Musical, Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother, Rent) será levado um elenco all-star em um evento esgotaram na Filarmônica de Nova York.
O Sonho de Greta
À beira de fazer 15 anos de idade, Greta Driscoll (Bethany Whitmore) se sente enclausurada. Ela não consegue suportar a ideia de ter que deixar a infância e tudo aquilo que lhe oferece conforto para adentrar em um mundo novo que ela não compreende. Com Elliot, seu punico amigo, ela trilha esse caminho, até os pais prepararem uma festa surpresa à ela, onde ela mergulha em um mundo paralelo estranhamente erótico, um pouco violento e muito rídiculo. Um lugar onde ela precisa se encontrar.
The Kitchen
Jennifer's thirtieth birthday party is supposed to be a special day. But what starts out as a day of celebration quickly spirals into a most ill-fated day Jennifer wishes she could forget, in this ensemble comedy set entirely in a kitchen.
Set in modern upper-crust Manhattan, an exploration of love and commitment as seen through the eyes of a charming perpetual bachelor questioning his single state and his enthusiastically married, slightly envious friends.
Amigos e família
Eles são da máfia e um casal. A vida secreta dos dois corre risco de ser revelada quando a família decide os fazer uma visita.
The beauty of the land cannot mask the brutality of a farm town. As harvest draws near, Betty confronts a terrifying new reality and will go to desperate lengths to save her family when they are threatened with being forced from their land.
Betty Boop's Birthday Party
Betty drudges in the kitchen alone until her friends (including Bimbo and Koko) hold a surprise birthday party for her… which gets rowdy.
On her birthday, Juliette is too upset to worry about the strange cleaner who imitates her every move and lusts after her clothing.
Birthday Wish
Starring Mike Brayden, Yvette Angulo and directed by Ryan Casselman. Birthdays can be tough. Often a reminder that our lives are moving at rapid speed, and while you may have aged a year older over night, you realize that not a whole lot else has changed. That is certainly the case with Jeff, a greeting card creative who has the 'birthday blues' and struggles to find someone to share his birthday with.
The Campground
In 1980 a mother took her son to get a present on his 10th birthday. They went to an old abandoned Campground: Little Farm on the River. She took him to an old camper and asked him to step inside, once he did she reached out and grabbed a screwdriver sitting on the counter and began stabbing him over and over again. Now 30 years later a group of friends decide to go down to the campground to celebrate a birthday party, but the mood soon changes when people start turning up dead. Will the the teens be able to check out or stay at camp permanently?
Birthday Boy
It is Sjoerd's birthday and his mother has spared no trouble or expense to make this day a pleasurable one. Helped by the au pair, she takes the eleven-year-old kid on a search, where an unfortunate coincidence puts them in the middle of a raid. The criminals take the complete party bunch hostage and then it is a matter of surviving for the birthday boy.
Five Times Five
Cécile, Annette, Yvonne, Émilie and Marie, the Dionne Quintuplets, turn five years old and have a private birthday party in their garden. Other than the five little French-Canadian princesses-of-the-world, the attendees at the party for the sheltered sisters are their doctor-and-mentor Roy Dafoe; a priest and two nurses; radio's "Town Crier" Alexander Woollcott; and RKO-Newsreel cameraman Harry Smith.
Dinner for One auf Nordhessisch: Als so wie Alszus
Everything always seems to work out perfectly for Peggy, but her social graces are put to the test when she throws a birthday party for her eight-year-old son.