
Magic Molecule (1964)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 9M

Director : Hugh O'Connor, Christopher Chapman


This short documentary introduces us to the colorful and versatile world of plastics. Transmuted from coal, oil or wood, synthetic substances can make thousands of new products, from silk threads to furniture.



Hugh O'Connor
Hugh O'Connor
Christopher Chapman
Christopher Chapman
Nicholas Balla
Nicholas Balla
George Kaczender
George Kaczender
William Weintraub
William Weintraub
Ron Alexander
Ron Alexander
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Christopher Chapman
Christopher Chapman
Director of Photography
Maurice Blackburn
Maurice Blackburn


Dieta de Gladiadores
The Game Changers é um documentário de 2018 sobre os benefícios da alimentação à base de plantas para atletas. Ele abrange várias histórias de sucesso de atletas de origem vegetal, faz referência a estudos científicos e aborda outros argumentos para dietas baseadas em plantas que se estendem a não atletas
PLASTICIZED is a film that places the viewer aboard a transatlantic expedition, as if one of the crew, revealing the unembellished evidence that the human footprint has reached every corner of the earth, even if we have not been there. Despite rumors of massive garbage islands, an immeasurable amount of plastic pollution of all sizes is floating throughout every major ocean in the world. With the numerous ghost nets of trash or larger windrows of rubbish dominating the the occasional headlines, tiny bits of plastic particulate from frail chunks is the overwhelming contaminant that is secretly infiltrating all levels of sea life like a cancer.
Rumenatomija: The Story of Brandas Addiction
Branda has hit rock bottom. Her addiction has spiralled so far out of control that medical intervention is the only option left. She's forced to confront her darkest demons in order to lick her deadly appetite, and must apply all 12 steps to her four stomachs - Branda is a cow addicted to eating plastic bags. It's easy to find humour and irony in Branda's toxic lifestyle, harder to admit that we're the ones being ridiculed.
Making Fun: The Story of Funko
From a small garage in Redmond, Washington, to the furthest corners of the earth, Funko's story is one that is centered around the fans and the global community that arose from their unique passion - a story that spans twenty years full of joy, ambition, adversity, and... well... toys.
Birthday Wonderland
The story follows Akane, a girl with no self-confidence. On the day before her birthday, she meets a mysterious alchemist, Hippocrates, and his student, Pipo, who both tell her they're on a mission to save the world. Together, they set out from the basement for "Wonderland," and Akane finds herself labelled Wonderland's savior.
Deserto em Fogo
Uma cientista culpa o chefe de uma grande empresa por causar um desastre ecológico na América do Sul. Mas quando um vulcão, dado como inativo, começa a apresentar sinais de erupção, eles devem unir forças para evitar um enorme desastre e salvar o mundo, apesar de suas diferenças ideológicas.
Sobrevivendo ao Progresso
A ascensão da humanidade é frequentemente medida pela velocidade do progresso. Mas e se o progresso for realmente um espiral invertido, em direção ao colapso? Ronald Wright, cujo best-seller, "A short history of progress" inspirou "Sobrevivendo ao Progresso", mostra como antigas civilizações foram destruídas por “armadilhas do progresso" - tecnologias atraentes e sistemas de crenças que servem as necessidades imediatas, mas não resguarda o futuro. Como a pressão sobre os recursos do mundo acelera e elites financeiras levam nações à falência, poderá nossa civilização globalmente entrelaçada escapar de uma última armadilha catastrófica do progresso? Com imagens poderosas e insights clarificadores de pensadores que examinaram nossos genes, nossos cérebros e nosso comportamento social, este réquiem ao progresso como conhecemos também representa um desafio: provar que educar os macacos não é uma má ideia evolucionária.
PETer Plastik
A guy named Peter learns several facts about plastic's impact on the environment.
Tropical Rainforest
The story of the evolution of tropical rain forests, their recent and rapid destruction, and the intense efforts of scientists to understand them even as they disappear. This film gives viewers a better appreciation of the importance of tropical rain forests on a global scale.
O Menino da Bolha de Plástico
A adolescência já não é fácil para um jovem comum. Imagine para Tod Lubitch, que nasceu com uma deficiência rara no sistema imunológico e foi "condenado" a passar o resto de sua vida dentro de uma bolha de plástico, onde poderia ter um sistema esterilizado e viveria a salvo de bactérias e vírus que, para pessoas normais, não representam risco, mas para ele, poderia levá-lo à morte.
A Dangerous Game
In this sequel to the award-winning You’ve Been Trumped, director Anthony Baxter once again follows American billionaire Donald Trump and a cast of other greedy characters who want to turn some of the Earth’s most precious places into golf courses and playgrounds for the super rich. From the historic site of Dubrovnik to the ancient sand dunes and rolling green hills of the seaside town of Balmedie, these tycoons bully local residents, influence governments, ignore local referendums and even meddle in national environmental policies to acquire their latest trophies. With in-depth interviews and Baxter’s expert storytelling, we learn just how devastating these golf courses can be to the surrounding countryside and water tables. In this funny, inspiring and at times heartbreaking David and Goliath story for the 21st century, the locals don’t give in easily. But will their fight be enough to protect their land and traditional way of life?
Semente do Diabo
Médico do governo, Dr. Robert Verne, e sua esposa grávida são enviados para Maine, para intermediar um conflito entre uma tribo de nativos americanos e uma exploradora de madeira. A empresa está sendo acusada de envenenar a água, causando a mutação dos animais selvagens locais. Dr. Robert captura um filhote de urso para fazer testes, e logo descobre que se tornou o alvo de um mutante furioso.
Life Off Grid
Off-grid is not a state of mind. It is not about being out of touch, living in a remote place, or turning off your mobile phone. Off-grid simply means living without a connection to the electric and natural gas infrastructure. From 2011 to 2013 Jonathan Taggart (Director) and Phillip Vannini (Producer) spent two years travelling across Canada to find 200 off-gridders and visit them in their homes. -
Visions of Europe
Twenty-five films from twenty-five European countries by twenty-five European directors.
A powerful visual journey into the heart of a gut-wrenching environmental tragedy, while delivering a profound message of healing and renewal.
From space, our planet appears as a tiny blue dot in the vastness of space. Blue, because 99% of all living space on Earth occurs in the Ocean. But the seas are under threat. The industrialization that has occurred in the oceans over the last century mirrors the events that triggered mass extinctions on land. As we learn of the ecological crimes occurring worldwide, we also uncover the shocking truths happening on our own shorelines.
The Unforeseen
A documentary about the development around Barton Springs in Austin, Texas, and nature's unexpected response to being threatened by human interference.
The Plastics Inventor
Donald is listening to a radio program that tells how to build an airplane from plastic, in a process much like baking a cake, cookies, and making toast. He takes it out for a test flight, still guided by the radio, and it works wonderfully. Until the radio interviewer asks if there's any problems: yes, it melts when it gets wet. Of course, Donald instantly flies into a rain cloud, and has to battle his plane as it disintegrates.
America The Beautiful
In a society where "celebutantes" like Paris Hilton dominate newsstands and models who weigh less than 90 pounds die from malnutrition, female body image is one of the more dire problems facing today's society. "America the Beautiful" illuminates the issue by covering every base. Child models, plastic surgery, celebrity worship, airbrushed advertising, dangerous cosmetics - no rock is left unturned.
Janatha Garage
Anand is an environmental activist who lives in Mumbai. A chance exchange programme takes him to Hyderabad and here, a chance encounter with Satyam results in him taking over the Janatha Garage from the latter.