
The Fankony Cafe (1927)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 1H 6M

Director : Mikhail Kapchinsky



Vasili Kovrigin
Vasili Kovrigin
N. Zubova
N. Zubova
Igor Ivanov
Igor Ivanov
Maksim Shtraukh
Maksim Shtraukh
Aleksandr Antonov
Aleksandr Antonov


Mikhail Kapchinsky
Mikhail Kapchinsky
Aleksandr Levitsky
Aleksandr Levitsky
Director of Photography
Alexander Rubinstein
Alexander Rubinstein
Nikolai Matyas
Nikolai Matyas
Stanislav Weiting-Radzinsky
Stanislav Weiting-Radzinsky


Expresso do Amanhã
Os únicos sobreviventes de uma tentativa falhada de conter o aquecimento global vivem num gigantesco comboio, cujas carruagens, divididas por classes sociais, estratificam e determinam a condição de cada passageiro.
Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist (Barney Clark) é um órfão entre as centenas que sofrem com a fome e o trabalho escravo na Inglaterra vitoriana. Vendido para um coveiro, ele sofre com a crueldade da família deste e acaba fugindo para Londres. Lá ele é recolhido das ruas por Artful Dodger (Harry Eden), um ladrão que o leva até Fagin (Ben Kingsley), um velho que comanda um exército de prostitutas e pequenos marginais. Quando Oliver conhece um bondoso homem em quem finalmente enxerga um possível pai, Fagin teme que ele denuncie seu esquema. Para evitar isso Fagin planeja um assalto à casa do rico Sr. Brownlow (Edward Hardwicke), o pai desejado por Oliver.
O Homem de Lugar Nenhum
A única ligação do ex-agente especial Tae-shik com o resto do mundo é uma menina, So-mi, que mora nas proximidades de sua casa. Sua mãe, Hyo-Jeong contrabandeia drogas para uma organização de traficantes e confia Tae-shik com o produto, sem deixá-lo saber. Os traficantes descobrem e sequestram Hyo-Jeong e So-mi. A gangue promete libertá-los se Tae-shik fizer uma entrega para eles, no entanto, o que eles realmente planejam é um grande complô para eliminar o líder da organização rival.
The Golem
This mostly lost film (please check your attic) is often confused with director Paul Wegener third and readily available interpretation of the legend; Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam (1920). In this version of the golem legend, the golem, a clay statue brought to life by Rabbi Loew in 16th century Prague to save the Jews from the ongoing brutal persecution by the city's rulers, is found in the rubble of an old synagogue in the 20th century. Brought to life by an antique dealer, the golem is used as a menial servant. Eventually falling in love with the dealer's wife, it goes on a murderous rampage when its love for her goes unanswered.
Stanley Ka Dabba
School boy Stanley does not carry lunch, which is noticed by a teacher who forces kids to share their food with him. He soon warns Stanley that he must get a lunch box if he wants to attend school.
China Blue
"China Blue" is an engrossing documentary that tells the story of 3 teenage girls who leave their rural homes in China to come work for a factory that makes blue jeans.
Duncan and Another, Blacksmith Shop
Lost film from 1891, directed by William K.L. Dickson and William Heise. The film stars James C. Duncan.
Monkey and Another, Boxing
Lost film from 1891, directed by William K.L. Dickson and William Heise.
Vampiros da Meia Noite
O corpo de um homem rico é encontrado no interior de sua casa e o laudo pericial aponta suícidio, porém cinco anos depois a residência do homem passa a receber estranhas presenças sobrenaturais que, ao que tudo indica, são vampiros.
Prem Parbat
Tells a heart-rending saga of an orphan girl, whose body and soul are divided between her aged husband and a young forest officer she had fallen in love with. Being the wife of the old Choudhari has she any right to expect love from another man forms the crux of the story.
The Devil's Miner
'The Devil's Miner' tells the story of 14-year-old Basilio who worships the devil for protection while working in a Bolivian silver mine to support his family.
Duncan Smoking
Unfound film from 1891, directed by William K.L. Dickson and William Heise. The film stars James C. Duncan.
Brighton Street Scene
Lost film from 1888, directed by William Friese-Greene.
Duncan or Devonald with Muslin Cloud
Lost film from 1891, directed by William K.L. Dickson and William Heise. The film stars Fred C. Devonald and James C. Duncan.
Man on Parallel Bars
Lost film directed by William K.L. Dickson. Presented by Edison Manufacturing Company.
Marilyn Monroe: The Final Days
Marilyn Monroe's final project, "Something's Got to Give", has become one of the most talked about unfinished films in history. The story of the film and Marilyn's last days were seemingly lost… until now. Through interviews, never-before-seen footage and an edited reconstruction of "Something's Got to Give", Marilyn Monroe: The Final Days provides a definitive and fascinating look at the last act in the life of the world's most famous and tragic superstar.
Masked Mutilator
After accidentally killing an opponent in the ring, a professional wrestler takes a job at a group home for youth offenders. But when a psychopath wearing a wrestling mask begins butchering the teenage residents, their rehabilitation will become a no-holds-barred battle for survival. Originally filmed in 1994 but completed in 2019.
The Potters
Pa Potter invests four thousand dollars in worthless oil stock. Or is it worthless?
Without a Trace
The true incident of the German U-Boat which torpedoed an Argentine ship to make Argentina declare war on the Allies. The film was not as successful as Cristiani's previous film, The Apostle from 1917, since Without a Trace was confiscated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by order of President Hipólito Yrigoyen and purportedly destroyed. It is unknown if any copies of the film exist, and it is currently considered a lost film.
Squadron Leader X
Equipped with an RAF uniform, an English accent, a photograph of his "wife" and a packet of Players (cigarettes), a German agent is parachuted into occupied Belgium to create anti-British propaganda. Unfortunately for him he chooses a night when the Belgian resistance are smuggling the crew of a British bomber home across the channel. Before he knows it he is landing on the south coast of England. With MI5 hot on his trail, the fugitive tries to contact his old German émigré friends in London. But they have all been interned on the Isle of Man. How will he escape back to Germany ?