
Fabulosas Aventuras de um Playboy (1965)

That Man from Rio is UP the Himalayas... UP the Yang-tze... UP in a balloon... UP-stage with a stripper... UP-town in Hong Kong... You can't keep a great adventurer DOWN

Gênero : Comédia, Aventura

Runtime : 1H 44M

Director : Philippe de Broca


A millionaire realizes he really wants to live after he has hired an assassin to kill him.


Jean-Paul Belmondo
Jean-Paul Belmondo
Arthur Lempereur
Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress
Alexandrine Pinardel
Valérie Lagrange
Valérie Lagrange
Alice Ponchabert
Jean Rochefort
Jean Rochefort
Maria Pacôme
Maria Pacôme
Suzy Ponchabert
Mario David
Mario David
Jess Hahn
Jess Hahn
Darry Cowl
Darry Cowl
Paul Préboist
Paul Préboist
L'adjudant Cornac
Alexandre Mnouchkine
Alexandre Mnouchkine
Le directeur de la compagnie d'assurances


Philippe de Broca
Philippe de Broca
Georges Dancigers
Georges Dancigers
Alexandre Mnouchkine
Alexandre Mnouchkine
Daniel Boulanger
Daniel Boulanger
Scenario Writer
Jules Verne
Jules Verne
Philippe Modave
Philippe Modave
Production Director
Georges Delerue
Georges Delerue
Original Music Composer
Edmond Séchan
Edmond Séchan
Director of Photography
Gil Delamare
Gil Delamare
Stunt Coordinator
Françoise Javet
Françoise Javet
Antoine Bonfanti
Antoine Bonfanti
Sound Engineer
Claude Pinoteau
Claude Pinoteau
Assistant Art Director
Daniel Boulanger
Daniel Boulanger


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125, rue Montmartre
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