Jacques, grande repórter de um jornal francês, recebe um misterioso telefonema do Vaticano. Em um pequeno vilarejo no sudeste da França, uma jovem de 18 anos afirma ter visto a aparição da Virgem Maria. Os rumores logo se espalham, e o fenômeno toma tal dimensão que milhares de peregrinos vão se reunir no local das supostas aparições. Jacques, que não tem nada a ver com esse mundo, aceita fazer parte de uma comissão de investigação encarregada de esclarecer esses eventos.
Luc Lagier puts Alain Resnais' film back in its historical context and in the filmmaker's biography. He tells the story, then the development of what was originally intended to be a short documentary film and which turned into an unusual allegory. Composed of fascinating archives, including notably the correspondence between Duras and Resnais, this analysis of 'Hiroshima mon amour' manages to put the film in perspective while detaching itself from it. A rare and captivating work.
An interview with film critic Annette Insdorf about Francois Truffaut's 1973 film "Day for Night."
Original Music Composer
Agnès Varda’s follow-up to her acclaimed documentary THE GLEANERS AND I takes us deeper into the world of those who find purpose and beauty in the refuse of society, revisiting many of the original film’s subjects.
Original Music Composer
The original television version of 'Where Does Your Hidden Smile Lie?'
Remember Me is a dark, obsessive and emotive treatise on death. Its aim is to explore the intimate, personal and often secret relationships that people have with mortality and loss. The tape uses original and found footage to capture the complex web of emotions which surround death and to create a passionate journey through difficult private territories.
Documentary covering the career of French composer Georges Delerue, famous for film scores for such films as Platoon, Contempt, Shoot the Piano Player, and Jules and Jim.
Original Music Composer
Warren Odom, a rich Southern gentleman, is left in a state of shock when his wife, Helen, leaves him unexpectedly. With Helen gone, Warren's kindhearted teenage daughter, Lucille, cares for him and tries to cheer him up. Warren slowly starts to recover, and begins a relationship with another woman, Vera Delmage. However, his life is complicated when his older daughter, Rae, arrives in town pregnant.
Original Music Composer
Harry é um treinador de cães de guarda infeliz com a vida e com o casamento. Ele é contatado por Joane, uma cantora de ópera recém-separada, que precisa de ajuda para proteger sua casa, recentemente invadida.
Original Music Composer
Após a morte de seu pai, Céline, de 22 anos, herda a maior parte de sua propriedade, mas a dá para sua madrasta, fazendo com que seu ganancioso noivo a deixe. Após várias tentativas fracassadas de suicídio, Céline é hospitalizada e chama a atenção de uma enfermeira, Genevieve, que luta contra a depressão. Sob seus cuidados pessoais, Céline se recupera gradualmente e as duas mulheres se aproximam.
Original Music Composer
Vietnam, 1954. An American reporter finds himself in the middle of the battle of Điện Biên Phủ, between the French army and the Vietminh.
Original Music Composer
Após uma noite de farra, Bill Dancer (James Belushi) encontra na porta de sua casa um bebê abandonado. Ele faz o que pode para criá-la e, 9 anos depois, Curly Sue (Alisan Porter) o ajuda em seus pequenos golpes. Os dois vivem mudando de cidade e, ao chegarem em Chicago, tentam aplicar um golpe em Grey Ellison (Kelly Lynch), uma conhecida executiva de uma empresa de advocacia. Eles fazem com que Grey pense que atropelou Bill, visando ganhar um jantar, mas ela acaba se envolvendo com ambos e muda suas vidas.
Original Music Composer
Em 1734, padre jesuíta sai da Europa em direção ao novo mundo para catequizar índios de inóspita região canadense. Seu austero hábito negro e a celebração dos ritos cristãos são mal compreendidos pelos selvagens, que passam a vê-lo como uma entidade do Mal, abandonando-o à sua própria sorte.
Início da década de 80. James Brady, secretário de imprensa da casa branca, é gravemente ferido durante um atentado contra o presidente Reagan. Com muita determinação e a ajuda da mulher, ele, agora paralítico, tenta se adaptar a nova vida.
Original Music Composer
In 1960, in a coastal town near to Nantes, Jean Ripoche lives with his wife Liliane, their four children and Liliane’s father Lucien. Jean divides his time between running his plumbing business and making a float for the Nantes carnival. The Ripoche’s ordered lives are thrown into turmoil when Jean’s former friend, Yvon Legualoudec, returns to the town – with his black wife Annabelle and their three children. Before he disappeared twenty years ago, without saying a word, Yvon was Jean’s rival for Liliane’s affections. As bitter memories resurface, the relationship between Jean, Yvon and Liliane become strained.
Original Music Composer
Francis Ashby, a senior Oxford don on holiday alone in the Alps, meets holidaying American Caroline and her companion Elinor, the blossoming Irish-American girl she adopted many years before. Ashby finds he enjoys their company, particularly that of Elinor, and both the women are drawn to him. Back at Oxford he is nevertheless taken aback when they arrive unannounced. Women are not allowed in the College grounds, let alone the rooms. Indeed any liaison, however innocent, is frowned on by the upstanding Fellows.
Original Music Composer
Biography of the African-American who became a major performer in the Paris cabarets of the 1920s and 1930s. The film follows her life beginning as a struggling performer in 1917 St. Louis, her frustrations leading to her move to France, and follows to her death in 1975. Written by John Sacksteder
O soldado Franklin Bean é muito jovem e solitário. Com a morte do pai, seu único parente, é mandado para servir sob as ordens do veterano Sargento Otis McKinney, um sujeito violento e frustrado, com o seu casamento infeliz e um filho alienado. É na prisão para soldados negros, que o Sargento derrama continuamente seu ódio pelo mundo. Um ambiente violento demais para um jovem soldado à procura de uma cadência verdadeira para seu coração e sua alma.
Original Music Composer
In 1923 British Colonial Nigeria, Mister Johnson is an oddity -- an educated black man who doesn't really fit in with the natives or the British. He works for the local British magistrate, and considers himself English, though he has never been to England. He is always scheming, trying to get ahead, which lands him in a lot of hot water.
In this thriller, television reporter Kate Ryan de Meléndez investigates the death of two radical Puerto Rican activists, whom she begins to believe may have been framed and murdered by undercover American agents.
Original Music Composer
Joe Banks (Tom Hanks) é um funcionário entediado de uma fábrica poluente. Sempre de mal humor, ele odeia seu trabalho e, para seu desespero, um dia descobre que tem uma doença terminal e está com os dias contados. É quando ele conhece um milionário disposto a mudar seu destino: Joe ganha uma vida de rei e a "morre como um homem", caso aceite se jogar dentro de um vulcão em erupção para apaziguá-lo. O ritual é tradição na ilha de Waponi Woo. Ao aceitar a proposta, Joe acaba entrando em tanta enrascada que o vulcão torna-se o menor de seus problemas.
Original Music Composer
Um filme sensível sobre um grupo de amigas numa pequena cidade do estado de Louisiana. São mulheres de temperamento, idade e classes sociais diferentes, mas que se mantém unidas durante os momentos difíceis da vida.
A true story about Johann Georg Elser, a quiet carpenter who tried to assassinate Hitler with an explosive device in 1939.
Original Music Composer
A história da Revolução Francesa desde a decisão do rei de convocar o Estados-Gerais em 1789, a fim de lidar com o problema da dívida da França. A primeira parte do filme conta a história de 1789 até 10 de agosto de 1792 (quando o rei Luís XVI perdeu toda a sua autoridade e foi preso). A segunda parte leva a história até o fim do terror em 1794, incluindo as mortes por guilhotina de Luís XVI, Maria Antonieta, Danton e Desmoulins.
Original Music Composer
Blackwood é um autor de romances de mistério que, sem inspiração, resolve frequentar os tribunais em busca de uma ideia. Ele fica fascinado por uma romena misteriosa acusada de assassinato e recupera a criatividade ao se envolver com a moça.
Original Music Composer
Duas amigas com estruturas de vida muito diferentes compartilham altos e baixos, alegrias e tristezas ao longo de suas existências. A grande amizade que elas cultivam é crucial para encarar uma tragédia com humor, delicadeza e harmonia.
Original Music Composer
Por acaso, Julius (Arnold Schwarzenegger) e Vincent (Danny DeVito) descobrem que são irmãos gêmeos. O primeiro é alto, loiro, calmo, enquanto o segundo é um chalatão baixinho e moreno. Juntos, eles vão ver como a educação em famílias diferentes moldaram suas personalidades opostas.
Original Music Composer
Adolescente sequestra Elvis Presley após um show, em 1972, com a esperança de que o cantor anime sua mãe deprimida.
Por insistência de sua namorada, um homem descontente tenta fazer as pazes com o seu pai.
Clara Bell is a busy Euro MP with a husband and child at home and a high powered career - but on a trip to Paris her ordered existence is overturned by a murder and a chance encounter.
Original Music Composer
A bittersweet tale of lost love, based on a short story ("The Apple Tree") by John Galsworthy.
Original Music Composer
Adaptado de uma famosa comédia da Broadway, "Metido em Encrencas" tem no papel prioncipal o jovem astro do cinema Matthew Broderick. Ele passa bons e maus momentos na pele de Eugene Morris, um jovem nova-iorquiano. Recrutado para o serviço militar no Mississipi no ano de 1943, o garoto do Broklyn deixa Nova York sonhando com prazeres e diversão. Porém, o que Eugene encontra de fato são um sangrento sádico (Christopher Walken) e um pelotão de recrutas pouco adepto da camaradagem. Tendo como arma apenas seu afiado senso de humor e uma poportuna sagacidade, Eugene enfrenta a dura vida do exército. Ele está disposto a sair de lá com tudo o que tinha quando chegou. Exceto uma coisa: a virgindade. Narrando as viagens e aventuras de Eugene da adolescencia à idade adulta, esta brilhante comédia justifica o sucesso que teve no teatro e no cinema.
Directed by Philippe de Broca, the film recounts a bloody episode of the French Revolution. 1793, the Terror . In Vendée and in Bretagne, the chouans are revolting against the young Republic and fight for the monarchy restauration. The civil war divides also the family of the Count Savinien de Kerfadec, a liberal and generous noble and a flying machines inventor.
Original Music Composer
Emily Crane is fired after refusing to give names to a 1951 House Un-American Activities Committee, and takes a part-time job as companion to an old lady. One day her attention is drawn to a noisy argument being conducted largely in German in a neighbouring house, the more so since one of those involved is her main senator prosecutor. Starting to look into things, she gradually enlists the help of FBI officer Cochran who was initially detailed to check her out. Just as well when things turn nasty
A young priest speaks out against the Communist regime in Poland and is killed for it.
Original Music Composer
A penniless middle-aged spinster scrapes by giving piano lessons in the Dublin of the 1950s. She makes a sad last bid for love with a fellow resident of her rundown boarding house, who imagines she has the money to bankroll the business he hopes to open.
Randy Jensen (Ringwald) é uma guia turística esperta e independente que acaba sendo encontrada pelo paquerador Jack Jericho (Downey). A indiferença demonstrada por Randy aumenta o interesse de Jack. Randy, além disso, tem problemas com o pai, Flash Jensen (Dennis Hopper), um alcoólatra mafioso que está sempre se intrometendo em seus relacionamentos. A persistência de Jack, no entanto, o leva a ajudar Randy a tirar seu pai da máfia.
Original Music Composer
Spoiled Jessie Montgomery, whose wild behavior and spending excesses cause her well-meaning but exasperated millionaire father Charles to wish he never had her, is visited by fairy godmother Stella. In an effort to save Jessie, Stella casts a spell which causes Charles to no longer have a daughter. Jessie, now penniless and without a friend, must take a maid's job to earn a living, and hopefully to learn her lesson.
Queenie was an ABC miniseries, adapted from the eponymous novel by Michael Korda, which is based loosely on the life of his aunt, actress Merle Oberon. A half-caste beauty emigrates from India to Great Britain, pursues fame and fortune at the cost of personal happiness, and becomes a Hollywood movie star while suppressing the truth of her heritage.
Music Score Producer
Queenie was an ABC miniseries, adapted from the eponymous novel by Michael Korda, which is based loosely on the life of his aunt, actress Merle Oberon. A half-caste beauty emigrates from India to Great Britain, pursues fame and fortune at the cost of personal happiness, and becomes a Hollywood movie star while suppressing the truth of her heritage.
An American film-star and an unknown British actress meet on set in Rome. She is angry when he refuses to speak to her journalist father, but later they have a passionate relationship.
Kate Capshaw plays a schoolteacher and suburban housewife who happens to be an ex-spy. Nobody knows of Capshaw's previous espionage activities, least of all her somewhat obtuse husband Cliff De Young. When Capshaw's ex-lover Jeroen Krabbe, an intimate of Castro, lands in a Cuban prison, she is swept back into the spy business, leaving her nonplussed hubby in the dust.
Baseado em fatos reais, ex-prisioneiro do campo, Fuga de Sobibor / Escape from Sobibor conta a aguerrida fuga de prisioneiros de um campo de concentração nazista durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Sobibor é um dos três campos de concentração localizado na Polônia oriental. Um grupo de prisioneiros é temporariamente poupado para poder trabalhar no acampamento, sob condições degradantes impostas pelos oficiais nazistas. Relembrando o destino desumano de cada dia, os prisioneiros planejam o impossível - fugir de Sobibor! Uma história que verdadeiramente reflete a força, a coragem e a resistência do espírito humano. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Chris Taylor é um jovem e ingénuo americano que decide alistar-se como voluntário para combater na guerra do Vietnam. Chris pertence a um pelotão comandado pelo sargento Grodin, um homem conhecedor e humanitário, e pelo arrogante e sanguinário sargento Barnes. Durante um ataque a uma aldeia, o sargento Barnes dá ordens para atirar sobre mulheres e crianças, dando origem a um choque entre as duas patentes e pondo em risco a unidade do grupo. A guerra continua e Chris, afetado pelo caos e pelo ódio, percebe que terá de sobreviver não só ao conflito com o inimigo mas também à luta entre os homens do seu pelotão.
Original Music Composer
Chris Taylor é um jovem e ingénuo americano que decide alistar-se como voluntário para combater na guerra do Vietnam. Chris pertence a um pelotão comandado pelo sargento Grodin, um homem conhecedor e humanitário, e pelo arrogante e sanguinário sargento Barnes. Durante um ataque a uma aldeia, o sargento Barnes dá ordens para atirar sobre mulheres e crianças, dando origem a um choque entre as duas patentes e pondo em risco a unidade do grupo. A guerra continua e Chris, afetado pelo caos e pelo ódio, percebe que terá de sobreviver não só ao conflito com o inimigo mas também à luta entre os homens do seu pelotão.
Original Music Composer
Three sisters try to come to grips with the meaning of their mother's suicide.
Original Music Composer
Chronicles a Mossad team hand picked to hunt down the terrorists involved in the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre of Israeli athletes.
Original Music Composer
Um fotojornalista americano se vê envolvido na luta política em El Salvador, em 1980. Um jornalista, com pouca sorte nos Estados Unidos, vai para El Salvador para reportar os eventos da ditadura militar de 1980, incluindo o assassinato do arcebispo Oscar Romero. Ele faz uma aliança desconfortável com dois guerrilheiros que querem que ele tire fotos para a imprensa americana, e também com os militares de direita, que querem que ele lhes traga fotos dos rebeldes. Além disso, ele tem que encontrar uma maneira de proteger sua namorada salvadorenha e levá-la para fora do país.
When two single parents remarry, their teenaged son and daughter begin developing an unexpected attraction to each other.
Original Music Composer
French rocker Johnny Halliday stars as a professional thief just released from jail. He returns to stealing to support his family. After several successful thefts, he decides to include his under-aged kid into the "family business".
Original Music Composer
Jovem órfã casa-se com bem-sucedido dono de lojas, no fim do século 19, e é levada para morar em uma ilha da Nova Zelândia. Sentindo-se sufocada pelo frio marido, ela mergulha em um cotidiano de tristeza - o que pode levá-la a atos extremos para conseguir a liberdade.
Original Music Composer
A homeless woman named Florabelle becomes the unwitting guide to the streets for a New York social worker named Carrie who thinks she has lessons to offer the down-and-out clients she serves at the homeless shelter. Soon, however, Carrie realizes that she's the one who has much to learn.
Original Music Composer
Amos Lasher loses his wife and home in an accident, finding himself in the care of the state, or specifically speaking, the Sunset Nursing Home. Here he finds the head nurse, Daisy Daws, ruling the cowed patients with an iron hand, but as his determination to get out of Sunset grows, the more sinister his situation becomes.
When Nick and Jan move into their new apartment in San Francisco, the batty landlady upstairs tells them about a girl who used to live there in the 20's: a brash young party girl named Maxie, who died in a car crash the morning before her big audition for a Hollywood studio. The trouble is, Maxie, or rather her ghost, hasn't left the house. Worse, she can take over Jan's body. And the only way she's going to leave is if she gets that audition.
Original Music Composer
Uma psiquiatra apontada pela corte é encarregada de avaliar a jovem freira Agnes, cujo bebê foi encontrado estrangulado. Agnes alega que foi uma concepção sem sexo e não se lembra de ter dado à luz.
Original Music Composer
Arch of Triumph is a 1985 British made-for-television film based on the novel Arch of Triumph by Erich Maria Remarque, which was previously adapted in 1948 for a film of the same name with Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer. Dr. Ravic (Anthony Hopkins) is an Austrian doctor who helps Jews escape from the Nazis. In 1939, he meets Joan Madou (Lesley-Anne Down), a woman he saves from suicide, and their relationship flourishes until he is arrested as a refugee without documentation and realizes he has some unfinished business with the Nazis. After a prolonged separation, without explanation, the two are finally reunited and struggle to put their relationship back on the right course as mayhem breaks out all around them.
Original Music Composer
The members of a San Diego Wednesday night womens' mah jongg club are five survivors of a Nazi concentration camp. They recognize the owner of a local restaurant, Walter Grossman, as a doctor from the camp who performed experiments on them as young girls. To their horror they learn that he has already been tried as a war criminal and has served but a few years for his crimes. They decide that they will "execute" him, drawing lots to determine which one will perform the act, without letting the others know who it is.
Original Music Composer
A mother going through a painful, protracted divorce realizes too late the effect it's having on her troubled son.
Original Music Composer
When Danny’s wife and Linda’s husband run away together, the two neighbors form an unlikely bond.
Em plena Segunda Guerra Mundial, na Tunísia, legionários franceses devem transportar barras de ouro para um local seguro. Mas quando eles chegaram, a cidade já havia caído nas mãos dos alemães. Um tiroteio irrompe; quatro homens escapam. Augagneur, um dos sobreviventes, apropria-se dos lingotes e foge...
Original Music Composer
A single mother is trying to trace previous partners in order to help her fund a life changing operation for her blind son.
Original Music Composer
Claire's handbag is stolen. It contained a letter written ten years previously by the man who is now the French President. In the letter he urges his pregnant mistress to have an abortion. Claire immediately alerts the President's men. From that moment, the machinery of state swings into action.
Original Music Composer
The story of Karen Silkwood, a metallurgy worker at a plutonium processing plant who was purposefully contaminated, psychologically tortured and possibly murdered to prevent her from exposing blatant worker safety violations at the plant.
Original Music Composer
Charlotte (Catherine Deneuve) flies to East-Africa in order to build a touristic center near the Lake Williams where the pygmys live. Here she meets her husband Victor (Philippe Noiret), a devoted conservationist who left her three years ago to live in the jungle. Can you imagine his enthusiasm when she arrives at the conclusion that the ideal place to built this holiday resort is his kitchen garden?
Original Music Composer
Liberty Belle tells the story of a group of student's involvement with a group who oppose the French Algerian war. The film premiered at the 1983 Cannes Film Festival.
Original Music Composer
Julien Vercel (Jean-Louis Trintignant) é suspeito de matar o amante da esposa. Todas as pistas apontam para ele, principalmente quando sua esposa também é achada morta. Enquanto Vercel se esconde em seu escritório, sua secretária Barbara Becker (Fanny Ardant) investiga esses assassinatos suspeitos.
Original Music Composer
In spring 1976, a 19-year-old beauty, her German-born mother, and her crippled father move to the town of a firefighter nicknamed Pin-Pon. Everyone notices the provocative Eliane. She singles out Pin-Pon and soon is crying on his shoulder (she's myopic and hates her reputation as a dunce and as easy); she moves in with him, knits baby clothes, and plans their wedding. Is this love or some kind of plot? She asks Pin-Pon's mother and aunt about the piano in the barn: who delivered it on a November night in 1955? Why does she want to know, and what does it have to do with her mother's sorrows, her father's injury, this quick marriage, and the last name on her birth certificate?
Original Music Composer
Wisconsin farm girl Elizabeth Carlson leaves family and her English teacher lover behind and escapes to New York. There she soon makes a career for herself as a fashion model. During a vernissage she's approached by a mysterious man whose motives are unclear...
A California professor (Martin Sheen), his wife (Blythe Danner) and his daughters make room for his orphaned illegitimate French son (Sebastian Dungan).
Original Music Composer
Jovem mágico tenta desmascarar político corrupto e descobrir a verdade sobre a estranha morte de seu pai.
Original Music Composer
Benson is a police detective. After a series of murders in the Gay community he is ordered to go undercover with a gay police clerk named Kerwin as his partner. In order to be noticed they have to be flamboyant enough to attract attention which Benson finds rather disturbing. Can an uptight heterosexual and a mousey homosexual form a meaningful relationship?
The life and times of the famous French writer Guy de Maupassant.
Original Music Composer
Durante uma entrevista, Max Baumstein (Piccoli), respeitado presidente de uma organização humanitária, atira a sangue frio no embaixador paraguaio e o mata. Julgado por assassinato em primeiro grau, ele próprio explica: o embaixador era um ex-oficial nazista, responsável pelo extermínio de sua família.
Por que ele cometeu um ato que, aparentemente, anula os princípios que ele se esforçou tanto por defender? Eventualmente, ele revela um segredo sobre si mesmo que ele manteve escondido de sua esposa mais nova, Lina (Romy Schneider), e que de uma forma indireta também diz respeito a ela. É a conclusão de uma luta que começou muitas décadas antes, quando Elsa Wiener (Romy Schneider), uma cantora alemã exilada em Paris, sem dinheiro ou relações, uma refugiada entre muitos outros, enfrentou dois problemas difíceis: sobreviver em uma cidade estrangeira e salvar seu marido Michel das garras dos nazistas.
Original Music Composer
Michael and Katherine have enjoyed a long relationship together even before they tie the knot. But Michael does not hide the fact he's a womanizer and sex addict, cheating on Katherine during their pre-married relationship. Because Katherine is genuinely in love with him, she is willing to overlook this and believes that perhaps marriage will change things.
Original Music Composer
After separating from the father of her son, a young French woman tries to find lodging and a fresh start in L.A. for herself and her son.
Bernard, um professor, vive com sua esposa e filho no interior da França. Um dia, um casal se muda para a casa ao lado. A mulher, Mathilde, é uma antiga amante de Bernard, com quem teve um relacionamento intenso. Ao se reencontrarem, eles percebem que ainda nutrem sentimentos um pelo outro.
Original Music Composer
Bernard, um professor, vive com sua esposa e filho no interior da França. Um dia, um casal se muda para a casa ao lado. A mulher, Mathilde, é uma antiga amante de Bernard, com quem teve um relacionamento intenso. Ao se reencontrarem, eles percebem que ainda nutrem sentimentos um pelo outro.
Original Music Composer
Filme ambientado na Los Angeles dos anos 1940 que traz Duvall como um policial que se vê diante de um conflito: ele descobre que seu irmão (De Niro), um monsenhor, tem ligações com escândalos de corrupção e, indiretamente, está envolvido no assassinato de uma prostituta.
Original Music Composer
Two literary women compete for 20 years: one writes for the critics; the other one, to get rich.
Jeanne, mother of two children, loses her husband. She meets Pierre, abandoned by his wife.
Original Music Composer
Um inspetor da polícia, suspeitando que um advogado cometeu dois assassinatos sexuais de crianças, o mantém detido para uma sessão de interrogatório que dura horas.
In 1939 a French policeman (Jacques Martin) is forgotten on a Polynesian island, during an administrative tour. When war broke out, he knew nothing about it and it was only when a German ship called that he learned of the gravity of the events. On the tone of comedy, this drama describes the relationship between this ex-policeman still imbued with administrative stupidity and the naive but joyful population of the island. The comedy prevails over the drama and the gendarme will not take long to acquire the joie de vivre of the natives.
Original Music Composer
Following her husband's death, a wife discovers and confronts her husband's lover. Their mutual pain, love, envy and jealousy bring them together in an unexpected emotional and physical relationship.
Original Music Composer
Durante a ocupação de Paris pelas tropas alemãs, um grupo de atores tenta fazer uma peça de teatro. Ninguém suspeita que no porão do prédio está escondido o diretor do grupo, um homem de origem judaica.
Uma moça liberal, recém-chegada a Nova York, gera uma disputa amorosa entre dois rapazes, que terminam em um relacionamento a três.
Original Music Composer
When her mother dies, a teenage girl decides to find her long-absent sailor father. Together with her five-year-old brother, she begins a long and dangerous quest, which will finally be rewarded.
A César award winning short film based on the story from Guy de Maupassant depicts six tales from Normandy, alternately funny, moving and cruel.
An idealistic first-time director lives for his art — until he meets a wife of an Italian producer at the Cannes Film Festival. A passionate affair begins, but the couple's romance is tested as they face the temptations of fame and fortune.
Original Music Composer
Lauren (Diane Lane) é uma garota norte-americana que mora na França com sua mãe e seu padastro. Estudante em uma escola particular de Paris, a menina enfrenta problemas para se adaptar à vida no velho continente. E quando seus desencontros estavam para atingir o limite, Lauren conhece Daniel (Thelonious Bernard), um estudante francês que usa as salas dos cinemas da cidade como refúgio distante de seu pai, alcoólatra e autoritário. Juntos, os dois jovens descobrem um inocente romance juvenil. Enquanto a afeição cresce, o casal faz amizade com Julius (Laurence Olivier), que os encanta com as histórias que conta, os relatos de sua vida. Quando Lauren descobre que terá que voltar para os Estados Unidos, o casal resolve partir para Veneza, em uma viagem de despedida. É na Itália que Lauren e Daniel pretendem consolidar para sempre o sua relação. Vencedor do Oscar de Melhor Canção Original.
Based on a true story. A treasure is discovered in the trunk of a car, with far-reaching implications.
TV movie adaptation of a novel by Jacques Perret.
Original Music Composer
Antoine agora tem trinta anos, trabalha como revisor e está se divorciando de sua esposa. Por ser o primeiro divórcio depois de uma nova lei na França, eles recebem grande atenção da imprensa. Indeciso sobre seu novo amor com uma atendente, ele foge impulsivamente com uma antiga paixão.
An ageing surgeon falls in love with a thirteen-year-old girl.
Original Music Composer
Family mother and model wife, Agnes hits a vehicle while driving in Paris. She immediately falls in love with the driver of the damaged car.
Original Music Composer
Solange está deprimida, deixou de sorrir, fala muito pouco e não se alimenta direito. Por isso mesmo vive desmaiando. O marido de Solange, Raoul, tenta ajudá-la. E tem uma ideia pouco ortodoxa. Quando conhece Stephane, um estranho, o escolhe para ser amante de sua própria mulher. Mas nem isso resolve. Todos os amigos de Raoul concordam que Solange precisa ter um filho, mas ela também não consegue engravidar nem do marido e nem do amante. Um dia os três decidem ir a um camping e lá Solange conhece um precoce adolescente chamado Christian. De repente ela volta a sorrir.
Original Music Composer
Na década de 30, a escritora americana Lillian Hellman tenta reencontrar Julia, amiga de infância que se juntou ao movimento de resistência contra os nazistas. Ela acaba contrabandeando dinheiro para ajudar na fuga das vítimas do nazismo.
A reformed gangster turns to his old associates for help after his son kills a police officer.
Original Music Composer
A tough but honest cop must clear his name after a corrupt colleague implicates him in a murder in this French thriller. Ferrot is a hard-as-nails police detective who is attracted to a beautiful woman named Sylvia. Sylvia, however, is having an affair with Ganay, who happens to be Ferrot's superior on the force; Ganay happens to be married to Therese, who is handicapped. Sylvia is found murdered, and Ferrot is assigned to investigate; Ferrot is convinced that Ganay killed Sylvia because she wanted to end their relationship, but to his dismay, Ferrot discovers that the killer has placed a number of false clues that point the blame toward Ferrot.
Claire (Bulle Ogier) returns to France following the death of her actress friend Agathe (Loleh Bellon). She attends an auction of her friend's possessions, provoking memories of the past. As her camera glides across the auction house bric-a-brac, Yanick Bellon mixes past, present and future to create a delicate piece of cinematic poetry. Set to the music of Georges Delerue.
Original Music Composer
Two men, fortyish, worn out by their wives, abandon everything to go and live in the back of beyond. There they meet a truculent priest, a boozer, Émile who recalls them to life's simple pleasures. Calm is what they want. But soon their example inspires thousands of disorientated males, fleeing the feminist 1970s. Soon, too, there arrives a squadron of nymphomaniac Amazons.
Commandant Gardefort, horseman at the Cadre Noir Riding Academy in Saumur, having given up hope of promotion decides to retire. To fill his time until then, he buys a mare, Milady, and in two years trains her to the highest dressage haute ecole standards. But he finds himself in dire financial straits over his divorce, and is obliged to sell the mare. She is bought by a rich Belgian banker, who transforms Milady into a circus horse. Visiting him, Gardefort resolves the situation in the only way he sees fit.
Original Music Composer
O fotógrafo freelancer Servais conhece a infeliz Nadine Chevalier, uma pretensa estrela de cinema que só encontra trabalho em filmes apelativos baratos. Para tentar conquistá-la, Servais pede dinheiro emprestado para lançar uma produção teatral que ela possa protagonizar.
Original Music Composer
A Parisian teacher loses his cool when his teenage daughter tells him she plans to drop out of school and move in with her boyfriend.
Original Music Composer
The true story of Canadian Mountie Dan Candy's pursuit of a Native American that killed his partner.
Original Music Composer
Dr. Jake Terrell, who has been training a pair of dolphins for many years, has had a breakthrough. He has taught his dolphins to speak and understand English, although they do have a limited vocabulary. When the dolphins are stolen, he discovers they're to be used in an assassination attempt. Now he is in a race to discover who is the target, and where the dolphins are, before the attempt is carried out.
Original Music Composer
Um dos filmes que melhor representa as loucuras que se passam em um set de filmagem. Um ator que fica deprimido porque sua noiva sai com um dublê, uma atriz que se entregou às bebidas e não consegue lembrar de suas falas e muitas outras confusões, que o diretor deve fazer de tudo para contornar, até gravarem uma das cenas mais importantes do filme: a que o dia deve ser transformado em noite artificialmente.
Um assassino profissional conhecido pelo codinome "Chacal" é contratado para matar Charles de Gaulle, presidente da França. É o início dos anos 60 na França. Os sobreviventes restantes da extinta Legião Estrangeira Francesa, agora numa organização terrorista, a OAS, fizeram repetidas tentativas de matar o presidente francês Charles De Gaulle. O resultado é que ele se tornou o homem mais bem protegido do mundo. Em um ato de desespero eles contratam O Chacal, o codinome do assassino de aluguel que se compromete a matar De Gaulle em troca de meio milhão de dólares. Ele começa então a planejar a morte do famoso presidente francês para o dia 25 de agosto de 1963. Veremos os preparativos do assassino que são tão minuciosos que nos perguntaremos como ele poderia falhar, mesmo quando vemos a tentativa da polícia francesa de achar seu rastro. A situação é historicamente precisa. Houveram muitos desses atentados e o filme segue de perto o enredo do livro. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Original Music Composer
Um assassino profissional conhecido pelo codinome "Chacal" é contratado para matar Charles de Gaulle, presidente da França. É o início dos anos 60 na França. Os sobreviventes restantes da extinta Legião Estrangeira Francesa, agora numa organização terrorista, a OAS, fizeram repetidas tentativas de matar o presidente francês Charles De Gaulle. O resultado é que ele se tornou o homem mais bem protegido do mundo. Em um ato de desespero eles contratam O Chacal, o codinome do assassino de aluguel que se compromete a matar De Gaulle em troca de meio milhão de dólares. Ele começa então a planejar a morte do famoso presidente francês para o dia 25 de agosto de 1963. Veremos os preparativos do assassino que são tão minuciosos que nos perguntaremos como ele poderia falhar, mesmo quando vemos a tentativa da polícia francesa de achar seu rastro. A situação é historicamente precisa. Houveram muitos desses atentados e o filme segue de perto o enredo do livro. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Set during the reigns of the last five kings of the Capetian dynasty and the first two kings of the House of Valois, Tha Accursed Kings begins as the French King Philip the Fair, already surrounded by scandal and intrigue, brings a curse upon his family when he persecutes the Knights Templar. The succession of monarchs that follows leads France and England to the Hundred Years' War.
Stanislas Previne is a young sociologist, preparing a thesis on criminal women. He chooses Camille Bliss as his subject of study and begins to visit her in prison for interviews. Camille became acquainted with trouble at a young age and justifies her actions by "fate-bets." She is currently in prison for allegedly murdering one of her lovers. As she tells Stanislas of her life and love affairs, his interest in her grows to more than just professional. Can he resist her charm?
Original Music Composer
Louise lives alone and seems to like it that way. She has been through a divorce and the recent death of her mother. Recently, she has moved to Annecy, a moderate-sized city, to take work as a schoolteacher. She encounters a much younger man, Luigi, an Italian who is down on his luck. Though he moved to France to find work, he was robbed of his money and papers and is stranded. When he helps her bury her dogs, which her neighbour has poisoned for barking, their relationship grows to a new level.
Original Music Composer
No início do século XX, Claude Roc, um jovem francês de classe média, faz amizade com a inglesa Anne. Enquanto passa um tempo na Inglaterra com a família de Anne, Claude se apaixona pela irmã dela, Muriel, mas as famílias de ambos impõem um ano de separação sem contato antes de poderem se casar.
Claude's Business Agent
No início do século XX, Claude Roc, um jovem francês de classe média, faz amizade com a inglesa Anne. Enquanto passa um tempo na Inglaterra com a família de Anne, Claude se apaixona pela irmã dela, Muriel, mas as famílias de ambos impõem um ano de separação sem contato antes de poderem se casar.
Original Music Composer
In the poor, desolate northern provinces of the mountainous feudal Sunni kingdom of Afghanistan (before the Soviet-engineered republican revolutions), the status of the proud men and their clans is determined less by wealth or even military power (both rare) then by victories in the ancient, though game of buskashi, a vicious form of polo dating back to Genghis Khan, in which the chapendaz (participating horsemen) use their horse-whips on both mounts and rivals in a ruthless fight for a heavy 'ball', a dead calf, which must be carried a long way, almost impossible with all the others mercilessly assailing. Tursen, a former champion, now holds the status of village notable thanks to his position as stable-keeper of the regional lord Osman Bey, and has finally bred a horse without equal, the white stallion Jahil, in time for the royal tournament on the plain of Bagrami, just outside the capital Kabul...
Original Music Composer
Following a robbery in a circus, a young mobster, Jean, is arrested by Inspector Borelli. The thug denies involvement. To compel him to sign a full confession, Inspector Muller encourages the suspect to get married for - he says - to move the jury. This being done, he lets Jean believe that he can spend a moment alone with his wife; but then, Inspector Borelli blackmails him: "If you sign your confession, you can spend a moment with her." After being beaten, Jean signs a confession. It is then that a new blackmail intervenes: "the name of the accomplice?", asks the inspector. But the thug refuses to denounce the latter and ends up refusing the bargain dupes. While the guards drive him back to prison, his wife cuts his veins, breaking the career of the bad policeman.
Original Music Composer
The story of a small and conservative West-Flemish village opposing the construction of a bridge over the Scheldt.
Um italiano é atraído para o partido fascista quando é instruído a assassinar seu antigo professor universitário, um antifascista vocal exilado na França durante os anos 30. Baseado no romance homônimo de 1951, de Alberto Moravia.
Original Music Composer
Um italiano é atraído para o partido fascista quando é instruído a assassinar seu antigo professor universitário, um antifascista vocal exilado na França durante os anos 30. Baseado no romance homônimo de 1951, de Alberto Moravia.
Original Music Composer
Malpertuis is the name of an old, rambling mansion which is in reality a labyrinth where characters from Greek mythology are imprisoned by the bedridden Cassavius (Welles). He manages to keep them (as well as his nephew and niece) prisoners even after his death, through a binding testament. As Jan, the nephew, (Carrière) unravels the mystery, he discovers that he cannot escape the house because Malpertuis is far more significant than he was led to believe.
This story is set in the 13th century, in Britain, where Lancelot, who was raised by Vivian, the Lady of the Lake, becomes one the Knight of the Round Tables and falls secretly in love with Guinevere, the wife of King Arthur, for whom he wants to accomplish many deeds.
Original Music Composer
A single mother raises her son in impossible circumstances first in Leningrad, then Krakow, and then France, and is over-ambitious about him but never gives in.
Music Director
10 years ago, François Nolan and his brother have been betrayed by one of their accomplices after a break-in. During the fight with the police, Francois's brother was killed, and a cop disfigured by François. Now, François is back for revenge. As nobody knows who the traitor was, the former accomplices lose their head. The disfigured cop is also waiting for the right moment to take his revenge on François.
Original Music Composer
O rei Henrique VIII (Richard Burton) apaixona-se pela jovem Anna Bolena (Geneviève Bujold). Casado com Catarina de Aragão, que não lhe deu um herdeiro homem, não mede esforços para ficar com Anna, rompendo com a Igreja Católica e criando a Igreja Anglicana. Mas Anna também não consegue lhe dar seu tão esperado filho homem. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Music Director
Attempting to evade the turmoil of France's Hundred Years' War, Parisian student Heron of Foix decides to journey to the sea. En route, he meets the pretty aristocrat Lady Claudia, and the couple begin a romance amid the intense conflict. As the struggle between peasants and noblemen rages on, Heron and Claudia take shelter at a monastery -- but even their newfound love can't completely keep the horrors of war at bay.
Original Music Composer
Attempting to evade the turmoil of France's Hundred Years' War, Parisian student Heron of Foix decides to journey to the sea. En route, he meets the pretty aristocrat Lady Claudia, and the couple begin a romance amid the intense conflict. As the struggle between peasants and noblemen rages on, Heron and Claudia take shelter at a monastery -- but even their newfound love can't completely keep the horrors of war at bay.
Original Music Composer
Growing up in the sheltered confines of a 1920's English coal-mining community, free-spirited sisters Gudrun and Ursula explore erotic love with a wealthy playboy and a philosophical educator, with cataclysmic results for all four.
Original Music Composer
The frozen body of Paul Fournier is discovered in Greenland where he had disappeared during a scientific expedition in 1905. Perfectly conserved he is brought back to life in the 1960s. His descendants take care of him: to spare him the cultural shock they behave so to make believe it's 1905 and they are his cousins, uncle...
Original Music Composer
A detective is seeking an assassin in a murder that has not yet occurred, only to discover that it is his destiny to become that assassin.
Original Music Composer
Arthur and Anatole are two little robbers. They want to rob money, money that will travel in a special train from Paris to Bruxelles. They don't know that other people have planned to do the same thing.
Original Music Composer
Detective Scobie Malone accepts a mission to fly to London to arrest Sir James Quentin, a high-level commissioner wanted down under for murder. But when Malone arrives, he finds that the amiable Quentin is not only the key in groundbreaking peace negotiations, but also the target of an assassin himself.
Original Music Composer
A young female journalist in London falls in love with a married orchestra conductor.
Original Music Composer
Um rico promotor de eventos, Bertrand Barnier, leva uma vida pacata até o dia em que Christian, seu homem de confiança, o chantageia para obter a mão de sua filha em casamento. Entretanto, a filha de Barnier está grávida de Oscar, o motorista.
Original Music Composer
Sete crianças ficam órfãs após a morte da mãe e tentam convencer o pai, Dirk Bogarde, a ficar. Após longo período fora de casa, ele volta para visitar a família. Mas como Bogarde não sabe da morte da mulher, as crianças tramam a incineração do corpo para despistar o pai.
Various international presentions are featured through satellite uplink.
Durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial, Johann Moritz, um camponês judeu romeno, cuja esposa é muito cobiçado pelo gendarme da aldeia, é denunciado, preso e enviado a um campo de concentração. No campo, o comandante se confunde e acha que ele é um novo recruta, um voluntário para a SS. E então ele é convocado para o SS. Ironicamente, após a guerra, ele fica detido pelas autoridades aliadas por seu envolvimento com a SS em tempo de guerra.
Durante os últimos meses da ocupação alemã, uma criança judia é enviada com nome falso para a casa de um casal de idosos no campo.
Original Music Composer
A TV movie about Huckleberry Finn, directed by Marcel Cravenne and released in France back in 1967.
After five years in the army, Valentin Brû marry a haberdasher. They move to Paris, where Valentin sells frames, while his wife becomes fortune teller. One day, Valentin replaces her, and predict a terrible event which will happen.
Original Music Composer
A voice, warm and heartbreaking, that of Brisseau himself, coils over black and white images. The tone was set very quickly: "To wake up is to be born again in the world of despair." 'On Sunday afternoon' is a film all at once clinical and theoretical on melancholy in the strong sense of the famous "black bile" of the Greeks whose author seems to want to make a complete turn, from his tragic dimension to his psychological dimension, even ending his film with a long quote from Freud's 'Mourning and Melancholia'.
The tranquility of a Romanian village is shattered by the arrival of a beautiful unknown coinciding with the discovery of a new star by a modest professor of astronomy ...
Original Music Composer
Durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial, Charles é enviado à uma cidade da França para desativar uma bomba colocada lá pelos alemães. No entanto Charles é perseguido por alguns alemães e vai parar em um hospício onde os presos se convencem de que ele é o “Rei de Copas”. Sentindo-se na obrigação de ajudar os loucos, ele decide levá-los para fora da cidade.
Na Inglaterra do século XVI, Henrique VIII (Robert Shaw) planeja se separar de sua primeira esposa para se casar com Ana Bolena (Vanessa Redgrave), mas não recebe a aprovação de Thomas More (Paul Scofield), um fervoroso católico que se tornou Lord Chanceler, um altíssimo posto que ele preferiu renunciar a trair suas convicções. Entretanto, a importância de Sir Thomas é tão grande que mesmo após sua renúncia o rei continua lhe perseguindo. Até que surgem “provas” que o incriminam como alta traição, um crime punido com a morte.
Original Music Composer
Na Inglaterra do século XVI, Henrique VIII (Robert Shaw) planeja se separar de sua primeira esposa para se casar com Ana Bolena (Vanessa Redgrave), mas não recebe a aprovação de Thomas More (Paul Scofield), um fervoroso católico que se tornou Lord Chanceler, um altíssimo posto que ele preferiu renunciar a trair suas convicções. Entretanto, a importância de Sir Thomas é tão grande que mesmo após sua renúncia o rei continua lhe perseguindo. Até que surgem “provas” que o incriminam como alta traição, um crime punido com a morte.
Original Music Composer
A millionaire realizes he really wants to live after he has hired an assassin to kill him.
The movie "L'instant de la paix" consists of three segments: 1. "Les rideaux blancs" (France) 2. "Berlin N 65" (West Germany) 3. "Matura" (Poland)
Original Music Composer
Ex-terrorista irlandesa, Maria II se junta ao espetáculo de vaudeville da cantora francesa Maria I na América Central, em 1907. Quando se deparam com uma rebelião local, Maria I se apaixona pelo líder Flores e promete continuar a revolução contra os militares, capitalistas e a Igreja.
If love is a universal phenomenon, it is never the same: the animal world experiences brutal and rapid unions, or, on the contrary, slow and difficult approaches, followed by sometimes interminable embraces.
Original Music Composer
Agnes, a lonely teenage girl, and her father befriend an escaped convict, named Joseph, who arrives at their farm in Brittany, France. When Joseph develops an attraction to Agnes, her father threatens to break up the union.
Original Music Composer
Vincent is recovering from a nervous breakdown in a seaside village on the Costa Brava. He enters into an affair with nightclub owner Jenny, but their relationship changes when she falls for alcoholic author Pascal Regnier, who is struggling to resume his writing career. Vincent eventually returns home, leaving Jenny to stay on with Pascal and his young son Daniel.
Original Music Composer
In this Frenco-Italian gangster parody, a shop keeper on his way to an Italian holiday suffers a crash which totals his car. The culprit can only compensate his ruined trip by driving an American friends car from Napels to Bordeaux, but as it happens to be filled with such contraband as stolen money, jewelry and drugs, the involuntary and unwitting companions in crime soon attract all but recreational attention from the "milieu".
A writer is persecuted by an enormous and abusive letter 'A'.
In 1870s Scotland mining engineer James Starr is asked by former colleague Simon Ford, who's living inside the abandoned Aberfoyle mine, to help solve mysterious occurrences taking place inside the mine.
Original Music Composer
Antoine and Marie decided to introduce their parents before the wedding. Summer vacation looks like a good time, so the Lartigue family prepares to host Malhouin family. But it turns out that the harsh Emil Malhouin is not too happy to get acquainted with his future relatives...
Lucky Jo and his three friends are little criminals, who try to live from small burglaries. But they never have luck - ever so often something inpredictable happens to Jo and gets one of them arrested. While Jo is in prison once again, they decide they'd better do without him in future. He decides to help them secretly...and unfortunately.
A dedicated layabout (Jean-Pierre Cassel) bounces from relationship to relationship, moving on only when the prospect of employment presents itself.
Em 1962, Joris Ivens foi convidado ao Chile para dar aulas e fazer filmes. Junto com os alunos fez este curta-metragem. Comparando a prestigiosa história do porto com a atualidade, este é um retrato da cidade construída sobre 42 colinas, com sua riqueza e pobreza, sua vida cotidiana nas ruas.
Original Music Composer
The Pumpkin Eater é um filme britânico de 1964, do gênero drama, dirigido por Jack Clayton e estrelado por Anne Bancroft e Peter Finch.
Original Music Composer
Jovem jogador de futebol após acidente automobilístico vê-se numa trama envolvendo uma fortuna em seguros.
Original Music Composer
Pierre Lachenay, editor e palestrante conhecido e de meia idade, é casado com Franca, uma mulher desequilibrada e é pai de Sabine, uma garota de 10 anos. Ao viajar a Lisboa para uma palestra, Pierre Lachenay conhece e passa a noite com Nicole, uma aeromoça da Panair do Brasil. Ele quer vê-la mais e mais vezes, viajam para Reims juntos, e Pierre mantêm o caso escondido de sua família, principalmente para poupar sua filha da angústia de uma separação. Nicole está levando o caso muito levemente, mas Pierre, não percebendo os sentimentos e expectativas de Nicole, decide viver com ela. A separação do casal leva a um fim trágico. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos) 3 versões de duração: 113 min - Lançamento 119 min - Director's Cut França 110 min - Com Cortes Portugal
Original Music Composer
Marrocos, 1963. Um novato é encarregado de fazer um transporte de carga valiosa em um caminhão novo. Porém, um dos caminhoneiros veteranos leva a carga ele mesmo, enganando a empresa e seu melhor amigo, que passa a persegui-lo pelas estradas. O plano do fugitivo é vender a mercadoria por conta própria, fugindo então com sua noiva.
Original Music Composer
When Guillaume Valmont dies in a car accident, the only thing he leaves his wife Isabelle is his pharmacy. She never loved her older husband and she regards his death as a deliverance. At the funeral, she meets Judith, widow too, and she soon realises that her husband had been leading a double life. A short while later, the pharmacy is broken into, but nothing is stolen. Police Inspector Laforêt is put in charge of the case. Isabelle becomes suspicious when Judith offers to buy the pharmacy.
Jim é um arrumador de cadeiras de praia na entediante cidade fictícia de Gormleigh-on-Sea. Ele convence o prefeito a organizar um festival de cinema e convida Françoise Fayol, uma estrela de cinema francesa, para atrair turistas para a cidade.
Original Music Composer
Jim é um arrumador de cadeiras de praia na entediante cidade fictícia de Gormleigh-on-Sea. Ele convence o prefeito a organizar um festival de cinema e convida Françoise Fayol, uma estrela de cinema francesa, para atrair turistas para a cidade.
Original Music Composer
French military man Adrien Dufourquet gets an eight-day furlough to visit his fiancée, Agnès. But when he arrives in Paris, he learns that her late father's partner, museum curator Professor Catalan, has just been kidnapped by a group of Amazon tribesmen who have also stolen a priceless statue from the museum. Adrien and Agnès pursue the kidnappers to Brazil, where they learn that the statue is the key to a hidden Amazon treasure.
Original Music Composer
This French version of the notorious spy's life centers less on her romantic escapades, and more on those that reveal the person she actually was during WW I when her German superiors ordered her to seduce the French captain Trintignant so she can steal classified papers from him. Instead she falls in love with him, blows the cover, and ends up convicted of espionage and shot. (AllMovie)
La Corne d'or is mostly concerned with religious ritual, examining the mosque (and former cathedral) discussed in Byzance. As a contrast against Istanbul's status as a center of historical religious conflict, Pialat — drawing here on texts by the French poet Gérard de Nerval — also describes the city as a place of strange ethnic and religious harmony, with representatives of various cultures and religions living in close contact. He emphasizes the city's hybrid culture, its blend of Southern European and Arab influences, reflected in both its people and its very construction.
Short doc by Maurice Pialat. The first film in the series set at Turkey, Bosphore, is also the only one that was shot in color.
Original Music Composer
An escaped convict makes a remote gas station his safe haven. But soon the cunning, devious wife of the owner seeks a chance to use him to get what she wants.
Original Music Composer
Paul Javal é um roteirista que vai a Roma para trabalhar em uma adaptação da obra A Odisséia, que contará com a direção do cineasta alemão Fritz Lang. Enquanto decide os últimos detalhes para aceitar o trabalho, sua relação com a esposa, Camille, começa a desabar, em um jogo de paixão, ciúmes e desprezo.
Françoise and her husband Jean-Pierre invite some friend couples to spend a weekend in their large villa on the Portuguese coast. What follows is a romantic intrigue, with each character discovering a little more about themselves.
Original Music Composer
Young boxer Michel Maudet is sacked by his manager after a series of match defeats and is forced to look for a new job. He is engaged as secretary to a millionaire named Ferchaux who is in a hurry to flee the country when he discovers he has been implicated in a high-profile fraud.
Original Music Composer
A melancholy man meets a stunning, mysterious woman while he is traveling, and discovers she may or may not be involved in a prostitution ring. She disappears after their relationship lasts a few days, and though he searches for her, those around him pretend not to know who he is speaking of.
The star of a magazine company suffers an appendicitis attack during a shift and has to stay in a small Spanish town to be operated. But the doctor who takes care of his speech falls in love for her and tries to prolong their convalescence.
Michel Jussieu, a film producer, returns one morning to the cabaret where he forgot his sweater. He discovers the corpse of an extreme right-wing journalist, but immediately he is knocked out. He wakes up in the police station ...
Husband try to kill his wife with a help of the plan he saw in a film. But reality is not a film.
Diretores ao redor do mundo apresentam diferentes perspectivas sobre o que é o amor aos 20 anos.
Original Music Composer
Agora com 17 anos, Antoine Doinel trabalha em uma fábrica de discos. Ele conhece Colette em um show e se apaixona por ela. Mais tarde, Antoine faz um esforço extraordinário para agradar sua nova namorada e os pais dela, mas Colette ainda o considera apenas um amigo casual.
Original Music Composer
On a Christmas night, an ex-convict meets a beautiful Italian married woman who has got a lot of things to hide.
In the 18th century, Louis de Bourguignon is working with the Malichot's gang, but their ways are too 'unethical' for him. He creates his own band, acting under the name of Cartouche, making audacious robberies of the rich people, and even distributing the takings with the poor. Thus, cartouche attracts the people's sympathies, Venus's love, and hate from the Police and Malichot... Cartouche can escape all the traps they set at him - except the entrapments of love. Eventually, he will be saved by a woman, at her own cost.
Original Music Composer
Baseado no romance de Henri-Pierre Roché, este clássico da Nouvelle Vague narra um triângulo amoroso animado entre dois amigos, um francês e um alemão, e uma mulher sedutora, objeto de sua mútua obsessão, durante 25 anos.
Original Music Composer
A short documentary about the 1962 Tour-de-France. Topics covered include: crowds of people and motorcycles, drinking raids and feeding, pileups, doping, "the charge," and the mountain stages.
Original Music Composer
A businessman who lives from blackmailing begins to be blackmailed by his own wife who hates him.
Original Music Composer
Alain is a young man who has just left his parents and finds himself lost in Saint-Nazaire, a French coastal town whose main industry is shipbuilding. Alain arrives just as the liner SS France is under construction and he soon strikes up lasting friendships with dockyard workers. It is here that he also gets to meet the love of his life...
Original Music Composer
Uma dona de um café de aldeia julga reconhecer num vagabundo, o seu marido deportado durante a II Guerra Mundial, mas o homem que perdeu a sua memória não se lembra de acontecimentos anteriores a 1945, com os quais se vê confrontado. Remete-nos para uma visão reveladora do amor, como último contraforte da humanidade. A visão do rosto interior de alguém toca pela essência dois seres cujas existências podem e devem ver-se transformadas e expandidas numa revolução intima libertadora. A ausência traumática aponta-nos a alienação social que o amor teima em ganhar. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Original Music Composer
Stéphane Blanchon lives a quiet life in Switzerland with his wife, Christine, until a young American boarder named Belle, who was living with them, is found murdered. Despite Stéphane's innocence, the evidence points to him, and he learns that Belle harbored romantic feelings for him. Suspicions mount against him; even Christine thinks he is the culprit. Stéphane's sanity begins to crumble, and he lashes out in unprecedented ways.
Claire is a young mother and married to Georges, but she is also having an affair with bachelor Antoine, who is being kept by her good friend Madeleine, a wealthy fashion designer. But the meetings at Antoine's apartment, five afternoons a week, come to a halt when their partners learn the truth.
Original Music Composer
A young American girl at a French boarding school develops a crush on an egotistical sculptor living next door. One night, driving in a drunken stupor, he runs over and kills a man, and she witnesses it.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
A young man who lives on women meets his match in the young wife of a rich industrialist. Their affair is doomed by her taste for luxury and his dislike of her coolness.
Original Music Composer
Charlie é um pianista clássico que mudou de nome e agora toca jazz em um bar parisiense. Seus irmãos Richard e Chico estão com problemas com os mafiosos, e Charlie os ajuda a fugir. A partir desse momento, ele também se torna um alvo para os criminosos.
Original Music Composer
Victor (Jean-Pierre Cassel) and Suzanne (Genevieve Cluny) are a couple at odds about commitment in this light, fast-paced comedy-drama by Philippe de Broca. Suzanne needs more reassurance from Victor about the future of their relationship. He is a painter with an inspired creative side who finds it difficult to understand Suzanne's point of view. They are happy together; what is the problem? So when a friend comes into the picture and proposes to Suzanne, Victor suddenly realizes that Suzanne was right. Without a formal commitment, the suddenly insecure man does not like the view from the opposite shore.
Original Music Composer
In the year that Cannes Film Festival handed out awards to Federico Fellini for La Dolce Vita, L'Avventura by Michelangelo Antonioni, and Kagi by Kon Ichikawa -- 'Le Sourire' won the Palme d'Or for Best Short Film in 1960. This quiet and intelligent film is a remarkable interpretation of a young monks perspective into a world of meditation, sacred geometry, and coming of age. A tribute to Buddhism, introspection and the wonders of nature...a short but lasting work of art.
Original Music Composer
Stefan Borba was a member of a spy ring during the war but after the end of the conflict he opted out. Now he is a miner in Belgium and lives happily there with his wife Denise. Unfortunately for him, his past catches up with him. One day indeed, Milan, a secret agent with whom he used to work, resurfaces and forces him back into action...
Original Music Composer
Gângster condenado à morte à revelia e procurado pela polícia, Abel Davos refugiou-se na Itália com sua esposa Thérèse e seus dois filhos. Mas depois de um golpe com seu amigo Raymond, à beira de ser encontrado, ele deve retornar clandestinamente à França. Quando aterrissam em uma praia deserta, dois oficiais da alfândega os surpreendem, gerando um tiroteio que acaba matando Thérèse e Raymond. Deixado sozinho com seus dois filhos, Abel pede a seus amigos Riton e Fargier, em Paris, para buscá-los em Nice. Como eles não podem vir pessoalmente mandam um homem de confiança, Eric Stark, com uma ambulância. Davos faz amizade com o jovem, que o esconde no quarto de uma empregada em seu prédio ... (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Original Music Composer
Philippe, a little known artist, has a mistress, Viviane, a woman he does not love. When he learns the bailiffs are about to seize his paintings, Philippe decides to leave alone for the French Riviera and spend, as he regularly does, comfortable and carefree holidays in the luxurious villa of his friend Paule. But, on his way, he meets Manette, a beautiful but poor girl to whom he offers to become his companion for the Summer. Manette accepts the strange deal in exchange for bed and board. As Philippe always comes in the company of his mistress of the time, the presence of Manette does not pose a problem. But the young woman soon feels ill-at-ease in such a dubious environment. moreover, she realizes that she is falling in love with Philippe, who might not be so cynical as he wants to appear... - Written by Guy Bellinger on IMDB
Original Music Composer
Uma cidade através da sua ferida.
Original Music Composer
Steph, Jean-Claude and Jacques work in a Parisian art shop, but they mainly work in the field of eroticism, which they conceive as a wide-ranging field of exercises and experiments.
Original Music Composer
Hiroshima, 1959. Uma atriz francesa casada (Emmanuelle Riva) veio de Paris para trabalhar num filme sobre a paz. Ela tem um affair com um arquiteto japonês (Eiji Okada) também casado, cuja esposa está viajando. Nos dois dias que passam juntos várias lembranças vêem à tona enquanto esperam, de forma aflita, a hora da partida dela. Ela conta que foi "tosquiada", pois se apaixonou por um alemão (Bernard Fresson) quando tinha apenas 18 anos e morava em Nevers, sendo libertada no dia em que seu amor foi morto, já no final da 2ª Guerra Mundial. Por ter amado um inimigo ela foi aprisionada por sua família numa fria e escura adega e agora, 14 anos depois, novamente sente o gosto de viver um amor quase impossível.
Original Music Composer
Feito para o Office de tourisme français e dedicado a André Bazin, este curta documental aborda um tema frequentemente fotografado: as praias e os edifícios da Riviera.
Original Music Composer
Impressions of the rue Mouffetard, Paris 5, through the eyes of a pregnant woman.
A residential area schoolboy discovers the odd universe of the Parisian metro. At one point, he glimpses the beautiful face of a blond-haired girl. Later on, he falls asleep and possibly dreams his first love dream…
A young woman wins a typing contest and sets off to work in Paris.
Original Music Composer
A professor experimenting in suspended animation accidentally shrinks his dog and later, his female lab assistant, when she drinks the liquid by accident and shrinks to 3 inches tall. The professor keeps her in his pocket until he can find an antidote. Sometimes she's naked, too.
Filmmaker Alain Resnais documents the atrocities behind the walls of Hitler's concentration camps.
Director Chris Marker begins by recounting his childhood dream of visiting the city of Peking - a city he was once only able to admire in books. The viewer is taken on a journey through this city, as if experiencing it from the mind and through the eyes of Marker. His thoughts and observations about the traditions, history, and banalities of everyday life in Peking are woven together in elegant fashion.
Toute la mémoire du monde is a documentary about the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris. It presents the building, with its processes of cataloguing and preserving all sorts of printed material, as both a monument of cultural memory and as a monstrous, alien being.