
Bummer (2003)

Gênero : Crime, Drama

Runtime : 1H 50M

Director : Pyotr Buslov


Corrupt cops, street gangs, "Bratki" in "Bummers" (BMWs) steal and "Merins" (Mercedeses), angry truck drivers, beautiful women and death are what four friends in a black Bummer who go on a mission from one region of Russia to another are about to face in the wasteland of small-town Russia. A critique of the policies of Boris Yeltsin, it depicted the economic crisis that followed Russia's transition towards a free market economy, and with it, a lost generation, with no job security, who are pushed into a world of crime and rebellion. Despite a modest budget of US$700,000, and a limited cinematic release, it became a national hit in Russia as well its soundtrack, popularized by 'Seryoga's' (Серёга) music video "Чёрный Бумер" ("Black Bummer"). Both the film and its soundtrack have won awards, including the prestigious Golden Aries from the Russian Guild of Film critics.


Sergey Gorobchenko
Sergey Gorobchenko
Petya 'Rama'
Vladimir Vdovichenkov
Vladimir Vdovichenkov
Kostyan 'Kot'
Andrey Merzlikin
Andrey Merzlikin
Dimon 'Oshparennyy'
Maksim Konovalov
Maksim Konovalov
Lyokha 'Killa'
Yana Shivkova
Yana Shivkova
Lyudmila Polyakova
Lyudmila Polyakova
Anastasiya Sapozhnikova
Anastasiya Sapozhnikova
Vasiliy Sedykh
Vasiliy Sedykh
Mikhail Lukashov
Mikhail Lukashov
young cop
Vladimir Sychev
Vladimir Sychev
Ilya Sokolovskiy
Ilya Sokolovskiy
Dimon's car thief
Aleksandr Bukharov
Aleksandr Bukharov
Dmitry Prokofyev
Dmitry Prokofyev
Yevgeniy Kraynov
Yevgeniy Kraynov
Aleksey Zaytsev
Aleksey Zaytsev
tractor driver
Vitaliy Alshanskiy
Vitaliy Alshanskiy
Second Lieutenant Zavazalskiy
Nelly Uvarova
Nelly Uvarova
Philipp Riba
Philipp Riba
Aleksey Oshurkov
Aleksey Oshurkov
Anatoliy Koshcheev
Anatoliy Koshcheev
Olga Dobrina
Olga Dobrina
brachial girl
Oksana Stashenko
Oksana Stashenko
Husky's wife
Aleksandr Snykov
Aleksandr Snykov
ambulance driver
Mariya Shalaeva
Mariya Shalaeva
telegraph girl
Kirill Belevich
Kirill Belevich
FSB officer
Yuriy Sokolov
Yuriy Sokolov
ded dembelya
Vasiliy Dolbitikov
Vasiliy Dolbitikov
main trucker
Mikhail Kalinkin
Mikhail Kalinkin
forwading agent
Vladimir Yachmenev
Vladimir Yachmenev
Aleksey Salpanov
Aleksey Salpanov
Ilya Lyubimov
Ilya Lyubimov
Sergey Mamaev
Sergey Mamaev
Kirill Boltaev
Kirill Boltaev
Aleksandr Vysokovskiy
Aleksandr Vysokovskiy
Aleksandr Ilin
Aleksandr Ilin
Pyotr Buslov
Pyotr Buslov
Kirill Mugayskikh
Kirill Mugayskikh
Marina Oryol
Marina Oryol
Aleksey Trotsenko
Aleksey Trotsenko
Natalya Savinova
Natalya Savinova
Yana Lvova
Yana Lvova
Sergey Mishchenko
Sergey Mishchenko
Alexey Vasilyev
Alexey Vasilyev
Dmitriy Medvedev
Dmitriy Medvedev
Oleg Valkman
Oleg Valkman
Sergey Shekhovtsov
Sergey Shekhovtsov
Dmitry Aksenov
Dmitry Aksenov
Dmitry Diakonov
Dmitry Diakonov


Pyotr Buslov
Pyotr Buslov
Denis Rodimin
Denis Rodimin
Pyotr Buslov
Pyotr Buslov
Vladimir Ignatiev
Vladimir Ignatiev
Executive Producer
Sergey Chliyants
Sergey Chliyants
Sergey Shnurov
Sergey Shnurov
Ulyana Ryabova
Ulyana Ryabova
Production Design
Oleg Kolodko
Oleg Kolodko
Set Designer
Ivan Lebedev
Ivan Lebedev
Sergei Selyanov
Sergei Selyanov


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22 de Julho
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Seven Wishes
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Brother 2
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Bummer 2
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The Diamond Arm
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Três Segundos
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