Vladimir Vdovichenkov

Vladimir Vdovichenkov

Nascimento : 1971-08-13,


Vladimir Vdovichenkov


Evgeniy Onegin lives in grand style: balls, receptions, theater premieres and other frivolities the capital can offer a young man. But social life has long tired him, so he perceives the news of the illness of his uncle living in the village as an opportunity to escape. However, having reached the estate, Onegin learns about the death of a relative, which, however, does not upset Evgeniy too much. His financial affairs are very sad, and his uncle is rich and has no other heirs. Onegin locks himself in the estate, living in aimless solitude until the owner, who has returned from abroad, appears at the neighboring estate – a young, enthusiastic Vladimir Lenskiy, not yet satiated with life, who introduces Evgeniy to sisters Tatyana and Olga Larin.
The Adventures of Chuck & Huck
Two friendly but mischievous brothers Chuk and Gek live with their loving mother in Moscow and miss their father, who works far in the North. Deciding to meet the upcoming New Year together at all costs, they set off on an exciting journey to the mysterious Blue Mountains. Now they are waiting for the biggest adventure in their lives, because on New Year's holidays any, even the most incredible miracles are possible.
Em dezembro de 1925, a renomada dançarina americana Isadora Duncan chega à fronteira soviético-letã, onde faz arranjos para que seu amante Yesenin fuja da URSS. Tudo o que ele precisa fazer é pegar o trem para Riga. O poeta viaja secretamente de Moscou para a fria Leningrado, onde se vê envolvido em um turbilhão de eventos. Enquanto tenta escapar da vigilância dos serviços secretos, ele tem uma série de encontros fatídicos. Apesar dos muitos obstáculos que enfrenta ao longo do caminho, ele continua determinado a se reunir com Isadora.
Big Boss Evgeny Sergeevich instructs Slava and Zhenya to sell a batch of smuggled solar stone. Slava and Zhenya are friends who have been working in amber since childhood. In the 90s, Slava and Zhenya had a chance to rise, to become wealthy people, but one circumstance that happened through the fault of Slava forever deprived them of this opportunity. After receiving a large batch from Evgeny Sergeevich, Zhenya has a plan in his head on how to get rich quickly and become the person he always dreamed of being. What is Zhenya capable of to achieve his goal, and is there a place for friendship when it comes to big money?
Champion of the World
Em 1978, o jovem e ambicioso campeão de xadrez soviético Anatoly Karpov deve defender seu título contra um ex-mentor e desertor do Ocidente, Viktor Korchnoi. O confronto se torna a partida de campeonato mais dramática da história do xadrez.
Ink Sea
A young sailor Sasha travels the world and sends letters to his father from every city where the ship stops. But all his letters remain unanswered for many years. Since childhood, Sasha has not seen his father, he does not have his phone, only the postal address has been preserved. For him, one-way letters have already become a ritual. But one day, returning home from a voyage, a sailor finds a reply letter in his mailbox.
Not Like Dad
The story of the journey of an adult hero to his Bata, a stern Russian peasant who became a father at the dawn of the nineties and raised his son the way all Soviet people did.
Present Future
Filho das Sombras
Alguns anos depois que seu único filho desapareceu, um casal decide adotar uma criança. No orfanato, sob circunstâncias esquisitas, a esposa de luto encontra um menino selvagem e convence o marido a aceitá-lo.
Meu Amigo Robô
Viktor Privalov
Moscou, Rússia. A-112 é um robô humanoide destinado a atuar em situações de resgate, de forma a salvar pessoas e diminuir riscos aos humanos. Entretanto, apesar do longo tempo de ensino por uma dedicada equipe de cientistas, ele ainda comete erros básicos de avaliação, quando precisa entrar em ação. Com o projeto correndo riscos de ser cancelado, o robô foge do laboratório decidido a descobrir o que é uma família. Em sua busca ele conhece Mitya, filho de dois cientistas do local que o criou, que é negligenciado pelos pais. Não demora muito para que eles se tornem amigos e Mitya o ajude a se esconder, quando sua fuga se torna pública.
The Big Deal
Vadim Krylov
Vadim Krylov is the owner of a major retail chain. He's the best at what he does, and he is used to getting what he wants at any cost. He reaches his goal, 3000 stores all over the country, but that costs him dearly. Now, to avoid financial ruin Krylov has to make a deal to partner with a large Chinese retail chain. The Chinese company is ready to purchase a 50% stake in Vadim's company which officially - or on paper at least - belongs to his Mother. Vadim is once again on top of the world. But his Mother, who lived her whole life in his home town died a half a year ago and it turns out, she left a last will and testament. So Vadim will have to go back to his home town where there's an unexpected surprise waiting for him. His Mother bequeathed the company not to him, but to her granddaughter, his daughter, with whom he has had no contact with since he abandoned her at the age of two.
Galimžjan, an old man living an ascetic life by the sea, confronts his past as his son is accused of assaulting a man in the city. Galimžjan has lost his faith in a mythical fish called Baigal that is said to live in the nearby Volga river. But Baigal, who can bestow luck on those who reach it, might be just what he needs.
King of the Mountain
Alexey Tsaryov is a 17-year-old school leader and a promising champion of a junior alpine ski team. Alexey has a girlfriend Lina and a friend Kostya, his rival both in sport and in love. Alexey is first in every way. He is self-confident, he does not know how to lose and does not wish to lose. But suddenly everything changes. After a tragic accident that befalls Alexey because of Kostya, their friendship has to withstand a challenge. But the moral courage, goodness and love will help endure all the ordeals and will bring everyone to their personal victories.
russian comedy
Salyut 7: Missão Espacial
Vladimir Fyodorov
Salyut 7 é um filme de drama histórico russo lançado em 2017 e dirigido por Klim Shipenko. A história é baseada na missão Soyuz T-13 de 1985, parte do programa Salyut soviético. Foi a primeira vez na história em que uma estação espacial "morta" foi acoplada, e trazida de volta ao serviço.
Sem Amor
asking man (voice)
Boris e Zhenya estão se divorciando. Depois de anos juntos, os dois se preparam para suas novas vidas: ele com sua nova namorada, que está grávida, e ela com seu parceiro rico. Com tantas preocupações eles acabam não dando atenção ao filho Alyosha, que acaba desaparecendo misteriosamente.
Aluga-se uma Casa com Todos os Inconvenientes
Corretor ambicioso aluga uma casa para várias famílias ao mesmo tempo. Depois de algumas situações embaraçosas as coisas parecem estar caminhando bem, quando o proprietário do imóvel retorna de uma viagem sem saber que seu amigo a quem ele emprestara a casa a tinha alugado.
Escape for a Dream
Three stories about three very different men - writer, doctor and lawyer.
The Awakening
A successful lawyer drives recklessly and runs down a young man. He wants to escape punishment, so decides to drive the boy to a hospital and try to negotiate a deal. Their trip becomes a real test for the lawyer's consciousness.
Dmitriy Seleznyov
Numa península do Mar de Barents, no Ártico, um pai de família (Aleksey Serebryakov) luta contra os desmandos de um prefeito corrupto. Para enfrentar o político que tenta desalojá-lo, ele recorre a um colega de Moscou.
Уходящая натура
Holiday Lockdown
A funny romantic comedy about a young actor Slava Belkin who works as Santa during New Year days.
360 é uma reunião de histórias dinâmicas e modernas, passadas em diversas partes do mundo. Laura (Maria Flor) é uma mulher que deixou a vida na terra natal para tentar a sorte em Londres ao lado do namorado Rui (Juliano Cazarré). Ao descobrir que o parceiro está tendo um caso com Rose (Rachel Weisz), ela decide voltar para o Brasil. Na volta pra casa, ela conhece um simpático senhor (Anthony Hopkins) e Tyler (Ben Foster), duas pessoas em momentos difíceis em suas vidas. Num outro lado da história, Mirka (Lucia Siposová) é uma jovem tcheca que começa a trabalhar como prostituta para juntar dinheiro. Ao mesmo tempo, lida com a desaprovação da irmã Anna (Gabriela Marcinkova). O primeiro cliente de Mirka é Michael (Jude Law), que por sua vez é casado com Rose.
A Guerra de Agosto
Kseniya (Svetlana Ivanova), uma mãe solteira, precisa arriscar sua vida e fazer um longo e perigoso caminho até Ckhinvali para resgatar seu filho, que está no meio da zona de guerra. Ele tinha sido enviado para lá no dia anterior para visitar o pai. Enquanto ela enfrenta a dura realidade da guerra, o menino vê o confronto através sua imaginação, transformando-o em uma incrível batalha de robôs.
There's No Hurry
Every year, 25,000 people die on Russian roads. You could say a whole city is disappearing from our planet. And about a third of its "residents" were involved in an accident due to speeding. Many drivers do not consider acceleration even at 30 km / h a violation, but statistics show that they are wrong. Five different stories combined in movie almanacs will make every viewer, at least, think about the right choice of speed. Both on the road and in life.
Esli By Ya Tebya Lyubil
Добрый и бесшабашный водитель такси Павел не привык задумываться о смысле жизни, замечая, в основном, только ее приятные стороны. Он влюблен в красавицу Тамару, которая мечтает стать известной певицей. Случайно попав на психологические курсы, Павел знакомится с Таней, скромной, незаметной молодой женщиной. Он обращает на нее внимание после того, как она, отрабатывая задание психолога, с глубоким чувством произносит монолог на тему «Если бы я тебя любила».
Запрещённая реальность
De acordo com o interceptador de dados, Matvey Sobolev, o agente do Serviço da Contra-Inteligência Militar, foi dado como morto enquanto transportava a mais nova arma da organização. Contudo, ele sobreviveu e decidiu abandonar o jogo para não ser uma marionete nas mãos dos poderosos. Sua vida tranquila, longe das grandes ações, é interrompida pelo General Ivakin, seu ex-chefe.
Alexey Kromov, a former Russian army colonel, is stuck in Paris with a huge sum of money which belong to the former Russian government.
The Man at the Window
Alexander Dronov, the actor, didn't have many success in his life. But despite all the troubles he has an important life mission - he's the man at the window.
Iron & Blood: The Legend of Taras Bulba
Ostap Bulba
Set in the 16th century, this is a story about Ukraine's Cossack warriors and their campaign to defend their lands from the advancing Polish armies.
Thirty-year-old business woman Lena Chistyakova, a formidable boss for his subordinates. The unflattering nickname "Mymra" fully corresponds to her image of a strong woman and an old maid. In accordance with the medical prescription, she makes a strong-willed decision to give birth to a child. To perform this task, Mymra arranges monitoring of subordinates in order to identify the most suitable candidate. The search for a candidate for the role of father unexpectedly ends with a random meeting with a former classmate Sergei Krylov, a successful, beautiful man, in the Prime of his life. But to like the ideal candidate, Lena Chistyakova first of all need to get rid of his unflattering nickname. To fulfill the mission of conception, Mymra takes a sabbatical at work and is hired as a housekeeper to the unsuspecting Sergei. Mastering the basics of the household in the field, Mymra comprehends a new science — how to be a modern woman.
Story of a man named Sayan, that had to live through harsh 1990s and make tough decisions.
Paragraf 78 - Film vtoroy
Em um futuro próximo, o comando da configuração especial recebe uma nova tarefa importante. Em uma base secreta de foguetes, onde uma ordem muito alta traz um comando, eles terão que correr cara a cara não apenas para um perigo externo, mas também uns com os outros.
Paragraph 78: Film One
The peoples of the world has finally managed to agree on the most important issues on the planet and there was long overdue balance. Signed an agreement to terminate development of weapons of mass destruction, but in secret all the superpowers continue to build up military power on classified sites, which seemed never existed. Goodwin, a former commander of special forces, is tasked to collect his former people responsible for the mission. Something very serious has happened to the base where secretly working to develop a new combat the virus, and more recent cohorts, who have almost nothing left in common, have come together again...
Sedmoy den
Bummer 2
The film takes place a few years after the events shown in Bummer. Kostyan "Kot", who lost all his friends, the woman he loved and was nearly killed in the first installment of the film tries to begin a new, peaceful life. But is it possible to do? Has Russia changed and do "bratki" on black "bummers" no longer control business? Can he escape his past?
A Time to Gather Stones
Captain Demin
A former German officer is coming back to USSR in order to help to clear land mines he put during the war.
Kostyan 'Kot'
Corrupt cops, street gangs, "Bratki" in "Bummers" (BMWs) steal and "Merins" (Mercedeses), angry truck drivers, beautiful women and death are what four friends in a black Bummer who go on a mission from one region of Russia to another are about to face in the wasteland of small-town Russia. A critique of the policies of Boris Yeltsin, it depicted the economic crisis that followed Russia's transition towards a free market economy, and with it, a lost generation, with no job security, who are pushed into a world of crime and rebellion. Despite a modest budget of US$700,000, and a limited cinematic release, it became a national hit in Russia as well its soundtrack, popularized by 'Seryoga's' (Серёга) music video "Чёрный Бумер" ("Black Bummer"). Both the film and its soundtrack have won awards, including the prestigious Golden Aries from the Russian Guild of Film critics.
Burning Hot Saturday
Deputy Dmitry Zemcov is working on a Law on State Support for Small Business. After coming home he finds his wife, Vera with their old friend Ivan.
In order to justify himself to the bigwigs of the criminal world, a young "gentleman of street luck", a former orphanage April is forced to take from the "godfather" of the mafia order to eliminate the two individuals who allegedly framed him. At the same time, one of the "targets" of April — confused in his relationship with crime businessman Vova — and he must save his life by agreeing to a very dangerous and questionable case. Naturally at one point their way — the roads intersect, but at the wrong time and in the most unexpected place. In just one night, the film's characters are trying to solve their problems, find the truth and, perhaps, pay a high price for it…
Border: Taiga novel
Far East. 70th years. A small garrison on the border with China. Here, as everywhere, there are men and women. Everyone has his own story, his own destiny, his own love. The common thing is that they all came here once on duty and stayed for a long time. Marina Goloshchekina is nice, kind, right. Galya The tourniquet is intelligent, passionate, determined. Albina Raven - extravagant, unpredictable, thin. Three friends, three sisters in happiness and misfortune, officers' wives. They help each other stand in this completely feminine world, where every man has a gun! And this means that love and danger go hand in hand. Marina quite unexpectedly meets her true love of the young officer Ivan Stolbov. Learn about this new secret love girlfriend. On the one hand, you can rejoice over Marina. But how can she rejoice herself, if behind five years of marriage with a strong, strong-willed and very unpredictable Nikita Goloshchekin?
The President and his Granddaughter
Moscow Year New Year's Eve 1987. In the 25th hospital on duty are the obstetrician and the nurse. They make the rounds, after which sit down to celebrate the New Year. Suddenly, the hospital ambulance arrives with a pregnant woman - daughter of the general, who had an accident and she started the premature birth. Despite the exhortations of doctors that gestational age is a tragic turn for the child, a fierce general, threatening with a pistol, forcing him to take delivery. A child is born dead, and intimidated doctor decides to replace it for a living. On the same day another woman gave birth to twin-girls, one of which is changed. Ironically, the two girls called Masha.
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