
Man Beast (1956)

Hair-raising excitement in the icy lair of man-like creatures roaming the roof of the world!

Gênero : Terror, Ficção científica

Runtime : 1H 2M

Director : Jerry Warren
Escritor : B. Arthur Cassidy


Connie Hayward mounts an expedition into the Himalayan Mountains looking for her brother, who has not returned from a previous trek trying to locate the Yeti, or "Abominable Snowman". Arriving at her brother's last-known camp Connie and her companions find only a strange old guide, Varga. They are soon attacked by gigantic Snowmen but are not half as surprised as when Vargas reveals his secret origin and the plans he has for Connie.


Rock Madison
Rock Madison
(credit only)
Asa Maynor
Asa Maynor
Connie Hayward
George Skaff
George Skaff
Tom Maruzzi
Tom Maruzzi
Steve Cameron
Lloyd Nelson
Lloyd Nelson
Trevor Hudson
George Wells Lewis
George Wells Lewis
Dr. Eric Erickson
Jack Haffner
Jack Haffner
Wong Sing
Wong Sing


Jerry Warren
Jerry Warren
Jerry Warren
Jerry Warren
Ralph Brooke
Ralph Brooke
Associate Producer
James Sweeney
James Sweeney
Ralph Brooke
Ralph Brooke
Art Direction
Jim Donovan
Jim Donovan
Victor Fisher
Victor Fisher
Director of Photography
Richard George
Richard George
Production Supervisor
Ralph Brooke
Ralph Brooke
Second Unit Director
Ray Guth
Ray Guth
Set Supervisor
Josef Zimanich
Josef Zimanich
Music Director
B. Arthur Cassidy
B. Arthur Cassidy


Sub Zero
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Creature from Black Lake
Two men exploring the Louisiana swamps run into a Bigfoot-type creature.
The Crawling Eye
An American investigator for the U.N., a German scientist and a British reporter join forces to investigate a series of disappearances and mutilation-deaths confined to a Swiss Alp and involving a thick, mobile cloud, a telepathic girl, an animate dead man, and tentacled, cyclopean beings from another planet.
After receiving word about a mysterious carcass/skeleton unearthed in the Arizona desert, a father and his daughter decide to remove it from the burial grounds for further study. Once they do so, they, as well as the town, are besieged by a colony of gargoyles living in some nearby caverns.
The Snow Creature
A botanical expedition to the Himalayas captures a Yeti and brings it back alive to Los Angeles, where it escapes and runs amok, seeking food.
The Abominable Snowman
Um gentil botânico inglês, acompanhado por um cientista americano chamado Shelley, decidiram conduzir uma expedição única aos Himalaias em busca do lendário Yeti, que o jovem escocês McNee, que tamém segue viagem com eles, afirma ter visto. Chegando lá, após encontrarem as pegadas, as verdadeiras intenções de alguns serão reveladas.
Invasion of the Animal People
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Night of the Demon
A professor and his students have a grisly encounter with a sasquatchlike creature that prowls the backwoods.
s EUA devem unir forças com a URSS para destruir um gigantesco asteroide em direção à Terra.
O Ladrão de Cavalos
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A Ilha dos Ursos
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Not Your Typical Bigfoot Movie
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Cantinflas, Cicerone
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First Ascent
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Sete Oportunidades
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O Expresso do Horror
Uma expedição organizada por uma sociedade geológica britânica na Manchúria, em 1906, liderada pelo Prof. Alexander Saxton (Christopher Lee), descobre uma criatura congelada que pode ter milhões de anos. O antropólogo encaixota seu achado e embarca num trem trans-siberiano de volta à Europa. Porém, o monstro desperta e espalha o terror durante a viagem de trem, sugando o conhecimento de suas vítimas e deixando-as com os olhos brancos, enquanto torna-se uma ameaça cada vez mais perigosa.
Dois grupos de montanhistas amadores resolvem escalar o Everest e chegar ao ponto mais alto do mundo. Eles não conseguem escapar da fúria da montanha e são pegos por uma violenta tempestade. A aventura se transforma numa terrível luta para sobreviver.
Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon
Surviving the plane crash was only the beginning ... After their plane crashes into uncharted territory in the Himalayas, the survivors set out to find help in the freezing cold. As the days pass and with no sign of a rescue, tensions begin to mount. The survivors wrestle with their consciences as they realise that in order to survive, they must use the bodies of the dead as food. But when it appears that something else is already feeding upon the dead, the survivors realise that their biggest danger is not hunger but something infinitely more sinister: a legendary Yeti is stalking them and is moving in for the kill. Can they outsmart the beast or will they die trying?
Clawed: The Legend of Sasquatch
When a group of poachers is found mauled to death in the woods of the Pacific Northwest -- mirroring a grisly slaying that happened years ago, known as the "Echo Mountain Massacre" -- angry locals are convinced that the infamous Sasquatch is to blame. But that doesn't stop four passionate high school students from making a plea to spare the creature's life.
O Fio da Navalha
Um jovem Bem-de-Vida de Chicago, Larry Darrell, rompe seu noivado com Isabel e viaja pelo mundo em busca da iluminação. Acaba encontrando o seu guru na Índia. Isabel se casa com Gray, e na sequência da crise de 1929, é convidada a viver em Paris com seu rico tio Elliot, um alpinista social. Durante uma temporada em Paris, Larry, tendo alcançado seu objetivo, está junto com Isabel. Quando numa noite resolvem passear por um bairro barra pesada. Larry, Isabel e acompanhantes ficam chocados ao descobrir Sophie, uma amiga de Chicago. Depois de ter perdido o marido e filho em um trágico acidente, Sophie está vivendo uma vida de submundo, com a ajuda de drogas e de um homem bruto e abusivo. Larry tenta reabilita-la, mas seus esforços são sabotados por Isabel, que tenta em vão reacender o interesse de Larry por ela.