
Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon (2008)

It kills in cold blood

Gênero : Terror, Ação, Aventura

Runtime : 1H 25M

Director : Paul Ziller


Surviving the plane crash was only the beginning ... After their plane crashes into uncharted territory in the Himalayas, the survivors set out to find help in the freezing cold. As the days pass and with no sign of a rescue, tensions begin to mount. The survivors wrestle with their consciences as they realise that in order to survive, they must use the bodies of the dead as food. But when it appears that something else is already feeding upon the dead, the survivors realise that their biggest danger is not hunger but something infinitely more sinister: a legendary Yeti is stalking them and is moving in for the kill. Can they outsmart the beast or will they die trying?


Crystal Lowe
Crystal Lowe
Carly Pope
Carly Pope
Ona Grauer
Ona Grauer
Ed Marinaro
Ed Marinaro
Coach Gorfida
Marc Menard
Marc Menard
Peyton Elway
Adam O'Byrne
Adam O'Byrne
James De Ravin
Kris Pope
Kris Pope
Brandon Jay McLaren
Brandon Jay McLaren
Elfina Luk
Elfina Luk
Christian Tessier
Christian Tessier
Taras Kostyuk
Taras Kostyuk
Peter DeLuise
Peter DeLuise
Viv Leacock
Viv Leacock
Josh Emerson
Josh Emerson
Sean Bell
Sean Bell
Jacob Rivera
Jacob Rivera
Aaron Pearl
Aaron Pearl
Paul Jarrett
Paul Jarrett
Capt. Washbrun


Paul Ziller
Paul Ziller
Cody Laudan
Cody Laudan
Chris Webb
Chris Webb
Stunt Double
Rorelee Tio
Rorelee Tio
Stunt Double
Kimani Ray Smith
Kimani Ray Smith
Stunt Double
Justin Sain
Justin Sain
Stunt Double
Dan Redford
Dan Redford
Taras Kostyuk
Taras Kostyuk
Stunt Double
Caroline Field
Caroline Field
Stunt Double
Scott J. Ateah
Scott J. Ateah
Stunt Coordinator
Katrina McCarthy
Katrina McCarthy
Costume Design
Gail Luining
Gail Luining
Set Decoration
Michael Nemirsky
Michael Nemirsky
Production Design
Stuart Aikins
Stuart Aikins
Lewis Schoenbrun
Lewis Schoenbrun
Yale Kozinski
Yale Kozinski
Curtis Petersen
Curtis Petersen
Michael Richard Plowman
Michael Richard Plowman
Martin J. Barab
Martin J. Barab
Executive Producer
Aaron Barnett
Aaron Barnett
Line Producer
Dana Dubovsky
Dana Dubovsky
Executive Producer
Eric Gozlan
Eric Gozlan
Executive Producer
Michael Greenfield
Michael Greenfield
Executive Producer
Daniel Grodnik
Daniel Grodnik
Richard Iott
Richard Iott
Executive Producer
Mark L. Lester
Mark L. Lester
Executive Producer
Wendy Kay Moore
Wendy Kay Moore
Associate Producer
Katie Yu
Katie Yu
Still Photographer
David Bercovici-Artieda
David Bercovici-Artieda
"B" Camera Operator
Richard Eagan
Richard Eagan
First Assistant "B" Camera
Chris Ciavarelli
Chris Ciavarelli
Second Assistant "B" Camera


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Narciso Negro
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