Gail Luining


Segunda Chance para o Primeiro Amor
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Depois de 15 anos, um pai solteiro se muda do Havaí com seus dois filhos e, por uma série de coincidências, acaba preso no trânsito ao lado de sua namorada do colégio.
Nunca Beije um Homem em um Suéter de Natal
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Maggie está passando o Natal sozinha até que conhece Lucas, um hóspede inesperado. Juntos, eles encontram conforto um no outro para viverem o feriado natalino.
Just My Type
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Pop culture writer and aspiring novelist Vanessa Sills lands the interview of a lifetime with the illustrious, elusive and reclusive mystery author Martin Clayborne in his quaint rural town only to realize her own aspirations, dreams and romantic life have taken a back seat along the way. When Vanessa returns home to Portland and a mysterious gift arrives from Martin, she then makes a surprise decision, and finally takes her own advice to “go boldly in the direction of your dreams and live the life you imagine.”
A Midnight Kiss
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With only one week to prepare, Lisa Patterson and her family of party planners are given the biggest job in their company’s history: a New Year’s Eve party for tech entrepreneur Megan Clark. But when her brother breaks his leg and her parents head off on a planned vacation, Lisa must reluctantly enlist the help of her brother’s visiting college buddy, David Campos, to help her pull off the event which just so happens to fall on her favorite day of the year. But what Lisa didn’t plan on was falling in love in the process.
A Bramble House Christmas
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While settling his father’s estate, Finn Conrad becomes suspicious as to why the man left a nurse $50,000. His dad knew her for less than two months before he died. Just before Christmas, Finn wants what to reclaim what he considers his family’s money, going undercover to investigate the bed and breakfast the nurse has recently taken over. When Finn meets Willa, he discovers she’s not a conniving gold digger at all, but a woman in need who put the money to good use. When she discovers his true identity, will it keep Willa from ever trusting him again?
Pitada do Amor
Second Assistant Director
Quando uma aspirante a Chef, Nikki Turner consegue o emprego dos sonhos no restaurante da famosa Chef, Holly Hanson, ela se torna amiga do atraente Chef executivo, Paul Dellucci. Depois que ambos são erroneamente demitidos de lá, a dupla decide abrir seu próprio restaurante para provar que sua comida é melhor.
Pitada do Amor
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Quando uma aspirante a Chef, Nikki Turner consegue o emprego dos sonhos no restaurante da famosa Chef, Holly Hanson, ela se torna amiga do atraente Chef executivo, Paul Dellucci. Depois que ambos são erroneamente demitidos de lá, a dupla decide abrir seu próprio restaurante para provar que sua comida é melhor.
Luke no Afeganistão
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Um jornalista decide pedir demissão depois que recusam sua reportagem sobre as atrocidades cometidas pelos canadenses no Afeganistão. Quando ele tem uma nova oportunidade para investigar o tema, sua viagem se transforma em uma perigosa aventura.
Lying to Be Perfect
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Nola Devlin is an unassuming, frumpy magazine editor who is overlooked and teased by her coworkers. Though, when she is behind the glow and anonymity of her computer screen, she becomes the famous advice columnist Belinda Apple. Nola’s friends, tired of being overworked and overweight, band together to create the Cinderella Pact, vowing to lose pounds by following the advice of Belinda Apple. When her secret identity is threatened, Nola is forced to take her own alter ego’s advice. But, as the group of friends drops dress sizes, their real issues are exposed, and better-than-expected life changes begin to blossom.
Merlin e o Livro das Bestas
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Nos vinte anos desde a queda de Camelot, Merlin (James Callis) tornou-se um eremita conhecido como “o homem selvagem da floresta.” Até que é convocado por um bando de jovens cavaleiros para que os ajude a destronar um maléfico feiticeiro que usurpou o poder e diz governar a partir de uma “Nova Camelot”.
Crimes da Moda: Assassinato no Salão
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A jornalista de moda Lacey Smithsonian investiga uma série de mortes no salão de cabeleireiro de sua amiga.
Crimes da Moda: Assassinato na Passarela
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A colunista de moda Lacey Smithsonian se vê mais uma vez envolvida na investigação de uma assassinato. Desta vez, a estrela de um reality show é assassinada e ela precisa descobrir o culpado.
Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon
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Surviving the plane crash was only the beginning ... After their plane crashes into uncharted territory in the Himalayas, the survivors set out to find help in the freezing cold. As the days pass and with no sign of a rescue, tensions begin to mount. The survivors wrestle with their consciences as they realise that in order to survive, they must use the bodies of the dead as food. But when it appears that something else is already feeding upon the dead, the survivors realise that their biggest danger is not hunger but something infinitely more sinister: a legendary Yeti is stalking them and is moving in for the kill. Can they outsmart the beast or will they die trying?
Os Enigmas da Esfinge Mortal
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Pesquisadores descobrem uma série de túneis e, sem querer, libertam uma perigosa esfinge. Para que possam capturá-la e devolvê-la a sua tumba, eles devem resolver uma série de enigmas que podem levar à destruição de todo o planeta.
Love Notes
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Follows the relationship between a classical music critic and a country music star after a one night stand, which results in an unplanned pregnancy.
Passion's Web
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Janet, a prison psychologist for potential parolees, finds herself drawn to Robert Moss, an inmate convicted of a bank robbery. After his release she and Moss begin a heated affair, but as he struggles to adjust to life "on the outside," someone is murdered. Will Janet turn in her dangerous lover before she becomes his next victim?
Secrets of an Undercover Wife
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A wife goes undercover to gain information from the mob to free her husband from jail who has been convicted for embezzlement and murder.
Inocência Roubada
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Jenna Shaw acaba de ser tornar mãe solteira, acorda em sua casa e descobre que seu bebê nasceu morto. Ela teme que a enfermeira tenha matado o seu filho enquanto ela estava inconsciente, mas a polícia começa a suspeitar de outra forma. Eles pensam que Jenna é a assassina e que a enfermeira é uma invenção para encobrir o assassinato do bebê, que ela cometeu para proteger a sua carreira. Jenna então decide descobrir o que realmente aconteceu com o seu bebê e pede ajuda ao pai da criança. A sua busca leva para o mercado de traficantes de bebês, crianças roubadas, falsas adoções, e os humanos tubarões que iludem e destroem os sonhos daqueles que sonham em ser pais.
Bud: Uma Nova Cãofusão
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O cão Buddy e sua namorada Molly têm uma ninhada de cinco cãezinhos. Quando o casal é sequestrado, seu dono Noah fica inconsolável e os filhotes Budderball, MudBud, Bud-Dha, RoseBud e B-Dawg se unem para procurá-lo.
They Nest
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After freezing up under pressure in the emergency room, Dr. Cahill decides to spend a few months unwinding on a little Maine island where he immediately gets off on the wrong foot with the locals. Meanwhile, a body has washed up on shore infested with a strange type of carnivorous cockroach. But when Dr. Cahill tries to warn the townsfolk of the danger, they are naturally skeptical. Will they realize the truth before it's too late?
The Man Who Used to Be Me
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A burned-out ex-cop travels back in time and teams up with his younger self to catch his father's murderer.