Kamouraska (1973)
Gênero : Drama, História
Runtime : 2H 55M
Director : Claude Jutra
Escritor : Anne Hébert
A writer, Kamouraska is based on a real nineteenth-century love-triangle in rural Québec. It paints a poetic and terrifying tableau of the life of Elisabeth d'Aulnières: her marriage to Antoine Tassy, squire of Kamouraska; his violent murder; and her passion for George Nelson, an American doctor. Passionate and evocative, Kamouraska is the timeless story of one woman's destructive commitment to an ideal love.
Jean and her sister, played by Macha Grenon, have a life long infatuation with the Japanese Pianist who once lived across the street from them during their high school years. The film is set during the family's reunion on Vancouver Island and flashes back and forth over the last 10 years. By coincidence, Yoshi who is now a world famous Pianist is giving a concert in Vancouver and Amy is anxious to see him again but her sister curiously is not at all interested. The girls explore old passions, stalking, sibling rivalry and wrong life choice based on the fantasies of their youth.
Uma psiquiatra apontada pela corte é encarregada de avaliar a jovem freira Agnes, cujo bebê foi encontrado estrangulado. Agnes alega que foi uma concepção sem sexo e não se lembra de ter dado à luz.
Em A Tortura do Silêncio, o padre Michael Logan (Montgomery Clift), aparentemente um modelo da piedade religiosa, ouve a confissão de um assassino. Testemunhar o ocorrido a partir do ponto de vista do matador e as normas da igreja impedem Logan de falar - mesmo que seja em sua própria defesa - quando evidências circunstanciais apontam o padre como o principal suspeito!
O ladrão profissional Nick Wells está prestes a executar um roubo quase impossível, mas, para isso, precisa unir forças com um jovem cúmplice. A aliança duvidosa, formada por um amigo, atrapalha os planos de Nick, que pretendia se aposentar da vida criminosa e ficar com sua noiva, Diane. Agora, ele terá que infringir sua regra mais importante, que é a de trabalhar sempre sozinho.
A much-needed boost, in the form of a new factory, is promised to the residents of the tiny fishing village St. Marie-La-Mauderne, provided they can lure a doctor to take up full-time residency on the island. Inspired, the villagers devise a scheme to make Dr. Christopher Lewis a local.
An example of 1970's Maple Syrup cinema from Quebec, this whimsical and sexy tale revolves around two trickster roommates and the women in their lives who want to see them settle down.
The story takes place during the colonization of the Laurentian region in Quebec towards the end of the 19th century (approx. 1885-90), near Sainte-Adèle. An unscrupulous man, Séraphin Poudrier, dominates the small community using his wealth. Mayor of the village, he will marry Donalda Laloge, after her father, unable to repay his debt, gives her to him in marriage. Donalda, a gentle and submissive woman who was promised to the handsome Alexis Labranche, rather, he will live his life according to the wishes of this petty and contemptuous miser, but will never let his situation get him down.
Quebec, on the cusp of the 1960s. The province is on the brink of momentous change. Deftly selecting clips from nearly 200 films from the National Film Board of Canada archives, director Luc Bourdon reinterprets the historical record, offering us a new and distinctive perspective on the Quiet Revolution.
A little girl wittness the death of her mother- expressly killed through negligence by the woman supposedly nursing the invalid mother back to health. The coniving nurse in turn marries the child's father thereby taking the dead woman's place and becoming the little girl's stepmother. After unwisely revealing to the stepmother that she knows the reason for her mother's death; Arore is abused by her stepmother who hopes that in torturing the child she can keep her silent. The father, who is absent during the day farming the land, closes his eyes or refuses to believe his new wife is abusive when confronted by the sight of his miserable burnt and beaten child.
Clara and Nikolai meet at a sweat-soaked rave and end their night at his apartment. The first part of the film is an erotic and candid portrait of their lovemaking. When Clara tries to sneak out without saying goodbye, this typical hookup takes an unexpected turn...
Matt e Max, dois melhores amigos de infância vão a uma festa para celebrar a partida de Max para uma viagem de dois anos. Um beijo inesperado porá tudo em causa.
Le Mirage is the perspective of a man in his thirties asking himself "what am I chasing?" Our society has become all about consumerism, if not excess. Success is determined by what and how much we have and "stuff" becomes the band-aid to a meaningless existence. Stuff fills the void of the existence we weren't meant to lead.
The cinematic and intimate version of Ariane Moffatt's most recent album. Punctuated by a rich visual universe, his performance is an attempt to resist headwinds. An oscillation between the sublime and helplessness.
Montreal of another time is reborn into screen through images from a hundred of movies and shorts produced by the National Film Board of Canada while at its first four decades of existence. Port activities, musical shows, presence of Church, labors life, hockey fever and the best years of "Red Light" are few of the chapters of this collective family album.
Quebec Magnetic é um show ao vivo do Metallica, documentando as duas horas de apresentação da banda no Colisée Pepsi na cidade de Quebec, Canadá em 31 de outubro - 1 de novembro de 2009 na turnê World Magnetic Tour, lançado em 10 de dezembro de 2012. O álbum foi o primeiro lançado pela gravadora da banda chamada Blackened Recordings. O álbum foi anunciado em 20 de setembro de 2012, com os fãs votando no internet para decidir qual dos shows seria lançado, o restante das canções foram incluídas nos "extras" do álbum. Em 22 de outubro, a lista de músicas, data de lançamento e capa foram divulgados. Um teaser de 33 segundos mostrando cenas do show foi divulgado em 19 de novembro.
Two men bond as one recovers from an attack and the other deals with the impending death of his grandmother.
Após um apocalipse que transformou grande parte da população em zumbis, os moradores de uma pequena vila do Canadá lutam para continuar vivos. Os sobreviventes unem forças e refugiam-se na floresta para que todos consigam chegar em segurança na cidade grande. Mas será a cidade o santuário que procuram?
A documentary that explores what it means to be a young person in Quebec after the dissolution of the Quebec sovereignty movement.
Os mortos estão voltando à vida fora da reserva isolada Mi'gmaq de Corvo Vermelho, exceto por seus habitantes indígenas que são imunes à peste zumbi. Traylor, o xerife tribal, deve proteger a namorada grávida de seu filho, refugiados apocalípticos, e reservar riff raff das hordas de cadáveres brancos ambulantes.
In July 1990, a dispute over a proposed golf course to be built on Kanien’kéhaka (Mohawk) lands in Oka, Quebec, sets the stage for a historic confrontation that would grab international headlines and sear itself into the Canadian consciousness.