
The Memory Eraser (2020)

Gênero : Drama, Romance

Runtime : 1H 45M

Director : Yuichiro Hirakawa
Escritor : Keiko Kanome, Yuichiro Hirakawa


Ryoichi Yoshimori is a university student. His girlfriend, Kyoko Sawada is a few years older but the pair don’t care as they are deeply in love. After Ryoichi proposes to Kyoko, she suddenly disappears. Several days later, Kyoko re-emerges but claims to have no memory of him. With the help of a classmate/lawyer Chiaki Takaharu and his childhood friend Maki Kawai, Ryoichi attempts to unravel the mystery that may be related to the rumours of a memory erasing individual known as Kiokuya.


Ryosuke Yamada
Ryosuke Yamada
Ryoichi Yoshimori
Kyoko Yoshine
Kyoko Yoshine
Maki Kawai
Misako Renbutsu
Misako Renbutsu
Kyoko Sawada
Kuranosuke Sasaki
Kuranosuke Sasaki
Chiaki Takaharu
Rika Izumi
Rika Izumi
Nanami Ando
Atsuko Sakurai
Atsuko Sakurai
Asako Yoshimori
Naho Toda
Naho Toda


Yuichiro Hirakawa
Yuichiro Hirakawa
Keiko Kanome
Keiko Kanome
Yuichiro Hirakawa
Yuichiro Hirakawa
Takashi Komatsu
Takashi Komatsu
Director of Photography
Miyuki Nakajima
Miyuki Nakajima
Theme Song Performance


A Lenda de Beowulf
Em uma época de heróis, um cavaleiro chamado Beowulf chega à corte do Rei Hrothgar e oferece para combater um demônio chamado Grendel. Ele combate a fera com sucesso, mas terá que enfrentar também a ira da mãe de Grendel, uma criatura má e vingativa, porém sedutora.
Ghost: The Cinderella
A movie star has an argument on a film set which leads to his untimely death. His ghost later comes back to seek its revenge.
Bells of Waiting
"Bells of Waiting" - a horror short by Glenn McClanan - tells the eerie tale of Vanessa, a young professional who goes to her ex-boyfriend's apartment to pick up her last possessions, only to discover a chilling secret that changes her life forever.
Internet Story
A fast-paced and thought-provoking film told through fragments of internet videos, animations, blogs and news articles. A series of shocking events unfolds when a young man creates a public treasure hunt for his own amusement and a video blogger decides to pursue the riddles across country.
Hide and Go Kill
A blog on a mysterious website quickly spreads like wildfire, starting a dangerous online game. At 3:00 in the afternoon, a teddy bear stuffed with rice and nails is sunk into a bathtub. The lights go out and the player is required to stab the bear with the knife, then write their experiences in the blog. But lately the comments have taken a dark, demented turn, as if the players are being possessed.
Fuse: Teppou Musume no Torimonochou
Após a morte de seu avô, Hamaji, uma caçadora, abandona sua moradia nas montanhas. Na cidade, ela ouve rumores sobre criaturas conhecidas como os "Fuse", que descenderiam de seres humanos e cães e devorariam almas humanas. Enquanto procura hospedagem, ela conhece Shino, um jovem com cabelos brancos e uma máscara de cachorro.
Trilha de Corpos
A noiva Amy Jensen é perseguida pelo assassino Ray Carlton, um homem viciado em matar noivas e pessoas ao seu redor. Ela busca ajuda, mas os amigos dela também estão ameaçados, e o detetive Frank Daley, que também teve sua esposa assassinada, tenta encontrar o misterioso homem.
Teke Teke
The upper torso of a female, claws her way around Japan searching for her lower half. The person's lower half was severed in a train accident in Hokkaido. Anyone that hears of this story will see Teke-Teke's lower half walking aimlessly around the countryside within three days.
Teke Teke 2
The story of Teke Teke, the ghost woman with no legs, continues. Conflict arises between a group of high school classmates, and Teke Teke starts hunting them down one by one.
Encounter with the Unknown
Three eerie tales based on actual events are enacted in this film. First, three college students play a prank on a geeky classmate, who is accidentally shot and killed. His vengeful mother forecasts the deaths of the three young men she holds responsible, on 7, 14, and 21 days hence. And, one by one, her grim predictions come true. Next, a ghoulish sound emanates from a mist-shrouded hole in the Earth near where a Missouri boy has lost his dog. The boy's father is lowered into the hole and lets out an agonizing scream! Finally, a senator returning home from a party finds a lost girl on a bridge and learns from her father that she died years earlier
Tales of Terror from Tokyo and All Over Japan: The Movie
8 short stories comprise this anthology movie, based on the Tales of Terror TV series.
A man awake late at night accidentally injures himself, only to find mysterious letters at his door in a series of increasingly bizarre events linked to a creepy urban legend that may actually be real. An atmospheric short film that gives birth to a terrifying new urban legend.
Underground Lizard People
A group of passionate filmmakers venture deep into the mysterious underground Banning Tunnels, where they discover a lost city of cannibalistic, half-human, half-lizards.
Massacre no Deserto
Uma lenda diz que uma família matava pessoas e as devorava até que um dia a população local se revoltou e fez justiça. Em busca de uma aventura ou provas de que a tal lenda pode ter um fundo de verdade, quatro amigos decidem fazer uma viagem para o interior da Austrália e explorar o lugar onde tudo aconteceu.
Nunca Diga Seu Nome
Três estudantes universitários decidem sair para acampar no tranquilo estado do Wisconsin, nos Estados Unidos. O que eles não sabem é que os planos de terem alguns dias de diversão e descanso seriam interrompidos quando suas vidas se cruzam com o temido "The Bye Bye Man", uma criatura mística e sobrenatural que acaba perseguindo-os. Agora eles vão ter que lutar para sobreviver, contra este que é a raiz de todos os atos maus do homem.
A man must battle against the mysterious men in black to discover the truth behind the urban legend Mothman.
Usagi Yojimbo: The Last Request
Lintika Films has recently made a proof of concept short film that they are shopping around Hollywood. It is a combination of 2D and 3D stop-motion animation and it is pretty entertaining, while capturing a lot of the spirit and tradition of the source material.
Motion Picture: The Kitsune vs. the Tanukis
A farmer walking in the woods is frightened away by a shapeshifting fox, who then disguises himself as a samurai and makes his way to a temple, haunted by a young shapeshifting tanuki whose various attempts to frighten the fox/samurai away fail. The young tanuki telephones his father, and they join forces against the samurai.
Hold Your Breath
There is an old wives tale that you should hold your breath when passing by a cemetery because an evil spirit rejected by both heaven and hell can get inside of you when you inhale. Somewhere in a carload of college kids on holiday doesn't follow the rules when driving by a graveyard, allowing a spirit of a recently executed serial killer to get inside him/her to begin a killing spree of body-jumping carnage.
O Conto da Princesa Kaguya
Esta animação é baseada no conto popular japonês "O corte do bambu". Kaguya era um minúsculo bebê quando foi encontrada dentro de um tronco de bambu brilhante. Passado o tempo, ela se transforma em uma bela jovem que passa a ser cobiçada por 5 nobres, dentre eles, o próprio Imperador. Mas nenhum deles é o que ela realmente quer. A moça envia seus pretendentes em tarefas aparentemente impossíveis para tentar evitar o casamento com um estranho que não ama. Mas Kaguya terá que enfrentar seu destino e punição por suas escolhas.