Court Martial (2020)
Court Martial
Gênero : Drama
Runtime : 2H 0M
Director : Sourabh Shrivastava, Chittaranjan Tripathy
Court Martial is a Hindi play starring Rajeev Khandelwal, Govind Pandey, Bhagwaan Tiwari, Saksham Dayma and Swapnil Kotriwar. When army officer Ramchander shoots his two senior officers, the jury orders for his court martial. Captain Bikash Roy steps in as the defence lawyer and tries to expose the ugly and shocking truth.
Após um soldado morrer acidentalmente em uma base militar, depois de ter sido atacado por dois colegas da corporação, surge a forte suspeita de ter existido um "alerta vermelho", uma espécie de punição extra-oficial na qual um oficial ordena a subordinados seus que castiguem um soldado que não tenha se comportado corretamente. Quando o caso chega aos tribunais, um jovem advogado (Tom Cruise) resolve não fazer nenhum tipo de acordo e tentar descobrir a verdade.
David Bowie incorpora o major Celliers, um oficial britânico mantido pelos japoneses como prisioneiro de guerra. O comandante está obcecado com o misterioso loiro estranho, enquanto o tenente-coronel britânico Lawrence tenta superar as diferenças emocionais e linguísticas entre ele e seu captor.
Durante a Guerra dos Boers, na África do Sul, três tenentes australianos estão sendo julgados por atirar em prisioneiros Boers. Apesar de terem agido sob ordens, eles estão sendo usados como bodes expiatórios pelos ajudantes do General, que espera se livrar dessas práticas irregulares da guerra. O julgamento não transcorre tão bem como esperado pelos ajudantes, isso porque a defesa resolve empreender uma forte luta no tribunal.
The story is set in the British province of New York during the French and Indian War, and concerns—in part—a Huron massacre (with passive French acquiescence) of between 500 to 1,500 Anglo-American troops, who had honorably surrendered at Fort William Henry, plus some women and servants; the kidnapping of two sisters, daughters of the British commander; and their rescue by the last Mohicans.
Respected black cavalry Sergeant Brax Rutledge stands court-martial for raping and killing a white woman and murdering her father, his superior officer.
Quando um voluntário do exército americano conhece uma enfermeira britânica na véspera de uma grande ofensiva nos Alpes, os dois rapidamente se apaixonam. A história de amor deles é ameaçada pela guerra e pela intromissão de um amigo invejoso.
Gulliver e Treacle são dois garotos comuns de 18 anos que estão em serviço pelo Exército Britânico no Iraque. Seu pelotão está tentando a todo custo estabelecer a paz, mas na noite em que o capitão Godber é morto durante sua patrulha, a moral do pelotão é destruída e, seguindo ordens, eles acabam praticando atos brutais. De volta à Inglaterra, os eventos no Iraque voltam a assombrá-los quando a ex-namorada de Gulliver entrega as fotos da fatídica noite para a polícia. A história chega aos jornais e Gulliver e Treacle, agora os homens mais odiados do país, são levados ao tribunal. O exército alega que eles agiram sozinhos. Agora, eles precisam decidir se mantêm seus segredos e sua lealdade ao exército ou se expõem toda a verdade sobre a fatídica noite.
Durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial, as tropas britânicas estão entrincheiradas em Passchendaele, na Bélgica. Entre os voluntários, há um jovem soldado britânico, Arthur Hamp, que é o único sobrevivente de sua tropa original. Hamp passou 3 anos nas trincheiras e isso o torna um veterano. Ele nunca foi acusado de covardia, mas um dia ele simplesmente decide deixar a guerra para trás e andar sem parar até a Inglaterra. Em Calais, França, ele é confrontado por uma patrulha da Polícia Militar que imediatamente o prende por sair sem permissão. Os comandantes do Hamp decidem convocar uma corte marcial e acusá-lo de deserção. Se for considerado culpado, Hamp poderá ser morto por um pelotão de fuzilamento. O capitão Hargreaves é designado para ser o advogado de defesa de Hamp, mas ele parece cético sobre suas chances de absolvição do desertor. Durante sua primeira conversa, o capitão Hargreaves fica impressionado com a sinceridade e ingenuidade absolutas de seu cliente. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Major Charles Carrington (David Niven), is arrested for taking £125 from the base safe, he also face two other charges that could finish his distinguished service career. He decides to act on his own defence at his court martial hearing, his argument being that he is owed a lot of money from the army for his various postings that have cost him out of his own pocket. To further complicate the proceedings, Carrington alleges he told his superior, the very disliked Colonel Henniker, that he was taking the money from the safe. A mans career, his marriage, and quite a few reputations, all hang in the balance.
Jim Fletcher, waking up from a coma, finds he is to be given a court martial for treason and charged with informing on fellow inmates in a Japanese prison camp during WWII. Escaping from the hospital he tries to clear himself by enlisting the aid of Martha Gregory, widow of a service buddy he was accused of informing on. Helped also by Ted Niles, a surviving fellow prisoner, he gets closer to finding the answers he needs, and becomes ensnared in a grandiose scheme involving his Japanese ex-prison guard, $10,000,000 of US currency forged by the Japanese and a burgeoning crime network poised to wreak havoc throughout southern California.
In a remote jungle outpost in the Far Eastern theater of World War II, a hotheaded American soldier murders an allied British sergeant in cold blood. Stalwart American Lt. Colonel Barney Adams (Mitchum) is dispatched to defend him in the ensuing court martial. But when Lt. Adams starts encountering roadblocks in his search for evidence, and his key witnesses start disappearing one after another, he soon realizes he's merely a pawn in a mysterious conspiracy that could extend to the highest levels of military power.
A pair of reporters try to discover the link between three unsolved, seemingly isolated murders. The only connection between them is they all took place on the same day in three successive years. The police don't trust their instincts - but as 10th July nears again, a solicitor has started receiving threatening letters...
On the eve of WW-I the French Navy ship Lafayette returns to its Toulon base for one night. There is no shore leave, although wives are permitted to come to a party. The strain of command on the older captain and his new, young wife is very great.
A full-length adaptation, originally staged as a play, of the court-martial segment from the novel "The Caine Mutiny".
A group of men are told that they have won an "erotic vacation" at a fantasy island. In reality, they are being lured to the island by women they have wronged, and once there they are captured and set loose on the island to be hunted down.
Doris lives with her rough Coast Guardsman father. He has plans for her to marry an up and coming officer, but there is competition when a new, brash, Guardsman enters the picture. Dad hates the new guy, mostly because he is like himself.
This short film tells the story of a disgraced U.S. army officer who is charged with treason. At his court martial he is sentenced to lifetime exile aboard American ships at sea, no crew member can mention anything about the United States within his hearing, and in the books he is allowed to read all references to the United States are removed.
A Navy pilot gets involved in a romantic triangle while stationed in Hawaii.
Court Martial is a Hindi play starring Rajeev Khandelwal, Govind Pandey, Bhagwaan Tiwari, Saksham Dayma and Swapnil Kotriwar. When army officer Ramchander shoots his two senior officers, the jury orders for his court martial. Captain Bikash Roy steps in as the defence lawyer and tries to expose the ugly and shocking truth.
1813. The Swedish army is fighting in the War of the Sixth Coalition. The popular general Von Döbeln is arrested for sending the army against the French in breach of orders by the crown prince. At the court martial he is sentenced to death but is pardoned by the king and sent to prison instead. A group of conspirators are planning to set him free and make him their leader in a coup d'etat.