
The Life and Death of Owen Hart (1999)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 44M

Director : Sally Blake, Paul Jay


"The Life and Death of Owen Hart" chronicles the short but eventful life of pro-wrestling superstar Bret "Hitman" Hart's brother Owen Hart, May 7, 1965 - May 23, 1999.


Stewart Arnott
Stewart Arnott
Narrator (voice)
Bret Hart
Bret Hart
Mick Foley
Mick Foley
Harley Race
Harley Race
Wayne Farris
Wayne Farris
Dave Meltzer
Dave Meltzer


Sally Blake
Sally Blake
Paul Jay
Paul Jay
Paul Jay
Paul Jay
Paul Jay
Paul Jay
Sally Blake
Sally Blake
Sally Blake
Sally Blake
David M. Ostriker
David M. Ostriker
Executive Producer
Paul Jay
Paul Jay
Executive Producer
Rudy Buttignol
Rudy Buttignol
Commissioning Editor
Joanne Levy
Joanne Levy
Executive Producer
CarolAnne Dolan
CarolAnne Dolan
Executive Producer
Joan Hutton
Joan Hutton
Director of Photography
Sally Blake
Sally Blake
Darryl Cornford
Darryl Cornford
Paul Jay
Paul Jay
Colin Cripps
Colin Cripps
Original Music Composer
Gary Bruckner
Gary Bruckner
Sound Recordist
Marc de Guerre
Marc de Guerre
Shannon McKinnon
Shannon McKinnon
Jeff Marek
Jeff Marek
Judy Ruzylo
Judy Ruzylo
Norah Wakula
Norah Wakula
Production Manager
Julie Lawrence
Julie Lawrence
Post Production Supervisor
Peter St. Laurent
Peter St. Laurent
Post Production Supervisor


Herbie: Meu Fusca Turbinado
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O documentário segue a vida do jogador durante um ano e mostra imagens inéditas da infância do melhor do mundo. Além disso, neste filme, o atleta abriu as portas da sua vida privada. No trailer pode-se ver várias imagens de momentos passados com o filho, família e amigos
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Nunca Fui Santa
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Jogo do Dinheiro
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Golpe Baixo
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Eu, Tonya
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